Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc - Nitro Rad

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[Music] light dra red two fantastic games going strong you have to make a part three right I mean when you make two games this good you can't stop you have to keep going while the momentum is still there part three always seems to be the big hit and miss title A lot of times it's a game's part two that's always considered the best in the series other times the third title out shines the first two on gargantuan levels after finishing Rayman 2 mishel anel had one more game cooking up in that big crazy cauldron of his it would be his biggest game yet his best game yet a game way ahead of its time that game was none other than Beyond Good and Evil after Rayman 2 this would soon become his main focus as a game developer it would end up launching later the same year as Rayman 3 hoodlum Havoc sometimes a director just does doesn't really have enough time for part three as they want to move on to bigger and better things this is why a lot of people didn't really feel that Rayman 3 lived up to their expectations since Michelle anel wasn't 100% involved onel still helped out here and there mostly in regards to the new character designs rayman's new Sleek look that most people today are familiar with was still a result of mishel anel the game itself however was programmed and developed for the most part without Ono's help ul's only real involvement catered to the planning stages of Rayman 3's production it's always a little bit concerning finding out that the next game in your favorite franchise is going to be made without its genius director it's a lot like knowing that future Metal Gear Solid games after five are going to be made without kajima as a kid I obviously didn't know about any of this all I knew is that there was a new Rayman game coming out and that I was hella excited to play it I specifically remember seeing this advertisement for it in Nintendo Power no arms no legs huge features I'll be playing the game Pew version of the game not because it's really the definitive version because I guess the Xbox and PS2 versions are pretty similar but uh after Rayman 3's moderate success an HD port was made for the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live arcade it had a smoother frame rate high defin graphics and much cleaner textures unlike Rayman 1 and 2 this is the only time the game's ever been re-released I guess Ubisoft finally decided to stop milking the Rayman franchise but I mean by this point they had Assassin's Creed so why would they even bother when the game was finally finished Michelle anel said that he was very proud of his development team for finishing the game to this level without his help though he did say if he were involved he would have made the game very differently with that said it's hard to really know what to expect for marman 3 so I guess we'll just have to play it to find out the very first thing you see is a language selection screen instead of being conveyed with words it's conveyed with a clothesline full of underwear with different flag patterns on it haven't even started playing the game yet I'm having a blast already for real though underwear is hilarious and if you want to disagree you can you can leave then we're treated to a pretty sick Montage trailer thing featuring the song matter by Gro verada unfortunately I can't put the song in the video without getting a copyright claim from YouTube so I guess instead I'll put an annotation here to the song if you care enough to listen to it Rayman 3's Story begins with Rayman and glowbox relaxing in the peaceful Glade of Dreams a black Lum named Andre appears and starts turning all the red Lums into black Lums they then bind together to turn Andre into a hoodlum all right can we just stop a minute and and really appreciate how clever that is when Lums become bad Lums they turn into hoodlums like it's not even cheesy that that's just clever with the Glade of Dreams in immediate danger Murphy wakes up glowbox while Rayman just won't get up an attempt to pull him away globox ends up tearing off rayman's hands being the coward he is he runs away with them Murphy then grabs Rayman and flies away with them as the hoodlums take fire the first bit of gameplay is an on rail section where you'll move Rayman and Murphy left and right to grab some Lums okay there's already a lot of things wrong with this firstly why would you make the very first bit of game play something that's radically different from the main kind of gaml but also something you'll never return to after the first few minutes I always found this bit to be really pointless it easily could have been replaced with a short cut scene I guess this part supposed to teach you that you can grab Lums to restore Health though that could easily have been conveyed in the first platforming bit so I I don't know why they have this another thing is that Murphy is cracking a lot of onliners and making fun of Rayman okay that's fine the game's trying to have a sense of humor however good luck hearing what the hell he's saying because Rayman 3's audio mix isn't isn't that good the music during gameplay is way too loud to get a clear idea of what Murphy is even saying luckily though you are able to turn down just the music volume leaving up the voice volume this makes it a lot easier to hear what exactly the characters are saying but still the fact that I even had to do this is a problem in itself it's not like Sonic Adventure too bad but there's a lot of parts in the game where the music is just too loud to hear what the characters are saying more evidently the audio cues are all over the place characters start talking either way too late or way too early sometimes they start talking when another character isn't even done talking it won't be easy the tunnels are swarming with canaran and those beasts are invincible yeah well you got a better idea you bet your bet I'm dollar I do okay listen closely big nose this is mostly evident in the real time cutscenes and the opening sequence other than the audio mix Rayman 3's presentation is really good characters have crisp and appealing models with smooth and clean textures Rayman 3 graphically is really impressive it's likely one of the best looking cartoon style games of its time I really like the designs of the hoodlums they're like scarecrows made out of sewn together potato sacks they're scary enough to work as an enemy but they're still silly enough to fit into rayman's World unlike Rayman 2 with its dark tone and edginess Rayman 3 brings a franchise back into being colorful wacky and silly I'm really glad because we're talking about a franchise with a dude that doesn't have limbs how do you even think to try to make that serious it's funny because this is the first game with cover art featuring Raymond with an angry expression instead of a happy one looks like they pulled a 180 on us all right so after Rayman and Murphy escape the hoodlums Murphy gives Rayman a briefing on what exactly just happened similar to the scene in Space Balls where they watch the movie to figure out what to do Murphy just pulls out the game's manual and just reads a synopsis it's all in here if you read the story you'll find your way out once upon a time there were lumps Harmony love peace boring suddenly a black lump transformed the red Lums into hoodlums the world is in great danger oh here we go here we go it says he had a glowbox took off with your hands all of the following tutorials are delivered through Murphy reading the manual though he makes fun of it time to time this manual just blows my mind it explains the switch's trigger mechanism duh police who's responsible for this garbage the game's humor is really hit and miss sometimes it might give you a good chuckle but it's really forced other times in this game Murphy is voiced by Billy West most known for voicing Stimpy and Philip J fry you'd think with voice Talent like that he'd be more consistently funny but what can you do love or hate Murphy in this game he's only there for the first level see you in Rayman 4 how dare you tease me like that Rayman 3's controls are very similar to Rayman 2's though now they're even smoother Rayman 3 had some of the smoothest best feeling controls in any platformer I've ever played just moving Rayman around with the stick feels natural and precise the helicopter ha is has also been changed from toggle to hold which I personally like a lot more and of course back yet again are the ledge grabbing mechanics in that regard and many others Rayman is even more maneuverable than he was in previous games okay so you'll shortly catch up with glowbox reuniting Rayman with his hands you're now able to attack this time rayman's back to throwing his hands to punch instead of throwing glowing balls of light I'm really glad they went back to this because it just seems so much more iconic to me you're now able to charge up your punch while moving around you also retain the charge if you decide to jump in Rayman 2 if you jumped you'd lose your charge and that was something I really didn't like Rayman 3's combat has been vastly improved over Rayman 2's the lockon now has a much more direct focus on the enemy and Rayman feels a little bit more acrobatic improving his ability to dodge you're also able to fire curve punches by releasing a punch while holding left or right on the control stick you can use these to get around barriers enemy defenses or if you just plain feel like it the the improved combat is way more fun than it was in Rayman 2 to further complement this there's a great Variety in enemies this time Rayman 2 is home to very few enemy types but Rayman 3 is sporting an entire Army of hoodlums many with different classes and Specialties you've got your standard hoodlums that'll be out with a single charged punch but also Elite hoodlums that'll Faire a much greater challenge there's also Hood stormers miniature flying hoodlums and Hood booms hoodlums packing jars of explosive Plum juice one of my favorite enemies is the hudo he's a wizard that'll cast a shield on any hoodlum you attempt to attack so you'll have to lure him out by attacking his comrades and then quickly deal with him before he vanishes while the combat is ridiculously better in Rayman 3 you'll be seeing it in much heavier chunks than in Rayman 2 Rayman 3 is a much more heavily combat oriented game taking on many hoodlums at once at frequent intervals I don't really mind this myself because like I said it's fun and that's unusual for a platformer typically when Platformers have combat Focus like TI 3 in Vex it often Falls flat on his face I think what makes Rayman 3's combat so much fun is because when you're engaged with an enemy the moves you use to fight don't really stray too far away from the moves you're already using for platforming for example in tie 3 and Vex all you would use as button mashing combos to defeat your enemies that was it in Rayman you're jumping around to dodge oncoming fire in that sense each fight is almost like an obstacle course in itself it's because the game doesn't stray away from rayman's athletic abilities when dealing with combat that it's still fun after you've defeated your very first hoodlum he leaves behind a strange container upon investigation Murphy determines that it's a laser detergent that'll turn rayman's clothing into combat fatigues combat fatigues that's exactly what we need hey man whatever works this is just the first of many powerups that Raymond will have access to in the game very stunning now you just got to figure out how it works good luck instead of powerups being optional benefits such as stronger attacks and more Health powerups in raymen 3 will temporarily give you a new ability that you'll need to use to advance to the level there's five in all Each of which has a timer on it the first is the green detergent that'll give Rayman The Vortex fist using this Rayman can shrink down his enemies and other objects creating platforms that allow him to move on next is a red detergent equipping Rayman with the heavy metal fist this will substantially increase rayman's attacking power along with granting him the power to smash wooden doors the ability to grab purple Lums returns in the form of the blue detergent this one gears up Rayman with a lock jaw using this he can latch onto his enemies and deliver many volts of electricity into their bodies and also to swing on flying hooks the flying hooks are pretty much this game's equivalent of purple lumps there's also the shock rocket contained within the orange can this one turns Raymond's hand into a missile that he can guide at enemies switches and various other objects and finally we have the throttle opter this will give Rayman the power of flight for just a couple of seconds the timer on these powerups vary for example the blue one lasts a very long time while the yellow one lasts merely a few seconds so after you defeated this hoodlum Andre emerges telling Rayman that he's going to use the power of the heart of the world to multiply infinitely so he can destroy the world but before he could get there glowbox accidentally swallows him now having Andre confined to glob Box's stomach Rayman and globox set out to find a doctor that can remove Andre until then every hoodlum in existence is now hellbent on killing Rayman and globox in order to rescue their master from this bozzo's stomach I'll be honest I do get quite a kick out of this Game's plot there's a lot more to it than Rayman 2's and it has a lot more personality and Quirk to it the scenes where you actually meet up with the doctors are also pretty damn funny too throughout the game you'll hear a lot of dialogue between Andre and globox you can kind of tell that Raymond 3 was going for a very Saturday morning cartoon Vibe with a constant stream of jokes and onliners Rayman these disguises are getting a bit ridiculous I mean they're not even good I recognize you right away again it's really hit and miss sometimes it's kind of funny sometimes it's dumb and annoying sorry guys just ding the place out glowbox was voiced by a comedian John le leg le Lego myo I don't know why the developers seem to think that just casting a comedian for for the character will automatically make the game funny like remember gex he was kind of annoying being voiced by a comedian didn't make that game any funnier well there are a couple lines I do find pretty funny one of them happens if you attack globox you were nicer in Rayman too H and you were a lot less annoying in Rayman 2o the only way to keep Andre calm and from eating his way out of glob Box's stomach is by feeding him Plum juice and it just so happens that globox is allergic to Plum juice you'll find a barrel of this juice every now and then that glowbox will not hesitate to guzzle down this will put glowbox in a bizarrely drunken State sometimes causing his body to swell up and float like a balloon when this happens he'll burp out some bubbles that raymen can then use to climb to the next area so obviously with Plum juice being in the game The Purple Plum also makes a return though it's a very underwhelming return you don't see these things very often and when you do it's simply a matter of picking it up and just throwing it onto a Spike to use as a platform no more riding it through Lava no more turning enemies in the platforms no more anything really the Plum's been reduced to a fraction of what it was before the thing's not even very durable anymore while it was able to withstand molten lava in Rayman 2 it now struggles to even exist in water what happened man rayman's plums become a bum plums are really one of the only things that make a return from Rayman 2 there's no more shell or slide stages either which is a big disappointment considering how fun they were instead we have these shoe racing segments Rayman shrinks down Landing in his shoe and then he proceeds to drive it around like a car it's really silly and it gave me a good laugh the first time I saw it but the actual gameplay involved in these bits is pretty lackluster you'll essentially just run into the other shoe a couple of times and that's it mini game's over you don't have to do this very often in the game but it's almost insulting to see something so fun replaced with something so boring and dull there's also the new rocket boarding stages that'll have Rayman surfing on a rocket board through a psychedelic tunnel while disco music plays these stages are actually pretty fun there definitely no substitute for the shell segments but they're not half bad while Rayman 2 had 19 levels Rayman 3 only has nine however Rayman 3's levels are much longer some taking up to an hour to complete the levels are split into chunks with checkpoints in between if you sa and quit the game you'll return to the last checkpoint mid level so while some levels are an hour long you never have to run through the whole thing in one sitting my favorite level in the game is called the longest shortcut it's the only stage that really doesn't have that much combat but instead just a bunch of straightup platforming you know this stage kind of makes me realize while I don't mind the heavier focus on combat the game definitely would have greatly benefited if it didn't shift Focus From platforming the world map has been simplified down to a level select screen it's vastly less exciting but it's more practical in actuality though you only visit each stage throughout the story once you can pause the game whenever you want and return to any level at any time you want the only reason you'd really want to go back though is to get cages you've missed or rack up a better score in each level just like every Rayman game cages once again return this time containing imprison teens's a detail about this game I always appreciated is that every teamc you free has a personality of his own and also something to say I have to go watch [Music] my a lot of the team's will provide Rayman with powerups he needs to advance throughout each level the more hidden ones will reap gems that you can collect for more points yeah oddly enough Rayman 3 is the only game in the series to have the score system unless you want to include Rayman Raving Rabbids but I'd try to forget those games even existed scoring points will enter combo mode which will last a few seconds after picking up a collectible defeating an enemy or doing anything else that'll get you points if you score consecutively by say collecting many gems continuously you'll rack up a combo which will be then added to your score when the timer runs out you'll also score double the amount of points if you have a PowerUp so if you'd like to assure a high score get a power up and collect everything in the area consecutively and quickly there's not much point to getting a high score other than unlocking a couple of mini games and bonus movies the mini games are all really forgettable some involve mechanics taken straight out of the game While others are half-ass bonus games where you play as a hoodlum or some other character they can be fun for maybe like 5 to 10 minutes each if you have some sort of curiosity about them but they're really nothing you're going to spend a lot of time on the GameCube version actually had an exclusive mini game where you would hook up the Game Boy Advance to the console this one was surprisingly a lot of fun player one plays as Rayman controlling his little shoe car while player two has to build the track for him on the Game Boy Advance the pieces get smaller and smaller and more abstract and harder to use as the miname goes on my friend and I used to play this one all the time it was a blast there was also a four-player version of it but I never had a enough Game Boy advanced cables or people to play that one there seriously needs to be some sort of iteration of this game made for the Wii U that would be awesome one player could use a game pad's touchscreen to build a track while the other player uses another controller to race it can somebody please make that happen that would be amazing when I was a kid I really love the bonus movies essentially you'll unlock episodes from the how to kick Rayman DVD box set that some hoodlum made I guess it features him beating up various standings for Rayman in various ways most of which go horribly WR wrong it's nothing must C but it's a nice bonus if you want to put forth the time for it Rayman 3's bosses are definitely a step up for Rayman 2 I guess they do tend to drag on though the first boss fight is kind of frustrating the missile you fire at him has an awful habit of not connecting and Landing a hit is kind of hard to do there was actually a boss cut from the game due to being too big you're supposed to fight him here instead of this guy despite being removed from the game there's still a lot of references to him for example this large wanted sign that features his face I actually remember seeing this guy paired up with the other villains in some official artwork but I never knew where to find him in the game it was almost like a big mystery who was this guy and where do you find him it is possible to still find him physically in the game in the final level score 43,000 points before entering the final room if done correctly a hidden room will open up and here are three animated character models from unused creatur creatures a glute a small blue bird a bondon which is a strange creature resembling a yak and finally the Zoar I'm pretty sure he's supposed to also have a running animation but I couldn't manage to get him to do it another notable secret is in the second final stage hoodlum headquarters if you jump onto this here and enter in the side you'll see a diarama of the entire villainous castman 2 posing like the last supper now this is a really cool Easter egg in this level you're greeted by a seductive voice that plays over the intercom good day you are entering the headquarters of the black Lum wow that he's got a lovely voice I sure like to meet her glowbox soon falls in love with this character and makes a fool out of himself when he thinks he sees her why is glowbox chasing after some girl I thought he was married I mean hell you even meet his wife and Rayman too what happened to her what happened to his children also what happened to Lee the fairy and bellaa the fairy come to think of it hardly any of the Rayman 2 characters make a return and the whole world seems so vastly different it's almost like every Rayman game is a total redcon of the last the series doesn't seem to have any real continuity there's a general backstory involving the heart of the world and how a God's dreams came to life creating everything and then how the villains were made up during a nightmare but other than that Raymond's continuity seems to be all over the place every game has such a different tone and almost a completely different setting too I suppose it does help each game feel unique though I'm starting to run out of things to talk about I think it's time I wrap this video up the final boss fight isn't half bad until you get to the Final Phase of him this bit changes the game play completely into a vehicle segment where you'll shoot at him you can't do that the vehicle itself is introduced late in the last level you'll fly around and navigate the tower leading up to Andre with the occasional shooting segment so imagine Rayman 2's awesome flying ship bit but with zero challenge since you can't die from bumping into walls and dramatically slower it's pretty much Raymond 2's final stage but just not fun during the game's ending you'll get to see a flashback showing exactly how Andre came into existence it's a really nice way to wrap things up overall I'd say Raymond 3 is still a really good game it just hasn't really aged well because of a massive lack of Polish the game really needed more straight up platforming segments and a better audio mix the camera could use a bit of work too especially in the Mansion level where it just loves to get stuck on things these are all just small things but they're still things that should have been worked out before the game was released bottom line is if you liked Rayman 2 you'll probably like Rayman 3 it hasn't aged super well but it's still a great game nonetheless your best method of playing this game if you're interested is by getting the HD version off of PSN or Xbox Live arcade the PC version along with PC versions of the first two games are also available on good old games.com oh before I forget it's probably a good idea to bring up the Game Boy advanced version of Rayman 3 hoodlum Havoc this version which was also released on the end gauge of all things is a 2d s scroller much like the original Rayman though for some reason it follows the plot of Rayman 2 instead of Rayman 3 which is something I never really quite understood this would end up being the last real Rayman game until the plague known as the rabids took over the franchise we then wouldn't see another real Rayman game until 2011 8 years later Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends finally took the Reigns for the future of the Rayman series taking the gameplay of Rayman 1 and ramping it up to match modern standards these two games are both incredible and I highly highly recommend checking them out as well hell Rayman Legends was my game of the year in 2013 while the 2D iterations are Beyond incredible I'd really love to see Rayman return to the third dimension sometime so here's to rayman's Bright and colorful world and here's to Mish LEL and His Brilliant team of developers I'm really looking forward to what you guys have in store for us next whether it be that long awaited Beyond Good and Evil sequel or a brand new Rayman game either way I'll be looking forward to it [Music] I'll be playing the GameCube version of the game you can't see it
Channel: Nitro Rad
Views: 934,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rayman, rayman 3, hoodlum havoc, review, nitro rad, platformer, funny, video games, gaming, uhhh, idk man, woahdang, james, games, ubisoft, beyond good and evil, rayman legends, rayman origins, rayman raving rabbids, rabbids, frick, Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Video Game), gamecube, ps2, xbox, peanut butter gamer, pro jared, jontron
Id: E_7xtIORMMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2015
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