RDR2 - How To Get The Black Arabian Free and Early | Elite Horse | Wild Open World Adventures

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foreign Michigan this is the plan oh Mister that's terrible that's fine [Music] everyone on board please begin [Applause] [Music] okay crisis well thank you for stepping in sir lucky there was a real man around here thank you thank you God plays right times off even you should know damage some bad fortune huh cultured City [Music] [Music] let me get this off girl foreign [Music] can I help you there sure that's supposed to be my business partners here hey arranged to meeting I believe about some horses a fellow with a scar and a Mexican yes sir out by The Stables thank you have a wonderful day now and have you met my partner Arthur Morgan no he's our prized horses I'm talking about then they'll get you five thousand five thousand for horses easy and where do we sell them these five thousand dollar horses over in Clemens Cove so over there we'll run them out of state and give you 50 cents on the dollar Mister you got yourself a deal [Music] five thousand dollars for horses we've been robbing the wrong folk all these years if we get even a third of that it'll be worth it all right I think that's the Staples just up ahead it's down play cool right around the front hit you up there come on the wrong way it ain't that way [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] heard you got some horses we always got horses find horses on me I don't get you friend yeah you do come on listen why don't you get out of here you Scarface and your Greaser buddy whoa unlike officials we ain't officials we're connoisseurs looking to do some breedings we represent a famous uh stable and stud farm from Saratoga is that so unofficially of course this here is old father time my favorite horse it might be a little thin for them Saratoga winners but uh red right they'll produce another winner just look at those balls a hot Greaser huh [Music] [ __ ] one of the stallions is loose keep going I'll get him [Music] come here come here over here I'd give you 654. I was told we could get up to five thousand dollars for them and I was told the moon was made of ladies tears we're gonna need more than that I ain't got no more money pop here take it or leave it uh-huh all right you goddamn full Monster [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] don't go [Music] well that's nice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Rockworth
Views: 7,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kTIrW1T8UkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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