Rapid Charging Cost vs Petrol/Diesel (Per Mile Cost ££)

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hello welcome back to the channel i'm evm uh now i've been getting a lot of messages to each dms all the usual sort of stuff from people that are worried that the charging network the rapid charging network anyway is getting more expensive too often to the point where they're worried that it's more expensive to use one of these an electric vehicle than the petrol or diesel equivalent when it is just powered by the rapid charging network i should point that out the majority of people who can charge at home will be charging a very cheap rate and won't care that if it is more expensive because it only accounts to probably five or ten percent of the costs of the fuel of the car anyway but if you do use a rapid charging network an awful lot on that specific journey is it more expensive now to use an ev than a petrol or diesel equivalent the argument is kind of irrelevant because even if you can't charge at home you would not exclusively use a rapid charging network to fuel your ev you would use the fast charging network which is a lot cheaper um and assuming it's available would save you a ton of money over petrol and diesel and of course if you charge at home absolutely so because it is so cheap at home people expect it to be not as cheap but cheaper than the petrol or diesel equivalent and rightly so i mean when you think what they have to do to get fuel where it comes from where it gets shipped from how it gets refined and then how it gets to the petrol station getting electricity to a car should be cheaper shouldn't it so that's what effectively i'm going to look at which is cheaper per mile in terms of fuel alone nothing else an electric car on a rapid charging network or a petrol or diesel car just to reiterate you will not be paying what i'm about to show you if you cannot charge at home this is not a comparison for those that want an eva or thinking of getting one but have to rely on the public charging network okay that's for a different video entirely this is just about the rapid charging okay right now of course to do such a thing i'm going to need lots of statistics and facts and figures which means i need to move to the whiteboard of truth here we are it's back now i've obviously pre-populated all the data apart from this which will be the pins per mile come back to that in a second this is effectively all of the main rapid charging networks from most expense sorry from cheapest to most expensive with the subsection which i'll explain down here for these i'll come back to that in a second so according to this pod point is the cheapest rapid charging network at the moment with 25 pence per kilowatt hour this restrictions bit on the right hand side there that effectively means uh well this for osprey to get 31 pence you have to use that app their normal contactless payment is 36p so that's effectively what this spit is down the side there to get the bp pulse on a 50 kilowatt charger at 29 pence you have to be a registered person and i believe use their app to get that price that is not the same price as a contactless payment as an example so that's why we've got this bit down here now let me explain this this subsection that i've got the reason charge place scotland which is changing now to uh so someone else is going to look after it they've lost the contract have bp pulse and thank christ for that because someone might actually answer the phone now under an hour the reason they're down here is because some of their rapid charges are free some uh 15 to basically it goes from three to about 30 pence i believe maybe 35 throughout the whole country it's a very fragmented and random pricing structure which means the the cat really belong anywhere in a static table the next ones be pulse these are membership schemes same one with the osprey one there so for example to get 23p on a 50 kilowatt charger at bp pulse you have to pay seven pounds 85 pence a month to be a member and therefore you get cheaper charging but you never actually get 23p dear because ultimately you have to add that on and then it averages out so for example if you did uh 200 kilowatt hours worth of charging in a month what you would do then let me get my phone calculator ready what you would do then is basically say right 200 times what is it 23p we'll use that one that means 46 pounds for 200 kilowatt hours but then you'd have to add 7 pounds 85 onto it divide that by 200 and we get just shy of 27 pence per kilowatt hour that's how much it's cost you because you have to have have to add the membership cost onto how much you're paying to charge it's not a separate thing it's part of the whole package so again the more you charge the cheaper this becomes the less you charge the more expensive it becomes so there's nowhere i can put it in effectively a static table i have to just kind of give its own little subsection here now this bit here is how much i would i have determined in a previous video which is this one here so if you want to know how i've come to that arrangement watch that one i'll link it in the description below as well 3.75 miles per kilowatt hour is what i've put as the average efficiency for all evs so if this is an average of an average of an average the average of all cars throughout the year i have put at 3.75 miles per kilowatt hour so we'll get four so we'll get three so we'll get two so we'll get five that's how we end up with averages so i would say that 3.75 is the equivalent as 50 miles per gallon is to combustion engine cars 50 is about the average i think it's a little bit higher than that um according to the rac study that i used uh which is a year or two old now granted but i think 50 miles a gallon is pretty average uk gallons remember and again that is across the year across all cars there's no point in telling me if you get 70 on a long run in yours because someone else will get 20 or 30 in there so that for me is the equivalent of that so then we can figure out the pence per mile so one pound 30 per liter which according to today's rac fuel watch is the average price uh well average of petrol and diesel anyway i think it's 129 131 respectively so one pound 30 per liter is today's current average price in this this country which gives you 12 pence per mile that's how much it costs you in fuel to drive a petrol or diesel car basically a combustion engine vehicle so what do we get here let's get the calculator out again and do some more figures which is all nice and exciting isn't it so 25 pence let's do the cheapest first pod point 25 p at 3.7 miles per kilowatt hour comes out at oh nearly there 6.7 pace i've rounded that off and i've lost my pen wherever i put my hand for god's sake oh it's not the light off come on there we go good so 6.7 pence per mile if you paid 25 pence per kilowatt hour and got 3.75 miles per kilowatt hour so so far it's nearly half the cost so rather than run through these let's go now straight to the most expensive ionity i mean i do have to mention ionite and bp pulse and offspring subscriptions i'll come to that in a second as to why they're more expensive and they have different price points but at 69p how expensive is that at 3.75 wow ionic per mile is 18.4 pence per mile bp pulse at 150 on contactless is the most expensive rapid charging once i explain ionity in a second so what does that work out to be because that's a more normal price than the ridiculous 69 so 42 pence 11.2 pence which is still thankfully at least for evs anyway cheaper than petrol uh right now let me explain ionity and why ultimately it's not as straightforward as it seems they charge 69 pence for anybody to use it which is extortionate clearly but if you have a car that has a subscription scheme and the manufacturer of that car was a member of ionity who helped partly fund ionity in the first place like the mercedes me um membership or subscription whatever you want to call it i think they're getting either 30 or 35 pence per kilowatt hour so i honor to you effectively saying all right anybody can access our network but if you're not part of the club if your manufacturer didn't chip in and help us build this ionity network then we're going to charge a 69p clearly designed to try and stop the general public from clogging up their charges so their members get a better experience think of it like tesla going we're going to open up all our superchargers for everyone but it's going to be 69p i think most people would be happy with that because like well it's expensive and if we ever need it in a pinch it's there however the problem with ionity is that that is partly funded with public money with eu money so i'm a little bit perturbed over that one but i can understand why they've done it and i don't mind members only clubs after all if they've paid for the network then like tesla why not but not all of them paid for it did i say public funding the electric highway when it started was also under um eu or public funding it used public funding and nissan as well so you know several years of appalling service that should have been better considering we'll pay for it there's all sorts of arguments and that's probably for a different video but clearly 42p is close to the ceiling where we need rapid charging to be at because any more than that it's gonna be more expensive than petrol which it doesn't have to be there's no law to say it should be as i said i don't know i feel like everybody's trying to shoe owners down a membership route so they can get a monthly income whether you use it or not let me fill in the rest of these now off camera so it'll boil you to death and then uh we'll see where each person comes to and then i'll try and explain the bp pulse way of doing things because for me it's way too complicated right so there we are that's everyone else filled in now let me try and explain the nightmare that is the be people's way of charging people you've got basically six possible outcomes six possible prices when you visit a b people's rapid charger i mean if you think about it and i don't know a picture one of your parents or uh an uncle or an auntie or somebody that's basically new to ev's and doesn't care about cars or maybe just new tvs i'm not going to say an old person i just have but basically somebody who maybe get easily confused they would go to their first bp bp pulse rapid charger plug it in and go right how much is this going to cost me and what you'd have to know i said well is that a 50 or a 150 upwards charger what what speed charger is it i don't know well you'd figure that out eventually all right well that then if it's a 150 it's one of these three prices are you using contactless are you a registered user or are you a member because depending on which you are that's the one of the three prices depending on the you get my point why have six possible outcomes just for charging i mean it's not as if you have a 50 and a 150 at every site so you've got the choice of a cheaper one or more expensive so sometimes you're forced into using the more expensive charger and this is another thing here which i'm i don't know what the what the outcome should be whether or not it should carry on doing this because a lot of people in the messages do not like the fact that bp charge more for their higher power charges and i can understand why i can understand well both sides if i'm honest bp would probably say the charges are more expensive the grid connection is more expensive there are presumably higher costs i don't know about that but then the logic of that kind of does fail a little bit because no other charge network anywhere in the uk charges more depending on the speed of the rapid charger whether it's a 50 or a 150 or whatever they all have flat rates for the for the speed of charge the only difference you have is whether you use your app on or whatever so no one else does it which suggests it's something they've concocted by themselves the zoe i'll use that as an example that's got ccs only goes up to 50. if you use a 150 kilowatt charger on that car you will get the most the car can take 50 but you will still pay for the 150 rate even though you're not getting that rate so is that unfair because as i said they don't have both at every site if you had a 50 and a 150 then that's fine you would just say well i'll go for the cheaper option because that's all my car can take but they don't they either have 50s or 150s it seems there might be somewhere that's got both but it's quite rare so i don't know what do you think is there a justifiable reason because presumably the charger might be more expensive for a 150 as opposed to a 50 but then are they still more expensive surely all charges now that have been made are a 150 plus standard so therefore they're not really not really any more expensive than than a 50 would be it's the same unit as it were i don't know this is a little out of my skill set so let me know what you think in the comments below is that fair should be people get rid of this kind of separation of speeds is it just basically a way of making more money or is it justifiable um so i don't know what do you think are insta-vault correct in charging 40p because they're usually the go-to company for most people for reliability and ease of use it's 30p from the electric highway where it should be at and i have to mention the electric highway because i've been a vocal kind of complainer about them for years and rightly so i've got mountains of evidence as to how they've been a barrier to ev adoption for several years the fact that they were first means jack it doesn't make a difference that doesn't give them a pass to provide crap service for years but now it's of course changing very much so they've basically given part of their company over to grid serve and grids over replacing all their charges i think by the end of summer with um new contactless payment ones which is exactly what people want and a lot of them will be high powered as well i don't know if it's all or most but the electric highway could go from being the one to avoid i mean look at the auto express surveys they've done they literally came 10th out of 10 in every category they were that bad in the space of 12 months there might have been well in the best positions at a very attractive price with no subscription and you can use contactless ultimately the goal of this video was hopefully to find out is petrol or diesel cheaper than electric well apart from the anomaly of ionity which hopefully i've explained as to why it's at that ridiculous price for most people um i would say we are on the cusp quite frankly instable one of the best networks for reliability as i just said and they're ten point seven pence per mile at the moment as opposed to one per uh sorry 12 p so as a percentage it's still better off but not massively so this is not what you will end up paying if you cannot charge at home okay do not think if you don't have a drive and you're going to have to rely on public charging this is what you'll be paying if i couldn't charge at home i would be using fast charges predominantly you know when you go to a supermarket or somewhere where the car is packed for an hour or two or three um even a bit at a time you have to fill the car every every time you stop so they are much cheaper fast chargers are a lot cheaper so apart from a few people who will use nothing but rapid charges i think that's very very bad this is not an indication as to how it is for those that can't charge at home but clearly there is a massive benefit to being able to charge at home i get that an awful lot i'm in an ivory tower apparently because i have a driveway all of a sudden the electric highway are looking like they're going to take over as the go-to network assuming of course that they don't put the price up because a lot of other people have bp pulse have recently done a price increase so like a few days ago in fact it's not even started yet instavault have just put the price up i think genie point will be doing it soon but i might be wrong on that one okay well hopefully that was useful to someone um feel free in the comments below to give me your opinion or does this change anything to you does this make you think well i might rapid charge at this network instead of that network uh okay thank you for watching i'll see you soon uh like subscribe all the usual crap and um bye
Channel: Electric Vehicle Man
Views: 50,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rapid charge networks, charging electric car, electric car cost, running costs of electric car, rapid charging, rapid charging costs, bp pulse, electric highway, instavolt, geniepoint, osprey, petrol vs electric
Id: hu0sHYaJSEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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