RATE THE MONSTERS! - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

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let's go here at the end of all things uh all the monsters are out for monster hunter world and i'm trying to still figure out how i want to do it but uh rate the monsters of monster hunter world and monster hunter world iceborn i think it's just gonna be a very general sort of rate them on how i feel about how cool they are or how interesting they are interesting [ __ ] they do probably one of the best bets and i think great jogress is like the best place to start because he's like a solid six out of ten you know he does have an interesting gimmick he eats uh the other [ __ ] monsters that are all roaming around and he's a giant funky iguana and he gets all fat he's actually kinda cool but he has a nice gimmick so six out of ten kulu yaku also has a gimmick but i don't think the gimmick is nearly as interesting weird bird that carries rocks and eggs nah i think kulu yaku is about a four four out of ten pookie pookie i feel largely the same about right kind of a gimmicky the poison monster weird bird lizard but i think i'd also give pookie pookie maybe a four it's kind of it's just a it's just an all-right monster and i i'm not a big fan of fighting him bereth is cool i think it's a decent step up is it as cool as great geogras it isn't but this is like the first monster that you fight in this game that actually puts up kind of a fight right where they actually start doing [ __ ] to you so i'm gonna give barrett the same score as geogras i'm gonna give it like a six jared tortoise has got possibly one of the coolest moments you first run into in this game and that's the turf war gyratotus's turf iv alone puts it at a six out of ten but other than that some creepy salamander monster um not a huge fan of gerototis much less fighting him ah you know what now that i'm thinking about it you have to fight him in all that stupid water and stuff yeah i think this might be one of the first lower ranks maybe a three i think if he didn't have the turf war it would probably be a three he has a good punching bag the kadachi is so toby kadachi i think is okay i don't feel any specific direction other than viper squirrel and that's the emotions i get i give toby possibly a five like right down the middle yeah it's a cool design but that's about it engine f uh is where things start getting really hairy this monster is just hard to fight right like they threw an engine into end game and made it do a [ __ ] ton of damage outside of like full gore engineers it would be tough like this monster is actually difficult yeah he's he's one of the first walls that you sort of get uh and i think he's he's like the good baseline monster right like he's a t-rex with creepy wings and a giant funky nose and i think that's cool i like the simplicity of his design as well so i give him like a seven i think ancient is a good seven out of ten uh wrathion is about as basic as it gets wrathion's a five out of ten what the hell do i need to say right it's the first time that you actually fight a dragon but it does nothing specifically interesting or special other than it just being well that's a big dragon well look at that thing um so regular wrathion is like a five out of ten titiaku could suck my ass this monster can piss off and then suck my ass annoying as hell good to beat up i'm i'm so glad that when you get a beat his ass down he's like a two i really don't like stitzy [ __ ] you stats he rolls in and then flashes you as you're fighting you know something like a palumu and then he pieces out paparazzi monster [ __ ] palumo is a is a weird monster right and and sometimes they put in weird monsters that i'm not a huge fan of i think pulumu is the perfect like mix of funky design but also a really nice and interesting gimmick cute but but weird and creepy it doesn't have it doesn't put up much of a fight though so i think it's about like a six right six out of ten interesting actually an interesting brand new monster i don't think paluma was in anything else before world i think this is kind of an original design uh jiros is lame as hell he looks dumb he doesn't do anything special like the only cool move he sort of has is get out of the way mr president and he like dives and just lunges his [ __ ] body forward and flips and this stupid-ass attack jiros is there just to interrupt you when you're fighting odigaran so i'm gonna give this dude like a one gear we're not talking about the gear different thing right we're talking about fighting him is fighting him cool does he look cool he's just so basic in every way his best attack is diving and plunging over like repeatedly nah he is a one out of ten the lowest so far rattleband's got an interesting design rolling around the entire map and he's huge watching the spikes crack off rattle ban i think is kind of neat like he's he's an upgrade from bareth so i dig him right i dig him but i don't love him i still think he's like a six out of ten nothing about it really screams out to me in any way other than he's got this interesting gimmick of rolling around fighting him is kind of weird you oh you bounce like crazy you wouldn't bounce now but you get into this fight you start bouncing like crazy and it's like jesus i just want to hit this guy uh leggion is cool i think it's an interesting design it's like one of the first really big flight monsters that you fight outside of wrathion i don't feel it goes in any specific direction that i really love nothing that i would give more than a seven but i think it's a little bit better than rattleband a little bit better than rattleband so i would say he does have the annoying screeching right but it sounds like he sounds like a flock of chickens i do think it's a cool looking monster right but it's like the most one of the most bird-like monsters in the game he's cool and i don't really hate fighting him either not we're not talking about the later legiana odigarin one of the best new monsters easily uh i think odegaard and straight up is a nine out of ten great monster cool looking aggressive and is kind of fun to fight right i love everything about him i love his i'm not gonna talk about his armor but i think he's just neat right what a what a great looking original creature for the game rathalos is a six been around for so long so it's kind of hard to like say anything unique about rathalos but he's a good six out of ten right rathalos is what he is he's a classic and he doesn't really do much different in this one same thing kind of applies to diablos but diabolos gimmick is really interesting the whole burrowing and and rising up from the burrow i think diablos is one of the first monsters you run into that really starts to test your your wit right where it really tries to challenge you and i like that about it i like the fact that you you could start using screamer pods to blow up the floor you can start actually fighting this monster in a way that is like oh so this is the way i'm supposed to play monster hunter so i give diablos like a seven because of that fact it feels fun to fight uh kieran kieran this stupid [ __ ] horse [ __ ] horse polarizing yeah you're either gonna love this monster or not like it i'm gonna say the experience i have fighting kieran now is a bit different because kieran with fatalis armor is not so bad but before this fight sucks this fight is just kart central and he just one shots the [ __ ] out of you if there's one thing i enjoy the most is just knocking this horse to the ground and beating the [ __ ] out of it i legit enjoy that right watching kieran gets smacked and then he like flies across and you're like that feels amazing on this on this monster so i have to give i have to give it a little bit of credit it is i enjoy watching it die but i don't like much else about it it's a horse with a horn and it pisses me off so i give it a 4 out of 10. morty i've already talked about it too much i'd argue zora magdaros is the worst monster in the game the zora fight the look of zora magdaros everything about it is just lame and boring and they try to make the scale huge and crazy but what you actually do during the fight sucks man if i could give it a zero i would give it a zero but i'm giving it a one it's going to be matched with giro's is just like oh god not zora please god like oh wait we have to do zora magdaros to get these items oh my god no thank you one out of ten so i don't know if dodogama had as much memes about him from before a little hamboy where there's like this universal rule if dodogama is running around you don't kill him because apparently he has this a bit this this trait to him where he does not attack unless he's attacked he just won't he just goes around and eats rocks that's what he does he's one of the most non-aggressive monsters in the whole game i think something about him was super pacifist either way he's kind of cute right i get it i i get where everything was sort of building up and everyone was taught how cute dodogama is he's got a derpy face he doesn't look very threatening he just spits rocks at you but just for the fact that he has like the cute factor and he's sort of been memed in many ways i give him like a seven you know about a seven pink wrathion i don't know what to say whatever the hell i gave the previous wrathion what was it a five out of ten definitely i feel nothing specific in any direction right five out of ten pink wrathing's fine it was just a little bit harder version of iranthian basil juice oh this [ __ ] the b2 bomber i'm giving basil juice a nine out of ten from what i understand this is a new this is a new monster right uh what a great idea he has his own music that kicks in he comes in and [ __ ] up your fight and that is annoying right but just the looming threat that there is this creature that rolls around the world and [ __ ] your [ __ ] up is really funny and he can do it from distance he can like blow you up and then the trumpets kick yeah like i i think basil juice is a cool fight i think the whole exploding pods thing is really interesting too he's got a great roar he looks cool he looks like he's just like fuming with anger and [ __ ] yeah yeah basil juice is awesome i'm gonna give him a nine out of ten uh the pickle pickle jejo devil joe's good right i don't think i like devil joe as much as um basil juice but pickles like a good aggressive weird looking monster just such a funky creature talk about like a monster that went all upper body all upper body all day uh i give devil j-ho a 10. i'm sorry an 8 out of 10. i'm not in completely in love with them but an eight out of ten i think is appropriate levassiath this is like a two this is like a two lava giratotus but it's even more annoying do you think it's better than giratotus i think this one's even more i can't stand this guy it's just this this this monster sucks the the giratotus creatures in general just like ah it's why i think it's worse i actually think it's worse that shitty rock skin it's not that he's like hard it's just that he sucks man two out of ten or again very similar to the uh the previous monster rattle ban i'm gonna say er again is jay leno the the jay leno of the game but i don't feel much in any different direction that i did for ratoban so i think i gave rado either a five or a six and i think i'm gonna give er again probably a five he's got an interesting gimmick but he does largely the same thing but with explosives this time oh the the although this guy does have an interesting gimmick if you knock him over you can mine his back for unique items and that was like an interesting like what the hell you can mine a creature and then you try it and you like actually use your [ __ ] pickaxe on his back so that's cool neat little aspect you can actually mine rattleband too didn't even know granted i just don't fight ratoband very much after you know visiting his area for the first time um but right over my head azure rathalos i couldn't even tell you what azure does differently than regular rathalos other than the fact that he is in uh elders recess right i think azure is a more annoying version of rathalos but i don't i don't really feel that any of his gameplay makes me want to go in any other direction than than giving it like a five or a six you know so i'm gonna say i'm gonna say five i know i i have no attachment to azure rathalos really and much but anyway black diablos yeah just once again an amplified angrier version of diablos and i feel about the same this one will just test your uh test your merits a bit more but you'll you'll just get killed quicker right that's the whole thing with super piss diablos is that she will she will [ __ ] you up so i give black diabolos a six six out of ten um still still a good monster nergigante hmm he's got a fun fight he's got a fun gimmick he looks really cool when he fights he's got great turf wars he can technically kill any monster right technically can be the one to take down anything i'm going to say nerg might be one of my first candidates for a 10 out of 10. i'm going to say nerdy gante could be a 10 out of 10 for me he's challenging i don't really have any disagreements in terms of gameplay or visuals it's a cool creature right in terms of being an actual original and the hero creature of monster hunter world vanilla that's a pretty great hero creature in my opinion tio's just neat this is this is once again one of those first fights elder dragon fights that you're like gonna get really tested against because you start experiencing what novas are i like teostra it's a cool it's a cool elder but i think it's about a seven out of ten can be kind of annoying to fight the fact that his like back legs have crazy armor on him and stuff seven out of ten for teostra yeah i don't really feel much else lu nostra i'm going to give lu nostra a six so blue teostra i'm gonna give it a five lunastro is even more annoying this is an annoying ass monster to fight it looks cool it's a good elder it is powerful but jesus dude the wind stuff the the the blue fire it's just this is not a fun fight anytime you prevent lu nostra from playing the game is a better time kushala this is the epitome of an extremely annoying fight as well possibly one of the most annoying fights in the game because of all the wind [ __ ] uh but kushala looks so cool they are so sick looking and the way it acts is so cool like it's hard for me to judge this because gameplay-wise i hate it but it it looks awesome and the shitty thing is that very few creatures outside of luna and kusala actually utilize like wind pressure very much this is one of the creatures that does the wind [ __ ] to you and my god dude which [ __ ] sucks what you're saying is this dragon blows absolutely cuchalo was a breeze for you yeah get the hell out you get the hell out i am not a fan of the way this monster plays but i am a big fan of the way it looks which is and i have to unfortunately put it to be like a four out of ten valve ball zack i mean val hazak super cool super cool actually fun to fight as well um i'm gonna give val hazak like a nine cool looking monster cool looking area uh unique to the game has interesting uh arenas to fight him into yeah i like val hazak i'm a big fan of this monster can be relatively squishy but has unique abilities and stuff the undead dragon god damn the arena for this monster is so sick when you first discover it you're going in this like giant bone cave yeah that's cool valhasak is definitely a nine out of ten in my opinion cool vape tariff cool looking i like the fact that it gets all this speed and mobility once you knock off all of her armor i i guess we're considering like the whole fight right the actual the actual battle itself i'm gonna give cool they like a seven i think it's cool it's it's good that they eventually made it a kill quest right if it wasn't a kill quest it was and it was just like the oh knock off it's gold and then peace out yeah and not nearly as great but the fact that it does technically have arbored and then you remove that armor and it has different phases throughout that it's pretty neat it's got it that ending fight too is epic as [ __ ] in fact that ending fight is makes it up to an eight out of ten it's too cool eight out of ten for cool vaterreth when it starts spitting all that lava everywhere and the entire arena comes down that's awesome i feel about the same for zeno jiva as well i feel about the same i think xeno can be a little polarizing for some people you're either really gonna like this monster or you're not and i'm kind of in the middle i think it is a really sick finality to uh to vanilla uh monster underworld and it is a cool looking monster it's like pre-birth elder dragon it's like a baby elder dragon uh but i think it's about an eight out of ten it doesn't super impress me it's an epic fight the arena's cool but it's biggest gimmick is that it's just large right it's just really it's just really big and after a while it's like oh god this fight's still going so now we're into iceborn beattotis so they found a way to make giratotus and lavacioth less frustrating it's not amazing but it's not nearly as bad as the previous ones and watching this thing go go through snow is actually kind of cool right watching it like swim up around snow it's kind of neat it's a better battle and it's also because it takes place in a new area so i think beethoven's is like a six out of ten ban bros i i think ban bro is actually kind of dope he's definitely a squishy introduction right this monster is not supposed to be super hard but the gimmicks are awesome picks up a tree and runs your ass over with it he is literally supposed to be the anjanath of iceborn outside of actually you know the new engine hath so i think ben bro doesn't get a lot of credit i think this monster deserves like a 9 out of 10. cool gimmicks fun to fight super hard not at all right is is generally an introductory monster but for being an introductory monster that's like that's the way you do it this is the best way to do it most introductory monsters are going to be super forgettable i think they added enough unique stuff into this guy to make them actually memorable so i'm gonna give them like nine out of ten uh we don't give a lot of the early monsters nine out of tens and i think this is one of the ones that deserves it viper toby kodachi lame just poisons you oh hard way uh viper toby kadachi i think is i i've three out of ten this monster can lick my ass obviously i've only killed the three times if i don't need to fight it i don't want to no thank you original toby's okay right this guy just looks a little bit different ah nah get him out of here same thing with nightshade palumu looks way cooler than palumo i get it but it's just annoying just incredibly [ __ ] annoying i'll give nightshade a little bit of a higher grade but it's like a four out of ten still like once again these early monsters that they sort of adjust and move up nah nah they they're kind of just really annoying and the same thing can be sort of said about coral pookie pooky i don't even remember anything of this creature what the hell does coral pookie pookie even do water jets i don't even remember dude it was a year it was over a year ago we fought this guy butt water oh the water puke that's right the bladder tail well that's weird but i don't think it's worth anything more than like a five out of ten pooky pooky's weird butt water five out of ten barry off this is a tough one because this monster this monster monster's challenging this is the first wall that you run into in uh iceborn and uh it's a tough wall this monster is this monster is hard i think he looks cool i love it that he's like obviously snow based and he only appears in horfrost and he's incredibly fast right like if you don't recognize this monster's gimmick you just get ripped up yeah he's literally a saber-toothed dragon i'm gonna give him a seven out of ten obviously a a fight of conversation when you're talking about iceborn you're gonna have some talks about fighting barry off your first few times narghakuga is really cool too i don't think it's in the same uh is it in the same tree as berrieth it is it's a flying wyvern uh i think narcocook is super sick i think it's a it's a cooler looking berry off and it's kind of more fun and is even more acrobatic i'm gonna give nargakuga like an eight out of ten fun fight right fun fight i dig it i dig it i can't remember much else that happens during it but i do i did have fun oh so admittedly this is um not only my favorite monster in the game it's also the best one did you know that did you know that golovinis is the is the best monster in the game monster that bites its tail to sharpen it if you cut off the tail it goes flying like a like a like a spun knife and then slams into the ground it's so cool i love the creativity of gloviness i know he's not unique to this game but just the idea that this creature is going to buff its tail into this giant weapon this giant sword and then whoop your ass with it it's such a cool visual style um 10 out of 10. glaviness for me is a absolute 10 out of 10 great monster tigrix or t grix i guess as they pronounce it uh t grix just feels like another barrioth right it's like a classic it's an old monster but people are gonna be more familiar with it than me but i i don't feel anything really beyond a six you know just a hyper aggressive run at you all the time sort of creature it felt a lot like i was fighting barrioth again i know he was the original alright i know but this is from my interpretation of just monster hunter world um i'm gonna give t grix possibly a six out of ten he's he's okay brachydios uh what else do i need to say another ten out of ten actual ten out of ten monster that rolls around and spits on its hands and it's now covered in acid and punches the [ __ ] out of everything and is super unga bunga e you know what actually no bracky bracky vanilla gets a nine this is a nine out of ten nine out of ten monster and then yeah the acid that it puts down eventually explodes a fun crazy fight right fun and crazy music is nutty what it like that this definitely feels like it came from like the psp era of monster hunter you know where their ideas were getting super nutty we're just gonna have fun with this [ __ ] i i'm assuming that brackie dios and glavinus came from the same game i'm just gonna make that wild assumption that they came from the same game right or around the same time frame 3ds they came from the 3ds different games they feel like they have the same energy in my opinion either way i'm giving brackie dios vanilla a 9 out of 10. shrieking leguiana we made leggiana more annoying even more annoying 4 out of 10 what else do i need to say it's [ __ ] monster uh it always shows up with like another legianna and some kind jesus frustrating as [ __ ] monster [ __ ] thing my god we just made leggy on it we made it worse ugh vulgar engine at this engine that's but dragon element like he doesn't really do much else that's different he looks a lot cooler right he looks really cool he's at least thunder element i remember being dragon i think he's like a four maybe a five he's neat but after the first engine f being like a nice like classic i think this is hmm yeah he's okay right he's all right acidic glaviness for me definitely doesn't have the impact of the original gloviness something about acidic isn't nearly as dope and i think actually drops the points a little bit i think this goes down to like an eight out of ten right it's a step down it's like i think acidic lavenes would have been cool if it was the first one and then you came across as glavinus which is like the super big boy like this one feels like it's the precursor to glaviness so eight out of ten still a cool fight but eight out of ten ebony odagarin so once again just like full grow engine ath we're just going to take the monster and just make it look really cool right it's super sick looking but i don't think i think ebony odogaran is much more forgettable than regular odigarin yeah this one is the odigar and butter dragon now i think it doesn't have as much impact right i think it's about a seven out of ten it's a cool monster and i still like it a lot but odigar and like the weird you know vampire puppy sort of thing i don't know i kind of i kind of found the i don't feel like this amplified odigaran enough to make me think that this is better than the original in any way emo odigarin i'm going to give it a 7 out of 10. velcana oh let's see if we can come up with a controversial opinion here so velkana is the hero dragon of iceborn and is naturally the the big ice dragon of um of the the final expansion i get what they're going for with velcana velkana is like this super pristine creature the super pristine sort of like fast in ice and right elegant right i think elegant is the the perfect way to describe the monster but i it never came across as threatening to me right something about velcana never felt threatening almost as in like don't touch it nobody touched that creature too precious i don't think it has the same impact as nergigante i think it looks cool and it is a fun fight right it is it is a fun fight it is fun to hear and see all the ice flying off and i think that gameplay aspect is really big it's a good monster but i don't think it sets any standards so i'm gonna give it an eight out of ten seething basil juice um we just took basil juice and we made it [ __ ] insane his bombs get huge it's like whoever made basil juice before got super mad and was extremely angry at the players i think seething even without remembering what i gave basil just before i think i gave bazel like either a nine or a ten i think seething is a nine out of ten still right the dive bomb super cool and the fact that it looks amazing seething has that like visual aesthetic that it just looks like it's so mad yeah i like stealing a lot i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten i think black veil val hazak is sort of forgettable it's cool that the valhasak is like a mushroom monster but i don't think it does anything much different than than val i feel like it's a less interesting version of valhasak you know i get it like they're both about like degradation they're about things stagnating and dying yeah his intros he's got a great intro uh but i think it's only okay especially in comparison to valhasak original i'm gonna give it a six six out of ten namiel so i think namiel should get at least mentioned for one of the best looking monsters in the game with interesting abilities right the whole water thing making everyone slide around and stuff the whole fact that it's like a walking jellyfish or some [ __ ] weird creepy beautiful sort of monster design and also has an interesting gimmick where you have to get its like water armor off i like namiel a lot i think it's a very good elder dragon introduction so i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten something about me something about it's not making me want to give it a 10 out of 10 but i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten so like really really great elder dragon savage devil jay ho i think this is a better version of pickle right i think everything about devil j-ho is better than pickle this fight isn't super fun though right savage pickle is meant to just whoop your ass this funky ass monster is super hungry he's super angry he's gonna eat anything dude this is it does jho original use other monsters as weapons i think i forgot about that with jho i think what i would do is actually bump up the grade of devil jehovah and then also bump up the grade of savage devil j-ho a little bit just because of that aspect alone is really funny like that [ __ ] is hilarious to see like he throws jagras he throws great jagras he does another garan that's what it is great jagras and odigaran they'll grab and throw and it is funny dude probably deserve to give jeho a little bit of credit even more so i'm gonna give savage j-ho at least an eight out of ten at least an eight out of ten just because fighting him is a pain in the ass you're not really hitting this monster in the face or the arms a lot you're mostly hitting him in the friggin legs because he's so big this monster's too big uh ruiner nergigante is good not definitely doesn't have the impact of regular nergigante a ruiner nerd is is technically better in many ways more spiky boy right but i am going to say and it's a it's a one point step down 9 out of 10 right ruiner does save you right some cool [ __ ] because nergigante in general is a 9 or a 10 out of 10 kind of monster a cool monster but something about ruiner in his fight isn't isn't nearly as impactful as you know him being the big flagship of the first of the first game so i'm gonna give him a nine out of ten still cool i like extra spikes shara ishvalda so this is the uh the zeno jiva of iceborn and what a sick [ __ ] fight oh my god the reveal everything about this fight is crazy like what the hell is this giant ancient rock monster and then it sheds that [ __ ] it's got this huge reveal that it's this insanely ancient creature from like what the hell is going on so sick right just one of the coolest moments i've ever even had in a game yeah i'm going to give shah ishvalte a 10 out of 10 right just so just a much better version of xenogeeva in many ways kind of a similar fight but the arena has much more impact i think both versions look really cool the big rock one and and even you know the the skin of shara ishvalda very interesting sort of crazy creature i love him i love him zenogra is great right zenogra is great i don't think it's 10 out of 10 great i think it's 9 out of 10 great though can be kind of annoying be kind of annoying but not that much still a good boy right still still a good 9 out of 10. i like this fight a lot oh god you and cowabunga so jen garuga sucks everything about this creature he looks weird he fights weird he's annoying you bounce off of him it's like the the fight is specifically designed to just be frustrating and that's actually his design i'm gonna give this monster like a four out of ten just ah this [ __ ] sucks i'm not a big fan he's crazy right and then scarred oh no same rating i only killed this thing twice i only killed this one four times i think for good reason if i don't need to do this [ __ ] anymore i'm done i can't even remember what scard does i but all i'm i'm just not interested i don't even want to revisit those memories right we do not need to revisit those memories brute tiger x looks way better than tigrix but easley is one of the more annoying monsters right just i think he's actually easier than tygrix as well but everything about him is just kind of annoying right just screams a lot uh but i do enjoy fighting him more than tigrex it's a weird it's a weird balance i think this is a six out of ten monster but i don't i don't dislike him right although all the roaring is it is what it is but at least it does have weakness and it tends to drop kind of fast right because of how aggressive it is six out of ten gold wrathion i almost would put gold wrathion and silver rathalos in the same plate these monsters are [ __ ] crazy because you you fight them together for the most part these these fights are crazy like it's almost like silver wrathless and gold wrathion are what those fights should be right in terms of challenge i think it bumps up whatever i had wrathion and rathalos at up to like an eight out of ten truly challenging monsters now and they have like legitimate gimmicks and [ __ ] that you have to be very very very uh aware of yeah i think this is i think this is an interesting fight it's like a good end game fight that is also one of the first like really big challenging ones in iceborn uh rajon deserves credit deserves absolute brownie points for how unique he is there's no other monster in the game that's like rajon this is just none that that inherently makes him like an 8 out of 10 in many ways but you also got to put in bonuses that this [ __ ] like shoryukens dudes and he does blanca balls and ryan he's got he's got some of the best turf wars in the game that no matter how small he is he eats kieran horns like of all the monsters in monster hunter probably one of the more unique ones we're gonna we're gonna take king kong gorilla and just turn him into some insane crazy ass whooping monkey i think rashan gets a 9 out of 10 for for that reason alone 9 out of 10. i don't think he's a great fight he's tough right he's he is a challenging as hell fight but when you figure out how to fight against rajong it is a it's like it's like diablos in many ways it's super satisfying in fact i think comparing the skill level of you learning diablos to the skill level of you learning how to fight against rajong is kind of similar this very nuanced aspect to them of learning how to fight him and once you take advantage of that you mess them up dude like this guy can get jacked up sadly i think stigia and zenogra is kind of forgetful kind of forgetful i sort of forget that this monster's in the game doesn't have as much impact as an ogre i don't i can't even i can barely remember what it does that's different than zenogra i don't know he's like he's like a dragon version he does have the cycle crusher right he did have some neat moves i still think it's like a 7 out of 10 at least i kind of forgot this monster is in the game straight up better than ogre i could see that i mean i can see why people like him it's just that my impression of the monster wasn't nearly as impactful as the nogo original and watching that creature go around and do stuff it's weird just like the way my impression is of what happened to me in the game so this isn't for everybody but i definitely am like ah it was good right this is seven out of ten got overshadowed by safi jiva yeah maybe safi jeeva is a really cool fight giant arena fight super unique super interesting there's a there's like a few of these giant arena fights that they have of like these end game monsters and this is this is a true endgame monster right the the gear from safi jiva literally still is good at end game and the weapons still are good at end game until the very end game i'm giving safiy a 10. this is a 10 out of 10 at least it's got some cool [ __ ] to it the siege mode thing is cool the the progressing through the layers and stuff like that it's a more fun version of xeno jiva with being still kind of similar right sofie's a 10 out of 10. furious rajon is is the 10 out of 10 right just a more angry and crazier version of rajon insane freaking monkey gameplay is kind of a pain in the ass but is just absolutely ballistic i think the angrier monsters get the happier i am with them it's kind of weird ten out of ten speaking of which remember that brachydios how i bumped it down from a ten to a nine well that's because i remembered that some of those things actually belong to raging brachidios and once again this is a 10 out of 10 monster raging brachydios is just an absolute in madness version of original brachydios and leads to one of the coolest moments in the end of the game where he punches the holy hell out of his arena and heats up the great it's so cool dude it's so cool 10 out of 10 great monster great arena great fight would fight again frost fang bariath came out at like the wrong time has good armor right but that doesn't count easily one of the most forgettable monsters in the game i think he's a better looking berry off in many ways but nothing about him is like super screaming uniqueness to me he came out like right after all these big arena quests did and he feels like he should have been way earlier right to be honest dude i've never seen this monster [ __ ] do anything because we kill him so fast uh i'm gonna give him like a five out of ten and then alatreon uh obviously it's a ten out of ten right another gimmick monster this was one of the first either polarizing monsters where you're really gonna like aletran or it pissed people off this was one of the first fights that made people angry people were mad without this monster because of the dps check and yes it is frustrating for the first several attempts it is a big pain in the neck but as soon as you get the hang of it it starts to make a lot of sense and the dps check doesn't become nearly as much of a problem uh the whole fact that it focuses on element and all that stuff it's a good fight right it destroyed the steam reviews i think this is a good fight it's a good monster i'm gonna give this one a 9 out of 10 just because the dps check in itself is like this thing that you have to get used to but everything else about it is super memorable and super interesting i'm gonna give it a nine out of ten i don't think it's as good as safi jiva but i still think it's really good but what it's not as good as is fatalis i think fatalis is almost better than alatreon in every way i think safy at least has these like unique elements to him but fatalis just overshadows alatreon in like every way fatales is like the perfect classic monster hunter monster he's just a challenging a challenging mob that you have to figure out and it feels like they over designed this fight in many ways and it shows right he's the true final boss of the game and it's challenging in a way where yes i was frustrated because it took me three different sessions of figuring out how to beat him but in all of those sessions i felt like i was on the cusp of victory every time you know this monster for being the hardest monster in the game made me feel like i was at every moment i could beat him like i could do this [ __ ] but something always kicked in whether it was the time limit whether it was him not walking to the dragonater or some crazy thing that kicked in right yeah i like fatalis a lot a very great fight the music's amazing the proof of a hero kicking in all that [ __ ] all the spectacle of you hiding behind the barrier and it melting over and 10 out of 10. i mean if we can give a monster 11 out of 10 this is an 11 out of 10. and then there's behemoth it's weird i don't know if it if we boil down behemoth being the hardest ex behemoth like extremist being the hardest fight in the game because at least with fatalis i feel like with fatalis you can get really good at this right it's possible i feel like with behemoth even though i fought behemoth less than fatalis it still took me a long time a long time to understand how to fight this dude i still feel there's like a lot of luck involved in some ways this this fight truly doesn't feel like a monster hunter world fight which is why it's a great crossover you know doesn't feel like a monster in a world fight it has so many different things that you have to worry about in many ways uh at least i mean until you grind it and you start going crazy but it does have that element of jenkins [ __ ] right it does have all that stuff but he looks so cool right you need an actual party for behemoth you need people that are fulfilling roles so i think behemoth and extremist get ten out of tens for me this is an insanely memorable fight dude the feeling of winning this fight was up there with fatalis there's only a couple of monsters that truly made you be like oh god it's done oh my god it is done we [ __ ] done it like fatalism behemoth are the only two monsters to really do that and then we have lesson and ancient lesson and you go from one end of the spectrum of being this incredible guest monster to quite literally the worst [ __ ] integrated in a way that makes you feel like you're playing final fantasy 14 in a good way in monster hunter world to going to you feel like you're playing witcher 3 in monster underworld and it sucks i hate this [ __ ] fight there's a reason why there's only one or two of any of these friggin dudes i only killed this guy once i was done with this [ __ ] i don't ever want to do this [ __ ] again god this monster sucks just annoying to fight i hate this fight i hate it i hate it man i'll give it a three or four out of ten what other monsters did i only hunt once i think that's the only one it does have cool mechanics and using fire and [ __ ] but it's like to me it was never in a way that was like satisfying you know it was always like ah this annoying ass monster dude jeez not a fan not a fan i'm still saying it's like a four out of ten yeah i'm looking forward to what's going to be the future of monster hunter i'm looking forward to rise i hope rise satiates the monster hunter feelings that this game gave me um for the first time because this is obviously my first big monster in her game i've played more than like an hour or two i only put like you know 600 hours you
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 608,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, online, ranked, matches, fighting, games, marvel, vs, capcom, 360, playstation, ps3, ps4, pc, killer, instinct, street, fighter, mortal, kombat, soul, calibur, guilty, gear, funny, injustice, anime, hype, rage
Id: UqxVOE3P0Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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