React Native vs Xamarin

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hi everyone my name is Tom I'm today with Roddick our senior mobile developer in the world and we have to die few questions regarding mobile development and comparison between xamarin or native development we've react native which is very very popular in those days now especially in Scandinavia where we have few products Radek you're very experienced developer in native development in the marine development mvvm cross and everything around and also we are involved in react native products so if you would have to compare xamarin native development with react native what is the the the biggest differences what can you tell us well the main difference is language okay we have C sharp language on a ones some are inside a submarine yeah yeah and in react native we deal with JavaScript and derivatives of that okay so this is the main difference anything else yeah the structure of the project is different we have the core part on the marine project in the marine projects and data access part and then we have also platformer parts Android and iOS parts which use data access and core so this lets say the the common they share code is struggle between it with platforms in case of react native we also share the code button there is such option to share a hundred percent of code if we go really standard with now some fancy maybe that's not the good word the app created in react native can be fancy but should i think should be standard okay so we in in case of react native we shouldn't think about user interface like pixel by pixel but more to be focused on using the standard controls components because in react it is a bit harder to do more fancy stuff than the marine or native control maybe not fancy but custom custom yeah it might only be fancy in okay so now the next question if for example we have a customer who came to ask to leave ur with product and we need to develop to develop mobile application but client didn't decide yet if it should be done in react native in summary or in native technologies yeah in your opinion when we should consider react native when we should consider other technologies well when the project deals with usual cases like forms like some social contents sharing social contents and then react native for sure we will be enough or will be good choice of course xamarin also would be yeah great we could but we probably think that but I don't know if it wouldn't be too heavy tool to do with some simple application ok so if we talk about simple applications with more standard user interface then we can use react native fragment if it's very good choice if we are going to deal with something more sophisticated or we are not sure what will happen in next 6 months and how sophisticated user interface will be then it's better to use the marine or develop in native totally native way yeah and ok so so this is the I think that this is very when you are going to the crowd when when you are going to implement some cases where you use on other apps and connect it to your app and use some libraries which deal with some equipment out so outside of application ok so some system may be doing we are connecting with another systems which are controlling our which are controlling the application ban is better to use as a Marine yes because you have better control over everything okay oh but I think if there would be experienced react native developer he could he or she could write solve such a problem because in reg native you can also write custom components which can be directed directly connected to the operating system but then you need some skills in developing in native technologies coadley in java or in case of iOS objective-c or Swift yes okay so I don't I don't I will not tell that it's impossible but it's harder it's Carter great ok so the next question you did you were involved in many projects in summer in native development now you are more and more in react so if there is a developer with experience in let's say native development who would like to start developing react native what challenges are in front of what would what could you advise to such people yeah what they should let's say focus on consider what kind of problems they may might my general advice especially for developers who start playing dealing with that is not to fix just in one language just in one technology because [Music] the situation changes and appear on the market and you can't develop in yeah you can you can do something what you do since sometime you can now do it much faster more precisely in new technology you shouldn't stay in your box and keep your for example your c-sharp your late 80s okay great so yeah so that was general advice to know and to this what you asked exactly I think these react native languages are not very difficult for to learn because they and their syntax is is the one we know from from basic web development which even mobile development this language is people seen some parts of code in that I think not only programmers but compute dealing with computers yeah from time to time see the source and that's it that's the JavaScript that's CSS exactly C and yeah and it's it's worth of that it's this what you will get from react native is worth and also we see that and more clients are looking for some lightweight let's say ways to develop their applications especially when we talk about miniball minimal Minimum Viable products the simple apps which should be developed very fast and then react native is good choice to and work with yeah I think I should mention why is it faster why yes so so the next question why development in react native master may be faster than in the some are in native or native technologies yeah I think the main difference in developing apps environments is that when you apply some changes in code in summary if you would like to see that's what you got in your app you have to rebuild it okay and it takes some time okay of course faster computer will do it faster in short a time but it's always about two minutes wait when you're waiting and looking at the progress bar and in react native when you do some changes maybe not adding libraries because then you would have to rebuild okay but when you make some changes in JavaScript or this CSS which is or you will add the screen you don't have to grab it yeah everything okay so this is on a daily basis when you do it many many times during the day sometimes be imagine that you have to change on your UI from 5 pixels to 10 pixels and check if the UI if it's as it looks like you'd like to them on submarine you would like you would have to rebuild it okay and you know react nate if you just shake your phone and press reload or you can see simply enable automatic refresh on Save Changes and then your it works yeah maybe you you will have to navigate to that place but still it's nice to recompile everything and it doesn't take so long time so that's the place which can save a lot of time okay Roddick so thank you very much for your answers I think that they are very helpful for many people and yeah it's everything for today so guys thank you very much have fun have fun we've react native development and if you have any additional questions anything around mobile development just ask us and we will answer with pleasure yep okay bye thank you bye
Channel: LEAWARE
Views: 4,779
Rating: 3.8059702 out of 5
Keywords: xamarin, reactnative, mobiledevelopment, itproject, leawareteam, mobileapps
Id: pr_0L9i-VCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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