Ranking your polyrhythms

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sean doesn't know this yet but i asked twitter to give poly rhythms for us to rank oh no there's a here's a good one to get started with uh three against five oh boy that's pretty good it's it's uh at least c or b tier i mean if it's not higher yeah like what does that one sound like but it could be cooler if you uh did this kind of a polyrhythm where say i play three in the left side and five in the same rate which so it's arguably a it's a it's a poly meter or whatever but okay five on this side like i don't know yeah yeah okay let's say b tier yeah yeah three against five it's cool okay sweet five against four that's a classic what does that one sound like that's i'm looking for a home to buy a home dubai i'm looking for a home oh is that how you do it yeah [Music] i prefer five against three two five against four so okay i'm gonna i'm gonna say i'm gonna put five against four in like c tier ooh putting our own music in c tier yeah yeah that's rough [Music] the ones against four kind of rubbed me the wrong way ah like i feel like a little something in my stomach seven against four that's another one it's fine i guess it's just a gut reaction like i like odd numbers with odd numbers there's something that feels a little bit dissonant about an odd number with an even number ah that's interesting i think i agree with you so like five against three um odd numbers five against seven that's that's a good one that's one of my favorites what does that one sound like so we do that in cytherian for example we have this uh breakdown which sounds kind of like triplets but something's a little wrong the part that's wrong is that it's five against seven so [Music] it's like you're drunk but rocking out at the same time they return again that's five against seven yeah yeah if you fill in all the notes [Music] that's awesome so s tier yeah okay also isn't there like some uh harmony relationship that five against seven is is uh nice uh yeah that's the relationship of the fifth harmonic to the seventh harmonic which is a tritone it sounds really nice yeah here's a yeah here's a really stupid one 21 against 37. that's trash who does that that's trash f that's trash get out of here four against three it's solid it's real solid yeah you got a lot a lot of the dance pop songs based on that there's a track by the band brotherly that does a lot of that four against three yeah yeah they kind of like swap back and forth the system the system yeah [Music] it's a good one it's an eight here i think that's an a tier two here's a here's another classic that i i don't know it could go in any different number of ways three against two yeah i mean you might as well keep it around it's pretty i think that's actually s here that has to be it's so simple but like it's the basis of like so many different styles of music around the world yeah so like and think about anything that goes between six eight and three four and twelve eight i mean there's there's a little bit of that yeah i mean like that three three against two i mean it's simple but it's a classic for a reason nice cup of tea baby thank the british okay we got the memes of course 69 against 420. oh well that's that's clearly s tier that's clearly is there a level above s i think s i don't know s plus uh yeah shout out to project jdm yeah project jdm'd here that's like above s pyro's uh insane 99 against 100 yeah i mean it's a party trick but it's it's fun what do you do what is that yeah i mean i almost feel like that one doesn't count because like i played this in a video a few years back and the way that i did it is just like it's a bunch of flams and they slowly morph i see and if you count like how many of those you do you can play 99 against a hundred and so it's impressive like maybe if you slow it down and like watch it back and count like oh my god it is actually that but it's totally a party trick it doesn't involve any of the the polyrhythmic skills that i had to practice to play much simpler stuff like five against three it's so wild that 99 against 100 is easier to play it is yeah actually so what what are we gonna give it d tier c tier because musically that might be interesting right yeah yeah i'll give it a a c tier okay all right 99 against 100 cool 13 against 12. okay well this opens up the discussion i i tend to like numbers that are really close to each other there's a word for that a super particular polyrhythm because there's a word for that in uh tuning theory also super particular ratios where they're very close to one another if i played like a shuffle so this would have 12 notes and a beat right four groups of triplets [Music] and then i wanted to hit every 13th note on this stack it might be cool because it's going to be one note later every measure [Music] i mean it's a very long polyrhythm but it's kind of a cool effect or or like 10 against 12. there's there's a whole sound to that [Music] you get that effect of the back beat hits a little before the snare and then a little after it's a cool phasing effect the it's insane that you did that uh where would you put that yeah uh b tier okay okay not gonna use it every day not in your everyday carry but it's you know everyday carrots what are your everyday carry polyrhythms john what's brought to you by peter mckinnon um bespoke bespoke poly rhythms at sun gazer incorporated we have only the most bespoke poly rhythms where you can actually you know dance to them or dance awkwardly you gotta sway from side to side [Music] seven against eleven yeah i mean classic hey yeah eight here let's do eight here so you're not a huge fan of five against four uh five against two and is there any difference actually between the two of them yes i would argue the difference is tempo because you can play five against two a lot faster you can play five against four at that tempo but you have to perceive it a different way uh and it's a little more approximated so yeah you're feeling down beats and then you're trying to fill in the space rather than trying to subdivide yeah uh i don't know five against two is is kind of cool here's another one seven against nine sure yeah i haven't uh actually i've never there's nothing that really comes to mind with that off the top of my head that one's a strange one yeah so if you subdivide septuplets for example [Music] yeah there we go i think that was right uh recording but yeah check the playback kind of the problem when you get into bigger numbers like that is you're probably not going to use them as a polyrhythm within a single beat like within a quarter note you have to have like these long patterns that are more like polymeters than polyrhythm seven against nine d there's no internal consistency here man no we want the internal consistency with the ranking this is gonna be just gonna be on the internet oh no forever [Music] six against nine sixty nine eight eight it's already s tier because that's three against two exactly yeah yeah six against nine is already asked here nice seven to get six yeah it'd be cool so i could play seven over here the cytherian ostinato mm-hmm boy [Music] are you feeling that in triplets or septuplets in triplets okay so summoning at six uh i don't know i don't really feel much seat here yeah yeah sounds about right here oh the jacob collier special six against five against four against three against two against oh is that the finger thing yeah one two three four five six one two three four five do we want to rank that i mean yeah i never like learned what the deal with that is i'd have to see it again too yeah i mean it's cool a lot of them it's hard to rank if they're just cool party tricks and then you can't actually do anything with the end of the day the question then is is it really about the numbers that matter or is it what you do with them this video is brought to you by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes to choose from including some very excellent ones all about music recording and production like for example learn how to master songs like a pro all from home with young guru a really really awesome resource for beginning diy recording and mixing in your home studio it's a class that honestly would have been very useful for us in the band sungazer to have had when we were originally recording our music seven years ago in our old home studio skillshare is curated specifically for learning so there are no ads you can take each class at your own pace if you're interested in skillshare the first thousand people to use this link or click the link in the description will get one month free trial of skillshare go check it out y'all
Channel: Adam Neely
Views: 486,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adam, neely, jazz, fusion, bass, guitar, lesson, theory, music
Id: gEkYwxRcyIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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