Reacher and Roscoe's Relationship Timeline | Reacher | Prime Video

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I know you're scared but I'm scared it's natural but someone has an intent made on their life you know I was recruited by the FBI and Central Intelligence scored a 99th percentile in IQ but only an 80 on the sideka value want to know why Yukon descending interpersonal skills a lack the ability to tolerate horse [Music] come on move faster than that sir if you step over here I can process you I'm not asking sir I'm telling but don't worry I won't kick your ass unless you make me the hell I could have hit you I don't need a babysitter and I don't need you screwing up my investigation first this is not your investigation second babysitting some giant vagrants hardly my dream this time and I could be out there looking for who killed your brother so stand down and let me do my job because I'm very good at it if you were very good at it you wouldn't have been trying to follow a man on foot in a police car it didn't go as planned this one's special you need stitches no I don't fun super glue it is I figure it plans to go to Hubble's house and dig your thumb into his eye until he tells you why I confessed to a murder he didn't commit something like that yeah well I'm gonna be there to make sure that doesn't happen now I can either follow you the whole way or I can save the shoe leather and get in the damn car I can't talk right now there's been another murder police chief Morrison for the record I didn't do it I know did you stake me out all night last night you wanted to go everywhere with me you see anyone under six five come near this house shoot him at least five eight yup are you taking that knife you want to give me your gun that's what I thought foreign are you kidding me I just told you to be careful with that thing never trust a weapon you haven't personally test fire the past few days you lost one brother and had four fights if anybody needs a drink it's you there's a Roadhouse just across the border in Alabama nobody knows you there cold beer Hot music well you got to behave maybe they'll even play that blue stuff you like it's not a Twist Off show off oh excuse me tastes on my birthday daisies are my favorite what about you snapdragons cool name hard to kill yeah yeah that sounds like somebody I know sorry I didn't have anything on my truck your son is sworn I had a paint tarp or circus tent funny I got a sampling from the vending machine clock bars are the best have these at every PX on every base I ever lived at when I was a kid no matter where we were at the time Joe and I could always find a clock bar you want half no prefer's agnet no one prefers Saginaw excuse me what are you eating right now read me the flavor rate it out loud spicy Cajun crotators there you go I'll take a Clark Bar uh-oh they're playing Patsy you know what that means no we gotta dance practically the law I Don't Dance you're telling me that your mama never taught our sons how to dance did when I asked people to dance it usually precedes a lot of punching good thing I'm doing the asking come on Frankenstein's monster you see family is a special kind of pain when my parents died I was old enough to remember all of it and young enough to understand none of it thank you you're hurting and he still tried to comfort Molly path [Music] Joe's right [Music] you're a good man looks like a punch listed as soon as I fire we run in opposite directions in order to hit us if we split up one three one two three [Music] why do I let myself worry ing [Music] come on [Music] who's watching the door [Music] all right foreign foreign [Music] ER stops at 116. just under the number where he'd be subject to State inspectors coming on his land checking out his operation what operation he has cows and a herd that is not that big let it rest stretch you know it was big if you say the amount of animal feed I swear to God you're not gonna have to worry about Kleiner because I will cut your balls off myself well we had a little excitement you okay yeah yeah we are now we're at a Picard's Place Charlie and the kids are asleep I'm on First Watch it's actually probably just about time for card to spell me we'll get some rest I'll feel Finland you called me first yeah but I just wanted to you know [Music] I miss talking to you too good night Roscoe [Music] [Music] if you ever find yourself wandering by here again [Music] I will what are you gonna do I'm gonna rebuild the town my family bill [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prime Video
Views: 588,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prime video, amazon prime video, prime, prime video movies, prime video series, reacher, reacher prime video, prime video reacher, alan ritchson, malcolm goodwin, willa fitzgerald, suspense, drama, action, reacher fight scenes, reacher prison fight scenes, reacher best scenes, reacher shorts, reacher slaps rich boy, reacher first fight prison, reacher badass moments, reacher the beginning
Id: -MFv2DTGwiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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