라탄공예) 줄무늬바구니 만들기 sepet yapımı バスケットを作る rattan basket

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<<Striped Basket>> Diameter 21 cm (8.26 inches), height 11 cm (4.33 inches) Blade 90cm (35.43inch) 15 pcs, extra blade 40cm (15.74inch) 28 pcs. sympathy 2.0mm Fold 15 blades (90cm) in half to mark the center Divide the blades into 4, 3, 4, 4 pieces and place them in a staggered position. Prepare one string of sari and put it between the blades. Twist 2 turns counterclockwise Repeat while passing the top and bottom of the blade. Break the sarit weave and weave it 2 turns in a clockwise direction. After weaving up to the starting point, divide the blades into 2 rows and 1 set. In the same way, weave while passing through the upper and lower sides of the blade repeatedly. At the beginning, cut off the sardines you left as a spare. Continue to weave up to 9cm (3.54inch) in diameter. Size check!! Prepare 28 extra blades and cut the ends diagonally. Insert 2 extra blades on each blade. I will work without attaching the last blade for the first set of blades. Divide the blades into two rows, one set at a time, and weave them. Weave while passing the upper and lower sides of the blade repeatedly. Continue to weave and weave up to 12cm in diameter. If the sareat we were tying becomes shorter, please continue weaving it with another sarit. Size check!! Prepare 3 rows of sariets and hang them on each blade in turn. I'm going to do 4 twists. Cross the first slit by 3 spaces and wind the next slit. Repeat the process by moving one space to the right. After weaving 1 wheel, when it meets the first starting point, pass the sarit back to the back of the blade. This is a work to match the height of the first tier of 4 strands. Turn the body over and bend the blade one at a time. Cut 1 row out of 4 sareets in total. Pull out the saree to the front in turn. I'm going to tie 3 strings. Cross the first slit by 2 spaces and wind the next slit. Repeat while moving one space to the right At this time, bend the blade at about 30 degrees and weave it upright. Twist the 3 strings and do 1 turn When it overlaps with the starting point Pass the sarit weave to the back of the blade in turn, and then Pull out the saree to the front If the length of the sarit weaved becomes shorter, please continue working with the other sarit. Twist the 3 strings and do 2 more turns Twisting 3 strings (total 3 turns)>>> Please take the saree out to the front in turn. Cut the 2 ribs Please make a slit in one line. Continue to weave the blade by bending it about 30 degrees. Weave up to 3cm in height with a membrane weave Size check!! Sprinkle water frequently to avoid drying out. Twist the blade a little more inward and weave it When the side blades are gathered upward to some extent, Twist the blade tightly so that the blade faces toward the inside of the basket and weave it. Membrane weaving height 6cm >>>> Check the size!! (Only the weaving part is 6cm in total) Add 2 rows of sarit and make 1 turn of twisting 3 rows. Cross the first slit by two poles and walk on the next pole Twist the blade to the inside of the basket and weave it When it overlaps with the starting point, pass the sari to the back of the blade. Then take them out to the front 3 twists and turns 4 more please Twisting 3 strings >> >> I cut the 3 strings of the sarit weave. Sprinkle plenty of water so that it doesn't dry out. Subscribe, like, and set notifications are love Cut the tip of the blade diagonally Use an awl to widen the space in one part of the three-strand braid. Bend the blade in a round shape and insert it into the space. The height of the finished arch should be 2.5cm (0.98inch). Insert the lower blade into the three-strand braid space at the bottom. After finishing work, cut the remaining blade after matching the length with the bottom part. Please finish in the same way Please clean up the blades protruding from the inside The striped basket is complete. thank you for watching
Channel: rattan chozza라탄초짜
Views: 189,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 라탄초짜, rattan, rattan chozza, 라탄바구니, 만들기, 3줄꼬아엮기, 2줄꼬아엮기, 깃털무늬, 빗살무늬, 심어짜기, 십자바닥, 쌀미바닥, 우물정바닥, 감아마무르기, 엮어마무르기, 상하상하, 하상하, 젖혀마무르기, 초보, 라탄초보자, 유튜버, 초보유튜버
Id: AyrZhSM2gcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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