Raw pain at vigil for Wynter Smith after toddler was found dead

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Hey baby. Precious two year old's body was discovered in a nearby alley by Irwin Street after an exhaustive three day search winter went missing after suspect Rashad Tress waged a violent stabbing attack against her mother, according to investigators enforcement, pinned his cellphone and tracked his drive to Metro Detroit eventually being led to this spot. You know, this is a fact. Come on, transcends all covered lines. You never know what evil may show up, maybe living with evil. It's been too many of these Detroit Yes. I'm sick of seeing it. Black men. I'm sick of seeing it. It's time for us to step up and take back this village balloons, teddy bears and symbols of love marked the very same spot where just 24 hours before the FBI joined Detroit police in launching a massive crime scene as the most feared possibility came true family is desperate cling to hope crashing down into stunning sadness, Winters told the crowd . How much the outpouring of love means to them on behalf of the family of Winter cold Smith, We would like to thank everyone of you. Each and every one of you, every friend, every family member every organization, everyone that's standing here today. We'd like to thank you. We're so grateful for all of your support. We're so grateful for all of your love your condolences. Why. Grade There were songs of praise and then a release of balloons into the heavens, as so many still ponder the big question. Why killing women? You know, because they don't want to be with you. I mean, they're doing things like this, you know, killing the babies just to torture the mother. When does it end? That is certainly the question indeed. Now we do know that winters immediate family will be down in that very same spot tomorrow night, holding a vigil and pastor most group and many others. They say they're going to be right there tomorrow night. They say, you simply cannot show enough love to this family, and that's exactly what they intend to do to keep that love that outpouring going live in downtown Detroit, Dave Qinshan faxed to news Well and hopefully, you know we're in the coming days. We are going to learn more charges against the suspect. It won't bring this baby back, but certainly bring some justice for this family. But we know he was unknown, violent offender that was on probation at the time of this alleged crime, family and other people out there, saying more needs to be done to keep these violent offenders behind bars longer, so they can't go back out. And Kevin these sort of crimes. Yeah no doubt about that. That's part of the reform that so many people at the rally tonight. They want to see a lot of changes. The court records show an extensive criminal history when it comes to the suspect here, and many people at the rally and beyond. They say that again that also has to change.
Channel: FOX 2 Detroit
Views: 71,938
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Keywords: Toddler killed, Wynter Smith Detroit, Wynter Smith murdered, Wynter Smith toddler found dead, Detroit Amber Alert, Vigil for Wynter Smith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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