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welcome to --mode equals weapons challenge yeah I gotta get better at naming things I know guys but the rules are very simple to this game there's a whole list of emotes that storm the judge chose for me and Rudy to do right we have no idea what those emotes are gonna give us as weapons only storm knows so I do a random emote of my choice storm has a weapon for it and so on and so forth and we have cause to an epic best out of three battle and stay tuned for the end guys because there's a there's some twisting things in the end right there if you hide for it drop a like if you know a lot of you subscribe hit that little fella to to turn on notifications and if you want to find something in the item shop helped me out use code Craner other than that guys thank you so much for all the support seriously you guys are killing it man thank you and enjoy the video it's a lot of fun ok so I've already explained all the rules that the intro guys for some reason our host is a fish standing on a rock and he's got a sign of water behind him storm you are the weirdest person ever so he has all the weapons ready he knows what the emotes are gonna be for each weapon can you get up yeah good job you got back up on the rock dude runic are you ready for this brother I think so yeah yeah this is gonna be so nerve-wracking because this e mode could literally mean anything and this e bolt could literally mean anything I don't have no idea what it means dude butts Tom you know it all documents I I don't know dude okay like you said it could be anything storm who do you want to go first we will let the fish decide which is a very bad idea but we'll let him do it and the fish says you destroy this little scarecrows heart hey look at me I got a little donkey on my back or whatever the crap that is dude he would have broken that guy's heart too I called him donkey hmm if I were storm which emote would I give it huh wait I think I see no one that you would like storm and I don't know I don't know if you face an assigned like the web to the emotes that you like or if you give bad ones to the ones that you don't like but here's my first email buddy it's called Nana Nana Nana you like you like my boobs - what are you gonna grant me fish boy please check me out dude the fish grants you please let you know what wait are you actually kidding me wait is that real that's really I like that one that was my goodness - just so you guys know he's not judging it right now he made a whole list I'll show you guys afterwards so you guys know it's not rigged runic it's your turn dude yeah what are you gonna pay the infinite tab oh that's a bold move flingers right please say please tell me he doesn't have to do it for 11 hours before he gets the weapon I'd say two hours further what is the infinite day I've got to give it please yet epic dual pistols pretty good I think I like this so far we've all been pretty lucky good job Bruni K we can Pat each other on the back dude hey pat my back dude hey that's that's up dude all right so am we've both been lucky so far but I think it's time to step up the game runic I'm gonna flex on the competition this one is called gun show by the way stomp so you can find it in your document what do you think it's gonna be is it gonna be good I'm like oh I'm thinking maybe like a shotgun or something out dude a shotgun or something geez I don't know what to tell you I promise this is not written that it's just you got the two best weapons of the whole game yeah I seriously can't believe it guys I promise by the end of this video I'll show you the document that he had written out okay I haven't seen it that's why I don't want to show you right now that's insane dude I guess I have to backstroke I like that emo dude and he's a fish so he probably likes it too come on No okay it's something bad he laughed okay get the crossbow all right so I'm in a two out of two epic situation right here actually legendary situation so the next one that I'm gonna be pulling out its the MLG airhorn what's up bro what's up dude I see what this will grant you I want to give that again runic oh come on if you get another legendary oh you did it - look I know it's better than a crossbow though at least why I gotta be thankful I guess sighing it dude how can this evil be bad this has to have a good weapon right there okay infinite they had a bad weapon kindness oh wow it's all for now dad dad has to be good look it's fisheye dude look at this ice I mean I oh it's the tech stop man dude I actually want that a lot that thing is so fun to play with but unfortunately it's only green runic oh yeah dang is so far we have three out of five emotes down fish boy let me see if I can find something that you like buddy this water what's that one flippin sexy ah it has to be bad it must be bad deed I did a backflip for you and you're gonna give me that stop help it I'm sorry that's just the rules how about breakdown Oh check him out okay I like that dance that's a good dance rise to be a shopkin right has to be something good in that one come on Oh Jim Garlow thought the vaulted things that I want to play with you are you kidding me boy you know wreck D come on fish really this is for my last emote I got a do it ruining I got I'm sorry I got a do it to you dude I gotta bring out the big heavy guns dude hey buddy fish I'm ready my last emo it's just the last one yeah I'm doing what I imagined it sounds like if you do in real life dude I'm sorry Craner six-shooter I even did the noise for you stupid fish oh how about the best emote in the whole game this is what's the best emote in the whole game there you go okay okay do you even have anything aside for the default things I do yes oh gosh okay not bad it's on the list that I can see all grenade launch you can step for default dance but when I don't really I hate that oh my goodness even ended it in a DAB Paul runic it feels good to be back on my favorite method for that use code trainer in the item shop are you ready to get killed what I feel like this map has cursed me or something like I can't pick actually on this map because you suck at peak accident doesn't mean that use cocaine on the item shop map is this anything wrong with it okay are you ready runic first three kills wins you don't have an AR in three two what go I'm gonna try a new tactic this time okay I meet you by the way guys just wanna say I got a new mouse a new key fault so if I play kind of trash see that's why it up because I saw okay thank you very much no where would I be if I was a rune a Titan probably down here I guess not no where else would I be all right there I guess I thought okay say hello to my little six-shooter I'm like I have to low crawl right now although if you know this but you're actually built peddling yourself dude I'm just trying to figure out where you are without getting shot that's it just built battling yourself dude I respect it you know hey Munna kiss man I understand why you know I get it I get it I haven't hit a single shot with mayate all right now dude whoa you're annoying there we go weird what's weird I'm talking right done Oh Oh baby I can't see you in the tree I think Oh 11 what 23 berries all buddy did you get a new beat did you get you in Kyoto runing no no okay well you just like that there sorry yeah I didn't follow my spawn patter whoops oh hey hey buddy come on we thought about this okay enemy I hope so at least you know I want to be friends with you sometimes oh wait I thought I killed you dang thank you okay now we just get the high ground Oh oh I'm a to help if you didn't have that dumb SMG right that you would have been dead I thought you would have been dead how do you kept Dean in the same boxes made that is what do you mean the same boxes you're doing wait are you trying to know okay okay somebody I can't build Oh what am I trying to buddy huh you'll never catch me like how do you jump it up oh okay oh what's the tree the tree have stuck dang it okay guys stop trolling I got to stop trolling oh dude this do keep on is hard to get used to right now don't judge me guys okay please apply my best here well well oh yes dude wait we're both one kill left and then the person wins that's what we're doing right now dude Oh bacon Hills dude that thing sucks so much to be against I did this is why they vaulted it dude Oh what you're doing just running right next to me I thought you jumped time yet first round it goes to be now ruling let's go see what the weird face judge is doing because we still have like 20 more emotes we got to do or something math quick math nice to see you again mr. Josh I am I won the battle against ruining a lot of you well done crater I know your face for it please please please bless me with your luck once again dude it's so boring I just been sitting here on my rock while you guys were over there having fun oh dude that's so sad you just been sitting alone in your rock just chillin while we've been killing each other yeah oh alright let's see who goes first this time instead of you deciding fish you know what let's do the good old score card just to make sure that it's fair okay breunig okay yeah ready yeah go 7:09 dang dude are you kidding me how do you beat a seven you oh you know what stain what I will do for that I'll use scorecard emote oh hey that was clever what is what is the scorecard emote gonna be 5,000 please give me something get the fish God grants you a double-barrel shotgun I mean those are pretty good dude you can't hate on at least having a shotgun right well at least if you try to pick axe me that is actually the anti pickaxe weapon right there why did you do that to me I'm gonna cheer up hey-oh gimme a good weapon hey oh you're gonna die again boon exciting that's better than what I got that's way better than what you've got dude here we go I passed you golf clap ooh what does a golf clap gonna do huh that's the girl that I've gotta give him any good night oh that's all right I mean I wouldn't be clapping at that ruling let's be fair here yeah I'd that's my only weapon so far I'm doing pretty good in my opinion but maybe with my spyglass I can spot some better weapons out there are matey any good loading mate eh I wouldn't be so sure of it here you go why do you insist on me having six shooters I know you like that weapon I only because runic gets killed by it a lot dude that's the only reason I like it I guess it's fine what do you want about huh what does anybody ever ask you what you're talking about runic what are you - what are you talking about I'm talking about the gentleman's death oh okay Bruni has taken every single day promote right now I just want you guys to notice that has tagged runic daps a lot slightly staying off there it is you ready this is the ultimate lit boy emote hey ooh hey oh it's a call me boy no it's called hype sorry it was all hi it's because you guys were tapping and people that like to dab also like to do this okay all right get hype oh yeah I'm gonna be the most annoying person you've ever been a guest Rooney that's what I'm gonna be right here to beat you right now I think I need some magic with the llama Kodomo oh I like that emote yes I like the song - dude it's nice but what is it gonna give you is he gotta give you magic or is it gonna give you a crappy weapon you dad first I get sign please that's pretty good but I suck at sniping just wanna just be good at sniping duh you know you know what I'm gonna bring back a good ol it could all actually I was gonna do that but I think I'm gonna do this instead behold I'm getting a good weapon ha it's not a hunting rifle are you happy now no I'm not happy I can't even pick it up dude dang it I dare we'd rather have that than the this knife problem I know you would do but I'm not into the whole hunting rifle thing but thank you fish I do appreciate you a lot well I guess we gotta stop looking at me like that too scary oh oh PCV sound ads oh crack down okay that's that's that's a good one that's a good one it's it gonna be good or is it gonna be bad come on he's doing oh yeah I can do this your favorite weapon dude let's go that's the last weapon right this is my last weapon what's that you got five right yeah I got five okay okay this is my last attempt right here buddy what are we gonna hit him with boys what are we gonna hit him with are we gonna hit him with the light down below yes we are for sure gonna hit him with a dive buddy I blew this one are you rapping what's happening pumpernickel Bam Bam feel feel come on come on stop what you got for me buddies please he's doing it to a look at him God he's so happy dude not always in the denial yes a green pistol so right now I got a rocking log launcher six shooter hunting rifle pop shotgun pistol and you got a double-barrel what else do you got ego mmer and this thing dangit ruling I'm the one without an AR this time dude yeah I got a heavy now but you have a shotgun I mean I mine is kind of bad Allah I also have an RPG I mean I might win this one but you know what if you don't rule it it's all over also I've heard that a fish is dancing on use code crane right now so if that doesn't get you guys to use KO Craner I don't know what will it'll show up in the replay I can't see it right now but apparently there is a fish somewhere up there are you ready Rudy yeah I'm ready first took three kills again wins in three 200 you did you get your shot yes signal shot there we go that's why let's do like it just what the corrupted but thank you Oh Trudy tell us the most embarrassing fight you've ever had dude I'm sorry to say no sure I do apologize a lot about that one dude I just owned you with a hunting rifle when you couldn't hit a shot okay where where where where I don't know oh gosh okay sake you leave me alone Rudy he doesn't know where I am oh okay see I'm not even gonna try to build cuz I got these new key binds to it and I keep messing up so I'm just gonna own you like this hey how skilled I'll play you hard I'll build oh you almost just lost your head right there dude she'll be hurt the steel sound once again I can't find you as any single points where are you dude what do you mean I'm just running and stuff and I can't build dude yeah [Music] now where did you go [Music] are you kidding me okay no no no let me reload thank you awesome no problem oh no I'm really trying to stall on you right now but it's not let my okay oh oh how much hell okay Rooney I hate to do this to you buddy you're gonna have to fall down gone she'll just god I don't know what to do fish dancing on the thing please do something see I don't even know where you went though that's the thing I don't know why you're building out of metal so it's harder for you to like shoot it down there it is boys I won the game but roommate Mouse though she knew Mouse have like some sort of aimbot dude what the craft sorry dude I mean I'm building like crap today I gotta get used to duty by this but Rooney I want to do a round three and let's put everything on the line I know already technically want but I want to go I want to see the fish again you don't want to do my emote so you're off of that fine are you okay bro Nick you can still win if you beat me next round yeah I guess you yeah you're right you're right hey probably I don't know if you notice anything different about face boy but he's got a pick a stone oh what the heck are you do install missus what you doing we're fighting and you just gotta board you just make the stone Baker I'm the king of the mountain all right you know let's just let him do him let's do another scorecard to see who goes first in three two one go five are you kidding me ruining how about the meow cat flip ooh cat flip okay what are you gonna give him for the cat flip dude I'm going to give you and see what the fish play navigate our oh I like that I like that yeah it's kind of its kind of impractical with you on this big stone but you know what I respect it I respect that you want a big stone thank you thank you oh you know what we gotta bring in the big big guns we got to do click click click wait because I'm happy cuz I'm getting a good weapon right storm I bet a lot disappointed yes dude this give me my chance please keep giving you great items please a gray pistol electro-swing who are like that dance no I like that dance a lot oh no that's a bad sign for me it's dead piece why you go oh I mean I already have one are you kidding me dude it's way better than what I got you know what runic you are my best mate tom you're my best mate - dude it's not much Shaolin sit up whoo I like that one cause you like that one - I can tell you're not up meditating do it it's weird guy over the win literally just that's way to mind literally just an upgrade iYou know what if you don't you don't give me a better weapon I'll be breaking your neck followers kind of - sorry about that that's kind of what's it gonna be buddy think it's gonna give you a great gray one mm is that a blue pistol dude I mean that's way better than what I got right now buddy yeah at least I got an operator I love that song oh no I think he likes it I don't know he's like shaking a little bit come on yes oh my god you got heels and a sky and I'll be opposed to beat you dude well I'm still look confident I'll win yet I'm gonna bring out something good right here's gonna be shimmer like the one I'm doing guys it's on it try to get lucky here huh it's time just not why did it have to be that one this is my last attempt dude this also your last email right runic yep it's the master on the list oh it's probably good that's probably good that's probably good it's probably terrible since you said it that's terrible you got a six-shooter dude ID so what should I do in order to bring my luck up buddy let's see if I can find something what about what about a good old mass walk come on storm come on I hate you storm hahaha get rekt dude this might be my chance so the final round which bubbly I've already technically won but I'll put it all on the line because I like to gamble it's literally the one where you get the best off and I get the worst off runic yeah let's go fight runic I have no idea why I agreed to this but if you win this round you win the whole video well you all know how this is gonna end you ready for this runic I'm ready in three two one all right you see this is all a part of my plan finish what do you mean your plan did you lose your plan now already yeah can you stop ah I don't know why you keep falling down buddy how do you predict that stuff can you see me through this thing sorry now all deeds I suck at this game I saw darkness I only know what kill on you this whole entire video sorry dude I can't build if that's any cuz I guess that's actually makes it kind of worse this is where you snipe me and I die come on stop don't do that stop okay I won't I will not use the sniper thank you no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no way no don't walk come on yeah what did you come you just move again dude no oh I guess behind me I guess I never miss jeez Nick well I'm stressing out no reason to stress to you yeah there is there's the whole game on the line oh yeah you're right this big reason to stress Oh what do you just take all my health down oh my goodness dude I can't get a kill what have you been doing your reduced rates up start singing Lion King yes I do it I do else gotta be the death of me I messed up so bad it sighs wait okay so I did one more kill and I win and you need to dude here we go it all comes down to this buddy oh it all comes down to this good old boy oh never do this okay he's apparently behind me I guess whoa oh you know back down what I there we go okay is he drinking how do you get those no no no no this right now I'm not throwing this I have a SERP I'm not gonna throw this this is where it all goes down buddy oh this bad boy shouts might be a chance buddy oh no I have tryharding why don't you die wait yes no no really got the last kill with the pickaxe for every other game I played against yes he takes home the victory congratulations Rudy time I played flu bad until that point yeah guys sorry for the bad bills this round but you know what I just got new gear so I'm gonna have to get used to it storm thank you for hosting this ruling thank you for participating if you want to check out these awesome people link is down the description below and then let me go show you that list now so you know that I wasn't scamming anybody Thank You brunette good job thanks alright so as promised guys here's the whole list you can see battle called would have been revolver and everything everything was basically typed out before we started them playing if you guys enjoyed this video though make sure to drop a like down below subscribe if you're new of course and also hit that little bell to turn on notifications if you want to follow me on Instagram Twitter I want to join my discard link is down in the description below and there yeah thank you guys so much for watching I'm out peace [Music]
Channel: Crainer
Views: 2,298,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite random skin, fortnite new skins, fortnite challenge, Fortnite Random Skin Challenge, Fortnite, fortnite creative, fortnite random challenge, fortnite random skins challenge, fortnite random weapon challenge, Fortnite random emote, fortnite emotes, fortnite random emote, fortnite season 8, season 8
Id: Ug7MNsi1pNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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