Raspberry Pi 5 & Rock 5A: Building Two Ultimate budget NAS (ZFS and Software RAID)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to technically unsure where I'm not really sure what I'm doing technically not sure please I kind of know what I'm doing technically you don't I just got my hands on the Hat for rock 5A and rock 5B and also Raspberry Pi 5 where you can install basically and connect five SATA hard disk drives to a rock five board and uh basically set up and run an ass I heard you guys so last n video that I did some feedbacks I got was it is still Overkill it is expensive but just remember in that video that's not exactly how I intend to use it I have a prox MOX installed on it with tress as as one of the VMS on it in this video we are going to go on lowbudget stuff right uh I also saw some viewer were commenting where like they don't have that much data right or they don't really need such a Nas with I don't know 8 18 terab hard disk drives I heard you so you're right right right not not everybody needs anything like that so maybe someone just needs something like this right that's all they need they need a rock five or Raspberry Pi I'm going to open it up now and a hat that's all they need and they will connect to 1 2 3 4 maybe five hard disk drives and set up and not necessarily Tess I don't think you can so you're going to install uh some other alternative which we are going to do in this video and just run a simple nass right uh not everything needs to be complicated expensive high-end sometimes you don't need that so that's understandable so in this case I did this one because creating the rid takes forever right I don't want to make the video long so let me start this is what I got all right I got everything new for you guys this is a cooler active cooler for the Raspberry Pi so this is the cooler this is a brand new Raspberry Pi 58 Gaby right I'm not going to use the one I use in videos right that's that bad boy is right here right so I use this as like base for Benchmark and also the spots with the NVM SSD we're not going to use this so I'm going to do everything from scratch so this is what I got raxa Penta SATA hat Penta because it can support up to five one is e SATA it doesn't matter so it is compatible with Raspberry Pi 5 which there there people have done it right people have done connected SATA to Raspberry Pi 4 and other boards but this is I believe the first I believe if I'm wrong let me know in the comments section I was kind of fast I immediately saw this bought this and I just received it so you can install this on a Raspberry Pi 5 with Raspberry Pi 5 performance remember it's much faster and better than the before and other Alternatives what we're going to do we're going to unbox this we're going to unbox this unbox that and install everything fresh brand menu from ground up okay and uh one of the things that I'm going to try to do is actually I'm going to try to uh cut down the length of the video if I can all right so what you need is a knife we take that out let's take this I just want to make a small there you go unbox this see what's inside right taking this out nice okay this is the SATA so this is the header connector and from what I read somewhere it can provide uh the power and the data to this uh to this cable okay bunch of screws and standoff stuff so this is the board this is the 1 2 3 4 correct and one connects EA connects here the cable and gives you one more so you can connect five SATA discs to to your board to Raspberry Pi and you can power this which will power the hard disk drives right you can power this using this Molex connector if you want to there are some adapters that you don't necessarily need a power supply there are some uh power adapters you can buy and it will provide a TW the Molex 12vt pin that's used for like powering external hard disk drives can go with that route or you can plug here a 12vt uh adapter which that's what I had or laying around so I am using that in here as as you might be able to see here I have connected the the 12vt uh power adapter and that ugly cable goes to the outlet so yeah keep that in mind so you're going to get this yeah so they give you two so this is the Raspberry Pi connector that that's what what the Raspberry Pi expects and does have port for it and this is the raxa stuff right so the raxa the other one that I'm using Rock five that's the header they are using it's actually very nice it does have this Notch as well for locking it's nice so we are going to use this cable I have done that for the rock 5A pink which does have 16 GB RAM and we had already we did a video on it you can if you haven't seen it go check that out but I am going to show you how to do it on Raspberry Pi well to be honest because cuz Raspberry Pi is a little bit more common and more popular so I'm going to do the popular one but yeah you can do it to the other ones as well uh such as rock 5A Rock 5B Rock 5A pink which is this board and then we get a lot of uh you know screws and stuff in here I'm going to pour that out so we're going to use those the next thing is actually taking the Raspberry Pi out yeah so this is a brand new one I haven't used it in anything so I'm just going to dedicate this to this video so that's going to be the Raspberry Pi 5 so I bought this active cooler so they ship with this okay so you really don't have to have anything yeah so you don't need the thermal pads you don't need anything uh you take this out you put it in there and connect the the header and that's all you need to do so let's do that real quick okay I believe it goes this way so I'm going to move this so the fan goes to the other side okay right this way okay and then you basically push this yep there you go and you push this there is really nothing just to push that's it okay yeah we take this cable put it this way okay we got that this is installed now and uh yeah that's good enough for cooling the Raspberry Pi five the next thing to do that's the height you can go both ways this way yeah okay let me do this real quick I'm not going to use the back side so I don't uh plan I don't have any plans for the back side so I will use it this way so this is all I'm doing okay [Music] there you go that was easy and smooth so you will end up with this you already have the Raspberry Pi 5 you have the cooler installed and you have the Hat installed okay and then we can screw this if needed I'm I'm going to leave it uh I'm going to be very honest with you I am not going to use this in in a real sense because I already have enough Nas and storage but yeah I will I'm doing this just for you guys I just want you to see that there is this option available and uh you can do this if you want to for a small uh affordable uh and uh Fast N uh and I believe we are kind of on the uh limits of the cost right because you need a computer you need a processor you need something that can have a network stack you need a CPU you need all that stuff so Raspberry Pi 5 is kind of cheap right it's does have very good performance $80 they had was like $44 so 120 bucks right here and the cooler is I think 10 10 or something like that I honestly forgot I will check it out and leave it maybe on the link or something so let's say $150 all right so the whole thing high performance uh because we have the 8 GB version 8 GB RAM and uh yeah that's all you need really to set up an ass and a and a 12vt power adapter it will come down to cost of the discs right hard dis drives so uh what I'm going to do is I'm going to push these away I'm going to open up couple of these I just want you to see the capability right so I am going to actually remember these 8 hard drives that I did not use in my n and I went with the 18 TB ones yeah so we are going to use those best is just to do it before putting the hat on and you have to pull the tab and take that out okay take that out and bring it out and then we are going to okay so this side this side the golden plate side should be facing the board okay so we are going to install this push it all the way and then we close the push the lock mechanism in right all right so something like that so we take this locking mechanism this side right and you have to line up these two okay like this there you go so smooth and then lock that's it that's all you need to do and now we are going to install the hats okay Okay okay something like that all right looks neat doesn't it all right now let's continue unboxing the hard disk [Music] drives so what I prepared is actually an SD card right this SD card image does contain Raspberry Pi OS and light version so the nest that we are going to install is not for in the desktop version we're going to talk all about it anyway I install it in here I'm going to put that before I forget okay okay the cable is installed now what we are going to do is simple just uh flip and as you can see you just uh literally pull and push okay so as you can see some are going to be bent right that you see the these connect so in order to keep them aligned and straight and proper uh they have provided this so what we can do is we can flip this around and just screw those in you will end up with something like this neat looking nass right so that's the whole Nest now you want to Nest have like eight as I said you can connect this and add the fifth one I'm not going to do it but you can right so you can connect this to here now you get the fifth one all right so you can con connect another hard drive here I'm not going to do that so I already have I want it to be compact I want to show you the small package right this this is the whole Nest it does have the hard drives does have a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8 GB memory and does have a cooler the best is actually to install a fan on top of this uh I don't have it but as I said I'm doing this just for you guys I'm not going to use this in Real uh you know real world I'm not going to use it so I'm just doing this for you I will uh recommend if you're following this guy you want to do the same thing put a fan on here okay uh or just keep it in a cool environment or like where the air flows uh you know so here when it's running it's actually in right in in front of the air cooler so I don't know you can see it but there is a flow of a uh you know chil air anyway so this is here and uh yeah so all I need and I also put the SD card in for the OS and we are going to start the raspberry piip I brought a 12vt uh adapter uh I got it off of something else and the USBC so we are going to boot the Raspberry Pi and connect the power supply the 12vt and we are going to wait for it to boot in the meantime I am going to steal the USB keyboard and mouse from The Other Board as well as HDMI cable okay so we're back and uh we I have installed the fifth hard drive as well as you can see uh the four lights are on and the fifth one is in the back as you can hopefully see yep there you go okay so all five hard dis slots are populated now and if we log in and if we go to PSE sudo shell you can see that 1 2 3 4 five devices are already there okay now we are going to go to the admin panel uh if we just do IP address we can get the IP address is 172 168 17 178 okay so let's switch to the admin panel okay and this is what you're going to get the default username and password is open ad username is admin password is open media Vault okay so once you log in uh this is what you're going to get initially dashboard is empty uh so what I did was the only thing I did was just going to the system and going to the plugins and just searching for ZFS and I installed this open media volt ZFS plugin okay that's all we want to get as close as possible to Tunas so we we installed the ZFS you can use software rate this one is using software rate with MD admin mdadm ADM mdadm command so you can go with the software raid uh which I did on this one I will show you that and on this one let's try zfm and ZFS and let's see if it works okay so we are going to go to first let's make sure the discs are also visible here okay yep so one 2 3 4 5 5 8 tbte NV sorry ssds right super fast uh ssds so what we are going to do is we're going to go to the ZFS and we are going to create a pool and let's call this the data pool okay and for the devices okay so these are not initialized let's go back to thiss yep so only that one so for this one we are going to erase it and we're going to do it quick okay okay so now we are going to do it again main dat main pool right and we are going to use a b c d and e okay so all devices will be used and not going to enable compression okay let me do one more reboot after that [Music] delete Lo it again okay so we have let's go to the storage ZFS pools create add pool rain pool okay wa to select this okay so now it is pending for our approval as you can see on the screen if we are using 1 2 3 4 5 5 8 T terab So 5 * 8 F we are not obviously it's not literally 8 7 something right so let's go with that 8 terab so 40 out of that uh we are going to get 28 terabyte okay uh by the way hold on a second did we choose the Z oh yeah yeah yeah so we were going with red Z1 so let me delete that sorry I didn't pay attention Okay so I initialized the discs and deleted everything now let's do it again let's go to the ZFS go to the pool add a pool we are going to call this main pool and we're going to make sure that it's Z2 not Z1 uh to have a better protection for our data and let's uh let's not force it let's see okay that's better so we are going to get 21 tbte of storage on ssds so keep that in mind and if I approve that and apply that now as you can see all the lights are blinking and it's going to start creating that ZFS pool for us and ZFS pool with ra Z2 remember that so very close to what I did in the other Nas video uh where I also created uh ra Z2 and uh okay that that's that's it so the data is online and let's go to the file system yeah it's already mounted so we already have the storage to be honest ZFS is a lot faster in creating the pool and this one I I think it does have like still eight uh 6 hours or so left let me show you very quickly so if you go to the storage if you go to software rate this is what I'm doing right so I have this one has four 8 tab ssds Sorry 4 terab so 4 * 4 right is it four let me see let's check that yes 4 444 yeah so 6 16 terb was available on this one okay and I created a software raate which internally it's MD ADM and creating the raid in Linux so that's a rate Five and I'm getting 10.9 let's call it 11 so I'm getting 11 but it is taking forever so I think like six more five more hours six more hours or so is remaining on this one but you can see the speeds can you see the speeds for that it's very fast it's making the all ating the rate right on this one it immediately uh created the the ZFS pool so what we can do is we can also create a shared folder right so you can give it uh call it a data and uh select the main pool and it's going to be SL data administrators and others going to have read and write uh others actually no access so let's go with administrators read and write users read and write and no access to the others and and save that and also we have to go to Services Samba settings enabled and save okay so we have to enable that as well and apply the changes let that go on but as you can see it's really fast honestly I'm impressed right we were able to create install hard drives boot into Raspberry Pi OS run one script literally one script on this on this one two commands and one script that's it and we were able to get open media running on on both of these and uh now the share is up right so now let's create a a share and we are going to use that data and I'm not going to change anything except the version if it is here somewhere am I missing where is it [Music] version okay so we are going to to save that oh sample version is in the sample service settings sorry I got confused so let's apply [Music] this okay so that is done and uh yeah so if we go to the sambba settings that's right here should be somewhere yeah here so let's go with samb 3 and we don't need any of that okay hold on here all right so we created that now let's see if any of this is actually working right let's let's load that uh IP address uh 78 right 17216 16178 okay hide all this stuff oh okay so it's coming up here let's use the default username and password [Music] okay that doesn't work so we have to create uh I guess the users in here and go to the users yeah oh so I have the technically that's the other one let me see if that technically Works actually no okay let's create the user call it I guess unsure [Music] okay save that okay so we created the Ure and let's go to the shared folder on this one permissions unsure yes read WR we give read right access and also technically uh yeah let's not confuse that let's go with un sure okay give the read right to that user let's try again now okay stoping here okay stuck in here and stuck in here hide all that and also when I'm typing what that all right let's do unsure there you go okay so we got access to our share and if we go to data there you go we have it so what I'm going to do now is actually uh let me create a large file right and basically I'm going to say FS file create new test and let's do 1024 * 1024 * 104 * 10 okay paste enter open 10 GB file okay now we copy that we go over here and paste taada okay so we we got uh 1 GB internet remember and we are capping it that's that's literally the speed you can get out of what gigabit connection and that's the Raspberry Pi gigabit Ethernet okay so we created a raid Z2 with five ssds and it is running on the PCI gen 3 and also we installed open media Vault very same thing but different setup like this one is a software setup software rate and I am able to as you can see it's consistent the the 10 gab is consistent and it does not drop so we created basically an ass right so imagine you you run this you run this and you keep it as is like this that one also has a external drive but this is smaller and simpler so you keep this in a cool room in a room in a rack in somewhere in corner of your office and you can put all the movies Family Photos uh you know everyone's uses are different for an ass and I have I'm using photo prism I love that project all our family photos are there every time we want to watch movies and videos you know we go open that up I have Plex and jelin in my house so if you want to do that you can run this put it in the corner and forget about it come through the SMB share or web web admin interface and like copy your files in here and there is a lot of more capabilities actually let me show you yeah that copy is over let me show you so if you go to the system and to the plugins there are a lot of other plugins in here and there's also extras which you can enable Docker so potentially you can run Docker on this bad boy in on these I haven't tried it I'm not sure it's going to work or not but you can certainly uh install and run Docker on on on the uh and uh it will give you ability to run Ducker containers as well and you will be able to I'm not sure if that works well but we'll see and then you will be able to just go to the plugins and install as many as plugins as you want so here uh you will see there are like backup stuff antivirus stuff compos so again related to Docker uh CPU temperature stuff so let's install all that as a matter of fact and I want to show you the dashboard part right so this is also also see how the installation of the plugins go right how I install ZFS I didn't record that part but I literally clicked on the ZFS plugin and clicked on it so end of End of Line that's it so we installed the plugin and reloads itself oh yeah so we're done with this part so I'm going to close this so it doesn't show again uh what we can do is go to dashboard and go to settings page okay and in here just enable the things that you want to see and uh I believe the CPU one might not be visible in uh initially but yeah let's just enable everything uh let's populate our dashboard oh yeah so as you can see we got our load averages the temperature are 44 the memory is Barely Used so 8 GB I know that one is 8 GB because Raspberry Pi this is 16 GB we are not making a dent in the memory and uh there is also network interface stuff in here there's Wireless oh by the way yeah I I know I connected it with with the ethernet but if you want your Nas to be Wireless you can absolutely do that as well and then there is the ZFS stuff in here a lan and wean and all that stuff right it's all work absolutely beautifully ZFS raid Z1 and software raid both are ready to go and that's all you need right I just wanted to show you that it is absolutely doable and uh yeah so if you want to go with the budget uh setup that not necessarily budget maybe like as the other people said in the comment section in the other video you don't really have a lot of data to to use a big Nas you can go with this and it is absolutely uh usable as an ass I would recommend if your data is very important maybe not use ssds maybe for long longer uh you know lifetime maybe go with the you know uh the regular hard drives uh and using maybe the gold Western Digital gold or something like that so okay right before I go I just want to show you that you can also actually very easily run Ducker containers on this and uh that's what I did okay so as you can see on the screen I installed and ran the photo prism as as I told you I'm using it personally in my real Ness and it is a very good software that you can use to host your own uh family photos and videos and load it up on a TV load it up on your phone or tablet computer laptop doesn't matter and it will play them show you the videos and also does have face recognition and all that stuff anyway I just wanted to show you the docker and Docker compose both works on the uh on these devices and on the open media vault as you can see on the screen okay so you just have to enable the compose and that's what you're going to get you will be able to see uh have a control over all the containers right over here the volumes the containers everything is going to be listed here and you can control them so this a very powerful computer basically it's a full-blown Nas now yep I just wanted to show you so you know that it works and uh that's all I have to say anyway uh the nest is up and running and uh both are working perfectly uh this one is Rock 5A pink and that's raspberry 55 thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video bye for [Music] now
Channel: Technically Unsure
Views: 40,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diynas, raspberrypi5, rock5a, rock5apink, radxapenta, satahat, networkstorage, techdiy, homenas, softwareraid, zfs, raidz2, plexserver, jellyfin, dockercontainers, openmediavault, techtutorial, nasguide, mediastreaming, databackup, costeffectivetech, highperformancenas, techenthusiasts, beginnerfriendly, techhacks, storagesolutions, digitallibrary, smarthometech, gadgethacks, techinnovation, diyprojects, techcommunity
Id: AiyLv48CEtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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