Raspberry Pi vs Arduino vs Pi Pico vs ESP32. Whats the difference???

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so I'm sure at some point to another you've heard the hype about either a Raspberry Pi or an Arduino or an esp32 so many devices let's unpack we should use what whether or not you should get one and what's actually needed to code on one of them let's get straight into it what is up guys as you all know I'm the revengers Hammer let's start off on the extreme end first the raspberry pie the Raspberry Pi versus an Arduino versus a Raspberry Pi Pico versus an esp32 so I'm going to shift them into two categories you get the pie the only thing it doesn't have is a hard drive and you use an SD card for its hard drive space everything else it's a full-fledged computer you can run operating systems on it more detail later the rest of them are microcontroller that means it can run one function at a time we'll go through the pros and cons of each but just keep that in mind Raspberry Pi this you can run an operating system such as Linux so in other words it can actually be used as a desktop computer one of the functions I use it for is a octoprint server there's so many videos out there just Google or YouTube functions off it but that's what it's used for so it's not really used for coding but it's to load an operating system I used to use it to run my 3D printers you can use it as a media player as a Nas storage there's so many operating systems that you can install so keep that in mind before I get into the technical specs of them what are some of the functions you can use this for you can use these for sort of switching lights on and off or having door locks with the motor connected to it LED lights it's called a micro a controller because it runs a very simple program first up is the Arduino Uno the Arduino Uno is sort of the OG The Original Gangster of the microcontrollers it's also the most expensive this one is roughly 20 it doesn't have Bluetooth doesn't have Wi-Fi the pi Pico this one has Wi-Fi in it roughly eight dollars and then the esp32 which has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on it was seven dollars or so so as you can see the Uno which offers the least amount of features is actually the most expensive you're sort of paying for the brand name of the three of them this generic esp32 is actually the most powerful it has the most amount of ram in it you run the software on your computer you code it you can either download it compile it yourself find it on Reddit what have you then you connect it with the USB to one of your microcontrollers and then it's loaded obviously you need to power these devices so this is a very quick video not too much of details but the Raspberry Pi lineup it's used for installing an operating system onto the microcontrollers like I said you get many variants but they all do the same thing they run one process or one operation and that's their job there's so many uses you can YouTube that but just know that each one can only do one function at a time now onto the accessories this is sort of the fun part uh guys just so you know how I got into this I wanted a hobby and a hobby that I could expand and learn something that I knew relatively nothing about so last year for my birthday I bought myself an Arduino kit the first thing that you need is a breadboard with so secondly are these cables how these cables work is you connect it to a node on the micro controller and that gets connected to the breadboard then your breadboard can get connected to whatever device you want yeah as you can see now I coded this on the Arduino um it's a nice little hobby to pick up breadboard cables and then whatever you want to connect whether it's LCDs with its LEDs lastly who is it actually meant for in my honest opinion it's meant for anyone whether you're a child whether you're a retiree or someone in between it's a nice nice hobby to learn a new skill the skill here is coding so you download the software onto your computer you code on that software you can download them or come up with code yourself it's a skill that you can learn everything is on YouTube free of charge so I do recommend this I do give it my Revengers Hammer stamp of approval let me know in the comments below what you would like to do with this or if you have any preference on any of them thank you so much for watching new videos coming soon as always I'm the revengers hammer
Channel: Revenger's Hammer
Views: 8,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, Raspberry pi 3b, Arduino, Arduino Uno R3, ESP32, Pi Pico, Raspberry Pi Pico, Hobby, Robotics, Arduino kit
Id: _zvr4f_h4qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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