Ravel - Piano Concerto in G Major, Piano Concerto for the Left Hand (Century's.rc.: Samson François)

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Concerto in G Major - Ravel first wanted to call this work "Entertainment" because there was such a virtuosity in piano writing and in orchestral writing that it seems playful. The main thing remains the fantastic glitter of this work, which requires a pianist and an orchestra of the highest level. Ravel himself thought he was playing his concerto in G. In the end, the two hands were going to be Madame Marguerite Long's, the composer not having had enough experience with his hands, he was satisfied with the conductor's baton. We must acknowledge the magnificent adagio that Ravel nevertheless claimed to have written with great difficulty, "two bars by two bars, with the help of Mozart's Clarinet Quintet". Samson François, intuitive and always happy, brings a very personal touch to Ravel's music. The orchestra conducted by the fine Ravelian Cluytens is an important part of the success of this immortal engraving. (next at 20:21) Concerto for the left hand - Written for the Austrian pianist Paul Wittgenstein, who had his right arm amputated during the First World War, this concerto is a work of rare expressive power whose entrance to the piano, of raging, peremptory violence, is like the effigy. Samson François has been unsurpassed for several decades now, by this mixture of tense dramatization, bitterness, incredible richness of colours as if nervously thrown onto the orchestral canvas broken by André Cluytens. Listening to the solo part, who would think that only one hand goes through the whole keyboard.. END
Channel: Classical Music/ /Reference Recording
Views: 25,883
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Keywords: ravel concerto en sol, ravel piano concerto in g major 2nd movement, Maurice Ravel - Piano Concerto in G major, ravel concerto en sol samson françois, Ravel - Piano concerto in G - François / Cluytens, samson françois ravel concerto, samson francois, samson françois, samson françois ravel, ravel concerto pour la main gauche samson françois, ravel concerto for the left hand, the best of ravel, ravel piano, ravel piano concerto, ravel complete piano works, andré cluytens ravel
Id: Y49PD4HzsU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 44sec (2324 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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