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welcome back to tour Tuesday yes it's not Tuesday sh last video we toured a wild west an alien plot and Freddy Fazbear's Pizza rare and today we have a few more other plots to talk and if you guys want to potentially be in a video like this where I T your plts make sure to subscribe to the channel join my Discord server or you can message me your pot on Instagram so let's get started so over here we have Miss Taylor Swift AKA Josh and I kid you not Josh built the errors tour from the Taylor switch concert all right what is this this is my folks this is my folk call folklore call guys I have something to admit I don't listen to Taylor [Music] Swift you need to leave get out that's the sword no no no please please I can explain I can explain okay so it looks like this is the stadium over here this is actually pretty architecturally accurate well this is way better than the one I done if you didn't know a couple videos ago I done this I tried to go to a stadium this is so much better you know what I've noticed with Taylor Swift fans they're so competitive like I'm not a competitive person unless it comes to like board games or video games or two dots which is the sponsor of today's video I'm not going to lie I have been playing this game everywhere lately okay the bills really just have to anyway I have been playing this game everywhere lately I'm not joking I was literally on the toilet this morning playing $ let me tell you this game is not only challenging but it's also super relaxing as well I literally find myself playing it at the most random times and a summon with ADHD I love the fact that it has a super minimalistic design with very lowii like music it's super relaxing and you're probably like I'm what's so interesting about connecting dots listen I have the shortest attention span but the thing with this game is that they have weekly events like the scavenger hunt where you have to find hidden items on a map the scavenger hunts kind of remind me of where W all the treasure hunt where you need to complete seven special levels to unlock unique Awards two dots is now celebrating their 10 year anniversary with exclusive in-game events think of it like a little extra game inside of the game so if you're not already one of the 115 million people already playing the game luckily for you two dos is free to download on IOS and Android using the link in my description and if you end up playing it comment what level you're on so I can beat you I'm serious I will beat you okay Alaska comes sit here oh okay that a threat written by Taylor Swift what's this are you ready for it oh okay even though I don't listen to Taylor Swift much often this looks accurate oh okay we have ta Miss Taylor Swift okay okay oh look at the audience in the back oh okay we have a performance what's this all right Alaska comy backstage okay this is cool as oh the detail the detail what's under here oh is this where Taylor like secretly jumps like out of the stage why is people jumping into a hole I don't know if I want to go down this hole um you ladies first ladies first oh what Alaska this is for you jail okay wait I'm so confused is this like where they control all the lights or how does this work I'm slow yeah please inform me how on Earth this works show me how the lights work there's so much suspense I'm just waiting for all the lights to turn on drum roll please this plot was made by Sarah and as you can see Sarah built a candy house this reminds me of raik Ralph chocolate River all the lanterns this is adorable these meant to be little Scotch fingers I want to lick everything all right that sounded a bit right anyway out of my house I think these are basic shapes and they're meant to be gumballs that's so cute coming inside it's so bright and bubbly in here this is like my childhood dream home like as a kid this was what my dream house look like is this a chocolate BR is this real I'm sorry blocks Mak us chocolate fountains why am I just finding out about this even this stes have frosting on them like what this is actually adorable this is the bed I just know for a fact that has the most juiciest of sweetest hot chocolate in there why am I craving a hot chocolate now this makes me want to actually make a hot chocolate so this is the bathroom oh oh what are these gumballs on the ceiling this plot eight haha it's worse when I say a bad joke around people because then they have to pretend to laugh okay this plot was so yummy and I think it looks even cooler at night as well see some of the plots look cool during the day and then some of them look really cool during the night and this is one that looks super cool at night time now the next plot is made by Marie or I can already sense a Japanese themed town oh my gosh this is beautiful welcome to my Japanese plot currently the the riseria a blooming keep still I'm trying to read your text so this is a Japanese inspired plot she says this includes Japanese Furnishing hot spring and even a zen garden so let's make our way inside okay this is a fake person I want to punch you in the face Daddy chill this is the greeter oh hello ma'am oh what's oh oh oh we have sushi can I steal this no don't Alaska stop trying to steal food from people we have jars of we have jars of honey oh she gave me sushi thank you I was planning on stealing it but now I feel better that you gave it to me willingly girl why do you look like you're trying to hold it fart like it's okay you can steal anything from my kitchen this is actually beautiful like oh the bees I hate bees we have the garden oh what are you doing that's something that I didn't want to say Tea Garden I love tea oh I spelled that wrong tea I would 100% do hot mom yoga here should we all do hot mom yoga wake up yes sir wake up yes sure could the Finish to order you lazy cow hurry up watch my stuff please get in there what's wrong with you you nothing Chef look at me hey look you're ignorant what's wrong with you I'm trying to work Chef I'm trying to communicate wake up yes chef you what's wrong with you nothing yeah get up grib got it hey hello come here donkeys here we go come here what is that it's all right what is that what what is that what is that okay well that was the Zen Garden I love how all the rooms they're so detailed I don't know how she done the walls what's in here oh the bathroom the bathroom I could take 4our showers in there oh I already take 4H hour showers so I might have like a 10 hour shower oh the garden every single time I open a blind the garden is just like so beautiful this is where Alaska does her morning poop how did you know is this a tea room this is creative is this where we have our little tea session little tea SSH that cup of tea is huge this is very pretty though I am not going to lie the sand garden I wonder what this is The olssen Spar I love olssen spars everyone move I'm getting I'm first in I'm first in I want to get in the Olson oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah like I like okay we have the hot springs up the top here what a Vibe honestly she done such a good job building this plot the p p the pagod the pagod can I walk in how do I how do I go in oh a shrine wo those are the pictures of my relatives I need to stop wa what just happened tell where are we did we just get kidnapped what is this why don't we just get like transported into the back room all righty so we have a few more other people's T someone just fainted oh sucks to be him anyway we have a few other peopel plots we are going to be touring yes we literally have a grim reaper here all right should we all jump in a car and start touring these plots PS I'm not the best driver but I will try the next plot we have is an architectural Masterpiece right here what the heck oh my go is this even bloxs bed this looks like it was made in the Roblox studio for real this person right here made this I feel dumb is it based off a building cuz it looks like a cathedral building of some sort no one cares about the towing face shut up this is amazing can I go in here oh my God I can I'm exposing your secrets what's inside ooh o this is so detailed oh my gosh I love it the detail in here is is so beautiful I love the detail on the interior I don't know what's of the door though I feel like it's a Brandy Melville entrance like everyone has to like squish through the way in but no the exterior looks really good I am curious though how much is the plot value of this thing 268k oh yeah that sounds about right damn anyway moving on to the next plot all right everyone jump in the car get in the car ah sorry sorry get in get in get in get in the car get in the car why why can't you hop in the car why can't you hop in the car why can't you hop in the car hop in the car you think it's so funny huh funny funny funny Mak my way downtown walking fast faces P some home oops sorry guys okay next plot we have is an elementary school now this Elementary School was made by by the man the legend Mr chocolate 934 this is a cute little Elementary School I keep forgetting Americans call it Elementary School they don't call it Primary School in Australia we just call it primary school anyway I'm going to steal his yellow school bus I'm going to run into these children go get your license I actually got my license like two weeks ago thank you very much okay so coming inside oh this is cute I feel like I would make a really bad reception lady at of school please no send me to detention this is the teacher Lo my wonderful office let's have a look at his office this is a very nice office like the layout of this school though it does remind me a lot of an elementary school okay this is the admin's teachers office all right very nice I would work here just kidding I don't like the color blue storage for bodies oh nice did you say for body right is this where you're going to like lock me up or something I don't like the fact that the Grim reap hm I don't like the fact that the Grim Reaper is here it's giving Victorious nurse's office a there you go nurse me anyone but you what does he have is that a fire extinguisher what are you planning on nursing Me by putting a fire extinguisher in my mouth drink this and you'll be healed drink that and I will be dead all righty moving on oh every Primary School I've been to has this kind of tree like bookshelf now we have the Kinder room this is cute I feel like I should be a child though literally go away I'm TI boss I feel like we should all change to Children right now there we go that's better follow me kids okay someone needs the nappy chain okay this is why does this look so much cuter as a child also why do you keep staring at me this is the next room over here what do we have oh all righty go on teach me something I don't already know today we are going to learn about bloxburg with no pay so we suffer because we have no pay lesson over okay we have another what looks like first grade like I'm a little bit too small for the lockers though okay what's down here oh is this the cafeteria oh that's kind of creative when I was building a school I did not know what to do for the cafeteria do you guys remember my school cafeteria it was so small this looks so much better so now for the best part oh my Lord this is so cool I did you just like crash into me when I was a kid these um slides right here I would go down them and I would get burnt watching them go down is so funny just watch them oh we have an obstacle course over here this is definitely like a lawsuit waiting to happen if this was an actual Elementary School someone would definitely like hit their head or something okay what's this this is the basketball court okay I don't care that I'm a child watch me shoot my stuff ready okay you ready ready ready ready [Music] ready moving on we have is this the music room oh my God these a customade music notes that's cool you guys want to hear my beat yeah get it to it so we'll be learning about how Alaska is not a singer this I'll fight you I didn't care that you my teacher so yeah this was the elementary school if you guys want to potentially do a role play here this is the code I'm assuming the next plot we have is Blox code AKA Roblox testco I'd say this is pretty accurate what a Tesco looks like I love the parking lot this is so Random I always struggle making a really good realistic parking lot and she kind of killed it like look we've got the trolley in here custom trollies by the way might I just add we even have someone crashed into Tesco that's probably me that would be me if I drove here to be honest all righty let's go shopping y'all I don't even know how to get in here this reminds me of like a way better version of my target oh what someone said it's so accurate I don't even know what a Tesco looks like so Sam the person who made this Roblox Tesco had to upload all of these decals and place them one by one damn this must be so expensive I don't even want to know okay what's back here we have some washing machines all right don't need that what about this laundry detergent ooh we've got some some raspberries oh the bakery section which I can't go at because I have celiac disease oh I am so stupid guys the aisles are literally marked Happy Thanksgiving oh can I eat you I bid 200 no get in my cart I want the turkey for myself and then when we're ready to check out we go over here we just like scan all of our stuff be what is that this must be the meat section and then we've got more storage over here all right what's this is this like a cafeteria oh my God that's my face why is my face in a Tesco I've never seen that chick in my life so this Tesco really does have everything doesn't it I love how he added that little wet floor to the men's bathroom sorry I had to poo You're tell me that's poo water yeah get me out of here I'm done well hey luckily for me the next plot we have to tour is a plane which means we can jump on this plane and get away from Tesco damn who made this plane I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people can make planes in bloxburg and I'm curious how much is this plane 42 20K without the car without the car 30,000 right show me inside oh it don't smell like roaches in here or nothing oh we got our own bathroom okay why is there a photo of me on the toilet in your toilet on your plane this is quite spacious though T in passengers give me money oh I will crash this plane all righty so that was the plane plot Alaska go in the engine we need to try something you're totally not going to get shredded if you go into the engine what does he mean by that what happens if I go on the engine oh well I think I just got murdered and now the last plot we have is um the Grim rapers plot this is like walking into enemy territory I don't know who you are I don't know how you get access to my videos all the time I'm convinced you are a hacker and I feel like I should not be entering your plot right now look at me look at me look him in the eyes feel like I should not be goinging in here right now but I'm going to anything happens to me I'm blaming you come Alaska it's okay no it's not okay great first thing I see is it's a spider which I hate and a banana man which I also hate so that's great don't be shy look inside right I feel like I'm going to get killed what is that what is this is that what I think it is oh my God bro oh hell man right rusty kitchen let this be over I I never want to see this man again is this your bedroom why is there Fung GUI growing out of your bedroom and then this is his his bathroom you know for someone who's like my stalk C I'm surprised he does never any photos of me last of all I don't think this can actually get any worse than it's already what what any well that was me touring your guys' plots again thank you again for two dots for sponsoring today's video make sure to check them out if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Alaska Violet
Views: 413,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X7itntHpIdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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