Ravishing Romance Book Recommendations \\ age-gap, NA, sports

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hey you guys welcome back to my channel it's Shania so I first want to start off by saying happy Valentine's Day happy galentine's day happy Judah times day and if you don't celebrate happy day I personally feel like the best date possible it's an evening cuddled up with a good book particularly a good romance book so that's what we're gonna do today I'm gonna give you guys some recommendations for steamy hot sexy and all-in-all smutty romance books all right so I decided that I wanted to break up all these books into categories because you know we all have a type when it comes to romance and I thought that this video needed some structure so the very first category that we're gonna start with is high school-aged romance all right so when it comes to high school-aged romance I feel like a lot of authors trying to stay away from that especially when they're writing books that are containing smut because I don't know it's kind of an awkward topic when you're talking about under 18 year olds and like romance love and sex it's just I don't know not many people like to do it but I do have a few recommendations that I personally love and we're gonna start off with the queen of romance my favorite Penelope Douglas specifically we're gonna be talking about bolli by Penelope Douglas and if you guys haven't read anything by Penelope Douglas before I would suggest that you guys start off by reading bully because it is her very first book that she ever wrote and it only goes up from there on so I always say that you guys should start with bully because I didn't read bully first and when I went back I was kind of disappointed because her writing style and her plot development was not as on par as her other books so I would just suggest that you read this one first and then go read her other ones after so this book of course is set in high school and we have two main characters we have Tate and Jared but we only get Tate's with a view throughout this so Jared and Tate were actually best friends in middle school but upon entering high school they become enemies because Jared begins to bully Tate so there is kind of a trigger warning with this book if you guys aren't really into bullying this might not be the book for you because there is some emotional and mental abuse but I wouldn't say anything too extreme Jared just kind of does a lot of pranks and forces Tate to become sort of an outcast in the high school but upon their senior year Tate is done with that and she is ready to stand up to her bully and then of course because she stands up to her bully then Jared and her realized their differences and they miss each other and then romance comes out of this bullying relationship but I did find this book enjoyable the steam is kind of like a side piece like if you guys want like a really nice plot driven character development book with just a little bit of smut on the side maybe like one or two scenes then this book is definitely for you and I definitely think that you guys need to read stuff by Penelope Douglas and like I said this is the perfect book to start out with alright so moving along in this category the next book that I want to talk about can also be considered in age gap romance so if you guys are into that then this might be the best of both worlds get high school and age gap this book is unteachable by Lia reader and this is of course like I said set in high school but it deals with an 18 year old senior and her relationship with her high school teacher the book kicks off with the two meeting each other at a carnival they end up writing the same ride and they just connect with each other really well and start building a relationship and then they go back and they sleep together but they felt after they slept together that they had a real connection with one another but of course upon the next day when they go to school for the very first day of school the main character walks into the room and she sees her teacher which is the man she slept with the night before and of course that is taboo as hell yeah so it's definitely more of a taboo book but I felt like the author handled the situation really well and there are some really steamy scenes and it was really really good so if you guys want to have that student-teacher relationship and you're kind of like intrigued by it then I would definitely check out this book because it's really really good and I felt like I had a really good overall message behind it so I highly highly recommend this one all right so the last book in this high school age romance category is one of my personal favorites of Penelope Douglas I absolutely adored this book and it's the first book that I ever read by her and that is Punk 57 this book is a dual point of view that has our two main characters Ryan and Misha and they end up being pen pals in fifth grade but after their fifth grade year they decide to continue their pen pal relationship with one exception that they will never ever meet each other or seek each other out even though they live only one town away from each other I didn't realize going into this book that I was gonna be such a fan of pen pal relationships but I absolutely loved it and I felt like Ryan and Misha were such a great character and I also didn't realize that that I had a soft spot in my heart for Punk boys with lip rings but that's what Misha was and IA just adored him so much I do want to let you guys know that there is bullying involved in this one as well probably more than actually bullied by Penelope Douglas but I still really enjoyed this book the steam in this book is by far some of my all-time favorite I love this relationship I love the way that you connect and the smut is so prime you guys you just have to read it or anything just read it for this month because it is so good alright so moving on to our next category I'm gonna bump it up an age a little bit here we're gonna go to college age romance so the first book that I'm going to talk about is one that I raved in my January wrap-up about I loved this book so much and that is the guy on the right by Kate Stewart this book deals with the friends to Lover's trope so if you guys are into that then this is definitely a good book for you and our two main characters Theo and Lanie are of course in college and they meet each other one night after a string of just bad relationships and they end up connecting with one another and become fast-fast best friends Theo and Lanie have vastly different personalities we have Pheo who's kind of the laid-back band nerd and we have Lainey who's the loud popular outgoing girl but their romance earnest is so adorable I loved it so much and this is another one of those books that has like smut and steam just that's like a little side dish and I really loved it because I was really in it for the character development in the plot because they connected so well and I was laughing my ass off the entire time and I've told people when I recommend it that this is kind of like a john green book but college style so everything about it it's just perfect so the next book that I'm gonna recommend to you guys in the college-age romance category is one that is also a series so if you guys want to have multiple books then this is also a really good pick for you but that is wait for you by Jennifer L Armentrout this one kinda has mixed reviews but I personally really enjoyed this one the first one is by far my favorite I really like the characters I like the message behind it and I think that the other books are really good too because each of the books deals with a really hard topic and how the characters can overcome it and deal with it within their relationship each of these books in this series do have a lot of steam a lot of smut but what I liked about this series is that the sex scenes aren't just like their they're not just sex scenes and they mean nothing really these all are centered around something that is very more I don't I don't know what the word is that I'm looking for but there is a point to this smut there is a reason behind it and you just connect with the characters even more when you're reading them not just like you're basically reading smut like there's a reason okay so moving on to our next category this category also deals with college but I decided to break it up into a different category because we're gonna be talking about sports romance this is another category that I didn't really think that I was actually gonna enjoy but I hate for some reason and a stand of sports romance and it's just weird because a lot of it is not dealing with sports that I really enjoy but I'm here for it so the very first book that I want to discuss with you guys is by far my favorite sports romance ever and that is the deal by Elle Kennedy so the sport behind this one is hockey our main love interest is a very popular hockey player but that's not really the whole premise of the book the main point of it is that this book is a fake dating trope type book so the two characters start with kind of meeting just randomly in their classroom and they both have something that they can gain from the other so they of course decide to make this pact and start fake dating but as we all know with the fake dating trope because right now I am also reading to all the boys I love before we know that fake dating never ends with them just fake dating it ends with them real-life dating and this book is no exception I absolutely loved this one it also handled a hard topic and had a really great overall message and I loved it and this is another one of those books where this smut scenes are so good it's like one of my favorite books just for the smut and I was here for it I absolutely loved it and I think you guys should definitely definitely check this one out okay so the next two books in this category I'm going to just basically group together because they're very similar to one another and that is they're dealing with a football player and a girl in college so the first book that deals with football is enemies by Aaron Trejo if you could tell from the title this is an enemies two lovers trope the two were enemies as kids something happened in their past that made them hate each other and then when it came time for our main character to go to college she ends up running into this football player that she hasn't seen in a long time and there's a traumatic event that bringing the two together and of course romance ensues and this is another one of those books where there's only like one or two sex scenes it's very minimal just that little side dish again so if you guys want something like that where it's very plot driven then this might be the book for you also what I really like about this book is that the characters are from South Dakota and me being from South Dakota I was like really praised in this book I really liked it and as for our next book this book is I dare you by Elsa Madden Mills and this one honest to god I cannot remember what the hell happened in this book all I remember is that there was a girl in college and a guy that wanted to make it pro and football and they had a romance I think the girl had some difficulties in her past life it's pretty typical when it comes to romance books but some steam in there and I think I really enjoyed it that's all I remember so I would definitely check out those if you guys are into the whole football college-age type of romance those might be it for you okay so moving on to the next category this is one of my personal favorite categories I love books like this and that is age gap romance so I do have a couple more books in here that are by Penelope Douglas I'm sorry you guys but Penelope Douglas is like the Queen like I said of steamy romance books she is just she's where it's at so you guys need to definitely go check her out if you haven't already but the very first book that I'm going to talk about is birthday girl by Penelope Douglas this is the book that I feel like everybody reads by Penelope Douglas a lot of people really love this one and I feel like if you guys just want something it's gonna be really really good right away then I would definitely check out this one because a lot of people love love love this one this book starts with our main character going to the movie theater and she meets a mysterious man and they end up sitting next to each other during the movie and they end up really connecting with one another and of course upon after the movie ends they find out that they have a similar interest and that is the girl is dating the guy's son so to sum this up a little bit better the book deals with the romance between our main character and her boyfriend's dad it's really interesting because of course right after she meets him she gets evicted from her apartment and the dad Pike swoops in and says that her and his son can come live with them and so it's like a one-house trope not on like a one-bed trope but like a one house you know they're living together and of course they end up having this glorious romance with one another it's definitely another one of those taboo books Penelope Douglas is very well known for her taboo topics but she handles them again so well and this is such a steamy good romance out of all these books this one is probably the one with the slowest burn I have to say so if you guys are into that slow burn romance then definitely check out this one because it is so good and I know so many people absolutely love this book so the next age gap romance that I have on this list is a very heartwarming one this one is a very classy great book that I really enjoy it and it deals with our main character who is 27 years old and her relationship with a 37 year old man to give you more context our main love interest this 37 year old man is a single dad and he has three adorable children definitely like a despicable me type of vibe that I had feeling during this book but like I said he's a single dad and this 27 year old girl is his nanny for his kids so you've got a nanny relationship here and it's really good but it's a really cute story and it's just it's really good it's really really cute the girls in it are just adorable seeing him as a single dad is so cute and the relationship that she has with the family it's just it's so heartwarming so if you guys want a really cute story it with some smut in there then this one is definitely it all right so this last book in this age gap romance category is one that I didn't really know where to put it in all the categories that I had so I decided to put it in this one because there is an age gap romance happening in this but that is credence by Penelope Douglas and you guys this is by far my favorite Penelope Douglas book ever originally I was really into pun 57 the one I mentioned earlier but when this one came out it just kicked that one out of that place and it just took the top spot for me I loved this book so much out of all of Penelope's books this one is definitely her most taboo book it is a weird situation I don't know if I really would be into it if it's a real-life situation but book wise I was like okay so this book deals with our main character Tiernan who is almost 18 and unfortunately her parents end up passing away and she ends up deciding to go live with her dad's step-brother who she has never met and his name is Jake and he lives in the mountains of Colorado with his two sons Noah and Caleb who are 20 and 21 and so when she goes and lives with them she ends up having a relationship with all of them so yes very taboo even though she's not blood-related to them they're all related to each other and havin you know some steamy scenes with all of them throughout the book you have no idea who she's gonna end up with until like the very very end and it's just hmm it's so good it's such a good book I absolutely loved it all right so our next category is one that I decided to put two and two together and that is mafia slash motorcycle gang romance this is basically a category that's gonna deal with men that are dark kind of demented and not afraid to kill people they are the head honchos and they don't care if your life is in jeopardy their life is what is important and they will kill and do anything to maintain their status so the very first book in this category is one of my all-time favorite romance books ever I love this one it is a duology and I think it's so good I actually think the second one in this series is better than the first but together they make such a good freakin story and that series is Menace by J M dark hour so this is your mafia boss type of book it's set in New York and we have our main love interest Lorenzo who literally doesn't give a about anybody he is a badass he will kill anyone that gets in his way even if it's something so insignificant he doesn't care about your life and he will kill you and then we have our other main character Morgan who is actually a stripper she is trying to survive and this is the only way that she can make enough money to support herself what I really loved about this series was that the characters both have traumatic past and from those traumatic past you can tell that it kind of molded them into the person that they were at that point of the book and they kind of just come together they have a mutual understanding of one another and it's just it's really adorable it's not one that's gonna be like your typical cutesy romance it's very hard-hitting there is a lot of trigger warnings in this one a lot of violence a lot of sexual abuse in this one it's a difficult difficult book for sure but the author handles it really really well and I felt like the messages behind it were very important she really sticks to the topic of how shippers can be judged very harshly but all in all they're just trying to survive like any other person and they have a lot of strength and I really commended the whole message that was delivered throughout this book all right so the next book is your motorcycle gang book and this is a decline by Aaron Trejo this one is part of a series I think it's something the soulless bastards series but it's a really interesting series the steam and this one was by far very interesting it starts off with our main character hanging out with her girlfriends and she gets dared to go over to the motorcycle gang place it's like a nightclub type of place or something like that and she gets dared to go over there and she does and she meets our main love interest a clan and they end up having a really odd relationship and there's like a really smart at the very beginning and that I didn't know I was into but like okay it's something I haven't read before so I was like alright alright I think that this one was really interesting because we had a big badass type of motorcycle gang leader and how he became kind of soft and cute with his new relationship with this girl and she's kind of a badass too so it was really interesting I think it was a really good romance and if you guys are into that type of motorcycle gang type of situation then I would definitely check out this one as well alright so the last book in this category shouldn't technically be in this category but I felt like it could have been because it's not really dealing with the Mafia it's not really dealing with a motorcycle gang but I felt like maybe it could fit in a little bit with that type of leadership quality and that is vicious by LJN so vicious is another one of my all-time favorite romance books I love this one a lot this one also deals with bullying I'm not really sure why I read so many books that deal with bullying but this one gets a bullying as well and you have that type of situation where you get a lot of flashbacks towards the past so you kind of see what happened and how it shaped them into how they are now when they're 27 but what I really love about this book is our main love and just vicious and it is his nickname he kind of like a mafia boss he's a leader of like his friend group he's very rich and he's just kind of like a Fifty Shades type of character you know you're mr. gray type of character he's kind of like that but he is way more badass and he's just he's way more of an interesting character I think you guys should check out this one there's a lot of good steam and this one was too with I mean I feel like that goes without saying if it's one of my all-time favorite books I love good smut so definitely check out this one as well all right so those are all the book recommendations I have for romance books and I know it was a lot but these are all books that I've been wanting to talk about for quite some time I've been wanting to do this video for so long but I decided to wait until the holiday of romance to tell you guys about it so I hope you guys enjoy this video I hope that you guys can find some books that you really enjoy as well and if you guys have read any of these books please let me know down below what your thoughts were and please don't spoil for everybody else but I really want to see what your guys those thoughts were and if you guys enjoyed them as well and if there's any other book recommendations and regrets like romance reads that you guys think I should definitely check out then let me know down below as well thank you guys so much for watching and if you guys have it already please subscribe I would love for you guys to join the family and if you guys want to follow me on any of my social media I'll have it linked down below as well but other than that thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: unrevealed reader
Views: 17,841
Rating: 4.9661016 out of 5
Keywords: romance books, books, steamy romance books, romance reads, best romance books, smut books, favorites of 2019, 2019 favorite books, recommended books, bookshelf tour, booktube newbie tag, book tag, book wrap up, book haul, book to be read, most anticipated books, best books to read, booktube, young adult books, makeup, valentine's day, galentine's day, favorite books of all time, monthly favorites, 2020 books, sexy books, romantic books, new adult books
Id: _XEvqg6Y5x8
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Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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