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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

More masculine then most wehraboos.

Gigachad compared to most wehraboos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/r3df0x__3039 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
I think if the three strike did focus on Panzer 4 production and make much less better tanks they would win but luckily they were stupid there's a lot of things I could say about that but I'm not going to go for the low hanging fruit here as you can probably guess I get a lot of comments on my videos I try to read all of them obviously I do miss a few but today we're going to be looking at some of the uh best comments I guess you could say they're definitely comments of all the comments that I've ever received these are in fact some of them so uh without further Ado let's jump right into it with the first one coming from White Knights I love your videos but you are wrong that is not a King Tiger not sure what kind of tank it is it is German but it is not a King Tiger look at the picture you can tell it is not well that's in reference to um this picture I believe and uh as you can tell it is definitely a King Tiger I don't know uh I don't know what tank you think it is but it's most definitely a King Tiger because you can tell by the way it is all right next comment coming from xvx GD dude Pam's quality all done with the interview on the only one who can help me with this extreme demon I will be there at the same time and place and I'll be there in the morning to see if you can sex I I thanks for the comment all right on my America's King Tiger killer the super Pershing video from Martin Martin Martin the Sherman tank was ineffective against the Nazi German Panzer history it took eight Sherman tanks to destroy one Nazi German tiger ah if I hit a dollar for every time I got a comment or saw a post like this somewhere online I would have quite a few dollars let's put it that way this is a common misconception and uh I'll probably do a whole video on this I think uh the chieftain has done a video on this in the past or covered this topic in more depth than I could but um the fact that it took eight or five or however many Sherman tanks to kill one tiger is just a complete myth there are cases obviously where a tiger tank or some strong German tank let's say could knock out multiple Sherman tanks as they were advancing into its position however that's not always the case there's actually cases in the early invasion of Normandy where the Sherman tanks were actually able to kill German vehicles including Panthers with the short 75 mind you in greater numbers than they could knock out the American tanks so that I think a lot of this comes from the fact that something like 50 000 Shermans were built and only around like a thousand something Tigers were built or 50 000 Shermans were lost something along that line I would have to find the number if I can I'll put it up on the screen but it's it's a misconception that gets parroted by people all over the place yes the tiger was strong but no the Sherman was not completely incapable of defeating it without having like 500 Shermans rushing towards in horde tactics that was something you'd probably more see on the Eastern Front not so much the Western Front battlefields are not linear you have tanks yes but you also have infantry aircraft the tanks have to maneuver on both sides so the whole one tank versus one tank scenario rarely ever happened so uh that's a long-winded way of saying that this comment is ridiculous all right on to the next one on my M6 heavy video from Yuri resenko American Crews referred to them as ronsonol coffins more than once when asked if it could take German rounds the answer was in one side straight through the other poor quality but quantity able to build overwhelmed Germany Production Red Army supply with some not well liked outclassed by t-32 and t-34 so about the only thing that you said right in this comment is the fact that the m6 was outclassed by the t-32 and t-34 which came about I think like over a decade later or the better part of a decade later um the m6 never saw combat which you would know if you watched the video so the American Crews did not refer to them as coffins um German rounds could go through one side out the other maybe through the side armor of an M6 it was fairly thin but I doubt it because the Germans use aphe uh poor quality I don't see anything that indicates that the m6s had poor quality and the quantity they were built in was not very much and the Red Army was never supplied with some so um watch the whole video before you comment thank you multi-tured disasters the smk nt-100 comment from Bart bowls hot take most German tanks in World War II had two turrets the main gun turret and the Coppola not considering the Coppola a turret is a mistake since it seduces a simple truth that one turret is good more turrets is bad and that's just wrong it I don't understand this comment I've read it a couple times and I just don't understand why you would consider a Coppola a separate turret yes there are some instances like on the M60 or the M48 where they do technically have a turret that could be also a Coppola it's a little machine gun turret the thing that the Tonk was made out of which was from an M60 I believe the turret on the top was a machine gun Coppola essentially and it could turn around but that was more of like a machine gun it was more of like a machine gun spot it wasn't really another turret I don't know I I that's the only situation where this works in the case of German tanks in World War II no the Coppola I don't even think most of their Coppola's wrote they probably did rotate but either way they're just viewports they don't have any Armament in them the simple truth that wonder is good more turrets is bad is a simple truth because it's a fact it's been proven over the course of tank development if more than one turret was good there would be more tanks with more than one turret You could argue that newer technology could allow multi-targeted setups to be somewhat usable with things like active protection systems or like AI controlled turrets but I don't think that that's been done yet as far as I'm aware and I don't think it's anything that people are pushing for so I don't I don't understand the insistence on people thinking multi turrets are a good idea they were proven that they weren't in the interwar and early World War II period And I don't think they're ever going to make a comeback at least not the way that they were alright next comment from cow animations th nice new curse by Design intro thank you this was this one was from a while ago but I think you got paid to say that World of Tanks sponsor yeah that's how sponsorships work next question oh boy this one this is a good one why did Germany put Zimmer on their tanks on that video that did surprisingly well from Jason oliveris ah wrong as usual good try though I don't know Alchemy plus the Looking Glass equals enables them to distinguish from a distance through electromagnetics the Earth is grid that's all I can say about that sir this is a Wendy's I don't understand what you're asking me here okay next comment on the same video down vote for my Nazi Germany get with the times much like the first archaeological digs were wildly inaccurate we have much better proof now of what was real versus propaganda no we have very much evidence that Germany during World War II was Nazi because well that was the name of the people that were in charge I don't understand how we're finding new evidence and a better proof now of what was real versus propaganda I don't mean that every single German during World War II was a Nazi because that's obviously ridiculous there were people that disagreed with them however the ruling party at the time were Nazis the Third Reich was a Nazi party so I don't understand I don't understand what um what the better proof now is but uh do please keep me informed if you know anything else next comment on my French tanker helmets video from No Mercy Inc tank helmets literally had zero connection to operation of Tanks it's a tank helmet tanker helmet how does that have zero connection to tanks I guess you could say that the tank helmets prevented connection to tanks as in the crew didn't slam their heads into the tank Hull when they were moving but uh yeah that's about all I can say about that one next comment on my Germany's Google Blitz video from SC hobby Workshop I think if the three strike did focus on Panzer 4 production and make much less better tanks they would win but luckily they were stupid there's a lot of things I could say about that but I'm not going to go for the low hanging fruit here so um if the Germans focused on Panzer 4 production would they have won the war no absolutely not could they have done a little bit better perhaps and had more Vehicles readily available to them yes probably because for the cost of some of the more heavy projects that they did they could have built more Panzer fours however by the end of the war the Panzer 4 was kind of getting long in the tooth and it's 75 millimeter gun would have struggled against some of the Russian stuff they already kind of struggled against the t-34s a little bit I believe so there are reasons why Germany went for um the better tanks that were very costly but there's really no way that Germany could have won the war because when you have both the Red Army on one side with thousands of Tanks the Allies on the other side with thousands of tanks and you are a single country running out of the ability to even fuel your tanks it doesn't really matter how many that you have even if you had a few more maybe you could have knocked out a few more Allied or Red Army tanks as they were approaching but they still would have lost all right oh here we've got a good one from descata 25. what about American T30 there is little to no evidence that it was a real modification outside of a few mentions and two likely photoshopped photos it's highly doubtful for me that it is possible at all to squeeze 155 millimeter cannon in a turret initially designed for 105 millimeter well the response to that would easily be um well there's pictures of it and also the fact that it still exists at the um where the heck is that museum the Army armor and Cavalry Museum whatever the heck they call it I believe it's um it's in Georgia it's the new one that they're working on that they have all the American tanks in with all the T-Series of vehicles that still are around So I responded to him saying that the one still exists and his reply to that was then how were they able to fit a 155 millimeter gun into a turret that was originally intended for 105 millimeter at all either this is Magic or the designers of the original prototype with a 105 millimeter one should have been shot for sabotage in the form of a deliberately irrational tank layout remembering the amount of alterations that are usually required to install a gun one and a half times larger in caliber normally this is at least strengthening the hull and total redesign of the turret like it was with the kv-2 t44122 blah blah blah blah blah the only significant exception I know of is is where it was possible to replace the 85 millimeter gun with a 122 millimeter gun relatively quickly yada yada yeah you're kind of barking up the right tree there with your own comment it's not a fact of that it was magic or that the designers were sabotaging in some cases tanks are designed to be able to take larger armaments in their turrets for one thing then you can put a smaller gun in there and you'll have more ability to you can load it easier because you've got more room for the loaders to move around and the other crew in other cases you have stuff like the Abrams which was originally designed to have a 105 millimeter that was the planned armament but they made it so that it could accept the 120 millimeter in the future at least if I'm remembering correctly that's what they did so in the case of the T-Series of heavy tanks I can't say I've looked into this too much yet I plan to in the future but I haven't looked into it just yet but I would imagine it was one of those two where either the turret was just large enough where they could fit it in there because maybe the breach of the 155 wasn't actually that much bigger because in some cases you'd be surprised the breeches aren't insanely different in size it's just the size of the shell but they either they probably designed it to fit a larger gun and then could still fit the other guns in it that's that would be my guess either way no they would not have been shot for sabotage for making it so they could fit a larger gun that's just ridiculous all right a comment from CMZ nuke I don't remember exactly which video this was on but it was the one where I had the hunting class sponsorship you've got an excellent Channel and I follow it dearly kudos for the excellent work you are doing well documented Illustrated and commented thank you needless to say I fully understand your need to find sponsors but advertising for this disgusting game seriously hunting does not belong to the Civilized world but to menstrual in but to mental institutions for seriously deranged individuals sadists with legal license to Kill defenseless animals I'd gladly Hunt Hunters they are sick people who don't deserve less spoken like a person who has never set foot outside of a city there are tons of people around the world that rely on Hunting as a way to feed their families I don't understand people I think think they can just go to the marketplace and get meat off the shelf and like it's just like grown in a vat somewhere which they are trying to do that which is disturbing to say the least but you have to understand that meat does come from somewhere and in many of these cases they are coming from factory farms if anything it's less disgusting when people are going out to hunt animals and they're taking only what they need and then they are making use of as much of the animal as possible now I do agree that it is a little disgusting to do things like sport hunting but in some cases like you see down south in the United States with things like the massive amount of hogs that they have down there you kind of just have to go out there and kill them because they're destroying the environment so it's not just defenseless animals either because things like those Hogs can't actually and have killed people so yes there are situations where hunting can be seen as a little disgusting like the people that go out on hunts in Africa and kill animals like that which in some cases there are legitimate reasons why but I can see why you could see that as disgusting but going out and hunting some deer to feed your family or taking out like one elk in a season to feed your family for the whole year I don't see how that is something that somebody belongs in a mental institution for I think you belong in a mental institution if you'd gladly Hunt Hunters that's a little bit more uh Psychopathic if you have to ask me all right on to the next comment all right from RMS titanica gaming on my fakes of War Thunder video hey cone only 5 tiger 2 sla-16s existed and five examples of tiger 2 105 were made but they were later destroyed by the vermacht at Castle this this feels like the people that say that Japan sunk all their tanks in a lake somewhere but no you can't go look for them so for the tiger 2 SLA only one operational test vehicle was done and that was in the hull of a yag tiger there was a tiger 2 Hull that was modified to accept the sla-16 which was the diesel engine if you haven't seen that video but it was never mounted in there as far as I'm aware and there's no evidence that it was so I don't know where you're getting this 5 SLA 16s existed don't get your information from War Thunder forums um as for the five examples of tiger 2 105 no no the tiger 2105 was a proposal it was not even a paper vehicle or even considered it was a proposal for something that they could potentially do which they actually couldn't it was more of just like a hey but what if we put a 105 in it and the uh fairmax High command were kind of like what no at least that's what I imagine happened next comment all right this one was on one of my posts where I was advertising some behind the scenes of just all the videos that all the video footage I had collected when I was at one of the tank events at the American Heritage Museum from Boondock journeyman he says click bait there is no content he's spamming the idea as a way to suck in more members there is no special content these videos and images are pulled in by Bots from freely available sources just go to any of the free aggregators well if you have a way to use a bot to pull in random tank videos please let me know because that would actually be really helpful when editing videos but no I actually went to the tank Museum in my car and then recorded on my camera the footage of the tanks driving around I don't understand how to some people it makes more sense that I would use a Bots to collect the footage of the tanks driving around which isn't even that impressive of footage to begin with just to try to get some more people to give me money it like not everything's a conspiracy bro there's there are things that you can be conspiratorial about but not me going and recording tank videos I think there are more evils in the world than that all right hopefully we're getting to the end here the video is starting to get a little bit longer than I was expecting on my stir email video built for its gun SPS 447 says if you are going to be truly knowledgeable about your subject afvs then you should know they don't have a chassis it's a Hull and super structure is a casement uh well as far as your superstructure comment no it's a case mate and technically they do have a chassis that's the bottom of the hull yes the hull you can also use to refer to that but the chassis is another term that you can use for a vehicle so I I don't know why I have to be truly knowledgeable about that subject when you don't even know what you're talking about next comment on my E100 video William ZK says just because the British and USA had limitations in moving super heavy tanks due to rail and crane limitations doesn't mean the Germans had the same issues these tanks would have been effective the 200 ton Mouse could be moved and could cross any River or any Railway Bridge with a special 14 axle Carriage it could cross a river on a pontoon bridge and it could cross a river by fording by a second mouse providing electrical power it required some work by the engineers but it could be done the E-Series was a balanced design with the e75 and E100 being breakthrough tanks in July 1944 Hitler ordered the suspension of work on the super heavy tanks six E100 escorted by a pack of smaller tanks to protect the flanks would have been deadly and effective oh boy okay so just because the British and USA had limitations in moving super heavy tanks does not mean Germany had the same problems yes it does you can't just somehow magically make it so that you don't have the limitations that come with a 100 plus ton vehicle the mouse had to have a special rail Carriage built for it that you mentioned in your own comments that is because it was limitations of being able to move it without said Carriage if they didn't have that they wouldn't have been able to move it on the traditional carriages because it just weighed so much it would break them yes it is true that the mouse could Ford a river at least in theory I don't think they ever tested it I mean yeah that they did have the forwarding technology so I have no doubt that it probably could have and your last bit about the six e100s escorted by a pack of smaller tanks that just reads like someone who has literally never seen any sort of like real military stuff yeah you could have them escorted by a pack of smaller tanks as a sort of breakthrough Force but the thing is they never built six e100s for one thing and for another you have you're it's not just tank versus tank combat you have infantry you have air power which yeah the E100 would have been pretty strong against any armored force that the Allies or Red Army had at that point but it doesn't really mean much when the entire sky is filled with p-47s and p-51s that can rain hell down upon you when you're a slow moving heavy tank so it could have been deadly ineffective but so could the yagtiger have been in some cases sure the egg tiger knocked out some Shermans or some other tanks but they would pretty much just get nuked from orbit by close air support or breakdown when they were trying to retreat or in some cases I think one was turning and it got shot in the side in ammo racked so nothing is immune to being destroyed by something next comment ah from our Lord and savior Bob Luke no the all lies scrapped a huge amount of captured German and Japan materials to hide just how much more advanced many of their equipments were let me ask you a question if they were so Advanced why did they scrap them could it be because they weren't that advanced and because they didn't actually see a need to hold on to the technology any longer or is it because they wanted to hide how advanced the technology was by making it so that they didn't have access to the advanced technology I'll let you think about that one all right here we have I don't know if I can say this one so I this is replying to my comment I forgot to add the YouTube members at the end of one of my videos but this guy responds a bunch of people funding a pinko's cope video bias against one country ignores Italy even because bandwagoner anti-fascist what okay whatever you say bro uh I don't have any bias against any particular country except maybe Britain but uh no I don't have any I try to keep bias out of my videos so no I don't ignore Italy either I just don't have a lot of information on Italian vehicles next comment from Olson Julian super Pershing was never a tiger killer they made it too late to even face them fair enough that's mostly true also more experienced German tankers would have killed a much Superior tanks driven by unexperienced American tankers however later in war most of the experienced German experienced tanker were mostly killed and replaced by unexperienced ones so the terms tiger killer is a joke my good man you do realize you contradicted yourself there yeah sure more experienced German tankers could have defeated Superior tanks driven by unexperienced American tanks however uh the situation was actually reversed it was mostly unexperienced German tankers made up of like barely 18 year olds who had had almost no experience on these vehicles going up against guys who maybe they didn't have the most experience on tanks but were driving vehicles that were less prone to breakdowns from not being driven correctly with better supply lines that could repair the vehicles and with mostly guys that had actually had some level of experience with the vehicles so I don't understand your whole comment here you have two sentences that don't apply to your main point and regardless yeah sure we don't have 100 proof that the serve proportion did knock out a King Tiger or even a regular tiger but that's what the story says I don't necessarily believe it even in the video I said that there's no confirmation of this the Second Use is also a very controversial one on the 21st of April 1945 in the city of Dessau the tank engaged in combat with what Gunner Corporal Jay Irwin claims to be a tiger too the enemy tank hit the super Pershing but ricocheted off the armor Upon returning fire the super Pershing punched through the lower plate of the tank detonating its ammo rack and blowing the turret off this supposed engagement has been scrutinized over the years however with quite a bit of evidence disproving the likelihood that it was a legendary King Tiger on the receiving end that day although it is entirely possible for the super person to destroy one have they encountered each other the nearest German Panzer Battalion with tiger twos was reportedly 70 miles away from the duel this leads most to believe it was more likely something like a panther or even Panzer 4 which was either mistaken for the bigger cat or possibly even exaggerated after the fact I was just reporting what the guys who were using the vehicles said that they did it may not be true I don't know I was not there I'm just giving you the best information I can okay moving on we have a comment from over on Odyssey which if you don't follow me there I recommend doing so you can find a link to that in the description I don't post anything extra there but it's a nice backup and uh I really do like the website it's sort of like YouTube but in some ways better and they're doing a lot over there so if you haven't checked it out yet I do recommend it anyways on to the comments never heard of the tank but you sound like a typical redditor now that them's fighting words yeah video games are not real cone of Arc it's actually dangerous to think otherwise just ask your buddies in Ukraine to which I reply what and then he goes 5 49 in the video all video games are 100 fiction as for you are argument against the tank you are denying the existence of the tank based on video game stats in a fake article come on man clearly the video game would not be the primary source material referencing video game stats then saying these guys are stupid the video game is not real is cute how old are you this is on my e79 video bro the reason the primary source material for that video was coming from a video game was because that's where the tank came from I didn't just go and find pictures of the tank in the service and then be like oh look at all these idiots they think this is real because this video game has stats no I was showing you the stats and everything from the video game and then how people had somehow extrapolated that and made it into a vehicle that actually was like being worked on by the Germans in World War II the I don't disagree that video games are 100 fiction I never said anything to the contrary so I don't understand I don't know if you think that this is real and you think that I'm using like bad information or something but like go do some research for yourself all my sources are linked in the description for my videos next comment from Reaper Tango 19 it's not 10.5 centimeter it's called a 105 millimeter to which I reply you realize that's the exact same size right and then he replies back to me you realize millimeters are smaller and more precise and also the correct term for this shell I'll let the Germans know who referred to it as 10.5 centimeter but okay yes technically millimeters are smaller and more precise of a measurement but when they literally call the thing 10.5 centimeter I'm going to call it 10.5 centimeter so uh deal with it all right next comment from Jonathan Milner here's a what if what if Germany had taken the basic concept of the R35 made it so an 88 millimeter cannon could be mounted on and made it super mass producible that would be a Germany far harder to beat than the one we actually fought that had excellent tanks but were hopelessly out produced the closest comparison that Germany actually did along these lines was the stud 3 and that was clearly the most effective armored vehicle of the entire War for Germany yeah I could kind of see where you're coming from but the whole thing of mounting an 88 millimeter on the R35 I don't know how you expect to do that they would have been better off focusing on things like the stud 3 in some aspects I suppose but they're that you couldn't Mount there's a picture here this shows a R35 or an h35 probably an h35 and it has I believe a 75 millimeter on top these things I don't think were particularly good they use them on the Western Front and it was kind of just because they didn't have anything else to use to retool to build a tank that was by that point in the war like five or ten years out of date just to somehow mount an 88 millimeter cannon on top of it I don't think would work very well look at the stir Emil it was it had a great gun the 128 millimeter gun could kill anything that it encountered on the battlefield but the thing broke down constantly because it weighed way more than the drivetrain could handle 88 millimeter guns are not light they are I think well over a ton and you're putting that on a tank that is designed to have a one-man turret and a 37 millimeter arm if I remember correctly that weighs probably like 200 pounds if that how how are you planning to have this tank not be going at like one kilometer an hour with all this weight and the full crew that it would take to serve that gun I mean I could see them maybe doing it as a last ditch effort like they did with the Hotchkiss vehicles but it would not have been something like the stug three okay we got quite a comment from Andrew Forsyth here This is highly incorrect I'm going to recreate this for everybody Chrysler GM did not built two Abrams did not Ford design the apron Fort actually built the apron this is correct how do I know this because a simple fact is the first set of Abram was built Ford Motor Company was the one who made the first prototype with the tour by engine the tank can actually reach up to 120 miles per hour if the governor was delete yes it can go 120 miles per hour United States government did not set Chrysler or GM because it fell horribly more than once they give you information because they don't want to correct information put out there the armor design is all incorrect as well to him he's telling you the wrong information is uranium armor is on the front of the torrent in front of the armor and layers quarter thick all the way around the tank for design uranium armor as well because of the cold war this is how the apron was built so they so don't be deceived by this person GM a Chrysler never built tanks they had fell horribles in the first World War II your tank was for your tank was poorly designed the government did not turn for them to tanks Ford designed the perfect tank the first Sherman tank was built by Ford if you want to know the history about the Jeep Ford designed the Jeep to it was called the Jeep Willy Chrysler just just bought the Jeep from Ford but every Jeep he sold for get 50 of the profit that's why you see Jeep cost so much today that was a lot of words with not a lot of punctuation that said absolutely nothing I don't know that there is any proof that Ford built any Abrams and it was yes Chrysler and GM that were the ones that were in the original program for that um there's a lot of stuff that I did wrong in that Abrams video and I'll probably remake it at some point same with my leopard 2 video but uh none of those things that you talked about in there I don't think were the ones that I got wrong I hope you guys didn't just have your brains melt for me reading that all right next comment from fizzy elf that's not the full truth while some were burned by the Japanese you also gotta remember the U.S was burning half of Japan with firebombing raids and then after the war a lot of Japanese prototypes and the like was thrown in the scrap because of a mix of racism and not knowing the importance equate the opposite actually the importance of outdated vehicles at the time when they were captured was basically negligible after the vehicles were captured and then they were taken back to Aberdeen or wherever they were bovington the kubinka and then they were tested after that the value of them was essentially nothing more than the scrap value yes nowadays those vehicles are worth a lot of money but at the time they were outdated technology that really didn't serve any purpose other than just to sit around Gathering dust or rust depending on where they were stored unfortunately yes we did lose a lot of vehicles because of that and they were cut up and scrapped but to say that it was because of racism or not knowing the importance I don't even know how you can consider scrapping a vehicle just because it was Japanese to be racism that's just ridiculous but not knowing the importance it's just they weren't important nowadays they kind of still aren't in all like having a hago in your Museum it's important as a piece of History but it's not an important thing if that makes any sense it's not something that you can take and really go and use in combat yes you could because a tank is better than no tank but it's not like in Abrams or something modern that you could take out into the battlefield they're just not important anymore okay so unfortunately my camera ran out of battery although I only had like one comment left so I'm just gonna call it a video for there hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it turned out to be a lot longer than I was expecting so hopefully it didn't get too boring and you enjoyed the entire video if you want to see another video like this let me know and I will be sure to be able to collect a bunch of these really stupid comments that I get so that I can share them with you uh if you liked the video please like and potentially subscribe but check out my other videos first because not all my videos are like this one and uh yeah if you liked the video also support me by getting one of these epic shirts you can find a link below I'm also moving those over onto my new website and you can buy them directly from there I currently have one design and I'll be moving more to there later as I get them sized and everything correctly I have to order samples to make sure that they don't look like crap so I just want to make sure that you guys aren't buying crap uh yeah that's I think about it I'm rambling a little bit here because I didn't expect my battery to die but I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you with some more regular content in the coming weeks this is kind of a more of a filler video so that it gives me time to get scripts and stuff done I know you guys don't like the shorter videos and I don't like to put them out too much but sometimes it's just what happens because it takes time to write the other scripts things come up more information comes out I have to add things in so sometimes a five minute video is in fact all you can get because it's a last minute rushed video it's not something I've been working on for weeks so just because it takes me a week to get a video up and it's five minutes doesn't mean that it took a week to make that five minute video so anyways thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ConeOfArc
Views: 276,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ConeOfArc
Id: jZvHlzold3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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