Raven - All Powers & Fights Scenes (Teen Titans S01)

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thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] think again oh it's pointless to be upset about cyborg what nutrients [Music] thank you good morning [Music] planes can't spread there's nothing to burn as wrath Metreon [Music] good idea Beyond [Music] Azeroth matrion synthos foreign [Music] [Music] Raven stop it's okay you're going to be all right it was no dark Evan what did you do [Applause] could Dr Light no I don't know anymore [Music] wow Raven you're wearing pink because it's my favorite color stop by your room and the door's been knocked down need to be alone [Music] faces [Music] [Music] get out of my mind now leave you alone with that not gonna happen foreign [Music] [Music] thank you you are going back where you belong [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh and I am you [Music] I have been trapped inside tiny wooden bodies while a nasty creature called the puppet King has taken control of their real bodies which he is using to hunt us down and you and I are in the wrong bodies and Starfire you have to calm down peace quiet tranquility [Music] foreign [Music] Peace Quiet Tranquility Peace Quiet Tranquility it's all right it's nice flying by the way at least I am able to fly on my planet even a newborn can unleash the joy of flight but you are too busy being grumpy and rude to feel anything at all maybe you haven't noticed but my emotions are dangerous I can't afford to feel anything you may have my body but you know nothing of Center focus your energy on the lock ezrath Metreon in those [Music] but I will if I must thank you foreign cyborg Raven how glad we are to see this [Music] then we totally escaped before the cops showed up escape from that before the cops show up sweet ride nice okay making it really hard to concentrate you know before I don't know anything honest [Music] you've said you could handle it Deseret Metreon foreign [Applause]
Channel: Mr. Anybody
Views: 447,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teen titans, Titans, Raven, young justice, Raven best moments, All Powers explained, Raven dc
Id: F8gEiW9oSqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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