React Native & Golang tutorial | Let's build a ticket booking app

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all right so let's start by doing a quick demo of the app I'm going to look in as a manager on Android and I'm going to login as an attendee on iOS so as a manager let's maybe create an event let's call this Ted and the location maybe Madrid and for the date let's say it's going to happen tomorrow all right so there you have it it's our event we could also update some fields and we could also do deleted and it's not going to show up here anymore let's create that again Madrid uh tomorrow cool so as an attendee let's now refresh our list so we can see the event we just created and we can buy tickets so we bought our ticket now let's go to my tickets and the ticket we just bought and all of the tickets that we buy will show up here we only have this one for now so let's open it up and we have some basic info in here uh the name of the event uh location the date and time and we have a QR coding here which is just some basic info uh of this chick which is the chick IG and the IG of the owner of this chage which is just the the user ID and this this information is obviously encoded and let's maybe now show up how we going to how we can as a manager validate these tickets which is basically scan these tickets with the camera and validate them we're not going to do that in the simulator in here because it's just a simulator and we're not going to be able to really use a camera in here so what I'm going to do is use my cell phone to do that I'm logged in as a manager and we can see the event in here we just created and let's open up the skin Chet screen which will just let's open the camera now that we have our camera open Let's scan this QR code in order to validate the ticket so let's go back on the ticket screen and see what happens so our chck is not available anymore because we just use this and let's create another ticket just to validate again so our list is updated and we have our new chck in here ready to be us it let's SC this one cuz this one is validated and that's it that's it for the demo so let's now maybe start building the app
Channel: Vaillant
Views: 252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reactnative, android, ios, programming, go, golang, mobile development, software engineering, app development, programming tutorials
Id: rYeeCTfSyXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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