Reacting to EVERY Fortnite Cinematic before CHAPTER 3

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what's going on guys welcome back to the channel today we're gonna be doing something that i am so excited for we're gonna be going back and looking at every cinematic trailer that fortnite has ever released now obviously this is gonna be a huge trip down memory lane starting all the way back in fortnite season 1 with the game announcement trailer there's going to be so many amazing things to look at and probably even a few cinematics that you guys haven't seen and didn't know existed because along the way epic has definitely dropped some pretty niche ones that not that many people saw but alright guys without further ado let's get in there let's start watching these trailers and at the end of the video let me know down in the comments section which one was your favorite all right trailer number one we're coming in with a good one the very first fortnight announcement trailer this was actually so well made but i think the funniest thing was you can see they've got all these ideas of how people were gonna build in the trailer and how they were gonna play which is not reality oh my god the old pump shotgun the battle is building yep that part's definitely true the old launch pad even the number of times i'm sorry i need to pause quickly the number of times i tried using that back before season one was even a thing when i was sky basing and uh ended up just jumping to my death because they were so weird to use was way too many those things got me killed a lot all right old broken tree house oh the roof traps back in the day dude so many things that you just don't see in fortnite anymore this game has changed so much like even the idea that you'd be able to build a bridge over that and not die is hilarious and more of the launch pads that i feel like you're never going to use that clip though i always thought was sick i wonder if anyone actually ever pulled it off and then right here you've got the idea this is what epic thought building was going to be in fortnite giant towers where you build little battlements and doors no it's just it's straight up stairs walls and box fighting these days all right what do we got next ah yes dude the christmas update and the snowball launcher these things were so hard to use because they would just bounce like crazy they were really powerful though back in the day oh my god the boogie bomb trailer dude when this item came out it was so insanely broken so the way the boogie boom works these days when it's actually in the game is once you're dancing as soon as you take any damage you're immediately not dancing anymore but back when they first added the boogie bomb to the game you would throw it it would make you dance i'm pretty sure even longer than you dance right now and also if someone started shooting you you wouldn't stop dancing you were just stuck there so you could throw the boogie bomb at someone and literally just walk up to them and just start slowly pickaxing them to death while they couldn't do anything it was insane all right the first 100-day trailer i remember epic made this just to show like how crazy viral the game was going and honestly look at these numbers like what was that was that 30 billion builds built imagine what that number would be these days 500 billion shots fired 125 million wins that was in the first hundred days that the game was out imagine what those numbers would be after these this many years and this many players all right yes this was the first big map update that fortnite ever got tilted towers shifty shafts junk junction all added to the game and i remember when tilted got added everyone lost their minds this was a very cool moment this is still when epic would have people building like proper forts in all the trailers and they added soccer i actually didn't even think that got out of this early and then man they added the chug jug back when they used to add items they used to have like mini trailers and cinematics for literally every one of them it was so cool yeah like the mini gun oh my god and everyone would just lose their mind i remember i was staying with vickstar at the sidemen house over in the uk when that item dropped and we were all just like taking turns to play on the pc and try and get our videos and the hand cannon oh god what a beautiful trailer see that's what would have happened to the guy in the first fortnight trailer he would have fallen like that hand cannon i remember i'm pretty sure if i remember correctly the hand cannon used to break wooden walls in a single shot and everyone would just carry it with them and you could do the most disgusting box breaches with it it was so so powerful oh dude i remember i remember this and i loved it this is just one of those weird random ones that i don't know who came up with it but it's pure art and it's the first time i realized that tomorrow men are kind of creepy [Music] jonesy got on the wrong bus that's for sure oh yeah when they introduced pearly bonesy during halloween and you initially don't realize until he turns around that is such a great skin i feel like all the ple skins are great skins though all right the fortnite season three battle pass trailer let's give it a look outrageous outfits oh dude yes i remember this dropping and me thinking that that flaming contrail was so cool you had the take the l emote in this battle pass this was an iconic battle pass and i'm pretty sure john wick is in it as well right yep there you go sorry it technically wasn't john wick at that point it was copyright friendly john wick because i don't think they had a license for him at that stage and then this was when fortnite cinematics went next level the season 4 trailer they just absolutely stepped up i remember this was mind-blowing the first time i saw it with the meteor just coming down and smashing into the map this trailer got me ridiculously hyped and i love that moment right there but honestly i remember that trailer and season four that was the first time where i just i got so obsessed with the narrative finding out what was inside the rock what was going on what else was gonna happen to the map that was definitely a pretty big turning point i feel like for fortnight both think good and bad ways oh yeah and here you go the next one after the rocket ship took off the llamas were getting evaporated and this was the announcement when they just started adding rifts all over the game i think it's just season five and then they had this real life place where you could actually go and there was a der burger in the middle of the desert and people actually went there and found it yes the drift skin this was cool i think it's really awesome looking at how epics like changed the way they do cinematics over the years like they've tried so much different stuff the in-game ones the fully cinematic ones real life mixing them together it's actually sick yeah this was cool season five worlds collide oh yes and then at the end of season five the cube melted into the lake and we got this for the start of season six and this one was crazy i remember watching this trailer and being like there's no way we're gonna go in game and see this but it was actually there the giant floating loot lake house that was a sick sick start to the season things did start to go slightly off the rails but that was a definitely awesome poi oh yeah and you had the cube beneath it man imagine going back to fortnite players back then when we were freaking out about that one cube floating in loot lake and letting them know how many cubes exist now i don't think a lot of people would believe you i wonder if epic planned that far ahead and this dude then they they try to hold different animation style for the christmas update that year i don't even know what you call this i don't know what animation style this is but it was cool kind of weird though definitely a little bit weird i gotta admit these ones are like pretty artistically beautiful but they're really like dope in game cinematics and probably my favorite this was a cool like little season themed one and i think they've done a couple since then oh god oh yeah that's right and then they cut back to the real game and this was when the iceberg landed on the map that was cool until they realized that these guys aren't friendly and they're here to murder you that was a very cool start to the season going fishing i'm trying to think what season oh yeah this this is still the iceberg season do they just realize they both they both got caught on each other's fishing line honestly short but sweet oh poor guy doesn't even realize he just kind of murdered his friend that's it's kind of kind of cruel all right what's this next one i think the cinematic for fortnite season eight yes it is i actually lowkey loved this season the the pirate and volcano theme it was kind of crazy but the amount of map changes we got with that was awesome like really really awesome and i remember going around hunting down treasure launching yourself out of cannons yeah this was this was a big big map change season like things really really mixed up i'm trying to remember what this one is for let's do this dude there's no way i don't think i've seen this what i haven't seen this talked about what your outfit man it's just not screaming and say no desk squad this is the best we're trying to be intimidated indeed this cannot be real this is official walking on land breathing the air that is intimidating no go change are you serious go change your office squad fine this is an official short how have i not seen this the mullet marauder dude are you joking i just can't even i am definitely that guy in the squad absolutely oh my god how have i not seen that honestly that might be my favorite yet oh yeah and then at the end of season eight with the volcano we get we got our first jonesy and pearly pair up this was so i remember people thought this was so good mainly because it was trapped during the volcano crisis unfortunately they didn't have food for the whole time but honestly them being friends was kind of adorable until all of a sudden they realized there was no food jonesy's face right there when he realized oh god i actually i'm so sorry i haven't seen that trailer in so long this this is definitely one of the all-time best fortnite cinematics i think everything with jonesy is one of the all-time best and then when he emerges in that futuristic world was this season x right oh no that was season nine i don't know why i really associate the like the neo-tilted with season x but even though that it then turned into the cowboy town my memory is clearly bad alright so this is the short that was introducing the robot peely skin and on it and it was a straight up like copy of the iron man movie and it was so well done after turning purely into a smoothie he decided to give him his body back that was a cool one oh and then is that when the zero point exploded it is right so is this at the end of season x man i'm forgetting when this trailer dropped no this was the start of season x man i've got a bad memory for the end of that chapter but this was such a cool cinematic just showing like everything that we've seen over the past like 10 seasons and this is kind of like when they made jonesy a main character like he really became like the face of everything but you still got the banana mad at him i love it and then everyone realized that season x was uh gonna be a pretty interesting time wait was that a mech oh my god i never realized that you can see a mech at the back of the meteor if only we'd known what that was gonna do all right this one's super short but oh yes i remember this is when jonesy created purely don't stick your banana in there jonesy yep nope curiosity got the better of him and billy oh that's right jonesy is peely i'd fully forgotten that jonesy is literally purely fused with a banana sorry peely is literally jonesy fused with a banana which means when he ate himself in fortnite season x or season nine he he literally cannibalized himself which makes that really messed up my god and then this was the cinematic at the end of season x we saw the black hole screen nobody knew what was coming next and everyone was freaking out because of the down time as angry as everyone was when they took the game offline for three days it was kind of like it built so much hype and this was the first ever look we got at the chapter two map which honestly looks kind of the same even today other than the middle not that much has changed i also thought the music they had for this was really good i can't believe it's in in what is it less than a year now we're gonna have the chapter three map and that is gonna be mind-blowing and then i don't know if you guys remember but when you started the new chapter it literally started with you in the bus seeing that and as he jumped out it cut to the gameplay and that was one of the most like epic moments i think i've had in fortnite such a cool way to introduce you to the new map and this is when we realized chapter two was going to be bringing in fishing swimming we got our first look at all the pois hiding spots they did a really good job at showing off all the cool new stuff and boats yeah this was an epic moment and then for some reason after they launched chapter two it was like they just couldn't figure out how to make content for like a solid year season two alone was like i wanna say six or eight months i don't even remember and it didn't have weekly content updates it was it was getting pretty awful for a while there dude this one is so weird some of these shorts are really strange i honestly don't even really know what to comment about this but this was made this exists and i don't even think i've seen it before i [Music] okay oh my god that's a that's a real fortnite cinematic that's not that yup that that's a thing all right what do we got next we got way more cinematics to get through oh yes dude the launch of season two this was a really cool theme idea i thought i really really liked that like secret agent with all the bosses i i kind of i wouldn't mind if they did that again i want to go back to grotto and i want to get brutus and i want to take his minigun and if you look there you can see deadpool hiding in the back i remember they dropped a ton of deadpool easter eggs in this cinematic he got absolutely ruined and she abandoned her friends oh the bushranger [Music] i remember i couldn't wait for that skin to hit the store i was so excited for it [Music] all the bosses i would not mind going back and playing chapter two season two again just not for as long as we had to the first time oh and at the end of the season when midas was exiled and got absolutely demolished by a shark season 3 trailer and the cinematic honestly i loved it i loved this season i think it's pretty controversial but i thought the way that the whole map filled up with water and then slowly drained was actually a really cool idea like we've never had a map change as much as the map did in season three and the skins just started to get completely crazy [Music] just watching kit absolutely tear up the town oh dude yeah i mean and when you realize that we're gonna be flying helicopters everywhere oh that was great yeah this was a good season launch splashdown i never remember the taglines they give each season i think the one for this season is cubed oh dude the stranded jonesy cinematic i remember for a while people didn't even know this existed like everyone thought that this was like some some fake leak because i think a couple of screenshots came out of it first but this was actually i think the first time we saw the flare gun as an actual item although does he actually hit the bus here oh he does yeah i remember that yeah not good not good absolutely blew up his one chance of survival and then he gets the vic roy well done you go jonesy you go i love the random ones they put out like that it was so good all right i know what skin this one is for but i don't think i've ever watched the cinematic [Music] the tune me out skull skin though they actually made like a full classic animation for it that's so cool [Music] short but sweet i like it oh i'm trying to remember was this just to announce this skin i think it was this one had such a cool art style though it was really really short but that one was really cool all right season 4 cinematic man this one is sick [Music] i still can't believe how much marvel was in this season this was a this was this season almost didn't feel like fortnite with all the like the hero mythic items the giant poi like iron man chest blasting it it almost didn't feel like fortnite anymore but when you realized you're gonna get to play as all the marvel heroes that was a really cool moment and you had banana peely wolverine shouldn't they ever add it as a skin and that made me really sad oh yes this was galactus fortnite season four honestly pretty good not my favorite but pretty good especially when he got iron man's chest blasting mythic that that thing was broken oh yeah and then we've just got this mini one for announcing the triggerfish skin honestly don't even know if you can quite okay no i'll call that a short evolution ladies and gentlemen evolution all right which one is this again is this the start of season five yes this was the cinematic where you start to realize like this big story that's behind the island like i feel like up until this cinematic everyone was kind of like trying to figure out what was going on but couldn't really this is where we're like okay the story is kind of getting real right the idea that there was this giant organization behind everything started to figure out more and more about how the loop worked was that thing on the roof wait i gotta rewind this is that thing on the roof made of cube work that little closing door on the roof looks like it's made out of the queue same with all those panels i can't wait till we find out more i want to know what the cube does jonesy though that was pretty hardcore move by him just jumping straight into the straight into the zero point although i remember the start of this season really didn't have many map changes i think we got what the colosseum for the start of season five but really not that many other things all right oh yes start of season six this is actually you know what actually without exception the best trailer they ever made without a doubt the best cinematic they ever made so i'm pretty sure it was actually made like in conjunction with the help of the guys who direct the marvel movies is it the russo brothers i think the russo brothers and that's why the cinematography and this was so cool but also in so many great fortnite references although i gotta say you fall into the bush from that height you're not gonna take 99 damage you're definitely gonna die but the number of references in this the action the skins this one was unreal all the terminators coming in their aim is is pretty bad oh this is the peely moment so many of these fights were so funny i love how they're friends again at that point but then you just see him get destroyed that purely clearly doesn't remember that jonesy ate him because honestly i felt like you wouldn't forgive for that oh my god dude the number of epic moments in this trailer is completely insane i still wish we knew exactly how the zero point worked and then the traveler arrived yes this was cool i don't know if you guys have seen the theory that he's voiced by and played by dwayne the rock johnson but i'm like semi-convinced [Music] jonesy was happy for a moment here and then he realized that this guy was not his friend look i know you have no reason to trust me but oh no i really wonder what would have happened if his foot connected here i can get you to jenna and the sisters i can get you all of them but i need your help to fix that and then i don't know if you guys remember but the little single player thing you played through when this season launched that was unreal so cool season six primal with all the bows i really like the primal season mainly just cause of the shockwave bow that item was completely broken all right what do we got the season seven trailer next this is gonna be aliens nothing but aliens that poi with all the satellites never actually existed though neither did the giant underground ufo that i remember everyone thought was gonna be a thing they do take a little bit of creative liberty in these and then we met and then we watched the giant spire get absolutely ruined do we still know if the aliens were just trying to steal the zero point all the alien groupies god that ship was big that ship was very very big and this is kind of when everyone realized that the aliens might not be our friends that guy was having a great time though was that like a bonus thing at the end oh that's right he's in the ocean and i'm pretty sure at the start of the next trailer there was another one with him in the ocean as well and all right here we go the season eight cinematic we all watched this one pretty recently but after the alien ship crashed you just see everything completely destroyed although honestly the level of destruction on the actual map isn't quite this big i actually fully forget what happens here does it roll over there's one thing i learned is don't shoot the cube and she's shooting the cube it doesn't help it doesn't achieve anything oh my god dude she just got immediately you can see she got re-uh respawned right after that happened and then all the upside down zombie monsters so good fortnite cubed you know the other thing we got completely lied to here if you look at the number of places around the map that look like they've got crashed alien ship parts it's not true coral's destroyed in this but coral's totally fine cinematics lie people always remember that oh that's right and then we get to see that he's still underwater is he awake now though i actually forget surely by the end of this season we're gonna see him return [Music] oh yeah he's awake and he's not happy well guys i hope you enjoyed watching all these fortnite cinematics let me know down below which one you thought was the best honestly i think the one at the start of fortnite chapter two season six was so cool just the directing of that was unreal but there are so many great ones let me know down below hit subscribe if you want to see more as always guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you legends in the next one bye bye
Channel: Muselk
Views: 527,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, battle, royale
Id: C_ZGt8kP8pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 51sec (1791 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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