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today we're going to be looking at hilarious 200 IQ kids tests answers these guys are far smarter than I am and they're only kids and I need you guys to answer me a question very quickly and you've got to be truthful have you yes you ever been to school if you have hit that thumbs up button right now I'm pretty sure that 99% of you have gone to school so I want to see 99 percent lights in this video I don't want to see any line guys to hit that like button now let's see just how smart these kids are what ended in 1896 1895 these guys are cheeky we're gonna have to keep an eye on them I'm telling you if I was a teacher and there aren't some questions like this I'd be annoyed name the quadrilateral Bob Santa they've just named them you can't just give the shape snake look you can even see the box up here back 10 what on earth is this shape I never sasquatch erect angles parallelogram or no rhombus I used to be good at maths and you know what naming them salmon cakes probably ease even trying to work out what they all do you guys know the answer let me know what is the strongest force on earth sedimentary rock LA love what is love baby don't hurt me love it is a very powerful force but if rock and love came head to head I think the rock would win unfortunately another maths question if if you haven't picked up B I was a bit of a math nerd at school I quite like maths alright this was from Peter expands a plus B squared by n ya bigger he's just expanded it literally expanded it I think the right answer is a squared by n plus B squared honestly haven't been to school in a long long time so I could be wrong it's technically the right answer but no points for you Peter right an example of risk this where they gonna take for it they got a tick for answering of this risky answer goes in what is probably a very long answered question because of all of that white space he actually got points for it Fairplay buddy the risk paid off you are to assume the role of Chinese immigrant in 1817 write a letter home describing your experience is this actually like legit Chinese can I translate it it's it's kind of right it's a mixture of words of my translation app but I think that actually brought in Chinese which means whoever's marking this we have no idea how to mark it an easy way to get a lot of points I reckon hard and soft water briefly explain what hard water is ice you ain't wrong name Franky I earn money at home by I don't I am a freeloader well you know what round of applause to Frankie for being honest and it literally looks like he wrote this as like a five-year-old's I don't expect many fibrils to make too much money from home I mean maybe dude a few tasks around the house empty a dishwasher cut the lawn and then he won't be a freeloader Frankie find X here here it is this one almost looks fake it looks like they've written it on their PC just to pretend that they're smart you know I think I figured it out the actual answer is no matters will escape my brain I'm sure it'd be out on C if I give more than two minutes but my brains gone guys all in the maths out my head cause Tony practices the piano for 20 minutes every day so I bought me a piano and I have yet to play it properly I hate to admit it effect he is a big nerd that's not true guys if you want to be passionate and if you want to learn something make sure you do it as a kid you got so much free time learn to play the piano play a sport do some reading whicker's trust me as you get older you won't have as much time to learn stuff and being a nerd just means you're gonna be a greater person when you get older because you're gonna be smarter when everyone else there you go life lessons Valley a to change centimeters to meters you take out the sin see I told you these guys to be cheeky they're definitely 200 IQ answers but that is to change centimeters to meters you / a hundred can we get a round of applause for me please thank you thank you thank you you know what this one is actually pretty smart right or and I mean you literally did what it said three beds meant to be greater than or less than much took me a while to work out because once you've written all of yours it looked like that was meant to be the right answer he didn't get marked but I'm pretty sure I was gonna get him a zero ladies and gentlemen I'm afraid the next thing you're about to see is a very sad to test answer draw a plant cell and identify its most important parts and here we have a plant in a cell no windows I'm bars locked away forever one like he was one prayer for the poor plant use commands to tell your sister to do the following thing sweet Oh none of this in English is meant to be a language test I understand now what I would have failed that's for sure I don't have a sister - seven like she took marks away for that answer that is not just getting no points that's losing points you don't want to do that oh my gosh this one's got a teachers note on it right the right word on the line you start it right here iiiii okay warden he's like now to write I button look at the last one okay I can and the letter P and he is peeing the note says closet and I spoke about this but I think it may be good chance for Charlie to have a family discussion on best self at school oh it looks like you only like you one or two and he's already being told off by the teacher not good name six animals wish specifically live in the Antarctic could you guys answer this one two polar bears and four seals well you know what technically that does total six but I think they makes six unique animals although of clever way to get around it don't think I could name six what are three things you want to do in the future get a girlfriend nice kiss her congratulations and rule the world you know at three sorry things to do there walking the world dope may be a little bit hard we have a student survey number one in one word to describe school hell this person clearly does not like school maybe a few of you guys would agree with it Brenda can't see anything when she looks down her microscope to just one reason why not maybe it's dirty maybe she didn't open her eye or maybe she is blind nice try you know what's wrong with that answer what kind of science answer or actual answer you meant to give to that the microscope may be broken the diagram below best illustrates and these have been crossed out bear in mind Lamarck's theory of evolution Darwin's theory of evolution oh I get it's just kind of like fake names right Mathis is principles or Lyles theory about past changing well I believe the answer if Darwin's theory of evolution but if we take a look here we have picture one three draws the middle trough drops down and by the third picture the giraffe is literally dying his only bones never to a still eating weavers need giraffes are heartless creatures you know what they could have at least pull some of the food down and dropped it off to their body that's got a short neck but that's the thing of if you don't adapt if you don't evolve you die according to this bit harsh luckily we're not dropped so we're fine doesn't matter how long our necks is in fact my neck is quite long but I'm not a drop so it's all good draw a picture of what you would look like in a hundred years in a hundred years I will be how many years old leave a comment down below how old would you be I'd be a hundred 26 Club just had my birthday one rip well you know what if we do all make it to above a hundred years old we have done a very good thing we have looked after ourselves well because we must be very healthy but they like you had a poor one here being rip and in the grave is likely would it be nice if you should treat yourself with maybe some gray hair looking a little bit old we can all believe guys you know what fun fact one of us watching this video right now at least one of us will probably make it to over 100 years old that's something cool to think about the difference between a hundred and eighty and a hundred and fifty eight is 22 that's the right answer try this explain how you found your answer in problem for Matt well you know what if you use any other form to get that answer maybe used English or maybe use biology then you wouldn't have found the answer with a fun fact Americans call it math and we call it maths which one do you call it we call it maths don't know why you guys drop off yes but just a little change there oh my gosh I actually miss this one out because reading it the first time I didn't understand it solving equation by so you basically meant to work out what the question mark is they are just gonna knocked off the ends and one x SI x is six so the answer is six actually know what that does actually work that's so funny you can see how much of a nerd I am when I actually want to sit down and try and work out this answer even though I haven't done maths in like ten years target this is an old picture the man can run and the options you had is Rev Run or rug maybe the guy would want to rug I don't know below that we've got the Fox ran the Fox fog or four okay I mean these ones are fairly obvious so far the man pet the dog but in the picture you can't quite see it I think he's actually eaten not because the only options are fit or hit and this guy's written you should not hit your dog yes you should got bonus marks for that never ever ever harm animals guys okay more life lessons right here with ali-a well it's quite fun to go back to school and realize that there are a lot of these kids are more smarts of a lion if you have enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can check out more on screen here and you've got anything else you'd like me to react to or check out do let me know drop me a tweet leave a card thank you for watching and I'll see you guys right here on the channel for another video give I
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 5,340,769
Rating: 4.9054723 out of 5
Id: f8EAUTqb80U
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Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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