Reacting to Insane New Verdansk 84 Quads Kill Record in Warzone | Top Tips for More Wins

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welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be taking a look at the world record or the current world record for the brand new verdance 84 the quad's kill record so we're going to see a lot of kills in the game play they're going to rack up and we're going to talk about the things that make the perfect storm to create a world record if you enjoy the video learn something new please do me a favor hit the like button if you're brand new you want to find your way back just double check make sure you are subscribed with notifications on as we're getting very very close to 1 million subscribers um so pretty much a strategy a lot of times if you're just going for high kills most people will land get a vehicle uh because if you beat people to the helicopter then you could chop them up in the air pick up some easy kills that's usually the first part that we see in every world record part two the lobby is full started with 152 players a lot of times you get into a lobby start with 138 116 125 148 whatever it is you miss out on that so you can see he was able to get some easy kills people you know that you get kind of screwed on this strat multiple times because people have c4 so normally what you'll do is try and pick up a few kills you can see he ended up getting one easy one now he's rotating the other part of having the the vehicles is then you can get to the rooftops a lot easier and it allows you to loot up a little bit quicker when you need to get from point a to point b you can go to anywhere on the map if you pull up enough money to get like a super uav where you get three uavs and you kind of find out where everyone is at then you can kind of split up able to come in get an easy kill potentially steal that guy's gun he needed a reload from the last one so he's good to go right it goes melees and now they have enough for a loadout you should hear it called in there's another guy right there that they got to worry about he's going to go over here pick up his load out and then he can push around another thing is to be able to have a solid meta like if the meta is like too broken where like one weapon's too good then it makes it a little hard because you can die too quick what they've done in this game is he ends up getting ghost off the bet with double time and runs the kilo because the kilo is definitely viable again is it meta no but you could use it especially if you stay within the 95 meters you're gonna be be good to go and mason's somebody we've covered on the channel before way way back early on in warzone he was on the top of the leaderboard i think for kills or wins or kd or whatever it was he was way above so you can see there 53 meters we're going to be looking at the distance of these shots if anything's within around 80 85 meters then this is pretty nerve kilo this is where the kilo shines um what he can do in this particular case is he can actually go to the other side maybe push through here get an easy kill you can see he's rezzing him comes through again these are all within the helicopter blew up he almost died there he does get the satchel gonna go plate up the guy's pushing on this oil i thought he was gonna push around he's gonna come by and see if the guys are gonna push up there's still two of them there are literally touching they gave him too much time they should have pushed him he comes out literally destroys that guy there's another one coming up catches the guy mantelline all of these are within the kilos free nerf range um so we'll look at that because i was like damn this dude actually ran a kilo for this it's like a little or unorthodox but it makes sense in the in the in the sense that you're literally going to be using the gun within certain ranges you're good to go it only becomes an issue where it drops off to that 14 shots to kill as you get really far away um you can see that all the teammates are like relatively split and this is something you need to do the guy just dropped money or was that a satchel that came out of there and there's another one down low should be easy to track him shot him in the back easy kill 57 meters these are all kilos prime spots i know bring that up a bunch and somebody will probably like you talking about the kilo too much well talking about why he's able to get these kills so easily and he's not using like something like the amax or whatever these other weapons would be it just has no recoil good rate of fire good at bullet velocity and good ttk within 85 meters somebody called in uh like shooting with the rpg he peaks kind of a little hard to spot the guy he does still have a uav of the benefit getting ghosts really early as most people don't expect you so he's coming through here he's going to pick up an easy kill the guy's right behind the door the single single burst is still pretty solid personally i would choose a cycov just because the bullets it's a little bit less mobile but obviously it works in this scenario you get like two or three bursts depending on the scenario you can see the guy is one more over and he's down low and he's coming up that stair so it gives you a chance to rotate over as the guy is lower he's going to be able to pick up this one everything is just based off the minimap getting uavs splitting super early he knows that the guy's still over there they're actually on this level you might come out this front side there he is super easy to read like how does he know where i'm at probably you know so he has a dead silence now a precision if he gets a kill far away you can call in the precision right away you don't have to worry about those uavs so you're good obviously you know people are calling them but you're going to be heading straight for the buy so there's a couple different things that are also happening i know he said we need a bunch of things to fall into place um ideally he would have a trophy on the vehicle so he could push up a little differently you can see he's pushing up on this side of the building could be a two-team split one up top and the one on the bottom but it looks like they jumped low so you should be able to get this guy on the buy station pretty easily super easy kill uh in the rose skin and then you have the guy upstairs and the next building over and then another guy on the left side he just jumped out caught him got the down the other guy if he didn't have self-revive because obviously he's pretty common on floor loot that guy has ghost was not expecting that guy at all uh now he's gonna go ahead and push up close the distance he has his daddy popped she's gonna be able to close and they won't be expecting it you'll probably hear this uh the revive go off and he'll be able to clean up the kill he did see the guy over there probably working his way over to try and res his teammate you can see him break out the glass and you're going to hear probably the res go off and that's going to be his clue there it is easy enough he kind of was just looking for the guy ads because his dead silence was gone he already has 16 kills but the most important thing when you want obviously got to be good you got to be able to get kills all that stuff that's probably outside of that range where it takes more shots to kill but um the lobby hasn't died really fast that's one thing that all the world records have in common the lobbies just didn't die incredibly fast um and you need a couple of different things for that obviously you need people to play a little bit more passive but not too passive um because then you still gotta be able to run into them they're oops cutting across there so he didn't fire he's not going to shoot give away this guy but he can't lose this guy there's two teams here that guy's ghost so he got one he's sneaking up on this other guy it looks like he's looting oh there's one right back on his guns damn that's a busted kill that guy won his gulag so you need things to fall in place he already has 18 kills those guys are fighting over there so he did lose out on a potential kill there which is sad the guy who had ghosts killed the other guy who didn't have ghosts so this is a little bit more of a sketchy situation you can see when he plays passive and when he plays a little bit more aggressive he's like where the heck is this guy he's like did the guy jump over the guy stayed in the corner there's two oh wow the ghost players yeah he's got to back off he doesn't know where they're all at ghost players are the most dangerous players it sucks he called it thinking he would pop something off but he could be in a screwed spot here he's just kind of got to back off oh shoot he just snapped on the dude so they all have ghosts there he doesn't have dead silence to make a play as the match goes on he might swap from um the secondary but he hasn't gotten kills yet he's only gotten downs all these guys don't have good plates so that's two that was a team wipe at least the noise went off maybe their team was in the gulag he split off but he ended up getting three kills out of that one guy was still down forever all right i'm going to get one so the other part of it is cash flow they've managed to maintain cash flow the thing that hurts cash flow is you're not doing contracts if you keep dying where your teammates have to buy you back a lot of these things will hurt cash flow there's two people on top of this hill um it looks like they could be near the crown maybe they're trying to bait the crown or they're actually fighting the crown he's gonna sneak up shoot these ones in the back one two and then there should be a third and then the fourth there's a fourth down low which is the actual crown so he has one more down he's just watching see where this guy is going to peak all these gun fights are within the the kilo range that guy's not selfing a lot of times you gotta pay attention to those things he's already on 25 with 81 left dude i'm breaking world records this game bro simply and most of the good players they'll know when they're in these types of like everything because they're used to the lobby dying by third zone there's only like 27 people um you can see that like i've seen on these videos too where people like damn i wish i had this many people where they didn't run ghosts literally he fought a team that slowed him down quite a bit um and there's another team that challenged him all in the area by the apartments where they all had ghosts there was like five different players with ghosts [Applause] got dumpster that guy probably stopping power that was a quick kill yeah stopping power craig i was like damn he got deleted he got the first shot and everything but that's stopping power in the game it does uh close that skill gap regardless of how good he is stopping power quick so he's got a win of these obviously these are free kills if you made it to the gulag doesn't slow you down too much but he needs to hit a loadout again oh that guy is not that good slid in underneath it's sometimes too dark in here one thing that we did when we covered this first person um last time is that katie was relatively close to this and that was before when they were on console so even with the change quality of life but at the end of the day their stats aren't like so better i know a lot of people get it twisted where it's like oh yeah night and day well experience wise it's gonna feel better but like the cons like whatever your skill is on console it'll translate to pc and you'll be marginally better like nothing like but your frames will feel better the game will look better it's just not going to deal with a lot of the garbage that's with the game so he's able to land right on his loadout so they're calling somebody out saying they're sweaty a lot of times you have to kind of either get those guys out of the game as quick as possible damn again within the range um or you know you got to let him get killed through attrition just through playing the match he's looking for more again somebody is very close to his teammate his yeah they have ghosts they have ghosts you can see that the threat was red oh he's rezzing there was they both had ghosts so definitely there's ghosted players in this lobby 28 kills that's just phenomenal hope he's getting beamed more ghosted players he chilled his teammate help to cover he's good to go they do have good cash flow they have about 25k altogether well more than that like 28 but he's like on top of the cubby i think so a damn everyone so many ghosted players in this lobby it's crazy you just you go child that right at 44 meters so that's like still good so they you can't really stop to get loot um in terms of like looting oh he heard the guy there it is dumpstered they're calling him out he's backing up you can see how quick they play use their mobility get back into the gunfight it's going back up top yeah they got a jailbreak this game it would have been nuts there it is daddy oh there's there's a couple up over there on this left side to the south east he's gonna be able to oh there's people sniping and he's a wreck what the hell are they looking at from the hill so you can see his positioning he took a specific spot that guy i don't think they were looking in his general direction but you could see the glint right you can see the glint pretty easily he's marking him oh there's the guy coming up that's probably that 90-ish meter range that uh we want to avoid in our in our use of the kilo i'm in storage man down to 43 players yeah yeah yeah those are the guys that killed me i'm gonna try and get a line of sight maybe to pick that dude off nope couldn't get him but he probably landed with the teammate over here his teammate cleaned another team up so you're expecting still two more players in this area potentially three um the oh damn there's a lot of people no go the guy's in the building there's a couple he's cutting across he should be able to get this dude oh the guy caught bad timing sucks for that guy he was swapping weapons or something like that he may have had the heart beat out you can see that there's a guy that landed in this building and there's one right next to it so there's one on the level and the one up top he had dead silence that's running out they couldn't hear him his teammates gonna push from behind i don't know where that guy went he was on the they need a uav there it is oh that guy ran all the way across so there's four players over here three they just killed someone or they had ghosts so there's two on his level and then there's one climbing the building to the right they might be climbing the ladder if there's a ladder there not this ladder but the next one over boom beamed damn bad timing pushes off teammates at the buy station so you can see how they play the position very smart obviously they're not go like you have to get into a lobby where not everyone's as good regardless if people are it's just luck which is generally most of the time it's just luck or else they would just drop 50 kills every match oh he couldn't get him the guy's low so he's very aggressive and challenging this there's another guy behind him that was actually trying to third party that oh damn just use the guy self-revived he comes up cleans up those kills and you can see how fast and deliberate everything is in and out of a gunfight in and out of a gunfight there's got to be someone nearby he called out he didn't bleed out which means that's usually a red flag because if you're not bleeding out you don't have self-revive that means your teammates are close by and you're expecting them to res you so a lot of times people will like them holding out gives you kind of a clue how close their teammates are so you can see that there's three right here this is kind of a tricky spot with this weapon he's pushing up he might be able to get this one on the back easy then there's gonna be another one pushing on the left he got he got outplayed the guy was actually up top you could see it when he popped up but he got killed again by stopping power 37 kills though pretty nuts on some guns or something i don't know let's see the strat on you okay otter just got a kill so he's trying to make his way to his teammate his teammate just got a kill so he's gonna take whatever he has there um at least to get him till the fifth zone there it is got a thermal hdr m4 season one loadout what what um there are people at fire you need some plates though that that's kind of sucky right now it's got the ammo it needs to reload so again they need a uav self for him world record bro it's like what's going on here what's gonna happen yeah just uh dying to people with stopping power is so broken in the game teammate cleaned up there he might be able to loot those bodies to come up as an upgrade he has a satchel there armor box he got his kilo and everyone uses the same kilo loadout he got a uab debt he got you oh shoot that's clutch oh it's a because they're so far away damn two crowns his teammates are too so far away he might be able to see him on his uav but they won't see it on there so he was pinging where they're at um because uavs are very inconsistent especially with players that have ghosts those guys might be ghosted lc10 damn somebody was a sweat in the lobby they got the dark matter or what is dark matter ultra oh guy across right here coming towards you yeah he's peeking it oh the guy cut across he might be able to get him in between here easy kill yeah there it is so now you got to worry about this crown you'll probably not kill the crown um if you're trying to go for higher kills what you'll do is just stay near them and then by the time they die or they survive or whatever um they'll actually have three more teammates come in in this scenario if it's zone five you can kind of watch where the loadouts are and they'll land on the loadout so that's always a good strat if you just want some free easy three or four kills they're gonna go for their loadout they're trying to regain they're just kind of sitting there and then when it comes time we'll see once they disappear that's when there's gonna be an extra couple teammates on the their teammates on the map so there's somebody over here by this vehicle see he's trying to still play his rock if he pushes too far forward he can get screwed here he sees one that guy's gliding oh what a pain it looked like he was way closer you can see that guy dove down that means there's two right next to the buy he might be able to get him right here beam that's one this guy's gonna run in predictable behavior the last one what is this guy doing oh this guy's a bot that one was his other teammates landing in this guy might have self-revive he's gonna go ahead and peek out like i was gonna crawl in there's still another one gliding in drop shotted destroyed that dude there's still one more the two more it looks like they're holding out here oh he could have waited to revive no he got both kills for that i thought there was only one guy some reason right there oh that was the guy he shot out of the air i think he just climbed all the way across yep so leaving the crown there's only two other teams with one other player each so if they leave the crown pretty much they're guaranteed he's got 42. i love it he was talking about the kilo being good again and the thing is every gun fight he challenged was within that 90-ish meters there was one guy uh over by what is that the towers area and when he was running across it took a little too long to kill and that's why the guy didn't get down right we saw that in action when i said i think that's outside the range so it was pretty obvious there that it does have his damage drop off all his teammates came back so now they can destroy this thing there it is he got the down and then there they go his teammates getting the knocks super easy like i said exactly as soon as the crowns last alive they're going to get that kill so that ends up being 145 kills which is the world record for the brand new map if you'd like to check out mason linksys channels are down in the description appreciate all the support in the content if you enjoyed what you see out today hit the like button if you want to find your way back double check make sure you subscribe thank you for watching as always have a great day
Channel: JGOD
Views: 439,751
Rating: 4.888721 out of 5
Keywords: best weapon mw, best rifle mw, best weapons mw, Best rifles mw, best class setup mw, best guns WARZONE, best guns mw, WARZONE best weapons, WARZONE best guns, best guns in mw, best weapons in mw, cod mw, best guns in WARZONE, call of duty WARZONE, WARZONE, cod WARZONE, jgod, mw update, M4A1 Best Class Setup, WARZONE best class setup, WARZONE best class setups, M4A1 best class setup, M4A1, Warzone Loadouts, Best Loadouts, Warzone Best Loadouts, Warzone M4A1, m4, m4 best, best
Id: O3k1HUvLmqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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