React Router Tutorial - 14 - Lazy Loading

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all right in this video we're going to learn how to lazy load routes with react router lazy loading is a technique where components not required on the home page can be split into separate code bundles and downloaded only when the user navigates to that page you can think of it as incrementally downloading the application it helps reduce initial load time thereby improving performance for our example let's learn how to lazy load the about page what i first want to do is make the about component bulky on purpose i'm going to go to and generate 20 paragraphs of text i'm going to copy the text and paste it in the about component now i want you to observe the bundle size when the entire app is loaded on initial load open dev tools open the network tab right click empty cache and hard reload you can see that the main chunk is about 10.8 kb and takes 19 milliseconds to load now let's lazy load the about page and observe the difference to lazy load a route we need to use dynamic imports and react suspense step 1 i'm going to comment out the import statement for about page instead i'm going to use the dynamic import syntax for dynamic imports we need a default export of the component in about.js remove the export keyword and at the bottom export default about in app.js use react lazy and dynamic imports so import react at the top and then the about component const lazy about is equal to react dot lazy lazy is a function that takes another function as argument this argument calls a dynamic import so import from the components folder from the about file let's move this to the bottom a promise is returned by this dynamic import which is then converted into a module that contains a default exported react component which of course is our about component so that is our step one step two we include the lazy component as part of the route configuration lazy about let's save the files and head to the browser if i now empty cache and hard reload you can see in the network tab the main chunk has reduced from 10.8 kb to 6.7 kb and time also has reduced from 19 milliseconds to 15 milliseconds we have improved our initial load time but there's a problem if we try to navigate to the about page we're going to see an error in the console a react component suspended while rendering but no fallback ui was specified to fix this error we have to use the suspense component from react in amp.js i'm going to wrap the lazy about component with react suspense so react dot suspense opening and closing tags will wrap the lazy about component on react suspense we have to specify a fallback prop which can be any react element for now i'm going to leave it as the text loading if you now go back to the browser network tab home page empty cache and hard reload you can see the main chunk is still 6.8 kb if i clear the network tab and navigate to the about page you can see that a new chunk of code is downloaded this chunk corresponds to the about component in our application now we don't see the fallback loading text as the size of this component isn't large if you do want to ensure the fallback element is loaded throttle the network speed to slow 3g go to the home page empty cache and hard reload navigate to about and you see the loading text this is pretty much how you can optimize the initial load time with react router react suspense and dynamic imports while you haven't reduced the overall amount of code in your app you've reduced the amount of code needed during the initial load and if you think about it as the application grows in size and more third-party packages are installed the bundle size bloats up causing the initial load time to be very long this is a common scenario when you're building analytics apps where the data visualization libraries are huge and affect the performance a few users might not even be interested in the charts in which case you can lazy load such routes well then thank you for watching please do leave a like if you're enjoying the videos and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Codevolution
Views: 111,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Codevolution, React Router, React Router Tutorial, React Router Tutorial for Beginners, React Router for Beginners, Lazy Loading, Lazy Loading in React Router
Id: MJn4W7pR6RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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