RAW: Drone footage shows wildfires in popular Maui tourist town

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this is filmed at 11 30 p.m um as I'm taking a look and surveying the fire I'm actually not really in any of the wind and then as you can see I'm panning and turning around and in the distance you can see some of those lights that's where I flew from that's about 2600 meters away where Maui Brewing is um as I'm flying towards the smoke kind of at a sideways trajectory I will pan more to the right to see the fire I start to come into the wind and you can see the Drone kind of picks up speed a little bit because I'm going with the wind and uh I wanted to give you a feel of how fast the fire is going so I moved to it um please if you have any footage of any fire anywhere on Maui please post it in the comments below so I'm compiling footage lots of footage is getting deleted pictures are getting deleted and people don't really know the severity which is really stupid you can see here it's moving probably about one and a half to three miles an hour somewhere in that ballpark and it's heading kind of more toward the Monsanto area and I kind of poke through the smoke here as I'm flying with it um and that's kind of like Kihei in the distance you see guys please stay safe uh looks like Lahaina is absolutely devastated and it's going to be a long recovery guys stay tight
Channel: WBNS 10TV
Views: 189,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ffV5tmrrgMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 44sec (104 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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