React Testing with Playwright (Complete Tutorial)

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In this video, you are going to learn everything  that you need to know about testing your React   applications using Playwright. Playwright is an  end-to-end testing tool that literally allows you   to test your applications exactly as a real user  would. And it does that by spinning up a browser,   running your application, and going and clicking  on things, typing on inputs, and making sure that   your application behaves in its entirety, that  means frontend, backend, and database included,   exactly as you expect, and that there's no  unwanted surprises. So get ready, get excited,   because you're going to learn a lot in this video.  And by the way, if you want to learn how to build   a big and complex application with React as a  total beginner with no prior experience needed,   check out Project React in the description.  Trust me, you will not regret it. Let's get   into it. All right, so over here, I have a very  simple application that's running locally. And   now we're going to want to test this application  using Playwright. This is obviously a very simple   application. We have the homepage over here. We  have this h1 tag that says homepage. We have this   form over here, which is a link. If I hover it,  my cursor turns into a pointer. And I can click   this. And it's going to redirect me to the actual  form URL over here, slash form, where we get to   see the form. And we have an input field over here  where I can type something, for example, test. And   I can press Add. And we're going to add that item  directly in here. And the input is going to be   cleared. Again, this is a very simple application.  And we're not going to look at Playwright and   how to write tests integration tests for this  application. So to do that, we're going to go here   to the actual documentation of Playwright that is  going to be at And in this video,   what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you  how we could test this very simple application.   But more importantly, I'm also going to walk  you through my thought process of what to test   because unfortunately, a lot of tutorials don't  actually show this to you, they show you how to   use the actual tool in this case, Playwright, they  show you how to write the test and all of that.   But they never teach you the core principles of  testing and why you should test something in the   first place. And more specifically what to test  versus what not to test. So as you can see here,   Playwright enables reliable end to end testing  for modern web applications. If you don't know   what end to end testing is, as opposed to unit  testing, end to end testing means that you're   taking the entire application and you're actually  running it with the whole front end with the whole   back end and a database. And you're testing  it as a real user would. So you're running   the entire application, you're going and clicking  on things, typing on inputs, and seeing how the   application behaves as opposed to a unit test,  where you're testing a component or something   in isolation. This you're testing everything  the entire application as a whole. So let's   get started. And let's come here and click on the  Get Started button. This is going to take us to   the installation page of Playwright. And we're  going to follow these instructions over here,   which honestly are pretty simple. We're going to  start by installing Playwright. And we're going to   do it by installing it in an existing application,  which probably is also going to be your case. In   my case, I'm using PNPM. So I'm going to come here  and take this command PNPM create Playwright. And   I'm going to come here to my VS code. This is the  actual code that's running the application. And   I'm going to run it here inside of the terminal.  This is now going to ask me where I want to put   my end to end test, I want to leave this in  the default test folder, it's going to ask me   if I want to set up GitHub actions workflow,  I want because this is a simple application,   we don't have anything on GitHub, then we're  going to want to install the Playwright browsers,   we're going to leave this to default Playwright  essentially runs this test on multiple browsers to   make sure that your application runs the same on  different browsers, which is a really cool thing.   And after that, we run that command, we have this  nice little lock here, telling us that Playwright   is successfully initialized in our project. And as  we can see, if we open up here, the Explorer page   on the right, we have two new folders, we have  the test folder over here. And we have the test   examples folders. Now the test folder, if I open  up example dot spec.ts, and actually close this   terminal, this is just a simple example test file  that Playwright automatically puts to get yourself   started. This is cool, we're going to be working  within this file to actually add this specific   test of our own application. But then we also have  test examples. And this has a different file over   here that is really, really useful. As you can  see, this file is very big, it's much bigger   than the first file. And this actually has all of  the tests for a demo application that Playwright   built and hosted themselves, you can find it here,  HTTPS demo dot Playwright, let me just come here   and open this in the browser. If we open a new tab  over here, we have this application. And this is a   simple to do application created by Playwright  themselves. So we can add here a new to do we   can do test, for example, press Enter, it's going  to add it, we can complete it, we can also delete   them. And we have a fully working application. And  in this file, we have all of the tests for that   application to make sure that it works correctly.  And this is really useful, because if you're just   starting out with Playwright, and you don't really  know how to actually use it, you can use this file   and you can refer to it and see how they actually  recommend that you do all of these tests, right,   you have a bunch of code over here for testing  different things, that most likely is going to   cover some tests that you're trying to do for  your own application. So this is a really, really   useful file. And I would highly recommend that  you spend some time looking through this because   there's a ton of things to learn over here that  you can apply directly to your own tests. Now,   in our case, we're not going to use it, we're  just going to be working in the simple file over   here. And we're going to create our own tests  directly. So what I'm going to do actually is   I'm just going to take all of this and delete  this because we want to start fresh. And I'm   still going to leave these imports over here  because we are going to use them. So now first,   let's think about our application and what we  actually want to test in our application. So here,   let me just run the application again, pnpm dev,  just to have it running. And let's go back now to   the actual homepage. And let's think what do we  want to test because our application is really   simple, we don't need to have any fancy tests.  So when we first start and load the application,   this is the screen that we're seeing this is the  home screen. Now this home screen on only has a   few elements. So there's not really that much to  test. But still, we should test that what we're   seeing on the screen is exactly what we expect.  For example, we should test that we have a heading   on this page that says homepage, right, because  we're putting this here, we want to make sure that   it actually is there, and that it has the correct  text. We also have this link over here that says   form, we want to test that first of all, the link  is there. And that when we click the link, we are   successfully redirected to slash form. And here  I have an error, why do I have an error, there we   go, it's fixed, that was successfully redirected  to the actual form. That's all that we want to   test for this specific page. And also maybe  that the title over here is causal solutions,   just for good measure that the title is also what  we expect. Then we also have the form page, which   has a little bit more functionality. And here as  well, we want to write our own test suites to test   the specific page, we're going to first test the  same thing that the form is actually there. And   also that the input and the add button is there,  and that I can type something on the input. And   that when I type on the input, that whatever  I typed actually ends up over here in a list,   and that the input is then cleared, right,  we're testing the actual functionality of   our actual application. And note here that this  doesn't depend really on any individual piece,   it doesn't depend on just the front end, on just  the back end, or just the database. But rather,   it depends on all of the pieces working together.  Because let's say that I did have a whole back end   that would actually save everything that I type  in here, we will also be testing that we will be   testing that whatever we type in here, when we add  it, it goes to the back end, it gives us a correct   response. And we see it here on the screen.  This is what we call an integration test. Now,   of course, in this simple example, we actually  don't have a back end, everything is handled on   the front end. But you can imagine that if we  had a back end, we would be indirectly testing   that through this integration test. Because the  only way that this item would show up here is if   the back end is also working, if the back end  is down, and it doesn't work, or if there's an   error in the back end, this test item over here  would not show up. So doing these tests actually   test everything from front end to back end and the  whole integration test. And that's generally how   you want to approach thinking about testing and  what to test, you take any screen that you have,   and you look at what the user can do what any  user can do in your application, what they expect   what they can see on the screen. And you just test  those cases those paths and make sure that they're   correct. And also, if they're not correct, there's  an error, you make sure that the application your   application response in a way that you expect  whenever there's any given error. So in our case,   that's the form, the functionality of the  form and what we see here. And that's it,   we don't need to test anything else. And in the  homepage, we have no interactivity, we just have   a bunch of elements. So we just need to test that  the elements are actually there. So let's go back   to our VS code and actually start writing some  tests. So first of all, I'm going to do all of   this work in this one example dot spec.ts file,  just to keep things simple. In a real application,   you might want to split this up into multiple  files, each related to different types of tests,   that's totally recommended. But we're going to do  this in one file just to keep things very simple.   And the second thing is, we're going to have two  different groups of tests, because we have two   different pages, we have the homepage, and we have  the form page. And it's generally a better idea to   group those things together, because related tests  usually have some common functionality that should   go in the same group. So let's go back to VS code  and actually start writing some tests. Now the   way that we're going to do this is first of all,  I'm going to write everything in this one file   example dot spec.ts, just to keep things simple  for the video. But ideally, in a real project,   you might want to have separate files, each for a  different group of related tests. The second thing   is, even though I'm putting all of this in one  file, I will separate my tests into two groups,   I'm going to have one group for the homepage  and one group for the form page just to keep   things a little bit more organized, so that I  put all of the tests related to the homepage in   one block and all of the tests related to the  form page in another block. Now in playwright,   you can actually do that you can create groups and  you do that by using a describe block. So let's   come here and let's test dot describe. And here  we can actually give it a name. So for example,   we can do home page like this, this is going to be  all of the tests that are related to the homepage,   we're going to put them inside of this describe  block, then we give this a function over here,   an arrow function. And inside of here, we're going  to put all of our tests that are related to the   homepage. The only thing that this describe block  actually does is when you have an actual UI, and   when you see the actual tests being run, they're  going to be grouped under this category to make it   easier for yourself to organize, I always like to  do this. And again, group related tests together   in a describe block, because it just makes more  sense. And then in here, we can actually write   our tests. So the first test that we want to do  is if I go back here to the actual application   is we want to first open up this page over here.  So localhost 3000, because we do have to navigate   manually to it. And then we're going to check that  theSo we're going to start by writing a test. So   we can do tests like this, give it a parenthesis,  then we need to give it a title. And we're going   to do should have correct metadata and elements.  You always want to give this a descriptive test,   a descriptive title to actually represent what the  test is actually doing. So should have the correct   metadata and elements, this is very clear as to  what this test does. Then as the second argument,   we're going to give this an asynchronous function.  So we're going to do async like this. And this is   going to have one argument, and there's going to  be an object. And from that object, we're actually   going to get the page property like so, because  we're going to be using this page inside of our   test. So in this block over here, we created a  test, we gave it a title, should have correct   metadata and elements. Then as the second function  is the actual function that we're going to use to   test. And this page over here, we're going  to actually use to access different things on   that specific page, like access the title, access  any elements and check that they're exactly what   we expect. Now to check the title, this is what  we're going to do. And by the way, to really see   how to do any of these things, remember that you  have this demo dash to do is app spec over here,   you can actually look at this. And you can  find how they get the actual title of a screen,   how they get any single element, or you can look  at the actual documentation, I'm only showing you   here the simple version of doing things. But if  you want to go a bit deeper and learn a little   bit more, you have all of the resources available  to be able to do that. So we're going to write   a weight and then expect. So we are going to be  expecting something and this is coming directly   from playwright at test, this is this import over  here. And then we're going to do page. So we're   going to expect that the page dot and then here's  a helper function to have title. And we're going   to give it here the title that we expect, which  is going to be caused in solutions like this. So   now we have an actual test and we have some code  inside of it that is going to wait and then it's   going to expect the page to have a title of cause  and solutions. This is a very simple test. So as   long as we actually open up this page over here,  and that we have a title cause and solutions, this   test is going to work. But before we can actually  test that there's one more thing that we have to   do beforehand that I left out on purpose just to  make it really obvious how important this is. You   cannot actually expect the page to have anything  before even visiting the page in the first place,   right? In this test, there's nothing that we're  telling this test to actually go to any specific   page, we're just getting the page over here.  And we're expecting it to have a specific title,   but what page it doesn't know what URL to open.  In this case, we actually have to give it right   before we test something, we have to navigate  to that specific page. And we do that by doing   a weight and then page dot go to and this is  a function and here we give it a URL. So for   example, HTTP, slash slash local host, and then  3000, like so, which is the actual endpoint that   our application is running in, you have to give  this to each test, because each test first of all   runs in isolation. And each test needs to be able  to know what page to actually go to. So first,   we go to that specific page that is going to  wait until the page is actually loaded. And then   it's going to proceed to this line over here,  which is going to check the title of the page   and make sure that the title is exactly causing  solutions, which is what we expect. And with that,   we have everything that we need to actually run  this test and see if it passes. So the way that   you run tests in playwright is you open up the  terminal over here, I'm going to create here a new   terminal, because we have to have our application  running, you can configure this to automatically   run the application, it's in the documentation, in  our case, we're just going to keep things simple,   we're just going to write NPX playwright test. And  then I'm just going to put this command over here,   this is going to run three tests using three  different workers, because it runs the test on   different browsers. That's why we have different  tests. And all of these tests are run in parallel.   So they're all running at the same time.  But as you can see here, we run three tests,   and three tests actually have passed. And we can  even have a report over here, if we wanted to,   we can just do this run this command, this is  going to actually show us here a report, which we   can see. And we can see that we have all of these  tests over here actually running, let me just copy   this and then close it and go to Chrome, because  I like to film everything in Chrome. There we go.   This is the actual report. So homepage should have  correct metadata and elements. It ran on Chromium,   it passed on Firefox, it passed on WebKit,  it passed all of these different tests pass,   and we're making sure that our application at  least has the correct title over here, which it   does. This passes. Great. Something else that  we could do is we can run a different command,   we can run the test command over here with dash  dash, and then UI, this is actually going to spin   up a real browser. And it's going to be over  here, let's open up this browser over here,   let me just make it the correct size for you.  Let me maybe zoom in a little bit. And here   we actually have a UI to actually run our tests.  And there's this green button over here, which we   can press. And that is going to run all of our  tests and all of our files. And you see here,   we have the homepage. This is by the way, the  describe block this homepage over here, that's why   we're selecting it. That's why it's a different  group because of the describe block. And inside   of here, we have should have correct metadata and  elements. And we have the actual test over here,   page go to and then expect title to have and it  did and it passed. And we are good to go. Our   test actually passed. This is a different way to  actually run your test. If you want to visually   see how you're actually test are being run. Great.  So now with this, we can actually continue and   fill up the rest of the missing pieces of our  test. Because remember, we don't only want to   test that this has a correct title, we also want  to test that over here, we have the actual heading   that says homepage, and that we have a form that  is a link that we can actually click to and go to   the form page. So let's write those tests. So over  here, we're going to test first that we have a   heading that is a type heading and has homepage in  it. So we're going to do a weight and then expect   page dot get by role. And this is going to get an  element by its role, which we can actually give   it a role heading like this. And we can actually  give it some properties over here, for example,   the name, and we're going to give this here  home page, like so. So what this is going   to do is it's going to await and then it's going  to expect and then page dot get by role, this is   going to get any element within the page that has  a role of heading that also has name homepage,   which is actually going to be the text inside  of that heading. If we have this, then we can   actually validate that we actually do have this  over here. And then it also has the correct text.   Because if this did not have homepage, we will  not get this element over here, right. So the only   thing that we need to do after that is we need to  call to be visible, because we need to check that   this element is actually visible on the screen.  So this test is only going to pass if we have   a heading visible on the screen that is of type  heading. And that also has homepage as the text,   right? In any other case, it's not going to pass.  But if it has this, it is going to pass. So let's   come back here to our actual UI. And let's press  play again, and see if our test still passes after   these changes. And it does, you can see here,  expect to be visible. And it's even highlighting   the homepage over here, it's getting the actual  heading element, and it's checking that it has   the correct name inside of it. And just to be  sure that our tests are actually need working,   I like to do this sometime just to really  make sure because sometimes you never know,   let's come here and let's actually add an extra E  to make this an invalid name. And now let's see if   our test should fail. Because right now, we don't  have a heading that has homepage with two E's. So   this test should actually fail. So if you play  this test over here, we're going to see that it   takes a little longer, because when it fails, it  actually retries the test. And in a short while,   it is going to fail. And it's going to see here  that expect to be visible has failed because we   have no actual heading with homepage and to eat.  So now we've confirmed that our test is actually   behaving as we expect, and that we can rely on  it to actually fail when it should. Great. So   now with this, we can come back, we can fix  this over here. And let's remove the extra   E. And let's just test that our link is also  visible. Because remember, we do have a link   over here. And we also want to check that this  is visible and that it has the correct text.   So we're going to do the exact same thing, we're  going to do await, expect, and then page dot get   by by role. And we're going to give it here link  this time. And we're also going to give it name,   and it's going to be form like some and we're  going to await and expect to be visible. And   we're going to wait for this and expect it to be  visible. Let's come back here to our test. Let's   rerun this and we should see all green passing  test. There we go. Our link is also visible.   There we go, we have successfully completed our  first actual test testing that we should have   the correct metadata and elements on that specific  screen. Great. Now the next thing that we want to   test is that when we click on this link over here  in this form link, we are redirected to the form   page. Because while it's cool that we did test  that this link is over here and that it says form,   we did not actually test that when we click this  form, it brings us to the expected page. And this   is also important to test because the user is  going to be able to click on this. And if they're   not redirected to the form, then you have a bug  in your application. And having a test for that is   going to prevent that bug. So we're going to come  here and for that we're actually going to make a   new test because now this is a different test,  we're no longer testing that we have the correct   metadata and elements, we're actually testing that  when we click the link, it redirects us to exactly   what we expect. So we're going to have to make  a new test. So we're going to come here and do   test. And here we're going to give this as a name  should redirect to form page on click like this,   click, and we're going to give this a sync  as well a function. And here we're going to   give the page and we're going to do the exact  same thing as we did before. Now the thing is,   we're also going to have to write the same code  over here to actually navigate to that specific   page because every single test in playwright  runs in isolation. And you have a whole new   session every single time, which means you have to  reopen the browser and we go to the same page that   you were before. So we have to write this again  for every single test that we want to go to this   page. But doing it this way is not the recommended  way because you are repeating yourself, right,   you're going to have to write this on every single  test that you want to navigate to that same page.   And the truth is on the homepage in this describe  block, most of our tests, if not all of them are   going to need to go to the same page. So it would  be better if you had a way to run something before   every single test where we can put this little  piece of code to to make our life a little bit   easier and not have to repeat ourselves.And the  cool thing about Playwright is that there actually   is. We can inject the hook before every single  test, and we can put this piece of code inside of   that hook. And the way that we do that is we come  here, we make a little bit of space, and inside   of this describe block, because we only want this  hook to apply to any test inside of this block,   that's also another use case for having describe  blocks, we're going to create a before each hook.   So we're going to do test.beforeEach, and we're  going to give this here a function. So this is   going to be async, like this, and it's going to  take the same page as we had before. And here,   we're just going to put an arrow function,  and we're going to take this code over here,   and we're going to paste it inside of this hook  over here. So now we don't need to have it inside   of this individual test. And we also don't need  to have it inside of this test over here. And   just to prove this to you, I'm going to comment  out this test. And I'm just going to run the test   over here and run the same test. And you're going  to see that it still passes because we have this   in the hook. And this runs before each individual  test. So let's come back here, let's press play.   And we're going to see that this is still going  to work, because our code is exactly the same,   we've now just put this in its own before each  hook, which means that if we have a second test,   or any other number of tests, we don't have to  repeat ourselves every single time. And finally,   let's finish up and write our test to actually  check the redirect on a specific link. So we're   going to do a wait. And then let's see a wait.  And then this is going to be page get by role,   we're going to give this link again, we're going  to give this name, form. And then instead of to be   visible, we're going to call a different function,  we're going to call click like this, which is   actually going to click on that specific input.  So then we're going to have this click. And we're   going to await and expect to be on a different  page on the form page. So we're going to await,   expect page to have title. And we're going to  do here form like this, because whenever we go   to the actual form page, you're going to see that  the page title actually changes to form. So we're   just going to check that we could also check the  URL, we could check this in a different way, if we   wanted to, we're going to keep things simple. And  just check if we have the actual form over here,   that's going to be enough. So let's come back  here to our actual runner. And let's run all of   these tests. And now we're going to run two tests.  And we're going to see that both of them pass. So   the first one still passes, that's great. And the  second one also passes, we're going to click and   we're actually going to see it found that actual  element, the form element to click, you have this   red little circle over here, and it clicked it,  and then it checked the actual page. And you see   here we're on form, and the title is form. And  this test also passed. Great. And with this, our   tests are passing, and we can guarantee and make  sure that our application is going to work exactly   as we expect now. And even more importantly, if we  ever make a change to any code in the application   in the future, having these tests over here is  going to make sure that if we made some code that   actually break something, one of these tests is  going to break, and we're going to know about it,   and we're going to be able to fix it. That's why  you want to have tests in your application to make   sure that your application works as expected now,  and also in the future, if you make any changes to   it. And having this in a visual runner, where you  can actually inspect every single test and go to   them and actually see the UI that was rendered at  each specific step and see what the test runner is   trying to click through is really, really useful.  And it's also very useful for debugging, right,   whenever you're actually developing your tests and  putting them, I would recommend they use this UI   because it is really useful. So now with this,  the only thing that we have to do is actually   write the tests for our form page over here.  So all of these tests over here, and for this,   I'm going to skip a little bit and just be faster,  because I don't want to drag this video on by just   repeating the same things. But I'm going to show  you what this actually looks like for the form   page. So the first thing that we want to do is we  want to create a new describe block, because now   it's no longer going to be on the homepage,  it's going to be on the form page. So we're   going to come here and do test dot describe. And  here we're going to do a form page like so we're   going to give this a function again, and we're  going to put some code in here, we're also going   to take the same describe block over here, because  we're going to want to do the same exact principle   in here. But instead of going to localhost 2000,  we're going to put local host 2000 and then form   so that every single test inside of this describe  block automatically starts on the form page,   which is what we want. And then we're going to  come here and write our first test, which is going   to be literally the same test as we had before. So  we can even copy this directly, we can come here,   we can paste this, it should also have the correct  metadata and elements, but just for the form page.   So in this case, the title is going to be form.  So we're going to put your form like this, the   heading is going to have also form like this, it's  not going to have home page. So so we're going to   save this. And then we're going to get instead  of a link, because we actually don't have a link   in here, I'm going to get get by placeholder.  And over here, if I open up the form component,   we have here this input, and we have a placeholder  that says enter item, we can get this input using   its placeholder. And because this is the only one  that has this placeholder, this is safe to use to   actually check that it is there that we have an  input with this specific placeholder. So we're   going to do get by placeholder, this only takes  one argument. So we're just going to remove the   second argument, and we're going to put enter item  over here. And we're going to expect that to also   be visible. And finally, because we also have a  button over here that has add, we're going to do   the same thing, we're going to do a wait, expect  page dot get by role. And then that's going to   be button. And we're going to give it your name,  and that's going to be add and then to be visible,   like so. And now we have the same test that is  testing that every single element on the screen   is also visible. If you run this, we have now our  new describe block over here. So you see it's in   a different section. That's one of the benefits of  using the scribe logs. And we have this test that   also passes all of these elements are visible, and  they're exactly what we expect. Great. Now there's   two more tests that I want to run. And the first  one is going to be that initially, whenever we   load this page and refresh, refresh into it,  we should have no items displayed over here,   right? That's our initial empty state. So that's  going to be one test. The second test is going to   be once we actually enter an item, we're going to  check that we actually have that item over here.   And that this input is clear, because remember,  if I put test, we're going to add the item,   it's going to be here. And then this input is  going to be clear. That is our second test. Now   to be able to do this, we're going to have to come  in here to our form component. And we're going to   have to add a few properties to some elements to  be able to reference them in our test and make   some expectations assertions on those specific  elements. And we're going to be making use of   the data test ID attribute. So the data test ID  attribute is an attribute that you can place on   any single element, it is just like any normal  prop over here. And you can give it a specific   test ID. And then you can use that test ID to  reference that elements out of your test and do   any single thing to it. So for example, we're  going to want to write our empty test, right,   so we're going to come here and we're going to do  test. And that is going to be should have empty   items list on start, right. So we're going to give  this an asynchronous function that is going to   take the page over here. And this is going to be  our test that makes sure and check that whenever   we're actually loading this page, initially,  we have an empty items list, and this should be   empty like this. And for that, we're going to want  to get this actual element by its test ID, which   we have to add over here. So we're going to want  to add it on this unordered list tag over here,   because we're going to want to get this element  and make sure that its contents inside this map   over here is empty, and that there's nothing. So  we're going to come here, I'm going to do data,   test ID, and we're going to give this items  list like so. Now we're going to be able to   come in our test and use that test ID to get this  element and make sure and check that it's empty   inside. So we're going to do const items list  equals page get by test ID, as you can see here,   and now we're going to give this items list,  which is the test ID that we gave it in initially   in our code over here. And then the only thing  that we have to do is we have to await expect   items list dot to be empty, like so we're going to  call the to be empty on the items list, we could   have also done things like this, we could have put  things over here, right inside of this directly,   this would have worked, I just showed you  the different way, because we are working   in JavaScript and TypeScript. And we can create  variables if you wanted to. And sometimes it is   useful if you want to reuse this item list in  other places. In this test, you want to create   a separate variable for it so that you can then  just reuse it. So now if you go back here to our   actual application, we should run this test and  it should work, it's going to get that element   by its test ID. And there we go, it got the  actual element, and it saw that it was empty,   which is what our test expects. So it passed our  test. There we go. And finally, the last test that   we want to do is we want to check that whenever  we enter an item, and we put something in here,   the item is actually added over there, and that we  have an empty input box over here. Now to do that,   we're going to have to come in here to our form  again. And we're going to have to add an item over   here to Li to again, get it access it in our  test and make some expectations on the search   and checks to it. So we're going to do this, I'm  going to data test ID. And I'm just going to give   this item like this to keep things very simple.  Then we're going to come back here to our test,   we're going to create a new test test that is  going to say should add item to list that is going   to be again a function a sink, we're going to get  this page like this. And then we're going to come   here. And we're going to do so we're going to do  const input equals page dot get by placeholder,   we're going to give this enter item like so. And  then we're going to call a function on this input,   we're going to do a weight input dot fill. And  this is going to be a function that as you can see   over here, we'll set a value on the input field.  This is what you use whenever you want to put text   on a specific input field. So we're going to do  item one, like so. So now this input is going to   have item one as its value, then we're going to  come here and we're going to await page dot get   by role, we're going to get this button, we're  going to access our button and actually click   it. So we're going to come here and do name. And  what happened, let's come here and do name, add,   and then we're going to do click like so. And  now this is going to click the actual button,   and it's going to trigger the actual functionality  that we have on a button with that specific value   in the input field. So then after we click the  button, we should have our new item on the screen.   So we have to get it and make sure that it has  item one, which is what we put over here as our   text. So we're going to do const item equals  page dot get by test ID. And now we're going to   give this item which again, remember, this is the  test ID data test ID, we gave it item. And we're   also going to doAnd then we're going to put zero  because over here, this is going to be a list. So   we're mapping over every single item, each item is  going to have the same test ID, and we can use the   nth one. So the nth item and access the first item  in that list. So right, so that's going to be our   item over here. And now that we have our item, all  we have to do is just await, expect item to have   text and then item one, like so. And then we're  also going to await and then expect input to be   empty. Like so because remember, every single time  that we type something that we click this button,   our input should go back to being empty so that  we can type something else. So this is making   that check. And then we're checking that the item  has indeed the item one text. And now with this,   if I come back over here, go back to our test  runner and replay all of the tests, we should see   that every single test in our application passes.  And we have our should add item to the list as   passing we have over here, we're filling the  text, you can see here we have item put over here,   then we're clicking the button, then we have an  item, we're getting it and we're checking that   it has item one. And then we're also checking  that the input is actually empty. There you go,   you are testing the entire application and every  single thing that the user can do. And you're   making sure that your application is behaving  exactly as you expect end to end front end back   end database involved. And that there are no  unwanted surprises. This is great. Now again,   remember, this was very simple, right, you can  obviously do a lot more than this, I would highly,   highly recommend that you come here and you look  at this demo app over here and actually run the   application, run all of these tests, and really  look at how they're doing things. They're doing   a lot more things that I did in this tutorial  video. And they have a bunch of helper functions   over here that they're using across multiple  text, they're using JSON, they're doing all   of those things. And this is a really great  resource to actually check and make sure that   you're writing your text, your test properly, and  that you're following all the deepest practices,   I would highly, highly recommend this. And also,  I would also highly recommend that you look and   read the documentation of playwright because they  have a lot of examples, they have a lot of APIs   and documentations that you can use to actually  write your test. Doing all of these things,   you've now learned how to actually use playwright  to write your test. And more importantly,   you've learned how to understand what to test and  what not to test. And you've seen a real world   example of how I would approach thinking about  this and writing the actual test for a very simple   application. And now you're good to go to apply  this to your own react applications and write   some really cool tests and have some really  robust applications that have not one single   bug in production. Let's go. If you enjoyed this  video, and you want to see more videos just like   this one, make sure to leave this video a big  thumbs up. You can also click here to subscribe.   Or you can click here to watch a different video  of mine that YouTube seems to think that you're   really going to enjoy. And with that being said,  my name has been Darius Cosden, this is Cosden   Solutions, thank you so much for watching, and  I will see you in the next video. Ciao! Ciao!
Channel: Cosden Solutions
Views: 5,000
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Keywords: react tutorial, react crash course, react developer, learn react, react hook, react hooks, react hooks tutorial, programming tutorial, react hooks explained, computer science, tutorial for beginners, react component, learn programming, web development, frontend development, coding for beginners, simple code, easy programming, react, react native, react testing, playwright, playwright tutorial, react playwright, react playwright testing, react testing tutorial
Id: 3NW0Mz943_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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