Raul Ries / Messy Ministry

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with Ryan Reese from Southern California this is live with Ryan Reese call now 180 day five six four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Brian Reese on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook on the air and today we are not gonna be taking calls because we have a lot to talk about I got my dad rahl Reese in studio I know it's so funny that we do ministry so agree that I don't support you anymore hey stay hide your dad I go why she found Tuesday I'm coming to the opposite process but um you know we're all busy you know doing it and that's just the way it is and I got Shawn McKeon obviously in studio tonight and you know what I want to talk about today is the the subject of the show would be called messy ministry and you know when I look at the Bible and I look at Jesus's Minister Jesus is the model obviously and when you look at him he was he was in the temple teaching but then he the majority is Minister he was he was out in the streets with the people and then you know the religious leaders they were not stoked on him they would say comments of like such as like look at Jesus only if he knew who that woman was remember when the president came and touched his feet he wouldn't associate with her when he was breaking bread with Matthew and the tax collectors and they said why does he eat with such scum and even the fact that he would be out with the people you know with the multitude for days doing ministry he was in the city he was just with with the people he wasn't always in the church doing expecting people sinners to come to him in the church because the reality is even back then and even to now sinners aren't just flooding the churches and when I say sinners I'm talking about people you know people that haven't encountered Jesus Christ yet you know what we're all sinners saved by grace once you encounter Jesus that's that that's the good news is that you could be forgiven of your sins and that's that's what's attractive of the Gospel message that we have as Christians and this is why Jesus says go out and make disciples the nice and baptized in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit and teach him to obey my Commandments and that's what the church is there for is to teach us to obey the commandments but how are they gonna come to the church unless the messenger is sent out to go reach them that's what I want to talk about today dad because you know have since I've known you that's a long time my whole life 43 years ever since I've known you you have been living the Great Commission and we've toured the world I've been on many tours with yous from a young age you you know you had a movie come out you know you were meet with the king of Tonga the queen of Tonga all through South America do you know where where else oh oh yeah you remember the Prime Minister of Israel where else you were I mean you've traveled all over the world with eight we were in a Hong Kong yeah where else huge New Zealand Europe all over Europe everywhere all these different places Thailand oh yeah so today I want to talk about messy ministry because I truly believe what I've been witnessing in the whosoever's movement is that the Jesus ministry is messy mm-hmm and when I say messy it's it's it's not like you know it's not like a church service where you have a clean cut setup it's Church it's organized people come in to hear the worship and you give the message you do the altar call people get saved when you're truly doing the Jesus ministry it's messy and it's almost like when you when you're going out and and being a pioneer in a sense to to reach people going in unknown territories when you're a pioneer what happened with the Pioneers they always ended up with arrows in their back no because when you go into uncharted territory it's dangerous and I believe that you get arrows from the church the people that come against you and which we're gonna talk about today and you get arrows from the people that are not Christians it's almost like what I've witnessed is with the whosoever's movement we're too Christian for the world but then we're not Christian enough for the church when you go into this uncharted territories because it goes against the whole institution of the church because it's not doesn't fit in the box of the way the Church of the incident the institution the church has set it up like what I've seen and just like people will call me hey Ryan we want to go do a skate park outreach in in San Pedro and that's a rough neighborhood I'm a skateboarder I know that whole area and I'm like okay cool so what's your plan of attack well we're gonna go in there we're gonna we're gonna have a worship band play and then after the worship band plays then we're gonna get up and we're gonna give the Gospel message and I'm like that will never fly at a skate park these are punk rock kids and hip hop kids you're gonna go play worship the world doesn't even understand worship it took me a for a while when I gave my life to God for like worship to actually click even when I gave my life to the Lord when I first came I life toured I'd come to church I'd be like I'm just gonna choke the message worship music gets so lame like I didn't click to me at the time so how the heck is that gonna click to someone when you go to a skate park when they're listening to punk rock they're smoking weed they're drinking beer like Jesus called us to be fishers of men and when he's called us to be fishers of men there's different kinds of bait that you use in different scenarios when you go deep-sea fishing there's a certain kind of bait when there's freshwater fish fly fishing all Laskin fishing when you cut holes in the ice there's different bay for fish this is why Jesus called to be fishers of men and what I've seen at large in the church is that the church is constantly using the same bait that they use in the church we're gonna get a worship in and we're gonna give the message we're gonna give him a full Bible study and then people the Holy Spirit can show up and then people could get saved but what I witness with you personally which we're gonna talk about today is there's different baits that you use and there's different moments that when the Holy Spirit shows up you just you give a message and people get saved and sometimes I've seen you give a message in LA there was this one particular event in LA dad when you did the exit concert the the new version of it when I helped you put that together in 2008 in downtown LA pewdie played there was a huge secular audience we did all secular advertising on mainstream radio mainstream flyers and all the concerts and you came up at this one point and it was a full rock show and you came up to give a Bible study you came up with your message and all sudden right when the music ended the people just started exiting they started running out thousands and I remember the Holy Spirit just fell on you at that moment tears came and you just started speaking you didn't even go off your notes you just started speaking I don't remember what you said but thousands of people just stopped turned around came back sat down and then thousands got saved it was like BAM and that was unorthodox because you could have went up there and you could have just said I'm gonna stick to my notes I'm gonna give a Bible study and those thousands of people would have just exited and you woulda lost them but you changed the bait and you were led by the Holy Spirit and thousands got saved and I kind of went to the end of the story dad but I want to start at the very beginning now so when you first got saved how did you what was what was the beginning of your ministry or you got saying what was the beginning how does you were teaching comfort at that time yeah my school my school well the first thing that God spoke to me about it's a good about work high school Oh high school I mean our eyes because for a long time I was you know Vietnam came back and got married and so I decided to go and mr. Barlow mr. Hallenbeck were the vice principal impress principals which there were baseball coaches for us so I went to the office that say you guys you know I just accepted Christ and I want to work with these kids that are born for high school and they said one second they call the police on me we got me off campus so I went home really kind of depressed because I thought you know here I thought God put this in my heart to go back to my high school to give him the gospel but I guess not so I say to mom I prayed and the Holy Spirit spoke and he says I want you to go back now two weeks later so I go back in mr. Barnhill Hollenbeck they gave me permission to go on campus and I wanted to give campus every day and people begin to get safe in the campus what were you doing on campus cuz you you were like an we in the quad or I was I was I was right where the flagpole was at lunch area and I was standing there and I was talking to people and then some of the kids would throw a little brownies on me you know a little whatever yeah and I used to get so many and I'll kill these kids you know but what happened is it little by little as they began to see me coming every day and kind of going to and talking to them and they saw that I wasn't religious because I talked about a relationship yeah then the Lord began you know to say people I got up one day or the picnic bench about Park High School and I didn't know how to preach you know I just got saved so I just started giving out John 3:16 on it and all of a sudden all these kids started coming forward and start accept the Lord you know and I thought well Lord you do work I was going to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa with Chuck and so then the learning in my heart really quick about the high school stuff so this is awesome because sometimes when when God tells you things you step out but it's not the exact timing yet you know I mean so you kept praying yeah then God opened the door with perfect timing for the perfect timing but then you were allowed to go into the high schools yeah but what's so interesting is that you know seems like a lot of leaders and and people don't you don't really understand the effectiveness of going to high school I think I think is because you know I grew up in the streets yeah yeah I was something the church I was not you know and I saw a need because I could relate to these kids so I went to seven high schools a week in the day letmein you know did they start coming to the church or you didn't have a church at that no I don't have a church no I have Michael you know what's the interesting so so someone would say well you're going and you're given the gospel but then what happens is these kids right yeah now I know that guy the first guy that you led to the Lord Tony whatever Baca Baca he goes our church now yeah so you went you planted the seed he gave his life to God and the Holy Spirit did its job and got him plugged into a church and now he's been he still goes to church here yes and when the Holy Spirit does that you know and there's what's happened now the years later those kids that I talk to they're married have children and they come up to mrs. I remember where you were at the high school and you share the gospel London accept Christ but later on the Word of God will see my heart and then I accepted Christ and that's exactly what I was trying to get at is that a lot of people think oh you're just you go to high schools because obviously people that listen to the show know that we to our high schools people go well they go to high schools and they give the gospel and then what well we plug them into the Christian Club because there's Christian Club set up nowadays right and we give them Bibles and the whole thing but we how are they gonna know if we don't go I think it's in Romans Paul writes about that how blessed is the feet of the messenger that goes so who will send them right we're like we're just farmers we're throwing seeds out and Jesus gives us the parable of of what grow some get choked out the other ones produce 100 little seats you know but if we don't go and throw it then how will they know some get saved some get plugged into church immediately somewhere krish's they come back to the Lord but then something except the Lord that day but it's it's that first see you and I think it I think it's the messenger and the message and then I turn the Holy Spirit because eventually those they got saved they need a church yeah because we preach Jesus he preached he taught and then the miracle wondersteam yeah and then that's when the Lord began to speak to me about having a Bible study first in my home and then the conference to do it in the conference to do we could all probably fit about 70 people but I start a Friday night service outreach we have concerts you know people would come wait your come to studio and it started what's not happening is that we were in the conference studio and it started getting crowded you know please sir you can say we're people standing outside yeah so I knew that God was calling me to start a church say this is what job does awesome this was dope so you you're doing Church in a comforter studio yes but this is also unorthodox oh this is what I like about this too because it's so much easier even in this day and age now just well how about jaded people are with religion and in the church and what they see on TV that these people it's so much easier for someone to come to a kung fu studio or I've done I've done messages or outreach stuff but I've done I've taught the Bible or tell my story and stuff in barber shops in tattoo studios you know if they didn't want to say we choke em out then they would come back at each other no shut the door no no but this is rad yeah this is what I want it crispy leather listening huh did you if you own a comfy studio or karate studio do some or whatever you have barber shop a tattoo shop this is like the bridge if you could get them here this is the bridge and then what they can throw I throw it then you can plug them into church and everybody see there's another thing that we don't have today they invited people to come you know invite people huh no that's to evangelism right there you know evangelist a lot of times we get caught up in words like evangelism like people heard the word evangelism and it scares them it's like I mean I gotta go like sit on the corner somewhere and like no no no dude evangelism is like a natural work and when somebody gets ahold when God gets ahold of that person's life then they start like wanting them to it's just like when you go like yeah I go to a good restaurant or whatever you like this place has the bomb talking tell people yeah I tried he's talking about because like you experience it and the same thing with like relationship with the Lord when it connects that's where the church thrives that's where ministry thrives that's where evangelism where it's not on all these titles but it's a work of the Holy Spirit one thing that I like what you brought up about his testimony going to these schools it was genuine you know ministry has to be genuine back then the same thing today people couldn't see the phone enos right through stuff yeah you kind of talked about like someone trying to do like a worship service at a skate port like that doesn't work right you just flip and that's not genuine it's not genuine and the same thing with this and you need to make sure that you're being led by the Spirit of God because you're gonna go through adversity people aren't always gonna abide with you people in abide with Rowlett obviously the school wanted to shut it down but when you stay faithful to it and god's played upon your heart you can't deny that you'd be faithful to God and he's gonna take care of the results there were people judging me because of what I was doing you know and I would put demonstrations and after demonstrations that would give an altar call why are you using come foo yeah you just Cal Jack guys eyes yeah okay cuz you don't compute demonstrations and then you would like that's another thing do it comfortably and then I would preach and then you would preach it people get sick see these are all I took forgot about that these are all unorthodox see this is what will inspire people to go out there's no certain BOTS people think well I got a new outreach or evangelism okay well this is how you do it you get a worship man and then you have a pastor come up and give a 3-point message and then that's the that's how it's done it's not done like that it's share it's it could be as simple as just telling your story look at it was it was a message from your heart that God gave to you yeah you know and then when they get saved they come into the church and then they begin to get fed they grow and then they become disciples and they're gonna go out and do the same thing but this is the thing yes the church is to disciple that's where you get the gnarly Bible studies no you you you get your head evangelism its simplicity John 3:16 whose it sounds like nothing yeah oh no okay yes I want to touch on that too if Angela's amiss simple it's you don't have to get into the hole all the details it's John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believeth in him then he died on the cross and he raised from the third day any lens and if you repent of your sins you'll be forgiven and be filled with the Holy Spirit it's simple we don't have to complicate it also outreach yeah real evangelist you have in reach and outreach a lot of people say outreach they go we're gonna do an outreach but they do outreach is in their church that's not an outreach what part when you say outreach that means you have to be like you have to be out of your church reaching if you're in your church that's an inner reach you're bringing people into your church to reach them outreach is out of the church but again people always confuse we're gonna do an outreach in the church that is false you know also dad back to what you were saying this was a very radical time when you were doing this stuff in the high schools because Sean just said he was authentic and genuine you were in the hippie movement okay racism war drugs anti the establishment 100% so for the fact that you were coming to the school and given this message this was a radical time of people that didn't want to hear nothing from nobody and here you are the only reason why they received you is because it was genuine and it wasn't it was real and it wasn't manufactured yeah you know it what happened it burning my heart that I got seen and when I got saved I mean I didn't know anything about tradition yeah I came out of the world yeah so what happened is when I started going to church you know I began to see that I would take people that the church you know have their own programs you know and that was another program Chuck you know I learned the Word of God Chuck's in the South he the same thing he was sent people on the hippies brought people you know they would go out and evangelize people that were getting uh saved yes brought yep yeah and yeah otherwise the church would die yeah you know you gotta bring people I don't know Church here so people had to be getting saved yeah yeah you know I tell the church here you're not you guys we're not we're not do what we used to do and that is inviting people to come to the church there used to be altar calls where a hundred two hundred three hundred people would get saved my friends from high school my close friends they got saved I went to them I brought to Calvary they got say these guys are pastors now yeah you know so that's that's I mean that's important yeah yeah it's well it's still happening yeah we're seeing a thousand kids get saved it's still happening it's just uh when you live the Great Commission it happens you know when you're when you're stuck in church and not doing anything being active what Jesus told us to do to be live the Great Commission then you don't see that hey you know it also has to be burning in your heart because there's a lot of pastors you know they they're in the square they already have their mole you know in the church and they don't really have that desire that fire to go out so they lost a fire and that's what their churches died because there's no fire you know with an unbeliever coming and getting same III also think that the enemy Satan has has a foothold on the church because I've explained this I think people are scared to do real outreach they're scared of the arrows they're gonna come so what happens is Satan just laughs he's like the church is too scared to do real outreach and go reach sinners in their area because they're gonna get arrows from different people are gonna say what you know care about what they're doing and that's why the church is not effective and once you scared to do anything like we're doing an outreach right now called a crepe it's a it's a EDM event it's there it's like has like electronic music which electronic music is what every kid's listen to now it's basically current but obviously it will occur in its will raves are like the old ones in the 90s but it's said it's called they're called EDM events now it's an electronic parties with DJs and that's basically what every kid and every person is into now but also just like every other event that goes on the church is always ten years behind to catch on to what's current in culture so you have people going oh my gosh what this is just a world what are you doing can you do this and I'm like we've already done it and like 80% of the kids give their life to the Lord the world's I never Chuck Smith say it on one of the studies the world is the lust of the eye the pride of life the lust of the flesh we know these are not from the father that is the world so just because it's electronic music it's just like if witness the battle music or rock music or hip-hop music come heaven the world come food demonstrations now that looks like the world UFC fights are pounding each other head that is the world this is the grip that I believe Satan has on the church they want he wants us to be zero effective so he wants you the whole church and everyone in it to be tripped and thinking that everything looks like the world but the world is the lust of the eye the prior life the lusts of the flesh these are not from the Father if you get tripped up on all that stuff don't go to Starbucks don't go to Disneyland don't go to Target don't go to I mean you go through be you need to become Amish basically because they everyone supports almost sexuality don't go see movies that's Hollywood don't listen to Sony Music it's like you don't have saying the things of the world are the lust of the eye the plan life from the lust shun you can wear the world I mean what can you say to that well I say the same thing to you got to be open to the spirit and every aspect you know you can't put things in the in a box you have to be open and like what Ryan's talking about like it's not what everybody seemed I always I'm somebody the same thing well going back in the 70s and then in our time you can see past phone enos I don't care about music I don't care about different platforms and stuff like that like it all comes down to is what you're doing genuine is behind it a desire for people to to know Christ to know the Lord have you taken it to prayer has God shown you how has it been affirmed by by God's Spirit through your life then yeah cool like Ryan said you are gonna have people that are gonna come against you very first you need to be able to go to sleep at night knowing that God has shown you that you can confirm it through God's Word and you have peace being led by the Holy Spirit and everything that you do and that's the case then it's good to go and if you're continue being open to the Holy Spirit's leading and you want people to come to the Lord that's where it comes down to yeah and this is how you know it's it's of the Lord you pray about it you get confirmation and then the doors just open you know everything there's no shreya beam the doors just like literally just open it's like you're like I can't believe it everything's just falling into place so easily and then obviously the outcome I mean it even goes back here in case you have the outcome of like when God's leading but then when you look at a situation such as like let's do an outreach at a skate park and let's go get this is of God so they go this is a true story they go with the worship band they went to San Pedro underground skate park and guess what happened I saw them later on I said well how'd that outreach go good that was supposed to be led by God yeah guess what they played worship and the whole skate point exited it was a ghost town no one was there they all left so now is that was that of God no wasn't under God you know why wasn't God because there was there was there was no it wasn't of God because there was it was just like an idea that wasn't led by God because there was zero effectiveness it was just an idea that they thought oh this the way everyone's doing it yeah but see the problem is the two hours I call religion and relationship in the church today like I share that but you know the Bible here I teach but the church is not being effective and going out and bring bringing people to Christ so what's happened in the churches the all people are supporting financially the church and and the churches are dying so what happens to the young people they don't want to really come because they really have nothing that they can relate to you know and that's what we did the church here's understand you need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in a way to reach people in the world okay so when people get saved in the world then that you can take them get rude and run then they're gonna have the vision to go on but today there's no vision to go out people are too busy with themselves electronic things you know and they they're actually just I mean walking away walking away from Christian that's why they have to get filled up spirits yeah okay so you you did that you did the high school thing that obviously led to birth in a church and then from there you started you in the 80s then the 80s came around I think it was like 1980 what you do when you start your first exit possibility you 82 or not anything that's my 80 yeah it's not Flyers like 80 you didn't Asia just go into different Citrus College other cover you did Citrus College in the stadium on the grass and yet the stage in one end zone and then you got a sea of people yeah that would show up you had bands of this was in the 80s obviously cover them undercover with just a punk rock band guitar player como ha I mean this is like a full-on punk rock during the punk rock era you had like new wave bands it was a it was basically like a I guess relating it to today's culture to be like a Coachella yeah yeah particular you had yeah but like Coachella is like a festival that has like all different style John was a music yeah punk rock you had new ways I think that was the only kind of music that was happening back then you had the diversity of those two Munich's and you came up and you would tell your testimony right yeah and then like people get saved and I would get a little messy yeah and then I was sure how I came to cry is people just came to Christ so many a that's what Crusades have we had way before harvest started yeah you know way beyond and we would put up in stadiums so cool and then as a music you know these guys would come on in and then the Holy Spirit yeah the Holy Spirit we get a hold of people and we would see the front with hundreds and hundreds of people didn't see so you did that for four years which was amazing and then then you went into more traditional kind of Crusades for a while which Crusades were working at this in this era yeah during this era they were working during this era and then you started doing your movie was out period of freedom you were touring and then you went to uh oh you know went to South America to Chile and you brought back festival brushing on this cogbi yeah what year was that that was later I was like ladies ladies ladies yeah and we would have arenas yeah I don't know if it's an arena but like a amphitheater the amphitheater like 20,000 people 15 packed out there even in viƱa Del Mar and that was even like yet even different styles of music during that that era Columbia Columbia started doing stuff and then even in Hong Kong yeah and then what other the Philippines we went to in the movie you're behind your movie everywhere I some have even on the Amazon the Indians were playing my movie did say what would you say now let's talk about this how would you encourage people now to reach this generation so we live in a time right now more alive with Ryan race coming up 180 days five six four sixty one seventy three or post your questions using the hashtag live Ryan riess on his Instagram Twitter or Facebook I think I speak for the entire administration when I say [Music] you now back to live with Ryan Ruiz just like I did when I had that fire my heart I didn't care about religion I had a relationship in taught it chucked at us a relation with God by going through the scriptures learning and learning the scriptures and then what we learn the scriptures I saw that Jesus he was preaching saw the gift of evangelism I go out and I went to check one time to check this is I have the gift of evangelism which I get Mike Maxim said and he says that I said I don't have the gift of teaching but he told me this you pray it gotta give you a church he will give you the gift of teaching and you continue to have evangelism so it's really cool you know and I think that's why it's so important you understand the purpose of everything the purpose of evangelism the purpose of the church you talked about Jesus ministry what did he do he preached he taught he healed right so preaching to the outside that's what Ryan's talking about it's outreach it's communicating that's where you have Jesus going to the different areas whether it is in front of multitudes whether it's in front of various people the woman at the well these are all opportunities of preaching communicating the truth of God's Word what you having in life like you're lacking with that woman at the well you know you're trying to find it in sex but it's not fulfilling you need something else and let me share with you what that is and she would come to the Lord and her testimony would then go out to tons of people because she was touched by the Lord and so doing outreach preaching vital it gives life it's it's excitement it's reaching out then you talk about the teaching aspect we're all talking about and you kind of see like in his ministry right you'll see you see it going through the high schools and then when you talk about him being able to go through all around the world preaching and communicating you know the movie and all that kind of stuff and then you look at what took place at like the kung-fu studio in the West Covina and the golden springs throughout the 90s - now it's like think about the hundreds and thousands of people that have been touched from the teaching aspect I always look at it as I like this evangelism is almost like we look at it like a Hospital evangelism like the ER unit that is like where people are coming in like these got a car accident destroyed there you're trying to keep them alive and giving them hope and you're paginating them up and then you know what they need they need healing and that's what the church is there for to bring healing God anoints men should be able to pass her in to teach and to Shepherd over them and to encourage them and on their walk with the Lord and to teach him and to instruct and watch their hot lies get healed and then show them like God God has a special plan for your life yeah God has giftings for your life and then they multiply and now they start seeing what their gifts are you talk a lot about revival you talk a lot about revival both you guys and you know what you look back at revival in times past word is true revival need to happen it's the church the church because the revival you're talking about something that once what had life but now there's death and it needs to be revived if it become entertainment sinners for Christians he leaves the focus of what you rated her that's the problem and that's that's the whole thing is like you the hospital doesn't get full unless people are bringing people in know and that's my whole that's the whole urgency for me is that you hear about churches dying because no one's breathe the church will not survive unless people are getting saved yeah and that's the whole thing everyone focuses on the church entertaining Christians but no one's getting saved no one of the churches are dying you know and there has to be people reaching to bring him in that's the Great Commission you go out and get him baptized him and then teach him to obey my Commandments okay it's a 50-50 a couple of weeks ago we were here at the the church and we were like updating in the congregation like what's taking place with you Ryan like when you're in Mexico and showing all the photos and all these people coming to the Lord and I was walking down stage after and I know these ladies some of these older ladies like they're legit though they're like I love Ryan you know what he's doing like you would see them so conservative looking in it and everything but like they get it why do they get it because they're connected with the Lord they understand that they have grandchildren they have nieces and nephews and even themselves if you know just like how they were back in the day how they needed this and then you look at the television we're bombarded with so much stuff the world like you were saying and it's in disarray there's a lot of confusion on every platform and these numbers are skyrocketing of people with the from suicide all the different things that you were talking about because there is an unrest and that's why it should be a motivating factor for us as the church to wake up to pray for gotta do your work in our lives to have brokenness in our lives to delete your repentance and to be open to the spirit of how God wants to use your lives because we're not guaranteed this life you're you're here today you're gone tomorrow and then to be able to pray for like guy that either whosoever's and various people that are doing things like this is that God's open up doors gotta be praying man gotta be open you know what's really crazy is we are living in a very crazy time you know it talks about the last agent uses a computer no thought of no more it's gonna get it's gonna get really it's gonna get really bad worse I mean you know how we were talking about a couple you affect about it too well come on years ago we were talking about this album cover that came out I'm not gonna say the name yeah it's the content on the front cover there she she was posing on the for album cover and I'm like that album cover looks like the front cover of a hustler magazine or a club magazine when we were growing up in the 80s and it's album cover on iTunes and all over there's a new I'm not gonna say it on Eric's I don't want people to look it up but there was a new artist that just came out with a new song and dude it's literally pervert like this is like porn no like it's literally torn and the fact that this is being shopped in this just artists like insane it's a guy or girl but this artist that they attract is very young oh yeah and when I saw this I'm literally like going this is totally like xxx porn and and it's all over social media it's gonna be all over iTunes it's in a video and this is what our kids are watching it's gonna get crazier all right now after I saw this after I saw this particular thing this makes like that other um cover look like nothing I literally go okay wow this is like full-on like no wonder they're teaching in schools you know about sex and about all you know that article that you guys sent me about what they're teaching like fifth graders now about being gay and masturbation and all this crazy stuff yep dude I totally it's gonna get it's gonna get crazier if they're gonna get crazier like we haven't see nothing yeah literally like xxx porn is gonna literally be legal just to watch people don't really people don't realize we see the effects now yeah but the effects that we are seeing are a result of something from the past that started to happen over time the see and and that's what happens we start removing God from everything from the 60s all the way up to this present time if you just looked at the last 60 years in that perspective yeah it blow your mind I think you look at all these rates that you're talking about there's no wonder all these rates or so so messed up listen to this just last night the news I saw well you got you heard about Denver becoming a legalized magical mushrooms LSD at me well guess what last night came out the news was Oklahoma just legalized magical mushrooms do - everyone's legalizing mushrooms like it's basically LSD it is they're legalizing LSD yeah because it's a mushroom yeah or - it's to a health advantage they would say on or something like that it helps with stress it helps all you might people do micro doses of LSD in in I read this also years ago there in in Silicon Valley and the tech world people are doing micro doses of LSD because it helps with their their creativity and their moods with depression - they also tested a lot of magical mushrooms on vets for the PSD disorder or what about PBS the 80s they're using the magical mushrooms micro doses to help them with their with their depression and all that's that this is the world we're living in they're using LSD like hallucinogenics which opened doorways that the demonic realm well even in nowadays where the things with marijuana has gotten so trendy as well and it's like the the marijuana that's out there today is so that you have so much chemicals that are added to it as well nowadays - yeah well the people the people are talking about how when the guys are getting arrested or whatever were it's like coming off like way paranoid I have all these different things that people are saying no TG levels I don't know but there's a lot of people that are brought that up multiple times ladies they're seeing it starting to expand it's not like the same way people are having all those the other thing - we got to understand as reaching out to the culture we we're growing up the kids that growing up right now they're growing up in a generation where mushrooms are legal and marijuana's legal you know so it's a norm oh and pornography's that's a figure sexuality is of your own so think about this it's not like when we were growing up no this is like they're like oh yeah weeds legal Christian kids weave legal homosexual marriages are legal becae Borgia it's in the Bible document your holiday dude the Bible talks in their last days these things are gonna get worse I'm custard for my grandkids you know and a lot of pastors they don't really understand you guys been talking about what they don't even know what's going on they don't even know the names you know you're all they're interested in their churches but the church is being infiltrated by the world the world has come to the church and the church has gonna have to the world yet people don't know that they've got the sinners I don't even know know what's it's all legal so it's okay that's going to also be a interesting thing to navigate through and I don't think you know when you're ministering to people on evangelistic levels I don't I don't ever come with a list of do's and dont's I want to introduce them to Jesus they all know they're dirty sinners because when I tell them y'all bunch of dirty sinners right and they all start laughing they know they're sinners yeah so what did you see Mexican the drug thing with kids same thing is here oh do they were sniffing glue and stuff and yeah we led to do to the Lord he was all it spaced out on glue wow dude we were trying okay so I we're gonna end the show right now in a few minutes but Mexico we report up to the school and I look over and I see this guy sit in the park so I'm like hey dude come out come listen and he's like all spaced out and I'm like I look down at him I recycle come over me be behind the gate so he walks over and he's holding like glue or paint I don't I don't something has any six sniffing it he's like spaced out so I basically just try to I try to leave him the Lord and I was trying to have him confess his sins and he would he would say gee he couldn't say forget Jesus forgave him for my sins aqui I was like ask him to capacities like I can't say it I go why it's like I just can't he couldn't do it when he was high he couldn't ask for forgiveness of sins so then after he ran out of the glue it like it ended you know was over the glue trip so then I sat in the park with him prayed with him led him to the Lord and then he got filled with the spirit so crazy when he was high he couldn't confess I'm straight it means that Satan was there just like the presence yeah but um we saw we have a whole nother show of Mexico stories of all the crazy stuff but again the church we need to we need to get activated it's a week on we need to let people know that Jesus loves them and the good news is that there's the forgiveness of sins and when they get filled my whole thing is I want to get them to confess her sins and get them to get leave them in a prayer to receive the Holy Spirit because once you have the Holy Spirit well work of the Holy Spirit starts doing his job and he can fix his ice and I we talked about yeah well let's we got like ten minutes left so let's let's talk about what is the job of the Holy Spirit well when you get filled with the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit gives you power to overcome sin also to witness and at the same time for you to be able to see what God has for your life you know because a lot of times people don't have the Holy Spirit they go back into sin the Bible says is within we within and upon experience the width experiences where you're not a Christian the Holy Spirit they're convicting you like I didn't get convicted of two years before I came to Christ so when you get convicted your eyes are opening in a way that you feel like I'm doing what's wrong so with is with you when yeah when he's been Christian yet when he's convicted when he's starting to work with you yeah yeah he begins to work in your life then when he convicts you then you surrender and you repent and then he's with you now he comes into your life the problem is when the Holy Spirit comes in a lot of people stop there that's why that problems with sin when you when you actually come to the upon experience it's like you feel a glass of water okay a lot of times be like it feels now the Holy Spirit baptized you it's overflowing and overflowing and overflow it never stops overflowing because that's what gives you every day the power to overcome sin okay so let's talk about this a little bit more detail in the next last ten minutes so you receive Jesus Jesus says John 3:16 whosoever believeth with him will not perish but have everlasting life you believed and you received the Holy Spirit so he's in you now where in the bible does it say the upon or the baptism what do we get that in acts you know in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 and then all the way chapter 4 days right so says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you so you'll be with us yes yes yeah so he's in us when we give our life to the Lord but how does the upon experience so it just like well it just because he's anyway just manifest it just comes upon you you know he comes upon you and like he says in Chapter 1 of verse 8 in acts he says when the upon expiry comes to say you're gonna be witnesses in Judea Samaria likes me Judea Jerusalem Judea Samaria into the other spots of the world that power the Holy Spirit what makes you go on and do evangelism you see in that power allows you not to go back into your old life which a lot of people do it's like your dog going back so vomit Peter says so how does it come upon like it like when would it come upon just this is for people that are listening like I have the Holy Spirit in me so when does it come upon me it's different it's different you know sometimes you can come on by the laying of hands it's on us not always right comes upon you just for that moment no no when it comes to punt is done it's gonna be every day so there's the in experience with Jesus it's in us and then we pray and then you get baptized with the upon upon experience yes okay yes you know when you go to the book of Acts it grows where does that say that in book act so Doubleday chapter 1 verse 8 so so a couple things so in Acts chapter 1 8 you have mentioned in a row was mentioning it as well because the disciples Jesus already been resurrected showed themselves to him going back up to heaven you guys I want you to go but I want you to wait and then he was because the Holy Spirit is gonna come upon you acts to you Holy Spirit falls upon the church they're baptized are speaking in tongues and look what changed this is what it is it's empowerment of ministry its empowerment for God using your life apart from what you know of being forgiven for your sins why do you think that Peter was once a bumbling fool that things are in the Bible or for our example Peter made many mistakes all the way into the Gospels he failed the Lord was restored by the Lord but in Acts chapter 2 when Peter is baptized with the Holy Spirit he gives a message of power another thing to take into consideration is if when you go to the book of Acts chapter 19 is where where where Paul sees these believers but they did they had something lacking right let it have the Holy Spirit right John the Baptist preached to them but yet what was like in his upon experience a Holy Spirit yeah and when and as far as history as well tl Moody a lot of us like deal moody deal Moody was a pastor during the 1800s 1860s during like the Civil War time yeah he was a pastor down in Chicago had a big ministry um and there was a time where people were praying for him to to receive the baptism the Holy Spirit and there was a time of brokenness these guys Finney and Tory have all experienced those same moments where there were being used you know in some aspects but there was this encounter where the love of Christ was overwhelming them that over led them in the ministry because you need power you need this baptism of the holy spirit to have longevity and ministry to have vision and ministry to have passion and ministry television yeah it have conviction and that is the power that is needed in ministry so does show all three aspects of the holy spirit this is right there running John it says in John 14:15 it says I love if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may be abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him and he dwells with you and will be in you I will not leave you as orphans and I will come to you and then inversive John acts upon us so the disciples when did they receive the Holy Spirit the first Holy Spirit encounter it was in the gospel Jesus breathed on them yeah which is breathed on them and then later on he breathed on them they receive all these and then in actually on experience is in a chapter two its chapters at Ellis Island that Mary the mother of Jesus and disciples were there and the upon experience came upon him was the upon experience came upon that were never seen that's why they would not have preached the gospel of Jesus Christ John is the only one only one that was not martyred the other was were martyred because of the power of the Holy Spirit they were going everywhere preaching the gospel and they got crucified jail and that's the only way that's your little Louie by the possibly eating live right by well a lot of Christian that was back in yeah that was the other story they would have never been able to hear unless upon experience when you look at history of all the disciples we know all of them died martyrs does except for John but also when you look at church history right we look at the martyrs of the immune for this before they would take Christians and they were some of them would tie ropes to the ankles and that we're side with horses on sigh go apart rip them apart being lit on fire but for their faith you know many people lay down their lives because of the truth that is found in the Word of God the other thing rain I want to bring up I know we just got a couple minutes because you brought it up in the beginning of like you're not the holy spirit the holy works on us individually I don't have to give okay you accepted Christ okay don't do this don't do that don't do that no the Holy Spirit it's working you know I knew it happened in my life happen in your life I tried to get sober so many times I tried to have you know better relationship so many times but then when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you you can't continue to live those lines you feel wrong same thing with like listening stuff that's garbage it's just like not good or watching something it's like garbage like nobody was telling me that it was like I shouldn't do it but I feel right about any longer and that's what happens we need that's the way that God starts working in your life the way that you speak you know you growing up every other word was a curse word to amplify one statement you know like a lot of people speak now and it wasn't so you can't speak that way the Holy Spirit so it's working you Fox foxes Book of Martyrs man they need to read it there's every person that has ever been martyred amazing I may say it's still happening today yeah all right so happen you look at like China you look at places in the Middle East there are people that are laying down their lives for the faith of any crisis Christ and that's why coming back to circling around a little bit the reason why there's power in that aspect and the power of the witness is because they truly believe yes they have been revived when it comes to really believing that this is a matter of life and death and there's nothing's going to stand behind them lot of times in our culture in our world here in nine states America we get really busy on their own lines-- we can get really sidetracked on stuff and where we need a Cavitt of relationship with the Lord and be empowered by God's Spirit and be open for God's Spirit and to not keep ourselves in a box to be open to be praying to never become those religious hypocrites like the Pharisees but to truly be open to the Holy Spirit working you know and be in a place where you get along with God you know so you can spend time in prayer reading the Word of God if you want God to speak to you got to do that you know but see these people today their computers our phones they spend more time and I show the other night they spend more time on their phones then coming to the Lord and pray yes and that's why you have to that's why you have to kill the noise yes listen we have two minutes left and I want to plug an event that we're doing just trying to find a flyer here all right I don't get reception in here let's see here we go flyer where is the flyer I cannot believe I can't find it there it is okay so it's gonna be on June 18th in San Diego at 8:00 p.m. it's uh ages highschool and we're gonna keep it within the high school group it's not for older people sorry guys we're doing an EDM event drop your kids off there invite their friends this is an outreach that we're doing it's an electronic party for kids and we are launching this new tour we just did one out in Nashville 80% of the kids gave their life to the Lord we're taking it to Dallas other parts of Mexico I'm trying to take this this tour around the whole entire world it's going down this one for San Diego is June 18th 8:00 p.m. the whosoever's presents crave downtown San Diego at the music box go to our social media at the whosoever's and you can find out more details about it yeah come on come on come one come all it's gonna be amazing and if you're older you can't come because your age pray for us pray that God will draw people it's awesome they're gonna get saved we're gonna get their information we're working with local churches in the area we're gonna get them plugged into the local churches and just pray that God will continue to provide and use use this to reach more people this is one of those events that is too completely unorthodox to the church put it totally current with culture so we love you guys and just keep us in your prayers obviously you can go to the whosoever's dot-com and we have all the past radio shows on our app it's a download for free over I don't know man over three years of yeah oh I know yes connect with us to the zoo so Evers down with the app we are obviously still touring the school system we're going to Colombia next month we have tons of schools locked down we got a phone call yesterday that the government wants us to come to other states in Mexico so now doors have opened up in new states with other government officials so looks like we're going to continue this revival in Mexico this has been live with Ryan race to connect or find out more about riots click on Ryan - Reese comm check us out next Saturday at 9:00 p.m. for live with Ryan Reese [Music] you
Channel: Ryan Ries
Views: 2,067
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: The Whosoevers, K-WAVE, Ryan Ries, Calvary Chapel Golden Springs, Calvary Chapel, 107.9FM, The Movement, Saints & Sinners, Kill the Noise, Holy Spirit, God, Truth, Live with Ryan Ries, Purpose, Hope, Love, Party, RAVES, Party with Purpose, Outreach, Mexico, Students, Jesus, Faith, Suicide, Depression, Anxiety, Trials, Healing, Hippies, 60's, Raul Ries
Id: RjjS42HgmTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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