Rare Diseases That Give People Superhero-Like Abilities

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At one point at my life, I definitely dreamt being to be superhero with awesome powers. Whether being time traveling or super strength. Sadly I'm living in the reality where reaching TV remote with my mind. Isn't impossible. But what if I tell you there are people with super power. Yes. They do exist! But their power come with a heavy price. And in this video, I'll show you rare the diseases indirectly give people Superhero like abilities. Lets get to it. Number 10 Superhuman strength. You can become extremely strong. If you have myostatin-related, Muscle hypertrophy. It's a rare genetic condition characterized by reduced body fats and increase skeletal muscle size. This means that people with this
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 5,044,112
Rating: 4.797883 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, rare diseases, superheroes, pain, people, diseases, rare, super memory, amazing, Superhuman Strength, Absence of Fear, Vampire Disorder, Stone Man Disorder, people superhero, real life, sharp teeth, abilities, X-Men, Turn People, Memory, Insensitivity, world, ability, power, Iceman, fear, facts about human body, limbs, superpower, point, life, superhero, facts, stone man syndrome, interesting facts, superpowers, extra limb, immune
Id: _PUO1HMsmao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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