Re: The Entrance Exam (Episode 1) | Re:Alignment Pathfinder 2E Actual Play

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hello everyone and welcome to realignment this is our very first campaign uh on our very first show using the pathfinder second edition rule set we are super excited to be here uh also very very nervous uh as you can tell my name is gianni i will be the gm for this campaign i'm joined here by our cast tom hi luke hello and claire hello if you're a fan of pathfinder or dnd already um you'll be able to follow along pretty easily but if you are new to either of these games we do have another video which is giving a bit of an introduction into pathfinder second edition specifically um and that's for for people who may be new to role playing entirely so you can go check that out you can also hear a bit more about us and the show itself um we have a bit of a roundtable discussion where we go into a bit of detail about it you can also find that in one of our other videos i would also love to shout out a few people who have really helped us along the way uh it's been a few months in the works and there have been some people who have helped a lot and worked very hard to get us where we are today so our set and prop designers ebony tyler and regan who made all this beautiful stuff that we get to sit and play in um not just for the show but for our you know regular gaming sessions now it's awesome thank you thank you so much um for um cam on the cams making us look well lit and beautiful um uh patty giving us clean and uh rich audio thank you pat thank you pat really appreciate it pat and uh uh ruby green for all of the illustrations that um you're gonna be seeing um as part of this series um ongoingly thank you all so much for the hard work you put in uh hopefully we don't uh [ __ ] it up everyone ready yep no great maybe too bad [Music] in the north of spring heralds a thrum of life and hope frost melts to dew on verdant meadows bees and butterflies throng to blooming flowers and twittering birds welcome adorning land a magic steeps deep into the mountains and the earth hums and people rouse excitedly to a changing season festivals and feasts energize sleepy hamlets and villages while towns and cities become painted with noise and color for the end of winter but there is one event that becomes the talk of the land every year from all murmurs of the common folk to dinner conversation at every nobles table it is the admission of new students to the forge light academy every year hundreds of hopeful entrants from all across the country and beyond travel to the village of phi thest for a chance to make a name for themselves for at the academy the best in brains braun and spirit come together to be the front runners of society future leaders and heroes across all disciplines rise as shining lights to seek a better world to seek truth to seek justice and peace for some to seek fame and notoriety and for many to seek adventure lost secrets and treasures but every legend has an origin and every hero they're beginning so we're going to move now to the seaside town of port yaktura ponyaktura is a loud and bustling town that rises early works hard and drinks by night an old seaside town stone buildings and cobblestone streets wind and sprawl along the bay where a hundred boats sleepily roll from side to side with the tide the light from a tall lighthouse sweeps lazily across the water in the foggy morning there is a layer of grime on the town and its people from the salt water and seagull [ __ ] the heavy stench of fish and salt is inescapable but safe from all the smells and sounds of the street below atop a headland looking out over the bay a beautiful brick manor stands in the morning light a sound of clang clang rings out across the headland as two figures clash swords tom can you please describe your character uh well uh you see a uh young looking uh half elf boy um dressed in a simple uh long sleeved tunic um with a beautiful kind of blue kind of vest that functions as his armor um and at his side normally but now in his hand you see his long dueling sword and he's got long orange hair tied up in a short bun and deep bright purple eyes cool um so your opponent stands a few meters away from you um he's a couple of centimeters taller um he's wearing a like a leather tunic um he's got a much bigger frame than you as well and he's sort of got these dark curls falling around his face he is he's um full full elvish but he has the same purple eyes um that stare back at you and you're you're both panting and and sweating from the exertion of the fight um and as he sort of like looks under you at you from under a sweaty brow goes you know kell if you weren't so garbage i thought you might be practicing well it seems you're more out of breath than i am so you know i could go another round if you want to you could talk all day um and then you hear um a biting enough from the sidelines and um there's a uh a shade cloth sitting um on the edge of the pitch um and you see two figures standing there one is like a shorter elvish man um who has a mess of black hair on his head but he is wearing a finery of of noble regalia and a coat that wears your signature blue house royal blue color standing next to him is your aunt um primera who is the duchess of can home she is much taller than your uncle is um and she has a long blonde hair done up in quite a sort of obnoxious mary antoinette uh updo um and she has the the same purple eyes as you do as well um and she sort of strides out onto the pitch between the two of you as you're sort of like throwing these these banters at each other and she says i did not agree to send you to the academy so that you could indulge that reckless tongue of yours straighten up stop chatting and get back to practice yes aunt fix your grip it's pathetic um and she turns to um she turns to terrace as well and she says um taras quit holding back he needs to learn what it's like to lose um and he goes yes mom um and she she strides back to the shade cloth um and he he looks at you much more seriously now he says um your right foot it's a bit slow on the pivot you can pick it up thanks cousin um and he raises his sword um in a um in preparation so i would actually like you to roll initiative for me please that is going to be an 18. you're going to go first um so uh you are both standing facing off with um sore uh dueling swords practice swords i should add in your hands um you don't have your normal leather armor on so your ac is only 15 currently um and he is sort of circling around you and in that sort of moment of of um of poise and uh as he's sort of like getting back to his position uh you have the chance to to move first so what do you do i'm going to immediately lunge in for a faint and try and draw him off guard on his left side and then pivot and strike it as right great so um so you have three actions every round um so there'll be one action to move up to him uh one action to do a faint uh rommy a deception check yep that is a 19. uh you catch him off guard as you sort of like run in and he sort of like seems a bit confident as you're coming in he's sort of ready for it but then you make the make a quick step um to the side and then uh do a strike a strike yep uh the strike is a 16. uh cool yeah that'll hit so um roll your damage uh two five one cool um cool so uh you catch him off guard and then your sword comes around and he can uh he pivots just in time to sort of like uh knock it off a little bit but you manage to catch him on the side and give him a thwack on the side of his shoulder and he stumbles back i shout aha first blood dear cousin that won't be the last um and he lunges in for you um and he in in turn does his own faint my deception dc will be 16. cool um but you're ready for it and he comes in and he goes to sort of like duck around but you managed to skirt around with with enough speed to dodge it and uh goes for a professor's drag which will not work um and he sort of like dives past you as you as you step out of the way elegant so derivative cousin uh he he raises a sword and you can see that it goes into a parried stance ready for you so he's going to be a bit more defensive coming around so it's your turn again um i'm going to i'm going to uh uh look him dead in the eyes and say you know i've heard rumors in the town that uh well let's just say uh the sword seems to be the stiffest thing around that you possess and uh i'm gonna try bon mart cool um so how does that work uh so bon mart is a uh diplomacy check uh uh basically and if i succeed uh it's against their will dc uh if it's if they succeed they're distracted and they gain a negative perception and that is a 16. yeah cool that works and you see he's like he kind of like like takes a step back and he's like how did you i mean what um uh cool so yeah so you've caught him off guard that's going to give me panache so i'm going to then go in for a finisher attack so tell us what panache is uh so panache as a swashbuckler uh is basically the uh it represents your kind of uh swashbuckly kind of charismatic kind of like prowess essentially so when you have panache you gain a bunch of benefits uh and uh because i am a wit i gain panache whenever i succeed at one liners or or tumbling or any other sort of swashbuckly style acts yeah um and it gives me some bonuses that i can use in some fun ways yeah cool so um yep so uh from from the effect that you see this quip has um you gain a bit of confidence um as you see that he's a bit rattled from it um so uh you you can uh take the rest of your actions what are you gonna do yeah i'm gonna i'm going to move in for a finisher attack um and i'm going to use my confident finisher ability which basically means i make a standard melee attack and if i hit i do a bunch of extra damage cool go for it uh and that will be a 23 note 22 which i assume is going to hit uh yes so it's going to take seven and then uh five damage so that's going to be 13. holy [ __ ] sorry 12 again i can't add 12 total yeah cool so you um knock him and uh you you come on in um and charge and with your your finisher what is like what is your finisher so so as as he gets a bit flustered and comes off balance i'm going to kind of just step smoothly in and just straight on point in the center of the chest and try and knock him knock him knock him back it's a millimeter away from his like it's the perfect smooth kind of step yeah and he's sort of like there and he like just drops it so he's like [ __ ] next time cousin you see um as as you sort of lower your sword down um that your aunt and uncle have already stood up and they're starting to walk off the pitch um and he goes right i've been practicing he um brushes him himself off and he uh picks up his things off the ground and he turns and he says you better clean up cool so you head inside um this this manner there's a couple of um servants um household staff on the inside um the the there's you know peacocks in the yard and like beautifully carved um hedges that are resembling various different animals as you pass a pass on through so uh you'll need to get your things together um uh what do you what do you want to do like while you're in your house for probably the last time for a while um well i'd imagine his trunks probably already packed um he doesn't really have much to take with him a couple books and then his clothes and his sword is pretty much all all he's gonna take yeah um i think honestly he's probably gonna want to go spend as much time with his dad as possible so i don't think he lingers in the manner for too long okay cool so um you you managed to uh get your things together um your aunt and uncle actually waiting by the door um with your cousin as well once once you're finally packed and ready to go and your aunt says well then you're all set ready as i'll ever be good well um i guess this is goodbye then uh make sure you do not bring shame upon our name i'll do my best tara says come on i'll walk you out i just puff up a bit try and like you know walk out with some boys i think yeah you know um and you head out and uh as you're sort of like walking down to the front gate um terraces how long have you got i think i've got uh an hour or two till the coach comes so yeah okay well um yeah great good you know if you always want to come back and keep your wardrobe here you can you know i appreciate you saying so but uh i think we both know that's not happening and uh try and keep it cool as well you know you know what happens when you get a bit hot-headed and wouldn't want any more uh incidents that was look that was one time okay we paid the tavern keeper it was all squared away okay well good looking out and he holds out his hand for you clasp it uh and as he goes to town i'm just gonna put a hand on his shoulder and say uh i'm gonna miss you cousin yeah the aunt's right you know you are won't be able to indulge that tongue of yours at the academy and it goes and starts to run inside runs away i'll get you someday um you head down to dockside um where the stench of the the town is much stronger the fish sort of permeates your your nose um as you as you head down to the lower streets um there's there's crap everywhere basically um and there's a lot more people sort of hustling bustling and your sort of your second hand but freshly cleaned clothes are probably a little bit out of place down here um and you make your way through the streets to eventually find a small building that sort of wedged between two much larger buildings um there's there's the cry from a market cryo nearby going reef claws reef claws get your reef claws only two silver's a piece um but uh you approach this small narrow shop um an outside is a sign that reads um the mill and swill uh homemade bread and home brewed beer uh yeah and it's it's it's painted like a pastel pink as well on the outside um uh do you go in uh yes yeah you know i i think i clock the the scent of fresh uh fresh baked goods from at least half a block away yep great my pace a little you open the door in like a little um belt eating um as you head inside and instantly that that fresh um baked smell fills your nostrils and there's also a bit of sweetness in there there's like cinnamon um and nutmeg as well um and inside is a quaint little um shop front um there's a there's a shelf against the back wall that contains a lot of fresh bread um but there's like a couple of little tables with with um you know little doily tablecloths um draped over them um and uh a big burly man standing behind the bar turns around and sort of says hello and welcome oh my boy um hello dad um he walks up to you he's he's bald or balding um with a big like walrus mustache and like big burly hairy arms yeah um and he's wearing a a pink apron that says world's best dad on it um and he's carrying a uh he he's carrying like a a couple of loaves of bread under his arm that he was putting up on the shelf but he instantly like just drops him on the shelf and he comes forward and like grabs you into a big hug and he's like you left it late to the morning i uh i had practice yeah oh they're working you too hard up there oh wait i've got something for you um uh and he uh shuffles away and um he grabs a couple of mitts on the way out and he heads into the back room and you hear the sound of like a iron door i hop up on the counter and just kind of sit there wait for him to come back yeah um and he he uh brings out a tray of um freshly baked cookies um that are in the shape of little candles and he says we'll try one yes of course you know you've been making this joke since i was seven right yeah well you know seemed appropriate um and uh uh he's and he grabs one as well and and starts to like just just uh gnaw down on it and he drops the tray onto the side and he says so how are you feeling um a little nervous yeah but um no i i i uh i don't really know what to expect but um do you know can i be honest with you dad always i'm really glad i don't have to see my aunt again tomorrow my boy i'm not i'm not surprised at all you know she was a bit of a weird one um and uh he says uh look why my close-up shop i've got something to show you um and he um grabs a bundle of stuff um from from out behind the counter and it like takes it under his arms like come on oh um yeah okay yeah i'm gonna help him close up the shop and like yeah cool and uh he leads you through the the streets of dockside cooking on the way past um and he leads you through the streets of dockside um down to a small jetty and uh you walk out and then there's a little dinghy which you know is your your dad's little rowboat um that's sort of tied up and he says hop in i've been but um you know that the coach is going to be here and yes yes don't worry about the coach and he hop on in yeah and he jumps in in the whole boat i gingerly sort of step in and like a bit nervously and then kind of like sit down yeah yeah he's like look when we complete uh without one last trip to the lighthouse i thought he uh unties the the rope from the jetty and and flops it in and instantly grabs the oars and like with just a couple of like uh burly um burley against the water yeah the boat just skips across the water really quickly um uh and uh and as as you approach there's there's a um there's the lighthouse um that's sort of like out on a little headland um a bit further out and he says um i remember bringing your ear when you were a small lad uh you and your mother would look for crabs around the rocks it was real sweet and you sort of like um sail out and there's boats in the harbor coming in and out um there's there's um sailors on large ships that are skirting around um you know fresh from fish trolling or um or ventures across the sea and um there's there's one ship that sort of like pulls up sort of like alongside you as they come out there they're singing a familiar song um that you heard a thousand times as you're down these docks um because uh a lot of the time the sailors will be singing around the pubs and and the the places that you've been snuck into with your dad um and they're they're hoisting sails and and like you know grabbing buckets and and you know tying ropes and everything and they skirt past um and as they go past you hear like a couple of the verses as they're singing and they're taking turns sharing the verses and it's going from one man to the other and then a call and response and they're singing when i'm out at sea and far from shore my head and heart and everything so i know i took my chance to roam there's time enough for coming home and then another guy picks up when a siren's cool would call me down and i'd think that i'd surely drown i bless my stars i'd not die alone there's time and then your dad actually stands up on his little jetty um and calls out and everyone says oh it's barling down from the ship um and he um sets up and puts his hand to his heart and he says i grab the boat as it rocks there'll be timer plenty be it one year or twenty but my heart is full of salt and foam um and then everyone joins in there'll be time enough for coming home and everyone cheers yeah and they all like have beer randomly um [Music] um and uh he goes good luck boys um and uh they are way back thanks marlon um and they head out it says uh old sailing buddies used to see them out in the ships do you know absolutely everyone in the sport yep well fair enough and he uh says look um and and sits down um and he says i wanted to have a little bit of a heart to heart with you kel so you brought me out here when i couldn't escape yes i mean the water's there if you want to try no no thanks you know what you are with swimming um and he says look you know that your mother would have been proud of you not as bad as i am but she would have been but the life of a luminary isn't easy um we should know um you might face impossible challenges uh to come i just wanted you to uh to come out here to the lighthouse and and know that if you well if you ever feel lost if you feel like it's too much just know that the lighthouse is going to be here guiding you home and if you wanted to and i'll be right here a bowl of reef claw soup ready hot no questions asked okay you know dad when i was a kid i used to think that thing was the biggest thing in the world and i think i'm ready to see some bigger things but but but thank you i love you dad well come here and he's crying a little bit and brings you into a big bear hug again um but he says uh there's one more thing um and he pulls out that bundle that he um had picked up from the shop and uh he carefully unwraps it with a sort of air of reverence about him and it's very very slow and very intentional um he removes this this canvas cloth from it um and he picks up a uh a dueling sword um it is long straight and narrow in a um in a chestnut dark sheath um and it has a golden and simple uh elegant swept hilt that sort of wraps around the handle of it um and he passes it over to you and he says they brought this back um she always said if anything were to happen to her to uh make sure you get it and well i'm not holding my end of the deal okay um and he passes it over to you um and as you sort of clutch it in your hand you see that um there's a like a swan emblem sort of embossed on the on the hilt of it um and he continues and says it's a shame she uh never showed me how to properly draw it um i guess uh so i'm confident you'll work it out when you're ready um and he puts his hand on your shoulder and says you're going to be as bright a luminary as she was brighter even and i take it and i say uh thanks dad i promise all and then i trip and throw it in the water no no no no no no no no no i uh i uh take it and i rest it gently on my lap and i say yeah i'll try to earn it cool and we'll close that out there with you on the boat um you didn't make it to the carriage in time by the way yeah a little sweaty a little a little uh you know that's it so we move now on to an entirely different terrain uh twin brook is a small hinterland village that is normally quiet all year round nestled on the edge of a small wood it is surrounded by lush green meadows and fields of farms the houses are squat and made of stone with cozy hearts and chimneys and everywhere you go you can smell roast vegetables two fresh small streams cut through the middle of the town dotted with water wheels and where townsfolk can usually be seen on the banks washing their clothes and playing in the water the town is vibrant with life today however with the routine winter clothes festival at this time of year but for you milo the noise of that is like a low hum compared to the chatter of the water the trees and the birds as you make your way deeper into the woods as you're skipping through the underbrush can you tell us what miley looks like um so milo is a um it's very skinny gnome he has black uh hair that kind of fades out into this very warm blue he also has um very bright hazel eyes um and his clothes uh are tetted but um kind of thrown together in a much more tasteful way that it looks like he chose to as this is a style you you make your way through until you find um the the log that sits between two oaks um and uh you go and and take a seat where you have come many times before and you sit down on on the logs of expectantly and waiting um and next to you um in one of the oak trees two bloodshot yellow eyes just slowly open and a gnarled face of bark just rotates around to look in your direction and emerging from the tree um in in in a squat position is a um a tree in um as it sort of takes its its uh first step away from the oak and uh kind of goes hey little sprout hey how you doing good i um i brought you some nuts oh yes and he um holds out these like long like incredibly long legs um he's 18 feet tall like he's he's a he's an oak tree um and he holds out this hand you put like these nuts in these in these branches um in his of his hand um and he just like instead goes like oh so good oh i thought those were good to to give to the squirrels if you wanted company but you know oh each dang it no no no i'm sorry um oh man i really oh man no no it's okay i just goofed it again uh it's okay i've got another gift and then i like go up to him and i get this um small red ribbon and then just tie it to his um tie it to wherever i can cool um he like looks and he's like tired no it's tied can you oh yeah yeah oh man this is so good hey you want some mushrooms how many like points down to his feet and you can see like these these um bright vivid orange mushrooms growing he's like i've been trying these ones out let them grow on me man they're wild if you want some oh those would be excellent on the road um a bit of an experience but i i'm sure it'll be okay i'll take those for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah man uh and he picks off a couple of the mushrooms and and hands them over to you and he says what what do i owe the pleasure coming out all this way into the woods just to say hi to your friend man i'm just i feel so warm and fuzzy inside so great well um i've actually um come to say hi but i've also come to say bye i'm um leaning soon oh man yeah i mean i'm happy for you but where are you going oh well you know i'm going to this academy um i'm gonna try try to make a name for myself um you know how hard it has been here um so i'm just gonna i'm gonna move on um and you won't see me for a while but i'll come back that's that's real man i respect that that's uh you know making a name for yourself that's whoa that's big gnome stuff right there that's big gnome stuff damn oh man ah it wasn't anything i said was it no no absolutely not no absolutely not that's good cause i don't know sometimes i wonder i say the wrong things and you know but look uh i'm sad to see you go i'll admit i'll make sure to say goodbye to all of you know the squirrels and the wombats and the other things yeah yeah uh yeah uh please do i um i'm gonna miss it all really you've you made living here pretty bearable um so i just wanna say thank you for that it's not that kid in town is it do you want to go and beat him up because i'll do it i'll do it for you don't you worry i'm going to set that record straight before i go okay but hey look since uh since you've been giving me all these gifts well i feel like i should give you a gift you know like equivalent exchange and all that good karma pass it on all that thing all right um oh i don't really how much to give you um and he holds out his hand um and snaps off her finger um dude and you oh that's cool now grow another one and he holds it out to you and it's the size of a walking stick he says um you know i suppose you're probably going to be doing a lot of a lot of traveling and your feets are going to get sore and stuff i don't know what it's like for you little no beans my feet don't get sold but i heard it's a thing anyway i think you should have it to help you know carry the burden and all that sort of stuff milo just runs off and gives him a a big hug watch the mushrooms man i've been growing them for a while okay but nah nah i'm just messing with you man come here um and he like scratches you on the head with with one of his remaining four fingers um and and yeah this this staff in your hand is is um uh it's you know it's a little bit gnarled from being you know knuckley um but it's it's he's he snapped it off straight and you can see like the the um these you know rivulets of of um swirls of the bark all the way up it that make it look quite um splendid um and he says hey look man if you haven't named me just call out to the forest and i'll be right there you know absolutely i'm i'm really gonna miss you yeah you do man um and uh you spend a few more moments um sort of in his company just like hanging out um and just chatting about small things and head back into town um so as you're heading back in um you hear some voices um coming from the outskirts of the forest you sure yeah i swear i saw him go in oh i can't see anything you know they say there's some weird things in there i'll know about this look i'm telling you i saw him going there don't you want to give him one last goodbye before you leave and um yeah yeah yeah do uh what do you do ah okay okay okay okay so um milo has this plan um he's uh he's going to dig down into the forest and just get this big handful of mud and then he's going to cast uh ghost sounds um and project them uh far off and down the path um past him and he's gonna hide a bit okay so what are the sounds that you're making um so it's just gonna be like simple rustling and a bit of milo's humming that he does so just very subtly um suggesting that milo's not where he is and further down the track emerging from the track um you see two uh two halflings uh one is a bit skinnier and taller with spiky blonde hair the other one who's a bit squatter who has his um his face looks like it's been sort of squashed in um with with you know a punch he's uh marching down you know this as um pit who has been the boy that has sort of given you grief for all these years yeah no i heard him i heard him here um and they start to scurry off to um the sounds that you projected far away from you he's going to step out onto the track and um behind them and he's going to cast warped terrain which is an illusionary spell that kind of makes the ground uh rough terrain through an illusion and it's just going to encompass them and the ground is going to warp and surround them and kind of just make their travel very ominously difficult so can you tell me about eliza train is it a is it a focus spell or a it is a focus spelling okay cool so um does it have a save on it um i believe it is a will save because i feel like they are interacting with it if you're immediately putting it up um around them they did not fare very well um they're big dummies they're big dummies um and so um uh kurt sort of like grabs pit on the show he says pit something's happening to the ground look it's all it's all getting weird and bumpy um and and pitz's oh order like this it's what they say about forest it's like spirits and things and demons it's demons they will like immediately like just like turn pelt and just start to like run back and they sort of are gonna like intercept run past you as you're following them along oh yeah um i'll step out and they'll just start screaming like hey [ __ ] you remember me um they they immediately like stop in their tracks when you when you um when you step out and they sort of like stumble and grab each other and like look up it says it's him come on come on there's demons we gotta go we gotta go you've made my life here miserable and he's just go he's just gonna tell that um that glove full is just mud yeah cool um give me a ranged attack all right that's a nine nope um so the mud just goes sailing over their heads and they go it's good and they start to just charge after you um uh i think they probably have the same movement speed as you um but because of the illusory terrain um they're sort of like uh start to stumble and trip because like the ground's still moving underneath them um so you're gonna get a head start and uh what do you do i'm gonna run cool so you just like turn and start pelting um and uh before too long you've sort of like exited the clearing and back in twin brook and there's um there's people moving around from the market some it's sort of like late afternoon um and you you start to like move through the people and and you can hear the shouts of the boys behind you you're somewhere up here um and you're sort of like shoving people out of the way and they're sort of you can hear the footballs behind um uh uh is there any way you go what um uh milo's probably gonna head straight home it's probably just this didn't go as planned so um yeah cool so yeah you head down the main strip um and uh of course because it's um it's winter clothes um there's market still stalls lighting the streets and there's fresh food vendors and everything um musicians and and lights everywhere um and so you heads down the um barreling down the main street um and then you hear a um familiar voice um uh and it's the voice of nan she is sitting um with a a flock of wrapped people um around her that are all sort of paying like very strong attention to her as as she's telling a story and you hear her voice um uh as you sort of start running past so i'll quickly realize oh there's there's nan and i'll cast um illusionary disguise on myself and just make myself look like someone um in the crowd and yeah just blend away yeah cool so you turn into a you know unnamed person and you hear the the two boys like pelt past you god i've gone far um and uh they head down the street a bit further idiots um and uh nan is sort of like coming to the close of a story um as as you know she you seen her do many times before she's got like uh she's just sitting on a chair um she is wearing a a multi-color sort of patchwork shawl um she has she's she's a large halfling woman she has a uh a mess of of ringlets that sort of crown around her head um and uh big bright eyes that sort of sparkle as she's telling this story her her hands the entire time are moving and swirling images of light are emerging and floating in the air she's saying and then the demon went up to the steps of the last fall mountains and it was there where it found the last fortress that they would never take but as it was trying to get through it was stopped a single elf stood in the past and um she um conjures forth this image of this um black sort of beast that looks like an enormous dragon that sort of crawling up the mountains and then a solitary um a solitary individual a standing guard against it and she continues the demon approached the elf and said i have raised a hundred towns and villages to this point you do not want to be counted amongst them and the elf stood and said then let no more fall you will not pass through these mountains today demon and so the demon goaded on by the challenge charged forward and took a swipe at the elf and the mountains shook as its blow struck true but when it moved its terrible claw the elf remained brandishing a shiny coppery shield she brings up um this image of this this uh long blonde head elf um wearing this shining plate armor and brandishing this this copper shield for the elf was clypius one of the first luminaries and they have a shield that can never be broken and so the demon said well elf i shall continue on my way to the fortress beyond and i shall destroy it be darned with you but the elf was wise and claipius said you would destroy 101 cities but could you live down the fact that you were defeated by one elf and the demon roared and it charged forward and it swung again and again to try and beat down the elf but they stood and for seven days and seven nights they fought there in the mountain pass until a comrade of clypius arrived a dwarf by the name of gladius who brandished a golden sword that could cut through anything and they charged down the mountains with an entire legion of giants for gladius was a natural leader and he was the only one who could summon all of the tribes of giants together and with their combined might they came for seven days and seven nights to try and bind the beast together and when they had it pinned gladius stepped forward and struck the demon in its chest his sword that could cut through anything opened a gash in its diamond-like hide and the demon roared in pain and it knew this battle was lost so it fled the mountain pass swearing to return another day but there was a third tracking it for seven days and seven nights was the gnome arcus she was cunning and she was smart and she followed the demon till its rest upon a far mountain top she stood across the valley at another peak and only then did she challenge the demon and say your time is done demon you die today but the demon laughed he said you are but a small gnome several mountains away you cannot hope to strike me down from there but argus she raised her silver crossbow which could never miss and she fired a single silver bolt which flew through the mountaintops and struck the demon right where gladius had opened its heart the demon fell and all the citizens from the 100 cities it had raised came that day to pin down the demon each taking from it a single black scale which were the heart of its power and the three luminaries gladius kaipius and arcus arrested the demon and locked him deep underground never to return again and how should i know well i was there 1 000 years ago and i took many scales which i have for you today if you wish to purchase for a single silver piece and she um holds forth a bag um a whole tray of these black shiny scales um and uh people just like surge forward and hold up um pieces and she goes yes yes i wanted to die in one at a time i'll take them all i'll take them all um and uh after a a flurry of exchanges of of pieces and scales she takes them um and she packs up her things um she sees you still in your disguise milo and she says right we best be off then uh and uh she sort of like hurries through um and she spots a couple of guards like down the street she goes right let's go let's go um and uh she continues on um and uh before too long she says uh as you're weaving your way through the street she says where have you been well you know i was just saying goodbye to i know but we have precious few times together and this is the last time i get to see you for a long while you didn't want to spend it with old nan well you were busy trying to sell those scales like see this is true you know we got to make a living somehow um and she takes you around to a back alleyway where no one goes um it's behind like three shot fronts that's sort of like closing together and there's a sort of like little lean too that's been strapped together in there there's a a large canvas cloth that runs down from between the buildings and um you you both step inside and inside is a a strange assortment of like trinkets and and uh weird artifacts and things that have all been sort of just stacked up and piled up together um there's sort of two messy beds that are inside this space and um a stack of books everywhere as well and she says now i hope you've been practicing done your times tables yes done your periodic tables yes and he he does his tell which is fiddling with his ring oh on your periodic tables no well there'll be some light reading for the travels and she picks up a book and like stacks it on you she says and uh how are you feeling you ready to go hi i think so yeah no no i need to get better at this um i i i will be going well that's the truth and that isn't it um and uh she gathers up a few things and she says uh oh that's a nice stick you got there where did you get that from you're not getting it oh dang it would sell for a pretty penny definitely not for sale okay fair enough then enough everyone to their own uh and she uh keeps herself busy she says want any food before you go um i could do with a bit of uh um something with honey if you have any okay yes okay she's got some like old stale bread that she sort of heats up by the fire and um uh gets a little pot of honey that she's like it's only a very little pot but she's managed to sort of like squirrel it away and she like pulls down she says i guess it's a special treat while you go um and uh she yeah puts it on a plate and hands it over to you and she sort of like is busy herself you can tell that she's like trying to keep herself like really occupied like she's not normally this like scattered and she says uh oh yes right um i got something for you on the table over there there is a um you have to push through like a bit of a screen of sort of bells and hanging um herbs and things um but uh by your bedside table um there is a whole platinum piece sitting on the table she says got to pay your way through you know no it's not cheap getting all the way to the academy you know got to pay your wagons got to pay for your food i was going to figure it out well we know how that usually goes don't we um and she has bundled up all of um the books that she wants you to take and and she passes them over to you and she says gotcha spellbook yes you've been practicing i have very recently good because you know if things go south at any point in time you're number one okay look out for yourself absolutely yeah we can uh spend as much time in the world trying to do good but at the end of the day the world is not fair as you know yeah okay she uh pats you on the back and she says now you got to work hard because you know sometimes you can work as hard as you want to things might still not go your way but that just means you have to work even harder okay you know i like the hardest i can keep your uh the tenets of marigold against you um and she sort of like brings out a um an orange sash and she like puts it um on your shoulder and she says remember any lie that serves good in the world may as well be the truth okay yeah you're good right um is there anything else you'd like to do while you're at home um he'll um he'll pull something out of his bag and he'll present it to nan is it nuts no [Laughter] he needs to save those um he pulls out a little wind chime made out of different woods and small iron pieces and he just hangs it up um at the front of the lean-to and says a little bit of a awarding charm for for you know what keep the mites away yes i know i know no no never mind no she winks at you and says yeah good good thank you and she bundles you in for a hug and she says safe travels thank you for everything then you didn't have to take me in but you did and i'm very lucky to have you yep and you'll continue to have me every time you come back and make sure when you're big and famous you'll come back and you know make a nice dinner for me once in a while okay oh yeah absolutely and i'm gonna come back and i'm gonna come back big and famous and you're gonna see all of your work paying off that's what i'm talking about and you set your your um your your chin to the sky um you grab your pack of things uh your purple cloak and put it over your shoulders um and uh your walking stick um a silver penny feeling quite heavy in your pocket platinum penny feeling quite heavy in your pocket and you make your way um and not long after you get out of town um and you're in the wilderness again there's sort of like a twittering of birds sort of keeping you occupied as you try and name each one as you've learned over the years um you hear a voice behind you oh you're joking um and you turn around and pit is standing there um he has a backpack on uh a few things together and he says what are you doing on this road then no i'm gonna become a luminary you will not run and um he starts just like pelt after you um uh can you actually just roman initiative check no uh 14. you get the lead on him um and so you start running in a very familiar fashion away um down um you've got like a a rucksack with like charms and trinkets sort of like jingling on it and you're carrying your staff as well um and you can hear them shouting about get back here but before too long he managed to to lose him in the woods um uh but you know that you're traveling the same road now cool and so with a uh with a sigh you'll set you you set your face to the wind and continue to march forward when you think it is safe let's move forward now and we're actually going to go to the town of 5ast where the two of you are heading separately five asked yeah um the two of you would have left on different days ultimately you are going to arrive on the same day for um the admissions into the academy so high in the last full range sits the sleepy town of faithast nestled in amongst pine forests and mountains ice on high-sloped roofs is beginning to thaw giving the town a glittering sparkle fresh plumes of smoke are rising from the chimneys and people are bustling around as the day begins to dawn it's sort of freshly morning as as you arrive in town some people are going about their daily business going to the bakers going um to the markets but there's actually already a gathering of people um at this early hour um on the outskirts of the village um just by the woods uh where dozens of carriages and horses can be seen um amongst a crowd of people that are already there gathering and there's sort of like a murmur of excitement um in the air um and there's a voice that sort of rings out as the two of you make your way into that crowd um and the the voice sort of sings out above everyone a bit louder than you would expect admissions please make your way to the front of the crowd uh make your farewells timely and refrain from dramatics please um and uh you see a a rotund man standing atop a soap box uh at the head of the crowd um he has sort of like slicked black back hair like a little like pencil mustache um and a like ostentatious like suede plum suit on um and he is sort of ushering this excited group of people forward um and you can see in the crowd there's individuals of all backgrounds um mostly youthful um but a lot of them are you know varied ages um they're all carrying various bags equipment weapons of all different of all different kinds um but there's a larger crowd behind them that consists of of families that are animated with you know hugs and tears and reassuring smiles amongst them um and you hear the voice again say please leave your horses and carriages at least 50 feet away from the crowd please so that we can get everyone in nice and close as he's sort of saying that a carriage with these um uh white horses like pulls up um in the front of the crowd um and uh you see like uh like a small frown like a flash across his face and he says sir sir please do not park your carriage there um and uh the carriage doors burst open and um these two quite noble looking um uh members of the family sort of like step out um and there's a small boy that sort of like trails out behind them and they're carrying like these suitcases that are like too big for them like stumble out he's got like mousey brown hair and big sort of like glasses and freckles you hear i said um and then instantly the entire carriage lifts off the ground into the air um as the the sort of stallions are winning and sort of pouring it thin air and the entire carriage moves 50 feet back and just plants gently duck back down onto the ground um and you turn back and you see that the man on the box is just sort of like gesturing and he says please step back very good then i think this is probably everyone so let's uh move on with the formalities i am dean pomus of the ford flight academy i am here to monitor your admissions into the academy today it is my great honor to officially welcome you to the entrance exams of the academy um he takes a moment to dab his forehead with a a small kachife and he unfolds a scrambled up piece of paper from his breast pocket um he says you're no doubt all here because you believe that you are worthy of the title of luminary and are ready to be grand adventurers heroes and politicians like you've heard about in stories rest assured that a lot of you are not destined for such prestige and such illusions may not be productive to society and he says do not fear though the exam that you will be attending to today up at the the academy will uh do to serve the wheat from the chaff uh and so if you are in fact deserving of tuition at the academy you have nothing to worry about um the carriages behind me uh we'll take you up to the academy grounds for the exam the journey will likely take most most of the day uh you are not permitted to leave the carriage at any point there are many unknown unknown dangers in the forest but as long as you keep your heads you shall be fine the only times that you may leave your carriages are for short stops designated and permitted by your coachmen do not hold carriage up on your stops as anyone who is not at the academy by exactly sundown will be permitted no entry no exceptions please when i call your name would you please step forward place your luggage into the first carriage in the line and promptly take your seat inside uh you have all uh written to us with your letters of application uh so we have all of your names here um and so he unravels a scroll and he begins to sort of like uh read down aaron aaronson um and there's a hush of anticipation over the crowd um and he calls out um lethal fiery um and a slender elven woman sort of skips forward skittishly sort of startled by her own name him full of stuff um and another one uh lorik baltask another one um and he pauses and once these three sort of arrive um at the first coach you see a coachman turn around and greet the three passengers talking to them briefly and once uh once they all step inside the doors close and the carriage takes off trundling down a road into the woods and another one sort of like pulls up to take its place and he keeps going down the list uh talon finnadore juniper bryce and you see the small boy with the mousey hair sort of run forward um quite nervously uh pit humble bun um and you see uh um sort of emerge from the other side of the crowd and he's like confidently stepping up and he walks up to the carriage and eventually um you hear kellen barlinson yep i i i try and saunter up towards the the carriage very uh uh very confidently um and throw my bags in and as i go to the carriage i trip land like straight on the ground in front of everyone you hear like a giggle like behind i just get off and just get in the cage how embarrassing um milo abdolish milo just bolts through the legs that he has to get through and then he brushes himself off and does the same doesn't trip though and uh the dean kind of like frowns at a second at the the parchment says beetroot sunrise any kind of like looks out oh is there a oh that's me that's me yeah hi sorry yes hi and i'd do the front please yes okay and i walk up and i'm not meeting your eyes but like i'm kind of like glancing and um what does beetroot look like um so how tall are you as a half elf reasonably like like five ten maybe closer to six okay so i'm like about six five six six or so um so uh half orc um and i'm like a sort of light purple lilac-y kind of um color and my ears are like a little bit pointed as well which is a little bit unusual um and i've i've got a beanie on at the moment because it's quite cold so you can't really see but you can kind of see like some hair that seems to be tucked up in its dark hair and dark eyes and little little tusky boys um and just kind of wearing like a non-descript kind of green tunic and breeches and i got a big big pack and i just seem extremely like unprepared for traveling um there's also like i'm kind of like holding my my hands just kind of over my like chest area and if you look closely it looks a bit damp okay cool um so uh you um the three of you arrive at the coach um and you've already chucked your bags onto the onto the rack at the top um and there's a coachman there he's got like a wide broadband hat on a big bushy beard he's a he's a human with a big pot belly um and he says all right everyone in uh we've got a long journey ahead of us just be careful of the floor under your feet there sir um any points that um you as you're sort of like climbing and he says bit war damage under the rug put your foot right through it if you're not careful uh but everyone in um and you you'll pile in um and he uh pulls out a fine gold key from around his neck um he shuts the door um on on the three of you once you've all sort of settled in and are sitting inside and he turns the lock and instantly all like the handles on the the inside of the carriage grip and a blue shin around encapsulates you inside and you hear like a muffled like all right from outside um and he sort of like pats the wagon and like jumps up on to the front of it um and uh he uh gives like a hug and the the carriage saucer trundle and the three of you are left sitting there in silence uh i'm sorry but do i refute you know how dangerous this forest actually is um uh i don't i don't really know i've i've not heard of it before um have you um have ig uh you can roll a nature check for me and that is an 18 18 cool um yeah you would know that uh from from hearing sort of like uh uh tales from like researchers and things who have sort of come and done expeditions through the woods and these parts that the there are woods surrounding the academy and up into the last four mountains that people generally like to leave alone they're not usually like typically you know places of extreme danger um to stay out of but uh people sort of have a bit of superstition around them you know there's there's generally magical things in this area so um if you're not equipped you don't want to be wandering around in the woods by yourself recalling that knowledge i just give a slight smile to these two and i say yes i do know but it should be fine as long as we don't enter that i just don't know about you but i've never been in a carriage that has an actual force field before doesn't that seem a bit uh well concerning it is a prestigious academy um maybe it's just to keep us excited all that business about not leaving the carriage or anything like i'm sure it's fine okay i think if we just stay in the carriage then we don't have anything to worry about like like they said right i guess so i guess we'll just kick it and i uh chug her foot up on the seat i'm just like anyway name's kel i'm uh milo um and i'll stand in my seat just to look a little bit on eye level with these guys uh pleasure minor i'm sorry i didn't i didn't quite catch your name oh um my name's beetroot um beetroot sunrise um uh you if you want you can you can just call me b you're gonna have to give me that one again i'm sorry did you say your name is beetroot sunrise yeah it that that's a that's a normal name right sure yes no wonderful uh lovely to meet you it's really nice to meet you too oh uh hang on don't want a cookie what sort of cookie is that is that in the shape of a candle yes it's a old family joke uh the honey and almond oh honey and this basically looks like sits down and starts it just starts eating it straight away i like eat most of it but then i like there's a couple of crumbs and i just like put them down my shirt [Laughter] the journey continues um you uh probably um uh you milo you're sort of like listening to the twitterings of birds outside they're slightly muffled but you can still try and identify them and make them out as you wait i i'm snoring i'm a sleeper yeah within like 20 minutes yeah just like you just have like the whole like backseat of the car yeah yeah just as soon as you're in a moving vehicle it's like not uh yeah and so you're like listening to the birds um outside i'm like glued to the window just yeah if you're looking outside and you're you're quite intent can you give me a perception check please i certainly can nine not great cool um great so yeah you're looking at the window um there's there's dappled sunlight from the canopy above that is um flickering in your eyes as it passes through the trees um the forest floor is a rich green of burns and impressive trees that sort of rise much higher than most trees that you've seen back home um the for a very split second there is a um there is a motion um in the trees but you don't quite catch it i just try and like squint see if again must be nothing [Laughter] what must be nothing oh um i just i thought i saw something but i think it was just a shadow oh yeah it was probably just a bird you continue on the snoring is uh saw blades in your ears um you're sort of like trying to drown out the sound of the snoring by like focusing on like the sounds of the outside um but before um before too long uh you've probably been traveling for maybe a couple of hours at this point you notice something there is no bell birds anymore outside it is it is silent um the birds have stopped entirely um and at that moment the wagon sort of like slows a little bit um it trundles to a stop the horse is kind of just like padding along but the wheels just slow down um and eventually the the wagon comes to a stop um and the you can see the wagon driver the coachman through the a front window um and he's just sort of like sitting um sitting still i will um excuse me and i like try and knock where wherever yep so you wrap on the glass um trying to end get a look at him i'll peek the same way he kind of like tilts his head a little bit as i was like trying to like look at something in the distance and he just keeps tilting and keeps tilting and slides off the front of the carriage and collapses onto the ground outside oh no um and i immediately open the door to the character it's locked [Music] um i i wake up um our friend here um there's something something's wrong oh what what the the the carriage man he's on he's he's on the ground he's slid off um he's what um you look out the window and you see sprawled on his back is the coachman um his his eyes and mouth are sort of like rolling open and there is like blood trickling from from his mouth oh my god harder and harder and then i'm just gonna start trying to like kick the door to open it up yeah so you're kicking the door and this like blue shield goes as you're as you're trying to bang up against it okay we need to get out of this to help him what do we do um does anyone have an idea either of you spell casters well yeah um but he did say and i'll like um open up the carpet from when the oh yeah yeah so you lift up the rug um and there is indeed like a bit of water damaged wood underneath it um that looks like it has some rain sort of like pool in so the wood is looking a little bit um uh yeah like rotten away um do you want to try kicking all right stomp stomp can you give me athletics check as you try and um kick your way through the floor thirteen thirteen cool um yeah so it it it doesn't take much for the floor to just what are you doing at this time uh uh i'm just trying to like scan the either side of the road while they're trying to open the uh the hole in the floor because it's a bit crowded i figured i'd just have a look outside and see if i can't see anything uh yeah you uh glance outside give me a perception check that is a natural 20 heck hell yeah yes my laser eyes go through time oh my god um oh hey my dear okay yeah no my dad's making sourdough he waves um uh yeah okay well in that case with the 20s so that means that's a critical hit um critical success i should say uh with that i'll actually give you um you are looking through the trees um and you're you're scanning everything quite frantically um and as you sort of like vision like pans here and here and here um for one moment it rests and there is a figure standing in the trees the figure is about eight feet tall it is wearing a long dark shimmering purple robe that is almost alien like it looks like you're looking to space itself almost um and the weirdest thing about it is its face or lack thereof because on its shoulders is a smooth white egg of a head with nothing but a strange geometric pattern sprawled across the face of the the thing um and it looks so out of place in this natural environment and as you're sort of like glancing around you're like what and then like look back and it is gone and i i turn and i say it's okay guys i know what you do we just need to find the eight pages hidden in the forest and then we can get out and everything will be fine okay no i i actually i turn and i say um there's a there's a thing there's a what it's a it looks not from around here tall like bizarre looking didn't have a face it's eight feet tall purple it doesn't look particularly warm and wholesome and inviting so perhaps if we're going to go outside we should use caution at this point it's like as the floor falls out from underneath your feet um but you um feel your foot like hit against the the surface of the the ground be careful it was if it was touching us i think i'm getting i'm getting the carriage man give me a sec and i jump out or jump down and then like wait wait wait we'll all go out together i'll cover you back i'm i'm already okay i'm gonna try and follow up i'm like climbing on because i imagine i imagine there's enough space under the carriage for all of us to kind of like crawl yeah yeah you can only get it down crawling through everything um and yeah you you start to like shuffle out um and uh you see the body of the coachman lying a few feet away um but from what you can see the road is entirely empty i'm crawling over to him and i'm going to grab him and pull him under the carriage season and grab him pull him under what are you guys doing um i i am i am going to like we're all under the carriage still yeah yeah i think i'm going to try and um uh uh sort of turn uh back behind us or and see if there's any other carriages coming up the road because we were in a convoy right you were yeah so i'm going to try and look around to see if there's any other carriages nearby or any lights in the distance yeah cool yeah so you um you spend some time like looking down the road but it is um just a straight narrow road there's um there's the the shade of the trees um forms just like a black void um at the end there's sort of a few um leaves falling but other than that there's just the sound of a breeze what time of day it was did you say uh it's you've probably been charming for a few hours so it's probably like uh about midday maybe one o'clock at this point okay yeah um uh the horses like with the the coachmen that have fallen over um start to get like a bit antsy and they start to like buck and and like do winnie a little bit do any of you do either of you know how to do any experience with horses because i've ridden a couple but i don't know how to drive a coach necessarily i'm uh i'm more used to dealing with the stuff that they don't need anymore right we'll unpack that later um i you milo ah no sorry okay can i check if like the coachman is he like alive oh you can do a medicine check for me please that's not gonna be great but we'll we'll see what is with my garbage ten ten uh cool so yeah you you check for a pulse um he is not breathing he has no pulse but he's unresponsive his eyes are staring like into the abyss and he's not breathing he's not breathing okay um i'm gonna start like doing terrible cpr get him in the carriage i'm gonna try and calm the horses down and get us moving again oh okay i'll cover you yes um and i'm going to uh uh crawl out uh and get up and try and first of all try and like calm the horses down and then try and get up on the carriage and get us moving again great um so i think oh god i'm gonna screw this up i think nature is handle animal is it oops that's gonna be fun i don't know if it's survival on nature hang on one sec i'm gonna be real with you gianni it's not gonna matter yeah command an animal oh okay well it's a six cool so what do you do to calm them down uh well i i imagine like coming from an estate i've ridden horses before but i've never dealt with them when they've been tied to a carriage so i'm going to try and like go in and gingerly like pat them they instantly rear up as you get forward no that's okay the the carriage starts to like roll forward as they start to like start to um uh belt and i'm just gonna try and jump up on the on the coach seat and and try and get things under control yeah so you jump up on the coach seat um what do you two do as the as the carriage starts to be nice i could use it use a bit of a hand out here all right all right all right um i'll jump onto the um to the coach as well and just um try and calm down the horses as well okay cool um so you critically failed um to handle the animals which is why they're gonna bolt um and so the whole carriage starts to like lurch forward um and no matter like what you can do as you as you jump on what are you doing with the body so well i would had dragged him back underneath the carriage and was putting him back into the carriage the carriage starts to roll as like as his legs start to like drag along the ground holding on do i need to do some acrobatics there yeah i'll get you to do an athletics actually to just hold on to the bottom of the carriage this is some western [ __ ] yeah you're keeping this guy in um that's not bad that's a 25. great so yeah you managed to like push him in at the last moment and then like crawl up yourself as the ground starts to move faster and faster underneath you um can you give me a nature check to try and take over the reins from from kellen you take it i don't want it i don't want it and it's at 18. 18. cool um so you managed to uh grab onto it and study them a little bit um but they're still sort of pelting forward and it takes a little bit of wrangling to manage to actually like calm them down to the point where they're not running but they're still sort of a little bit agitated are you do do you have it under control i i i kind of that's good enough for me i'm going to uh get on top and uh cover us okay just just be careful and i'm going to climb up and uh uh like laying down on the top and just kind of like scanning around giving some more visibility cool um and just kind of sit there ready to deal with what comes yeah so the carriage sort of like slows again down as you'll like manage to gain control you'll get your breath back a little bit you're inside the carriage still with the coachman i'm also going to start praying okay i'm just like here with this body like i've i'm assuming i've been able to climb inside as well um and i'm just like putting my hands on his chest and just okay you've done you've done this before you can do this again help please help um and start to feel this like weird tingly kind of sensation and it gets real bright all of a sudden in the carriage and i'm inadvertently casting lay on hands on the coachman yeah you feel you feel as you have before um this like unknown warmth um course through your body again and down your arms and into your hands um and it pulses like a you know like a defibrillator on on this body um and you see like his chest would like rise up a little bit but something feels really wrong like there is there is like something strange it's almost like you're you're trying to put life into a into a rock like something that's been like you know calcified almost you see he just like collapses back down um he is not moving still i'm really sorry i don't know what else to do um you see uh as as his like chest moved and fell um you see like the gold chain with the key to the coach like um tilt out of his his shirt as well outside um the two of you um as you're sort of like sitting and you're sort of getting your breath back um you hear a yell further down the path a a started ah milo can you get this coach moving um yeah i i think so and i'll i'll try and yeah yeah cool and you and the carriage starts moving hey everyone it's gianni just jumping in here quickly to say thank you so much for tuning in to our first episode uh we're super excited to get the show off the ground finally um so i really hope you're enjoying it there's some really fun stuff coming up in the second half so make sure to stick around until the end since you have made it this far into the video um i would just ask one favor and that's to help us out by please sharing it around um obviously all of the youtube stuff like liking and sharing and commenting is all great and um you should definitely still do that but the best way to help us out right now is to just spread the word we're really excited about the things that we're going to be able to do with this project and we really want to build a community around it so it's going to really help us out by getting the word out there so if you want more from us and more regularly um tell your friends tell your gaming groups tell your tell your family tell people that like actual play shows or are just interested in tabletop in general post about it on your discord servers and on reddit or on twitter you can use the hashtag realigners it's what we're going to be using for now especially if you're here from the start you'll get exclusive bragging rights uh you can say you were here before it was cool so there's that as well and one last thing this is going to be a very organic process and we want to shape it with the community so if you ever have any feedback if there's things that you liked or didn't like if you have things that you want to see more of or if there are things that are problematic that we've touched on please let us know through this feedback form that we're going to be setting up i'll post a link in the description below everything that comes through there will take very seriously um as much as we like reading through comments on on reddit and and and twitter um this is the place that we will be collecting most of our data and that we will uh be reading through so if you want to have your voice heard about the show then please submit it through there and together i think we can really grow it into something special well you're probably sick of my voice already so uh please enjoy the rest of the episode [Music] a few minutes of traveling down the road um ahead of you you see a um a scuffed up area on on the middle of the road with uh what seems to be some some splattering of blood as well what do you do from my position on top of the carriage i'm going to scout around to see if i can see anything cool give me obsession check 15. you notice that some of the um the the trails like there's a disturbance on the ground it goes off into the ferns to the side of the track but you don't notice anyone or anything around uh i don't see anyone around but there's there's some tracks leading up that way um what do we do i i think we should keep going just leave them you saw what happened to the you see what happened to the coach driver and that could very much happen to us i can't just leave them actually hang on how is the coach driver anyway yeah is that have you stopped the carriage we should we should we should stop and check down yeah so you pull up next because i don't know what's going on yeah go get down and knock on the door um it's muffled outside yeah i i don't want to like undo the force field that's that's the thing so i'm just gonna climb out the bottom again just poke my head out um what's going on out there um there's i think somebody else got attacked there's a there's a uh disturbance in the road but we can't see anyone oh um i guess we better help them yes that's what i was saying okay and then i uh no how how's the coach driver um i think he's suffering from a slight case of death oh and and i i tried but i it didn't work she did your best um we should uh we should we should keep moving then well i mean no i mean like into the forest to look for these others yeah yeah um just give me a second and you hear like a kind of weird noise and i'm that's like a muffled but i i take the thing from out of my shirt which you don't see and i'm leaving it in with the carriage and then i pop out yep cool and normal cruel and normal but i also are our um belongings in the carriage with us or are they like on the back top okay they're on the top of that damn it yeah you'll chuck them up there when you cool i'm gonna get out and then i'm gonna go grab my sword on my shield yep i'm gonna grab my hand crossbow and shove it in my boot so you grab your equipment milo pulls out a little mirror licks his thumb and presses it presses his thumb against the mirror it says god damn it okay well it seems we've all got everything we need i think whatever that meant um does anyone is anyone good at tracking at well tracks trails uh body sliding away into the woods marks these trails they don't literally look like they're made by a carriage that's pulled off or by um things uh no it doesn't look like a carriage um it looks like uh someone potentially has like it looks like an individual has gone off in this way but um you can try and do a survival check um if you would like to try and identify the tracks and and see where they go um while it's happening is there any feed for the horses on top of the carriage um i'd go up and i thought yeah i think there probably would be yeah it's a long journey so yeah i was just going to drop some hay in front of the horses so they remain a bit docile yeah sure yeah so yeah i think there definitely would be um some supplies up there because it is a long journey so yeah you can find because we are abandoning our only form of transport yeah yeah you find um some hay you find a couple of biscuits uh driver skits for them as well um and some sugar cubes if you wish just try and keep complicated and so you can give them a few like snacks and they seem to appreciate it they they sort of like give a now you to be good don't you go anywhere we'll uh we'll uh we'll need you later okay column they say another day oh my god i can talk to horses so what did you get we've got a i got a 16 16. cool uh yeah so you can tell that at to begin with there's um footsteps in the dirt as they sort of make their way through um but then the prints become less discreet and it looks like they've maybe gotten down on their their knees and have crawled for a little bit and you can see that it um brushes its way into the fence is the blood going with it yeah there's a small trail of blood with it so um i think someone's been injured and and ran off um okay we did all we could right well i mean we can't just leave them they're hurt we need to go okay i'm going in and i just start going in i think i think we should give her some backup don't you i'm just going to say that my shield up there on my sword just remember that there's no exceptions if we don't make it and i the academy in time as as you say that i'm gonna just gently put a hand on your shoulder and say well my friend there's some hay and biscuits there if you need it and then i'm going to walk into the fence that was so rude and i'll just walk follow yeah um so uh this is a pretty perfect time to just uh get into the exploration um activities the the phase of the game so um uh you said you were moving forward with your with your shield raise so um when uh we enter into this sort of like exploration mode um you can each have an uh activity that you participate in for that time unless like um circumstances change um so uh if you're raising a shield and sort of like keeping guard you would actually be doing the defend action which is you move at half speed with your shield raised but it means that you have it ready for anything that comes out you don't have to then try and like pull it out last minute it's probably um likely that milo you might be trying to detract to try and follow the tracks through if you want to maintain that and that leaves kellen you can decide what you want to spend this time doing um how are you sort of behaving i think i'm probably going to go with um uh probably go with scout just because someone has to keep um our back kind of watched yep so you're sort of like moving around um a little bit to the sides and to the back to just sort of like keep um keep your eyes fixed on the forest while these two sort of like follow the tracks i think they've got it up front so yeah yeah so yeah you're keeping a good eye out which means that uh when you get into an encounter you're going to give everyone a plus one two initiative because you'll get to um give them a full warning of it um and it's it's because of that and and probably all of your efforts combined um that eventually you um follow the tracks into a clearing and there is in fact um someone's that seems to be lying out in the middle of the clearing um but it's strange they are a halfling um a halfling man it looks like uh from what you can make out because they seem to be wrapped up in some kind of shimmering web um as they are uh lying on the ground and you can see as you sort of look around that there's this like thin uh sheet of of silvery sheen that covers the ground around you what do you do i'm gonna see if i can like pick up a rock or something and throw it onto the silvery whatever instantly it catches in the air in front of you and stays motionless because right in front of you which you haven't been able to see with your with your observation is a very thin layer of fibrous webs um in between the trees um stretched in front of you and the rock is now sort of like sitting like in there okay that that's unusual yes also i don't particularly like spiders oh and this is this is looking like something adjacent to that so um but we have to can you see the spiders anywhere by by my best guess if we cut the web or disturb it it'll come running basically um so we need to find a way to get in there and keep it i don't know distracted or something well where does it attach to the is it attaching to the trees here it'll come from anywhere and i'm well i'm gonna go inspect like a close tree and see if i can find where this webbing is attaching to the tree cool great um do me a uh obsession check me yeah it's it's it's very complex um and this sort of web is is attached to various places but each thread seems to just sort of entangle into other threads and other plants and you can't find a sort of like clear anchoring point of of each web i want to really gently try and like use my sword to as close to one of the like trees as possible like try and just snip it yeah cool so you just go and the silken threads just fall away and you are left with a veil um parted between the tree and the web for you to move through i think this might work until it gets here whatever it is um well we just i guess if it's bad we just kill it right that's an awfully simple point of view but in this case i think it might be appropriate um um i'm just gonna see if i can clear a path and so i'm good idea we'll follow you let me just um and uh milo will tap his staff on um b and give her guidance oh thanks girl so what does guidance do so guidance gives her plus one on her next selected uh skill check cool i mean i wouldn't have done much for that previous one but that's all right um yeah so you you make your way just slicing through like gently and like taking my time and checking as i'm doing this yeah and um because of your because of your um patience actually give me a stealth check to just determine your um care and finesse with it that's uh 14 14 oh that would be 15. no then guidance is a one off feel like that was a good place to put it probably yeah um cool uh yeah so you move out and then um but eventually you cut your way through and you open out into the clearing um and there doesn't seem to be any other webs in the way of you you hear a faint leg from the guy that's lying in the middle of the of the patch don't don't move we're coming to you but there might be something that wants to eat all of us so just stay there for a bit you're not good with the charisma i'm just like puts up his thumb so is he like is the web that is all around us that's what he's wrapped up partially yeah so so there's like a very thin layer along the entire floor kind of like a funnel matting fabric yeah matting um but uh he seems to be like purposefully bundled in into a um you know digestive package can i wanna see if i can see the spider somehow yeah you can all give me a perception check if you're if you're looking around come on come on be good be good why did i get one of those those sneaky unnatural 20s 14 14 cool um eight great um so you're really focused on the boy yeah um you're walking out and you're looking around very cautiously um and then tom you look up um and slowly descending from the canopy above blocking out the last bits of the dappled sunlight coming through is a spider the size of a horse um that has long black okay but funnel web spider or huntsman spider this is a big important distinction for me that's fine but i mean like are either of them dangly spiders no funnel webs absolutely not yeah they are from the ground what's the one that eats birds it's a golden orb yeah it's a golden weaver whatever spider scares you the most it's that one [Laughter] cannon so um yes this this shape is is slowly lowering um and you can hear its mandibles going and it's its eyes are eagerly um gazing down at you oh no and then in an instant it drops and uh can i get everyone to roll initiative for me now does scout still apply here uh yes yep so you are keeping your lookouts everyone gets plus one yeah cool uh last time i was using 17 17. this time i'm just sorry 18. 18. what do you guys think about my own plus one eight oh 12. okay you know what you're in timeout amethyst is coming out because just swap the dice it's always the dice's fault it is so um it has a special ability um which is a uh which has been triggered by you walking to it which is which is b8 legs and terrifying yeah it's uh spooky ass um but it's called spring on prey which means that uh before initiative is rolled it can actually um move up to you and and get upon you before you have the chance to actually do anything so basically it gets a free move and can land straight on top of you and that's what it's done it doesn't get an attack it just gets moved yeah yeah however it got first initiative so it's gonna go that's fine um so um this whole thing just comes down um immediately landing on top of the three of you um and in a scrabble of legs you'll like have to try and fend it off um but in in the in the brawl it's going to um spit out of its abdomen as it comes down a spray of web um on i'm going to say immediately as these two like are wrestling with the legs um you get sprayed by this web um and it sort of knocks you back a little bit but it does not it does not do very well um so it sprays you with this like sticky web that you get all over yourself but you're not close enough to anything for it to actually like really affect you um you can sort of like take it off your um it's a very unpleasant feeling um yes but nothing else happens um but then it will take a um a a scuttling uh move towards you and uh its fangs will try and pincer um towards your neck which will be a uh 23. you know that just does it yeah you know you know like it was very close there but so it's going to do uh six points of damage as these uh mandibles sink into your skin and uh you feel like this burning inside your uh your bloodstream as they sink into it and not just from the pain in fact it has a poison that seems to be injecting into your into your bloodstream um so can i get you to do a fortitude saving throat for me it's coming 13 so you're going to take uh some poison damage i hope you both rolled another character because i was going to say like it's really weird that this is only a one episode series we're filming yeah you're gonna take uh three points of damage uh as you feel yourself fatiguing um and and you're slowing down in fact you're actually gonna become flat-footed and then it's going to um scuttle away um wait yep while he's taken damage i'm going to yell at it can you tell me how this goes um so i see it like sink its mandible fangs into you and because i'm point you would be middle so i was looking at the back yeah you're at the back okay so i'm like behind it and see this happen and i'm just like hey that's really mean and so i have i have performed my glimpse of redemption because uh you my ally has been damaged within 15 feet of me so either you are unharmed or the spider has to be like no i am going to do this and um so you will gain a resistance to the triggering damage um which will be three resistance um level i think and after the damage then the enemy will be enfeebled too until the end of its next turn yeah as you yell um it's it's you see like this this flash of white sort of pass over its eyes like each eye just has this like shing like that happens over it and it kind of like hesitates for a second um as it's sort of like sinking into you and then that's what then causes it to like back up shake its head a little bit um so you're gonna take three less damage from that first attack so yeah so you can remove that don't get the resistance from the poison but that's fine um no yeah um and then it's going to uh scuttle away from you um does that resistance apply ongoing clay no it's just for that attack yeah it's just to that okay no that's fair yeah so then it it scuttles back 25 feet um from the three of you uh cool and then that's going to uh be kellan you're going to go next so you're feeling a bit like dazed and and uh in pain at the moment i am going to stay near my compatriots because i don't think we should get separated yet so i'm going to actually pull my hand crossbow out and try and fire off a bolt at the fleeing spider yep great so um you'll spend an action to pull out your hand crossbow um do you need to spend action to load it or it should be loaded by default okay right yeah um yeah um but yes we'll say it's got like a contribution that's a safety yeah it does it holds it in there yeah so that's going to be a crit fail um so you know so uh it i actually just like the the the band let's go and it just like gets jammed on my finger and it really really hurts and the bolt just kind of like oh i think it's like ah yeah you probably haven't used this crossbow much before like it's never been messed up yeah you've never had to really i'm a sword guy yeah so you're trying to figure out the contraption like what the um yeah and it's like it it thwangs in your hand i'm just having action left um yeah so seeing that that's kind of useless i'm just going to drop it on the ground and take a defensive stance with my sword yeah cool so now parry stands uh great so then uh milo um so milo um quickly um takes his mirror and starts to rub it a little bit and um and a small like translucent shield um appears around him and so he casts shield on himself and then he grabs his stuff and he points it at the um at the spider which um no one's in kind of direct uh like um in melee with it right no right so um it's going to light up with like an intricate green and then shoot out a dazzling display of like illusionary colors and lights and like little butterflies and milo is casting color spray cool so you um open up the rave uh um cool so um tell me how your disco stick works [Laughter] so color spray is a will save and on a success um they are dazzled what's the dc on the we'll save because it got a 14 17. heck um cool so it fails so what happens the creature is stunned one blinded one for one round and is dazzled for one minute heck all right yeah yeah yeah stunned one on its next action on its next round it will lose an action um from stunned one blinded is that it can't see all normal terrain is difficult terrain to you you can't detect anything using vision um oh it's also interesting holy [ __ ] right and people too yeah you're stacking buffs spiders just kind of have a quiet meal in the forest it's doing some self-care and this is fast it's come along it's our first combat encounter we're determined to make it as complicated as possible um great so yeah you um uh yeah you let out this this um jet of of bright colors and it sort of shrieks to be true your turn um how far away are we from the halfling man that's probably about 15 feet away from you i'm gonna try and go for him and then try and start dragging him back the way we've come yep great so yeah you charge over to him um he's just lying on the ground you can hear him just go um and you can use your sword to cut him free of the bombs i'll say it's probably going to take you three actions to run up to him cut him loose and then start dragging back but yeah that's pretty easy for you you're pretty burly and he's only a small halfling man uh so yeah you can start dragging him away small man very light yeah um cool uh so that brings us to the top of the round um so the spider sort of like wheeling from this uh from this blinding light um instead will spray really sporadically around to try and uh pin you down 20 against you ah yeah that will hit great um so yeah this time it it lands true and um it catches you a bit off guard as you've sort of struck with this this blinding light attack um and so this web lands on you and it knocks you back a little bit and you you stumble over and down into the ground and the web that's on you connects with the web that's on the ground and suddenly you find yourself in this sort of straight jacket of of uh tangled web um so you're going to be immobilized which means you cannot move or manipulate stuff and you're going to be stuck to the to the ground until you can escape um using using escape action um but that was only uh one action but because it's stunned it it um only has one action left so instead it is going to try and probably spray you as well uh 17 against ac oh uh no it doesn't hit uh i have my parry up so oh yeah nice cool yeah so um because you've taken the parry action um you have the sword at the ready and so you can uh deflect things coming at you and so as the way like i think i just parked the web and it just like flies yes i can cut it like butter in front of you that will be your turn then kellen attack can i can i do anything to help milo get free can i cut cut him free yeah you can try to um um do us a same escape check to help yeah so i think i think our priority is definitely uh getting the hell out of here so yeah um yeah i'm gonna try and uh do that so what is escape what skill is it um uh so you can either do a um normally it's an unarmed attack or an athletics check but i will say because you have say because you have a sword you can probably just do a a strike against it to see there you go that's a only a 10. so yeah you're you're cutting away at it but it's it's quite strong and like fibrous steel i'm going to try again i really think we need to get out of here so uh 16 plus 7 is a 23 because i can math i think minus five minus uh four because it's an agile weapon oh nice cool so uh yeah and that'll do it so you slice through the rest of the cocoon that's um surrounding him um and milo you've you've been cut free and then i'm going to take my defensive stance with my final answer yeah cool so then you step in front again once more with your sword uh can i also get you to roll another fortitude save for me please as the poison starts set in that one was a five roll um so that's a critical failure yeah this is not gonna be fun which means that the poison starts to set in much faster because of your exertion as you're as you're trying to cut through things you can feel it like going through all of your veins and they start to feel numb um so you are actually going to take oh you're going to take seven points of poison damage how are you doing spicy not well um you're also going to be clumsy too and what does that mean because that sounds good and fun and nice uh yeah let me just figure that out uh minus x to dex checks and dc's also reflex and ac yeah so what was the um clumsy number uh two two yeah okay so this is the worst stage of the poison yep and that brings us down to milo you're free on the ground what do you do um i'll stand and um yeah and milo's freaking out a bit i'll tap cal on the back with uh my staff and cost guidance and i was like you got this friend and i'll i'll um i'll thank you i'll just um run no stay with him so now i'll have one action left yep um oh no is guidance a one or two action spell uh guidance is a one action spell i'll cast shield again and make sure that um my ac stays up a little bit yep great so um yeah you cast shield and this this um uh ethereal shield appears floating around you once more um cool so then uh beetroot you are dragging this this fella are you just going to try and take him out of the clearing what are you what are you hoping to do i'm trying to run for it yeah so i've shaved my sword but i've still got my shield up and on yeah you can you can totally just like lift them up and hike them over um yeah so you throw them over your shoulder and then with that you can i'm just steady trot kellen is very impressed just like yeah yep so um yeah i'll say you can probably make your way out of the clearing um i assume going back through the the cut that you had made through the web um and yeah you you exit out of it but i'm also like yelling to you um i think it's probably time to go yep yep certainly seems that way um uh i'll give you one more action if you want to do anything else because you can probably run out in that time it's not that far i mean i don't know whether i try and grab you as well just keep going yeah i think i'm just gonna keep going but i wanna i'm not going so fast that i'm more than like sure fifteen twenty feet away from us uh yeah you just you just make us a suitable amount of distance all right um so then the spider uh will recover just has the two squishy boys left behind yeah yeah uh and so the two of you are standing there like defiant in the middle of the the field defiant and a little wobbly just like um it is no longer stunned um no longer blinded but it is still dazzled it seems to be um its eyes aren't really like focusing in on you but you can see it's like uh tapping the web like with its feet to try and like detect where you are as it is as it's trying to find you once it sort of like has like a match it starts to just barrel forward to and it moves like a truck it's just like through throughout and it will uh lunge onto you milo because it has a grudge against you um that's pretty good i'm gonna yell at it it's still on feeble one um you will uh cool so that is a 24 oh yeah cool what's your ac my ac right now is at a16 you're fine um well fine subjective um um in addition to the fact that i have um the shield spell up i can use uh the shield block ability to absorb a bit of damage great yep so use your reaction to shrink the shield in front of you as its mandibles come down on you um and it cracks into them so um what's the hardness of your shield five five cool so you managed to block five damage um out of that i think um so uh that's all of the damage so yeah it comes down and uh cracks onto it and the shield shatters in the air dissipates um i'm pretty sure that means you can't use it again is that right i think so yeah for a little bit um uh but it you managed to block the attack um as it comes down on you second attack which will not work so yeah it's just scrabbling against you now as you're sort of like yeah fending it off with your your stick and shield um so uh kellen it'll be your turn time to go kellen is uh booking it as they say um i just i just tap uh tap milo on the shoulder and say it's time to get the hell out of here uh and uh three actions of that one yep cool so yeah um you move away um and as you step away from the spider nothing happens uh because it does not have an attack of opportunity don't do that to me i'm gonna love doing that this campaign it's just like it doesn't have a tackle when we get to around level six that's we need to be worried yeah yeah it starts to scrabble after you as you as you um pelt out um but ultimately it's just you there milo left standing so uh what do you do it's your turn run i'll run um i'll use two actions to um to run and noticing that it was tapping on the webs i will cast mage hand with my last ability to tap the the webs and try and distract it with different motions yeah cool so um uh i think it's probably like chasing after you um beatrix i'm assuming you're just still outside the web yeah but i feel like i would have so i'm outside of the web area but you're now in front of me we're pretty close to the edge of the clearing like i probably made it to the edge yeah you're you're you're out i'm outside of that barrier yeah you're outside of the barrier yeah um so uh yeah it's it's sort of like on your on your um on your heels as you're pelting away from it like yeah and the the web is like sticky beneath you um but uh as you sort of like turn around at the last second and like pull over here um it kind of goes and you can see it's like turning and like trying to like spin around trying to figure out where the the vibration is coming from and you're still like running it's also getting mixed signals now um and you uh managed to uh hold it up for just long enough to actually just dive out of the um the web to clearing um and it like sort of moves up and starts to like touch the webs that um the the curtain at the edge and it starts to just like touch them to see if anyone got stuck in there but there doesn't seem to be anything that i can find go go go go go and yeah you run through the trees um you carrying this this halfling um and uh behind you you just see the silhouette of the um spider on its hind legs just sort of like grasping at nothing um uh did you make it back out to the road is the carriage still there uh your carriage is still there yes great because the horses are happily just thank god all right um at which point i'm laying the huffling down um and i'm gonna once again hands um because i'm i'm going to make a desperate prayer which will restore my focus i was about to say this is going to work but that's okay all right why not me yeah so what is desperate pain so normally okay so normally you used a um so i used a focus focus point um which you have one off yeah and normally after you've used it you need to spend 10 minutes sort of recalibrating and refocusing to get it back um so normally you wouldn't be able to do lay of hands again so soon but but i have desperate prayer which means that i'm praying to something up there saying hey um it didn't quite work the first time so can i do it again please and i feel like you yeah you feel like a tickling like on the back of your neck as you feel that familiar warmth and it's the spider again hello that was my god don't be mean to it i'm sorry and uh yeah you you place your hands on the halfling and um you feel the warmth come out of your hands and the defib like um uh you get that same sour feeling again like like this is this life does not seem to want to go into it however he is alive he is still currently alive and so you're the the um white sort of bleeds into him and you see some of the wounds like um materially clothes that he's had sort of a couple of puncture wounds um and uh he sort of stops uh stops moaning um he still seems to be out to it like he's unconscious but his his uh breathing is steady and he's got a pulse but he is um he is just unconscious currently i think we better get to this academy as soon as we can yep good good job with uh whatever that was by the way it looked very impressive thanks i guess um get him get him yeah that's good yeah so gonna drag him um so i've got the key but i don't think i'm gonna use it because again i want that force field to stay um i don't and i have no idea how that magic works so i'm just like i'm just gonna push him and i say i say uh uh okay that's okay um uh you get on the you get on the reins and i'll get up top and uh if anyone gets too close i can use my i left it in the clearing i left my class bow in the clearing um so i guess it's just sword uh so anyway let's keep going yep all right time wait for that one um you pile onto the carriage or into the carriage um as you as you all get set up um and uh start down the road um before uh not for too long um the road takes a steep turn to the right um but you see that there's a smaller track that continues straight on through the trees um and there's the sound of a of a river um down past the the trees on that side um and there's an overgrown sign um here which indicates um there's two directions the direction straight ahead off the the smaller track it says bridge crossing one hour and then following the road it says three hours to the academy i think the one hour uh just just to make haste mega gaming claire doesn't want to do that i mean metagaming tom is like we'd be like it's a bridge people make bridges i'm sure it's fine yeah but i'm i'm not overly impressed with the um like the path the way the beaten path that we've already gone past i'm wondering if the academy makers had something like the contractors also maybe made jurassic park or something because it feels a little irresponsible to be honest so i'm gonna i'm gonna say to you in character then um dude do you think we should which way do you think the rest of them went well they probably went the shortest path over the bridge it seems like that um just um just to clarify as well the um the track through the trees it's not a road made for wagons yeah um i just don't want to go across the bridge because i know it's going to [ __ ] up because i know that's gianni no no no no no no no like honestly genuinely do we know what kind of time it is because we had to be there yeah um i i think like probably looking out of the trees um you can see that the sun is sitting a little bit low in the sky um you expect it to maybe be like maybe like two o'clock at this point maybe so i know they said no exceptions but we did just get attacked by a giant spider so we can at least ask when we get there i'm gonna ask them to build some fences it's a good it's a good idea how well can you carry someone because we can't we can't leave anyone behind and we do have two people in this carriage well i can i can carry both of them that's fine it's just um if something happens and we get attacked um i won't really be very useful with two bodies on my shoulders i'm going to be honest i think we should stay with the carriage i always i think we should play it safe yeah especially with the this force field's pretty good if something really bad happens yeah yeah let's hope so i might just i'll just inspect the force field if i can and just see like what its functions are you can do me a uh arcana check natural one cool um so so i just want to clarify we are not doing secret checks in this campaign because i don't know pathfinder second edition does recommend that some checks are secret so that you don't know if you've succeeded such a thing is knowledge checks so in this case i might give you a piece of information and you would not know if it was right or wrong but in this case like i trust you guys not to met a game on your knowledge um so this seems to be a magical field which is powering this cart we don't need the horses at all i don't want to leave the horses to get in by a spider i should keep the horses that you understand what they're saying this is a really cool force field all right let's go okay um horses stay let's go wait horses go let's horses come with us yes we are taking the horses with us i think i don't know anymore go ahead once more you bundle back into carriage or something this is cool maybe we can look at that later because we really do need to get to the academy before sundown yeah yeah so um yeah you you mush the horses and um try and get them to go as fast as they can inside um there's just like a steady bumping as you're sort of like concerned for these two now yeah i might try and do like a medicine check not that i have any skills in it um on the halfling 15 to try and figure out what is going on with this lo not accepting my healing powers uh cool yeah so it feels um that might actually be more of a religion check that out um than a medicine check but i'll give you with that 15 um that there like seems to be a uh like from your understanding is like you haven't had that issue before um there seems to be something that um is potentially like cutting off the life link on these individuals um you don't know why but it's almost like yeah they feel like they almost don't want to receive any sort of life well that's really unusual we're we don't see any of this yeah i'm outside with milo so so so yeah you you head along the um the long road and your journey takes you around a winding cliff face that heads out into the open you leave the trees behind you and the um you hug a small path that seems to wrap around the sides of the mountain below you you see a very deep ravine that seems to be tracking through the mountains and you see some of the the mountain tops in the distance as well because you're quite high in the range at this point you also see emerging um a single white spire that seems to be emerging in the distance um it is uh it is a very polished marble white that seems to be almost like glaringly bright in the sun and there is a large crystal atop it that seems to be floating and it seems to be shining and refracting the light of the afternoon sun there's this bright light sort of um spraying out across the land um but you continue along this sort of mountain pass um and eventually you start to descend and it brings you down and down and down and down um until you get down to a a part where the the chasm actually sort of quite naturally um comes close together and there is a a much shorter cement bridge uh stone bridge that seems to connect these two parts of the mountain you can see the path on the other side starts to ascend up and up and up and up again around the side of the cliff face but you are not the only ones here in fact as you come down to this stone bridge you see a large creature that seems to be crouching squat um against the pass it's sort of leaning up against the bridge it is a large hulking mass with um a little tufts of fur under under its armpits that seem to be dangling down like green moss um its skin is a strange bubbly texture um that looks like a almost a large toad um and it has a wall a long more that comes out with tusks uh curling up from the front and again that sort of mossy hair sort of dangling down from it and it seems to be sort of like picking out rich too i lean over to milo and i say seems like the friendly sword i mean it might be i'll just slow down the car and i'll amble it towards the um the the hulking mass cool um i'm going to give you this one can you uh do me a nature check for me please is it 12 12 cool um you've heard stories of of um creatures that live in the mountains and in the woods you expect this to be some sort of giant folk of some description you don't quite know um you've never seen one of these before in real life um so it appears to be some sort of giant um giant related folk um as it's seen there but it looks very beastly it's got a big round belly um and large sharp claws and of course the teeth as well so as you approach are you approaching like stealthily or are you just channeling up to it i believe that's your call uh i think i'll just be trundling up to it um slowing down slowing down very carefully cool um as as you do it's it's sort of like sniffs the air and then instantly like it snaps its face over to look at you as you um start to slowly approach and it stops leaning on the bridge and it starts to get up on its hindquarters and you see how big it is now as it steps up um and as you approach um it lets out a bellowing did did you catch that because i didn't what's going on out there uh dude can you just shout out what languages you will speak uh common elven and dwarven thank you um common orcish gnomish halfling sylvan elvin and um abril which is tree yep god damn wizards uh comment on orcish cool great uh none of you recognize what what said i'm gonna say back uh just just not normally uh uh helen wellmet uh knocking on the windows from inside friend i'm afraid we don't understand you do do you need anything um and i'm going to uh just kind of pull out a cookie and just kind of offer it in a greeting common common yes coming you speak common yes yes yes we do would you like a cookie i'm still in the cart oranges and almonds cookie yes sorry almonds and honey what is cookie food very good very sweet tasty cause my birthday is it your birthday yeah it's not bad happy and he reaches out like a big um um poor claw um that that grabs the key and just like plucks it out of your hand spicy a little i guess uh so what what yes i do have just a couple left i guess you can have what's what's going on out there i'm still tapping on them i'm gonna let go down and be like i'll cast a message through the glass and we seem to have made a friend um so how old are you giant folk oh is he okay should i come out uh i i don't know that's up to you maybe i'll just wait for a bit and see how you guys go yeah okay thanks for that and then the message kind of like cuts off because it's that's it's limited how old are you if it's your birthday yes many wonderful no this man wonderful wonderful um we were just hoping we could make our way up to the the academy no no no but we gave you the cookies and everything don't you want to no what would you like how can we help you something wrong you pay it all um were the cookies not no to your liking no what what do you want yes oh mary spicy so so the toll is paid with the cookies yes no oh this many that many cookies no that's shiny things that's expensive how much money do you have i'm not good um hold on let me see just one moment please i'm sorry oh yes no moments yes it's coming yes um i have a um and pull um out a knot of iron that um i've been having in my pocket and is this is it shiny enough and it's just like cold iron that's been bent into a knot and he like reaches down and picks it and he goes for good luck good luck yeah what's good luck good luck is uh good things happen sometimes um by by um by themselves is that good how much good luck five worth good luck certainly especially because especially because it's your birthday it's extra lucky yeah birthday yes uh can you give me a diplomacy check um can i aid if that's right uh yeah yeah so um to aid you uh roll um the same check so diplomacy check if you get over 20 um you get to give uh kell in a plus one yep ah that is not over between what'd you get uh 20. so here goes let me show you how uh how lucky it is um and i i hope you've gathered a i hope you you like it when it's shiny and i'll cast um i'll cast light on the on the knot of iron okay you do a little gesture um and instantly it just starts to um do you have to touch it to do that maybe i'm back i'm not too sure i don't think so i do have um the ranged feet um but oh the metamagic yeah yeah cool so you can extend anything with a range of touch i think out to 30 feet i think maybe 15 i think it's happening yeah you'll be within 15. so you might take a couple of steps forward um but you sort of reach out and the the thing starts to like shine in his hands and it goes oh see extra lucky extra lucky yes okay um and he like you can see he's got like a little like sack over by the bridge and he um picks it up and you hear like a jingling of coins inside and he goes and looks inside and you can see like a little light coming out of the bag what was your name friend nostril masjo mostra moisture mushroom i'll get it eventually well lovely to meet you like the moss oh yeah happy birthday master thank you i want to stay unfortunately we're already very late oh yes but maybe we'll come visit sometime and we'll tell everyone it's your birthday well it's not my birthday no one comes visit mustard on his birthday [Music] oh goodbye i was waiting for it we'll make sure we'll tell everyone oh okay um and he sort of like steps to the sciences you can go um thank you and he kind of just like plays with his fingers goodbye friend um and the the carriage trundles past and he kind of like watches it hey why a minute hey why there's three more in there um come back what um and uh what do you do um i'm gonna shout shout um and they're all very happy it's your birthday [Music] can you get this thing moving any faster he starts to like hey why um and uh starts to run up after after you're on the ridge but like he starts to like fly quite quickly crest around the corner um and uh you uh managed to continue along the road um up the ridge um it's it's the sun's getting quite low in the sky at this point um expected maybe it's like three four o'clock um here um uh actually probably four o'clock um and you're traveling as fast as you can um when you see three figures on the roadside oh my god they are they are i just want to go to school they are walking along um uh in in your direction um they seem to be quite um frazzled um their their clothes are a little bit like um uh muddy and and dirty um and the three of them are just like walking along the road um quite dejectedly as you um come up on the carriage what do you do hell hail you're right down there um and uh all three of them suddenly stop and look um look to the three of you um you recognize the carriage that was departing before you you see um talon who is a tall elfin man in a quite um impressive sort of silver breastplate and he is carrying on his back um uh someone else who looks wounded um uh and then there is uh juniper um who is the small boy um who seems to have lost his luggage um along the way um but his sort of messy hair is like he's got like twigs in it and it's sticking out of different directions um and um the last is pitt um who is uh running over a friend of milo's um yes associate i look down at them and i say you know it's an odd choice of time for an afternoon stroll but um you know each their own i guess and they like look at you and they like look back and like where did you guys come from um that's uh juniper saying that um actually we've sort of had a bit of a bad day and it looks like you have as well has the carriage stopped again i'm still in the carriage i have no idea what's going on outside that's right i'm like you just like you're underwater yeah i'm just knocking hello what's going on again um i'll message you um we've found more friends but they seem a bit they seem to be um prospects as well we got attacked i don't i don't know what that word means uh that's the end of the spell okay i'm gonna like i'm gonna stick my head out underneath but i'm not gonna like say anything it's just my head is now like hanging out the bottom of the carriage we got attacked by something our our coach driver he he's very hurt um and we found someone else in the woods um we're actually trying to make haste as fast as possible uh white is that you he's been like like oh dude did you know each other oh he's got nothing coming if he comes around these parts thinking he can rock up in his carriage and and get over there we're gonna get on you just try it mate listen i don't know about you pulls out like a short sword in his own [ __ ] voice what's going on out there the voice from underneath the camera i just i look at them everyone like looks past the two of you like um and this is the embodied voice the elf says um who have you got in there uh another one of our uh uh prospects like ourselves um and two very injured people yeah we've we found another one uh can we can we take your carriage you could you could you could you could come with us we're not all gonna fit on there uh i and get up and dust myself off who are you what's going on wait who who's the most wounded um definitely the one who is hanging off the back um who you see seems to be a gnomish girl yeah who has uh uh uh her she seems unconscious um and i've said that to the elf um yeah and i'm like well um oh sorry yeah uh if we get wounded inside um we can get two people driving the carriage and the rest of us can follow along behind uh it seems only fair that those of us that can walk should we haven't got much time we just doesn't matter we need to get the wounded up there as fast as possible and he seems to be like anxiously and i grab the gnome from this person he doesn't resist um and i'm listen go and pack up that's all just into the carriage uh pit's still like brandishing sort of let's i'm not going with him let's all just remain calm it seems like we all have the same goal why don't we work together and try and get these very wounded people who are nearly dead to safety and then we can worry about formalities of entrance exams later okay um and you see the the elf is kind of like calculating he um keeps glancing behind you at the sun he's like all right we can still make it if we if we get a march on but it's going to be it's going to be a hard walk i hope you can all keep up anyone that gets left behind gets left behind agreed uh well it wound it in the carriage of course it in the carriage and then you could do as you like but i don't think we're leaving them behind right and he turns and starts to walk all right um uh uh you there oh what was your name uh pointing to pit me yes pit can you help get the pointed who are you oh you've got it yeah i've already done the name's kellen um uh under better circumstances i'd say it's lovely to meet you but you uh it's not you seem a bit antagonistic so why pretty boy like you come to academy like this well they only take the prettiest you know i'm surprised they took you in do you get a do you get like a bonus can i roll a bond on him uh yes sure yeah that's a 23. yeah he like takes a minute to just like just die and he starts to just charge at you well he's he's distracted and minus two to perception so okay okay so are you two gonna be on the carriage because i've been i hopped down i don't know if you didn't i haven't hopped down yet yeah um so i'm just on top because i'm happy to i'm happy to walk yeah i was i was going to walk honestly i am a small boy i'm just going to jog um so yeah pit runs at you okay just like flailing like yeah yeah i'm just going to try and sort of just dodge out of the way and just kind of let him sort of just i'm not going to attack back essentially okay sure i'm going to i'm going to use my sword but i'm not going to retaliate i'm just going to block okay cool uh well he'll make an attack against you then um that's pretty good um so i've bundled the gnome into the thing as well and i've come back out oh i still have all my negs no no because like they wouldn't have gone away would they the poison oh [ __ ] i should have kept rolling for you um give me one more check that's a 20. yeah cool you would have red card that i'm yeah yeah hurt but fine yeah sure it it took a while and it sort of uh bed right uh uh bedraggled you down quite low but um you managed to get back up on your feet yeah so he throws a fist at you um for 25. yeah that's going to do it yeah cool so as soon as he does yes there it is there it is i'm going to be so annoying with this um what do you think you're doing um he kind of like and you see his eyes flash like that same white and he's kind of like you know better than that um watch don't don't don't don't come at me again right i'll get you uh he holds his fist back and he doesn't he doesn't suck you all right now there's one spot left on the carriage what about that little one i don't think he's going to be very good at getting yes of course oh no it's okay you guys can go i can walk get on get get on the carriage okay [Music] hit you're with us um we'll see you up there make sure that they get the help they need uh yeah but i don't want to leave you guys though you can keep a medium pace and we can jog beside you i'll do as best i can i can jog yeah i'll i'll try and keep a nice pace so sorry who's on the carriage so you're on the carriage juniper's on the carriage we're going to be running beside it talon and pit also yeah and the alpha's already struck out ahead yeah i think yep town's gone ahead yeah um cool yeah so you you jump in um the the wagon kicks ahead um and you sort of start to to make distance the rest of you trying to keep up i wasn't japan expecting so much cardio today but okay um it's refreshing within a short amount of time an orange light starts to filter through the trees um as the sun begins to approach the horizon um by this point it's sort of dropped down behind behind the mountain um uh the the tallest mountains in the distance um and you expect those not too long until um until sundown you are making your way along the road in the distance um you start to see um there is a a wall like a small stone wall that is you know only a couple of feet high um but it seems to be um uh approaching either side of the road um and there's there's a low sort of blockade um across the the bottom the wall continues across the entire road as well i should say milo milo uh pull pull up short let let b and i go ahead uh all right all right and i'll just pull it up and i'll stay about 30 feet back cool shall we i guess keep my sword out and approach jin julie cool so um you approach uh this low stone wall um and there is a table sitting next to it a low a low wooden table like a little bench um and there's a a couple of scrolls that are sitting on top of the the table three to be exact that each have like a scarlet ribbon around them um and uh there is a small sign that you can see like on a piece of paper that's on the table as well but you need to get closer to have a look um whatever seeing if there's a table with scrolls on it i i'm gonna assume somebody's around and i'm gonna start calling out hello hello we've got we've got we've got wounded is anyone there we have we have wounded please if if there's anyone there please come help us i'm going up to the table to read whatever the sign says i'm just like looking sort of behind the wall see if there's anyone around yeah what are our new friends and pit doing um actually that's a good point um [Music] talon is probably already at the table um because he went ahead of you guys um and you see he's he's sort of like standing there and he's holding on to a scroll and he's like thinking um and as you uh approach um close enough to read the sign the sign says please follow the appropriate procedure to pass by the protective ward each scroll will allow a maximum of two persons to transfer through the ward please do not take more than two people to prevent the removal of limbs there are only a finite number of scrolls so please ensure that there are enough for the groups yet to come only take what is needed there's like eight of us isn't there yeah yeah and there's three swings um and talon is already holding one um and he sort of like turns to look at the rest of you and he says i'm sorry but i've come this far at least take someone else with you one of the injured it says two okay he nods sensing like no resistance um and um uh he um how are you getting the injured in and out of it it's not really like it's like why don't you just open this okay at this point i will open the door oh my god we've been dragging bodies under this uh carriage so yeah he'll he'll reach in and grab the the um gnomish girl and he sort of like turns around he's like thank you and uh if you get there tell them that there's more of us out here and there's wounded so maybe maybe they'll do something about that and that they should build a fence also that um and he goes um he says um all right i'll i'll do my best to get help he reads out a few um uh short incantation from the scroll and he and the gnomish girls seem to just in in an instant turn into this misty white light that just streaks up into the air with this sort of rainbow um tinge mixed in with it while watching this can i um can i study this magic as much as possible like so this is teleportation i will just give you that um you've you know about teleportation the the spell um uh you can uh do me an arcana check to determine what you know i guess uh 18 18 uh yeah so this is a pretty cookie cutter uh teleportation scroll and spell um that seems to be sort of isolated for for um only a small number of individuals um but it is very advanced magic it is quite a high level spell to try and replicate um the closest you could ever hope to do would be after years of study probably can i just ask about the the layout um because what i'm picturing is that you know we're going up a steep path um that's kind of like a rocky cliff side okay and sorry yeah so it's it's opened out a little bit more um you sort of come off the cliffs and now you're on a sort of like um you know a foothills kind of approach back so the the road has opened out back onto a sort of field path so that this low stone wall um seems to extend either side direction so um and it has a slight curvature to it um sort of curving away from you so you feel like maybe it's forming like a protective circle um i think that we should get well b you look quite burly and pit looks quite strong and stocky so you two should carry the wounded through we'll wait i'm not i'm not going to leave anyone else behind you've got to get them they're the priority not us if people die i'm not going to get into a school you're taking someone with you it's not going to be me one of the wounded no negotiations go get the halfling right right let me have to carry them oh fine uh and he um goes back to the carriage and drags the halfling out like quite sort of carelessly and and just like hey easy with them they're very hurt give me the scroll he takes it and he like gives like one look at you it's pathetic um and opens up the scroll and reads out the incantation the two of them up into the air now i think of the three of us left you're best suited to carry someone so i think it should be you there's no one else around and if they don't send anyone out i think we three are the best ones suited to surviving out here for a little bit of time you look it looks relatively safe where we are now you can get someone to send help you know what's happened you can explain it can i inspect the wall um i'll even just press my hand up yeah sure so um you immediately detect i'll just give it to you because it's the same force field magic that was on the cart um so you think this um force field might power the academy oh my god i know you don't want to leave us behind but when they're teleporting they're not going on the other side of the wall are they they're going up into the sky okay no i think it if if this kid reads the incantation out then it doesn't really matter whether he can carry someone or not because they're gonna go where they need to go um i guess that's that's actually a pretty good point um okay come on get down from there you guys should go you um you let us use your carriage or you wouldn't have made it if it weren't for you guys so i'm i'm i'm cool i'll just stay that's fine it's cool come on do as we say we fought a giant spider earlier do you want to stick around for that he like slips off the cart um and sort of like a bit sort of sheep as sheepishly walks up um and he says um can someone help me with the coach driver okay so i help uh i'm kellen by the way i'm juniper um hopefully nice name thanks hmm all righty pretty you sorry i don't know why i said that that's stupid i'm milo by the way hi nice to meet you hi um here hand him the scroll he takes a scroll and um he takes the hand of the coach driver and sort of like kneels down next to him and opens up he says thank you guys this means a lot hopefully we'll see you soon you remember us oh yeah i know this no don't get me wrong i like when you get there you tell them to send someone don't we're not dying out here no no this is not okay send the cavalry please all right um bye wait here he's at an incantation put her there wait he's got to cast a spell oh i'm gonna have it okay all right and he puts down no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i put a hand on him and i cast uh arcane sigil and this little um uh are you branding this god swells on his hand and i say this is um a reminder of what we did for you also it's proof that we're here tell them to send someone okay okay i'm going just let me go and he reads the incantation of giant spider dude i want to be here um and so it's just the the three of you um left out um in this field um the the sun is now sort of well and truly down below the mountains and you sort of all begin to realize that like it's it's dark now like it's it should pretty much sun down what are we going to do about the horses because i mean we can get in the carriage but they're not if this did big spiders the wolves aren't that much harder small correction we ran very fast away from a big spider i reckon we could have taken it milo you hear her and on the table are three scrolls with a blue ribbon around each of them they had red ribbons before didn't they i'll open one up there is an incantation for a teleportation spell nice is it a different incantation no it seems to be the same we have did they they must have those we've got someone what is we're not going to die out here all right is there a difference with the ribbons though did they run out of red ribbons maybe does it matter let's get let's get out of here i feel like it kind of does what if it sends us back what if it sent to the town i don't care not dead is great uh and i grab one and i go also i i wanted to go to the academy it doesn't seem different at all i grab one and i i i i walk over to the carriage and just before i read it i say oh also could one of you get the other horse and then the horse and i disappear [Laughter] you hear it last night as the light streaks up and you see like this and that leaves the two of you well um i well i've just got to get something from the carriage i'll just be a second oh sure you'll need to get the horse i'll get my bags in his bag and also i'm just gonna be in the carriage for a second and then come back and i'm like cradling this again gooey wet patch on my shirt hey um hey b uh whatever happens um glad i met you yeah you're you're really nice i hope we can be friends i i hope so too all right and i read the incantation as it goes up uh now the second one's pretty chill saw the first one goes like yeah that was man really it's yeah um uh yeah so you you fly up with the horse um uh and b you are left alone standing in the the clearing um alone once again um that's okay i'm pretty used to it yeah but um i looked down and well cara fail good luck to us and a little froggy face like piss out [Music] and you uh up into the sky three of you after a moment um what does getting teleported feel like by the way so you feel like you are um plummeting through an endless just hole like you are just falling and falling and falling and falling forward why would you say things like that uh well why would you interpret things like that um uh you are you are um just tumbling into an abyss um and uh but then before to uh before too long you find yourselves falling straight down into earth and without any feeling of impact there's no like shuddering or breaking of legs or anything you just feel like you've fallen for like 100 feet and then suddenly you are just there like on the ground in the exact same bodily position you were holding the scroll um uh and the three of you are together still with two horses um one of them's still just like eating a a biscuit that that you had on you um and uh you find yourselves at the bottom of a green hill um a grassy green hill um a crude stone stairwell leads up from where you are to the ridge at the top um and you're standing next to a bubbling river and on the other side you recognize um uh the woods and the sort of you can almost see like the cliff path that you were traversing through you can see a couple of bridges along the way um but you're not alone there are small huddles of people um that are looking around at your group as as where you have come down and landed um they are groups of three or four um you recognize a lot of them from the students that were there when you left um uh all the other potential applicants are there any other horses there and all i got your bag oh oh right thank you um yes i'd give you a cookie but the trolling okay it was his birthday he was this many um so all of the other students are looking worse for wear in some way they have um cuts and bruises some of them have bloody and torn clothing you notice that some of them are just drenched in water there's kind of like maybe like half the number or drenched in water um and some of them are smiling and laughing some are in tears some look absolutely wrecked and defeated um and there are men and women in you know all different ancestries that are moving around um in in crisp white uniforms that seem to be leaning down and you sort of recognize the same sort of like pulsing light that they're using to treat wounds and heal people um i'm i'm gonna immediately just try and flag the nearest one and and explain to them the situation with the wounded so yeah great um yes so has juniper come through good question so um yeah you you look around um and uh there's there's a few more details that like you're absorbing in this moment of just like um uh orient disorientation um you notice that like most of the groups have someone unconscious lying on the ground with them um and uh you are right next to um the other three that that came through um and all of their um all the people they brought through as well are on the ground um but there's something strange um and as you're sort of like looking at the wounded that are on the ground you realize that they're a bit odd and they don't look like real people in fact they're more just kind of like stone mannequins that have like sketched faces like painted onto them um had and uh there's uh yeah the the halfling that you carry this entire time um sort of stares back with black painted eyes that's horrific um uh and and there are more groups still coming um there's there's a couple that sort of like being down next to you on on the grassy hill but you hear a behind you um as a a streak of light comes and crashing down into the river behind you and you see that there are people climbing out of the river banks um and they're holding these scrolls with red ribbons on them i wanna check and make sure that the other three well at least juniper and talon are okay yeah um i go to like i just i just i go to flag down the next person i say excuse me you have to see about the womb god damn it and then i just go and like sit i i actually just go and hug the horse yeah because it's just like i was like and it starts to just like like lick your pockets where you had some of the snacks before i pull out some crumbs and i'm like it's been a day friend um and uh uh yeah um you you see that juniper and talon are sitting there um pit is there as well like quite sort of like flustered and befuddled juniper is just sort of like surprised he's almost on the verge of tears but he's like we made it um what are you doing i'm just eyeing off pit just giving him the old stank yeah he's he's he's um staring back at you as well a familiar voice carries down over the valley um and you hear weldon um and you see uh dean permiss um standing up on his soapbox um at the top of the ridge uh as the as there are stragglers still coming out of the river and he says i believe that is everyone who would be having a hope of making it um and he sort of like clicks his fingers dark and then the flashes of light stop and he sort of like checks the checks of the sky um and he says uh hopefully now all you understand uh perhaps some more than others uh and he throws a um a look at some of the people coming out of the river that there are no easy lessons here at the academy regardless you have all made it past the first step of the admissions there is only one trial remaining left at the academy um wait wait that was a test if you would please follow me um he picks up his soapbox can i bring frost maine um one of the um one of the like clarks nearby in the in the in chris wright uniform goes um we'll take the horses we've formed an unshakeable bond together yep i'm sure you did okay um just look after frostman for me okay um we try not to bond too much with the admissions animals no i'm kidding that's dark um have you considered installing better fences just seemed very dangerous that's the point um and they walk off with carrying just triage arms and i'm just like yep not okay with this the dean picks up his soapbox and um he begins sort of just like walking up the remainder of the stairs and um students start to pour in after prospective students start to pour in after him um and as you crest over the hill you see that the the sun is still um you are on a region and that the sun is actually still coming down over um from the the light yeah um and there is a uh a bright orange light that is sort of painting the horizon as you crest over it looks pretty yeah and the entire mountain range in the forest and everything that surrounds it is is painted a fiery orange um but immediately in front of you is a wide very wide and very long stone bridge that crosses this immense chasm in between you and a sprawling collection of marble white buildings spires and towers and domes that seem to scatter across the landscape on the other side of the the chasm um they're all the same polished stone and they all are turned orange in the sunset light um a waterfall is as wide and as tall as a mountain is sort of cresting off into the into the chasm below uh where there's a roaring river and uh above it all um that same thin spire that you saw um uh from your traveling up the mountain uh thrusts hundreds of feet into the sky and atop it is that same shining crystal uh shimmering with refractions of red and gold from the sunset you can hear the dean's voice behind him he says everyone welcome to the forge light academy and that's where we'll leave yes okay okay hang on hang on hang on that's how i get myself going everyone ten more minutes of that for the only fans
Channel: Hijinks
Views: 39,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZWk3aufxpjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 36sec (9876 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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