Reacher and 110th Kills A M Season 2 Episode 8 Finale

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you're not lsted no [ __ ] get inside it must be some mistake I don't know any of you people sorry to disappoint your little scientist friends being held in the barn with the pilot you killed our friends over this stuff you killed them I I understand that you're upset but I didn't kill your friends I didn't even know them but I know you you don't care how many people die so long as you get your finders fee arrest me and get it over with we could do that but bet a guy like you probably got a top-notch lawyer on speed dial we'll give you one chance tell us who you're selling the weapons too oh I'm sorry that would ruin my reputation and my business not that I would expect any of you to understand I can see that you're idealists besides your issues aren't with me I don't fire the weapons I'm the middleman it's it's just business you think that makes it better yes I do between the seller of the gun or the user I prefer to be the seller the base mindset that a person has to embrace to actually pull the trigger is no better [Music] n
Channel: NukemDead
Views: 714,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: a5AgeGn2j2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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