Raspberry Pi Pico Programing Sensor Kit

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welcome back to the breadboard today we're going to look at a geek pie raspberry pi pico programming starter kit using the raspberry pi pico 2040 controller and this has been sent to me by geekpie to review and share with you guys today we're just going to look at all the hardware and everything or in this video so we're going to open it up see what we get see what quality it is etc and then we'll follow up with some examples i've been planning on getting a whole bunch of arduino type educational videos out so this would be a great opportunity as we go through those to show some of the arduino programming working on the raspberry pi as well as arduinos actually they're all arduinos technically because because of the environment not because of the physical hardware but between the raspberry pi the atmega328s and other microcontrollers to show you how the arduino environment abstracts everything for you and lets you use the same program on completely different hardware without having to make any real changes but today this is all about the raspberry pi pico programming starter kit so without any further ado this is the box it came in actually it came in a cardboard box i've just removed it it was just a plain cardboard box but as you can see it's still wrapped and ready to go so let's first things first get this opened up and have a look what we get with the complete kit what do we offer a curriculum system from beginner learning to in-depth using we use paper teaching examples in detailed video tutorials to get you through python as well as c plus programs i'm more of a c programmer when it comes to this kind of thing than a python programmer but we will have a look at some of the examples and what we've got so let's get in here first things first a raspberry pi pico micro python programming starter kit um geekpie.com is where you get support from and looks like lots of uh quality pictures in here as well as example diagrams all the different components that are probably going to be included in here so that's good it's showing us the example code as well as how to hook them up which is really nice it's um a little bit extra than what a lot of companies do that just provide a uh sometimes just a blame pdf on the website this one looks quite nice stepper motor controllers solar panels led displays oops etc so we'll look at that as we go through let's just put it there for now we've got a big bag of bits we'll open these up in a moment a geek pie pin out board anybody that's familiar with raspberry pies will be familiar with this kind of layout shows you all the pins on the board and what they can be configured to do um straight out of the box basically let's go back to the wider put that with the book we have a bread board let's put that out of there get rid of the packaging but our bread board we've got another bag full looks like a neopixel ring a servo and bits and pieces for the server we have a header cover this actually came separately which they're now providing with these kits this is to clamp down on top of the raspberry pi pico i think to make a better connection to the board perhaps we'll see maybe probably stop it coming off um so we have that just put that let's have a look here we have the raspberry pi pico and one nice thing here that they've done is they've actually already soldered on the pin strips on either side i was wondering about that because a lot of the pictures on the web show it without the pins being soldered in so i was going to be getting back to them saying hey you want to make this easy to use sold with the pins on so i could beat me to it which is nice just get this out of the bag anticipate a lot of the parts in this kit are going to be the same as um all the other kits that i've looked at before so there's the pie itself not to be confused with a raspberry pi mind we have a whole set of jumpers two different kinds here so we have a whole host there 10 20 30 40 of them which has got a pin to a socket which is really nice for connecting two little sub boards and things we have socket to socket for jumping between two different things looks like there's uh 20 of those we have a whole bunch of the more traditional pint pin for jump ring on the breadboard normally these have got the round pins on rather than the square dew point can dupont connectors uh different lengths have a set of leds and rather tiny resistors that's a little disappointing the one thing i found with many kits is that the resistors they put in them are too small to make a reliable contact on the breadboard we'll check out this breadboard looks a little nicer quality than past ones so we'll check that out and see how good it is maybe it will make a good contact with the resistors we have a usb lead for programming so that's about what two feet long what's more important is a quality usb lead not a necessarily a long one where you can lose power over the length especially a lot of the lightweight ones that have very thin wires inside we have a two line by probably 16 or 20 character display so that's um lcd display but with fixed characters we have a baseboard with some standoffs and things let's get rid of this case for a moment and in here we have a sub board let's just pull this out nice so zoom in a little bit what we have here is a board where the raspberry pi is going to sit onto it and then you got all the jumpers brought out all nicely labeled to go onto the breadboard and the breadboard would go on there nicely so that'll go on there so we'll get that stuck on there in a moment this looks like it's a backer board for this just to stand off the table a little bit and to insulate pins on the black on on the black pins on the back it's all black so what have you got on this board we've got some leds here led one through four and we have led one through four as a header so we could use the jumpers from here to here to illuminate the leds we've got four switches and a beeper so we've got the bp here and four switches um these little covers are meant to be taken off when you go when you actually after you've soldered them on and everything a lot of people leave them on because it quietens them down they can be very annoying without a little cover on them that's to protect them from soldering and debris getting into them and stuff so we have the main strip that the pi pico is going to plug into and we have all of these pins down each side to bring out for jumpers and things like that on the top we have 5 volt rail a 3.3 volt rail and a ground rail set a pin so we can jump easily to the breadboard etc etc so that's all nice and good i guess the whole thing is powered by the usb connection so let's get this quickly assembled and we can actually have a look at some of the um parts so first thing we have to do is screw this protective cover on top of the pie picot so that just drops on the top there's really only one way it can go and four screws come up from the bottom of the board into the 3d printed cover they may be injection molded by the time you get them that's three one last one to go in so it's just easier to pick it up before don't have to be done up too tight just a little okay so full you can see it just provides a little bit of protection and makes it probably easier to plug in and out well something a little more substantial to get a hold of push that up in it's good now let's stick this board and it's probably got plastic cover on i guess if you want it to be smoky you can leave the plastic on but i like to take it off um make sure you ground yourself after you peel this because it is a little staticky oh so there we go yes we should put the breadboard on too so you might be wondering how do you tell if it's a nice if at least on the face of it it's a good breadboard most of the ones i've seen that are not quite so good see these these sockets here they are down so you can see it there are five and they're all connected together in the line this way this side and this side is not connected together if you have a red and a blue usually you put your plus volts on the red side and zero volts on the blue side but a lot of not quite so good ones in my opinion and this jump this gap between the two not connected but if i look in here i can actually see because it's a transparent case i can see the connection running through so these should be connected all the way along definitely look to be and the other thing which is a i know it's a minor thing but we've got a b c d e f g h i j labeled along here this side is labeled the same direction which it should be also it's labeled one two three four five six seven eight up to thirty and often some of the not so good boards will label one on this side and up to thirty in that way that way if you actually have it this way it still labels left to right on the top one and the same with these changing direction that's not good because you want to be referring to the same one no matter which way you have it so it's the way we're going to put it in pin one to the top left let's peel off the sticker and we'll stick it in oh these also by the way you can see it here not necessary for this application but these little nubbies that stick out they allow you to connect these to other breadboards so they would click together to make bigger ones um i'll show you something in a second so we'll stick that on there and that's that assembled so that's nice we'll get that out the way let me just grab something and show you this thing was white a long long time ago i've had this breadboard since i was about 16 or 17 years old still going good back in the days when they made these things really really well i've got a power supply in the case i did this when i was an apprentice and i've built all sorts of different things on here you can see a few areas where i've kind of melted chips there's a little grooves melted away and then one over here one over here a few little jumpers i think still lingering here it's a bit dusty but i've been using this thing for years quality but you can see here it's one two three four five six breadboards and they're actually clicked together using that system that i told you i also then screwed it all down onto this um diecast case but yeah just wanted to show you that had it for a long time okay so let's continue having a look at what we've got so we've already mentioned we've got i'm not going to take them out but resistors and leds the value i will take them out because i want to see what value resistors they gave us usually you get a lot more resistors in these kits but in most cases it's not necessary if you're sticking to digital these are tiny tiny resistors but they look like they are red red black in the coloring as i said they are very small yeah the red red black black brown so they're probably 220 ohms so it's extra digits for precision and things and tolerance this is great for driving an led or something like that we have a daisy chainable neo pixel we have a small servo micro servo 99 sg90 with a little connection on and some horns for it so what's in the big bag they've got three bags let's just put these two aside and we'll work through them okay we've got a lot of things in this first bag and they're all in little bags and then all the little bags contained even smaller bags so i will open them all up and then we'll go over them okay bag one what we have in this bag is a temperature humidity sensor we have a light sensor ldl like light dependent resistor we have a vibration sensor basically it's a little not here it but it's a little springy type thing inside a tube they're isolated until it detects movement we have a sound sensor basically a microphone with an amplifier we have a four digit seven segment led display which is serially connected it's got a little controller on the back of it and we have a little 0.9 one inch oled display or 1.3 inch something like that anyway not very big but oled display which is i2c connected and then the last thing in that bag was a raindrop sensor so basically a pcb with two sets of tracks that interleave and if you get raindrops on them the conductivity changes and you can pick that up with a little amplifier and you would have an analog output or something like that okay next bag this one's got a bunch of different things in let's do the same thing okay well you get a fair few sensors that's always nice so first one up we have a potentiometer not a rotary encoder it is a potentiometer it's nice so testing analog inputs next up we have an ultrasonic transducer so it pings a sound wave out of one and receives on the other and you can do timing and distance measurements and fun stuff like that we have a tilt switch similar to the vibration sensor we have a 64 led display in an 8x8 matrix these things are cool and it has a controller board on the back if i lift this off we have a classic controller here we'll talk about it when we review this it talks to this again serially interface the same as this one this same chip by the way will do these seven seconds eight digit seven segment displays we've looked at in other videos next up all right this one's gonna this one requires fully freeing what we have here is a relay not a solid state one just a mechanical relay that's cool this is great for doing higher level loads and not high voltage because whilst a relay may handle 250 volts at 10 amps a circuit board actually the circuit board looks like it probably could as well but when you're handling this and playing with it unless you've got this securely uh mounted in a case to protect you from the mains you should not be sticking mains on it we've done videos in the past about that and the last one out of this little set it's a dallas 18 b20 which is a temperature sensor it's a one wire temperature sensor so you talk to it and pull it and get the answer back on the same wire these are nice little devices i've used these a lot in the past and they work very well and they give you quite accurate temperature readings but it's only temperature not not humidity but because they're so small you can bake them into waterproof connectors and waterproof containers and things like that okay glass bag so i think the exception for what i've seen in most kits so far is having an oled display the big oh the relay's quite common but the dallas as well and these neopixel around neopixel lights as well those are the three things that i think so far stand out so this is very typical of all of the kits there's this stepper motor five wire so it's probably got a common and then the four wires for driving not a bipolar but it's going to work very similarly we have the joystick i have enough of these now that i should be able to make my own little controller that would be kind of a fun project to do with all of this by combining parts okay next bag first of all very similar to a potentiometer you look at this you mistake one for the other quite easily this one is a rotary encoder so basically a couple of switches that work in a very special way and there's also a push button switch in it so that's good further encoders are good things i i like playing with those so we have a gyroscope axis sensor here so it detects acceleration as well as rotation it uses a so they can see what the part number is mp something 60 lots of drivers very popular for remote control aircraft and all sorts of things looks like we have another humidity sensor here so it could be gybme pm280 this is a bosch pressure sensor or humidity it might be humidity pressure and temperature in there should probably look in the book i bet you it tells us everything we have a stepper control board to go with that stepper motor to drive it so that's good and last bag the infamous motion sensor you provided power and you've got a pin and when it detects motion it will provide a logic level change uh you've got different modes you can set the sensitivity and the duration of the change first thing you notice is all of these have their jumpers the connections all soldered in so there's no soldering required the lcd display has a serial board already soldered onto the back of it which is also very nice the only thing i might think of that is not quite right on here is the resistors they may be a bit small but we'll test that a lot of other kits i've seen the potentiometer as being standalone and it wouldn't plug in the breadboard without damaging it they've put this on a daughter board with some properly sized pins which is nice to see and the rotary encoder is all soldered up ready to go as well i think that's the entire kit that we're looking at there just to confirm this tiny tiny little board is the pressure sensor so atmospheric pressure it will also give you typically temperature and humidity as well because it needs those to do its calculations internally for working out what the air pressure is so what does the book say that it wants you to start with yeah the lcd displays a 16 line 16 line by 2 16 character by two-line display affectionately referred to as an lcd-1602 guess where they got the numbers from so this goes through each of the components and gives you a description which is nice to show you little diagrams of the devices i'm not going to detail read all of this right now what's inside the breadboard quite detailed as well nice ultrasonic sensor mpu accelerometer gyroscope thingy potentiometer with a diagram you don't normally get this level of detail in these books so that's nice to see it is an educational kit and it seems to be doing a really good job of teaching you what all of the pieces are so we've got a mems mpu 6050 and it's going into details of how it works as well which is really nice really module doesn't give us a schematic but it tells you how to wire it up which is always nice sound sensor light sensor a bit of info how that works vibration sensor this is the four digit seven segment led display using a tm1637 driver and we've got the rotary encoder a little bit of a detailed description of how they work although when we go through that we will do it ourselves as well in a bit more detail with an oscilloscope and stuff like that raindrop sensor stepper driver quite a lot about stepper drivers the actual stepper motor is geared so it should have quite a lot of torque maybe not high speed but lots of torque hd11 temperature and humidity module uh joysticks showing you how they work basically these two potentiometers at 90 degrees to each other uh thumb stick module that's what we just looked at and now we've got the pico board bit of readme before using to install the thony ide download micro python firmware setting up phony led blinky not sure if i'm going to do a bunch of python code what i want to do is show you this working with arduino code if you're really keen on python you can definitely follow the examples in here i will give you or work through the same functional examples but i'm going to use the beta2 and the latest release arduino ides to do some coding that way if you've been working on um atmega328s which would be the original arduino uno um or other arduino like or compatible boards then you'll be able to take that coding and take it straight to this which is obviously a lot more powerful microprocessor microcontroller sorry a bit of a description on how wiring a circuit diagram how to wiring circuit diagram a little bit of translation stuff there and showing you how to connect things up i'm going to go through that as well i'll zoom in a bit closer so you can see the details when i'm videoing it so that's third project is an oled 0.96 screen with picobasic so it's a basic example of driving a display little alien invaders thing and try adding a gyroscope to it vibration detecting maybe we'll work through some of these or see anyway so the first thing to do though is the classic equivalent of hello world so that would be using this board and making one of these leds blink on and off um as there is no display on here right now unless i plug one in now it looks like these leds have got got resistors in there i can't quite tell what value they are not sure if that's an 01b or something else i guess i can always measure them just i'm curious as to whether they're 5 volt compatible or not but yeah they're 1k so 1k resistor in series with each led yep and the leds are probably gonna diode test and probably will light up don't know if you can see that very well zoom in so blue leds and they've got a common ground so you drive them with a positive which is good for the beginning because one equals on zero equals off right makes it easy to remember okay so we have our kit get that up out the way you want to put a zoom in a little bit there's our board we don't need resistors for this we will need some jumpers though here is our usb connection so we have to connect that to a computer now thing to remember with the well i say remember you may never have looked at it yet to know this see what i mean about the noise a little quieter for the moment um slight i don't i wouldn't necessarily call it a design flaw but common mistake for beginners as well for sure is the buzzer as a driver right here it's driven from that pin so if i touch that pin now it's going to stop beeping at me again like that and that's because an input of a mosfet is very very uh high impedance so a bit of stray capacitance or whatever will basically turn it on if i put my finger here on the ground and touch it again see i can turn it off go to 3.3 volts i can turn it hard on and it will stay that way because an input to a fet is like a capacitor so there it is off so the easiest thing for the moment if i want to make sure it stays quiet is to put a jumper from there to ground anyway that's it all plugged in ready to go as you can see um there actually is an led on the pico board to remember what pin it's actually connected to but obviously with all this on here um the one that's built into this is going to be covered up so we'll need to take a jumper usually on an arduino it's gpio13 so maybe gp13 on here we'll also do the same thing we'll take a jumper and we'll put it across to one of these leds and see if it lights up when we load a blank sketch and send it over to it anyway first things first we've got to get drivers and an arduino ide up and running so it's been a while since i've updated the ones on here um but let's go have a look arduino ide i'm gonna go to arduino dot cc and the beta one right now is where is it there we go a to twelve so let's just download the later version all right arduino 1.8.16 so again windows 7 and newer and we'll just download that so anybody's been using arduino ides before will or programming arduinos doesn't matter whether it's an arduino ide whether you're using um platform io or whether you're using the official atmega ide based on microsoft visual studio usually programming an arduino atmega328 type board you would use a com port whatever your computer happens to set it up to send the program over when you're programming a picot board one of these raspberry pi ones it's the same as an st micro and other ones you're actually dumping a file to a folder that gets picked up by the firmware that's built into the microcontroller so in here let's get rid of this project start with a new one and i think it's got the board manager loaded for it let's go to board manager and we'll type in here pico right so it's not in it it can tell us here it's not it's the embedded one it's not installed yet raspberry pi pico so we'll load that in now if you go to file right we've got the raspberry pi pico it says it's not connected but remember what i said it doesn't need a com port to be connected so let's download or pick the basic blink sketch all right again it jumps up another one open and what we've got here is set up pin mode led built in and we don't know what pin number that is and then it has a one second oscillating uh blink so let's just hit compile it should work for the raspberry pi pico there we go compilation that was the very first time i've used compile on it so obviously the sketch is um 13k long but we've got an awful lot more space than that um let me make the font bigger if i can that's better back to what it was let's call it the other one so it makes it more readable for you so theoretically because the arduino ide uses um a folder i think the sketch is going to be able to oh the compiler is going to be able to find it and just do it so let's just hit upload this is the first time i'm trying to upload anything to this it'll give me an error if it can't find it compilation complete upload complete so it did it so if we look at the board there is a little you can see it just in there blinking away one second interval so let's see if we can find out what pin it's on and we'll get it to an outside um led just so we can see it a little better okay a few moments later just checked on the um registrypy.org website and the built-in led is on pin 25 of the micro controller that pin is not brought out to this pin header on the raspberry pi board so we can't make it blink the led not with that sketch we'll have to modify it and that is actually relatively easy so we go back here instead of led built in we'll just change this right here and we'll pick just zero and we have to reboot the pi with the button press now it's running a code if i try and just do it right now with this board i try and upload compile and upload this right now it'll compile okay but it'll complain when it tries to output to the board i'm thinking it should yeah failed to upload now if i power the board off by disconnecting the power press and hold the button so i've got the power off press and hold that button and reconnect the power it'll come back on heard it hopefully coming into the pc i can let go of the button now if i do the upload again let's go back to that screen it should work this time i'll say pile and upload now it should upload it again and this time we should see this led hopefully of course one of the whole things about this is if you look at this code i've set pin mode 0 to output perfect but i didn't change these two to say zero so let me just make a constant up here for the led and i'll show you how to set this up properly define led pin 0. so now we just use this constant of led pin for everything so change this to say led pin and this to say led pin and this to say led pin and theoretically now that should work so let's just reboot again and we'll upload it and see if it actually starts it working usb connector is quite tight okay let's reset got that on the screen i've seen it compile a couple of times i'm sure you'd rather see the hopefully i got all this correct this time it's really my first time using this with an arduino environment there we go perfect so led pane we just tell it it's pin 0 which is gp 0 on the board and there it is blinking away so as you can see roster pi pico perfectly working well with an arduino ide this is a um ide 2.0 beta 12 if you're not comfortable running beta software let's quickly just copy this or program and we'll get rid of that we'll load up the regular arduino ide it's the latest one i did up just update that and we will load up the blink sketch all right now we want the blink sketch which we've got now it's exactly the same sketch so if i paste my edited code slightly shorter but it's the same thing a lot more comments on the other one so this is exactly the same as the code from before in here if i do compile done compiling no error so let's now just simply say upload i haven't picked a com port look at this the board is the razer pi pico there are no com ports picked although i could pick one there is one set up there right now um but we're not going to set anything and we'll just go upload it should upload it shouldn't actually change on the screen i'll tell you when it's there right now we're looking at the board i error out because i didn't reset the board let's do that again i think a usb cable with a switch in it would be nice okay that folder that's popping up by the way on my screen that's what pops up when the um pico presents part of its memory as a usb stick effectively and this is where you dump the program to so let's try that again should work this time yep there we go still going oh sorry look at the wrong place done uploading says it right there so how do we know this is actually working properly let's just do something a little bit more fun we'll use gpi pin gpio pin one and we'll connect it to led2 okay and we will modify the sketch so that we can have oops led pin one is on zero now we'll make this easier led one is on one and we will make led pin zero on pin zero this is just a definition right so this is using led pin one so now if i actually take this line and just duplicate it and this one make this top two zero and we'll make that low and this one hi so now what should happen is it should alternate between these two leds on the board led 1 and led 2. um very simple we'll also make it do it a little faster why not just so you know we are really doing a very simple upload to this i'm going to pull the power from the other end this time so we've got to reset it into programming mode or dfu mode whatever you want to call it put the power back in there's our little pop-up screen so we know we're in the right mode now we'll compile this i think i've got everything correct low high high half a second delay and we'll say compile and upload so it's compiling compiled no problem now it's updating and it's done and look at the board you can see quite happily right here it's flicking nicely between the two perfect so okay this as i said is the raspberry pi pico starter kit so zoom out twin twink from geek pi and it comes with a great number of goodies to try out different circuits and everything else i'm going to stop the video here because it's probably already gone on longer than i wanted it to i wanted to have a detailed run through all the parts and show you how to get your program going might look at doing micropython in different videos but in this one i want to use the arduino ide so that it's familiar with a lot more people initially plus i don't particularly like python but you know that's my preference not yours so um what else to do let's look at the site see how much it is let's just close this down bring up this so you can get it from amazon.com amazon.japan amazon.com.uk amazon.ca or you can buy i think directly from them that's the picture with all the kit um they got documentation and things on the 52pi wiki site so it's wiki.52pi rashi pi pico micropython programming sensor kit as you can see it's way more than just micropython that's just the way they sell the kit and a lot of the examples in the book are from like a python or using micropython we will go through some of the examples in here but maybe we'll just convert them to arduino code as well to try them both ways i do have another few raspberry pi picos which i bought myself and so i'll put some pinhead strip on one of them so rather than keep having to reset the way that the pico works because i think when you run python it's interpreted i think you need to upload like a runtime package or something to the board um that's okay but i don't want to keep doing it on the same one so i might end up using two of them and just switch them in the socket so pricing this is the kit that we got you can see here rashi pi pico in the middle and we've got all of these parts with it i want your information so 69.99 so 70 dollars u.s uh if i go to canada we're looking at ninety dollars um plus twenty dollars shipping and import duties that must be coming from the us at the moment i know sold by geek pine fulfilled by amazon from outside of canada okay so still going to cost you so actually it's going to cost you about 100 110 dollars that's not too bad as far as kits go um the parts fit much much better than i've seen on other kits oh we didn't try that resistor yet we'll do that in a minute let's not forget you can also i'll provide links to other amazon sites as well in the description there'll be affiliate links won't cost you any more but it'll help the channel if you buy through the link let's just get this back on the board all right grab one of these resistors if you just pull them out of the tape if you look at these resistors they're on tape if you just pull it out you're going to get glue on the end of the resistor so either clean them with an alcohol wipe or a little blade or something to get that glue off because you don't want it getting inside your connectors i'm just scraping it off here okay anyway what i'm trying what i want to try here is to see how well it will okay it's actually gripping that that's good so this is a much better quality breadboard on the other ones if i put that in there and tip the breadboard upside down it would have fallen out this one it's a good breadboard so i like that can't lift the breadboard up with the grip but then again you don't want it that tight but that fits nicely what else can we have for a bit of fun i'll tell you what let's just stick and that would be annoying but just showing you driving the beeper so i'm going to very quickly do a quick program just to show you something else on here how easy it is i won't make you watch me writing it but i'll be right back that's now sent to the board so let's go look at the board here we go and you can see the light flashing i've got the gpio0 sorry gpio0 connected to lead one i've got gpio1 connected to the beeper and i've got gpio2 connected to the switch 0. sorry switch 1 which is the first switch which is this one right here so you can see it flashing about on a one second cycle on and off if i press the button it just beeped for one second and now you can see it flashing at a half second interval if i let go of the button it'll go back to the one second but no beeping i press the button it beeps for a second and then it will continue without any more beeping as long as i hold the button that could be a toggle switch or a sensor or anything then i'll let go again so anything that would change that input from a zero sorry from a one to a zero we'll trip it into fast flash mode and it'll beep the beeper for one quick beep so that is the little example all done for now i'm going to finish it there my conclusions on this is this is a very nice little kit price is not too bad and i think it might make a great christmas present for somebody it's using one of the later raspberry pi controllers that have come out this is their first foray into a microcontroller versus a microprocessor which is what the other raspberry pies have in them this is the raspberry pico they've still got an arm cortex and it's still running very very fast compared to other microcontrollers i mean it's running pretty much as fast as an esp 32 kind of speeds they run at like 80 or 160 megs anyway um that's it so if you liked the video give us a thumbs up if you didn't then don't and i will see you in the next one real soon bye for now
Channel: theBreadboard
Views: 3,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 52PI, Geeekpi, Programming, Sensor, Kit, Tutorial, Review, Arduino, Raspberry, PI, RPI3, RPI4, RPI PICO, PICO, howto
Id: wDa2UqDBTgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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