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hello guys and welcome to the traitors Australia season 2 cast rankings and today we are going to be getting honest we're going to be getting brutal and we're going to be separating the best players from the worst players this series and let's just say it's looking like it's going to be a very very back-ended kind of list so if you are enjoying the series so far make sure to hit that like button subscribe do all that YouTube stuff that you guys do so well because you guys are smashing it out the park right now I'm so so happy with our progress and I can't wait to see what the future holds so without much further Ado let's get into the list shall we so we are going to start with the first person who was murdered and that would be Angelica I'm going to put her in not enough time I think we got like to see two sentences from her the entire first episode Angelica seemed like a really odd person to eliminate first because there was no real reason to get rid of her so it was a shame that she went so early because we didn't really get to see anything from her but it is what it is that's the game you got to play it to win and unfortunately Angelica just she was too much of a Target first off because she was quiet people wouldn't have suspected her to go first so obviously that makes you a prime target for a traitor next up we have Karin and again I'm going to put her in not enough time I'm going to put her above Angelica cuz we got to see a little bit more from her but again she was banished in the first round table just because people were like M it might be this person it might be this person but it might be Karin and then I think that was Angelica and then not Angelica um Annabelle and just kind of just kind of went downhill from there I won't lie it was it was a bit bit of a tough tough pill to swallow but it is what it is there's not really much you can do about it but she did do a good job she did her best so that's all you can really ask next up we have Elias and I'm going to put Elias in the the did I don't know did pretty well I don't know I don't want to put him in got lucky I think I'm going to put him in not enough time because he was gone episode two and it was just a bit of a a bit of a pickle for him he didn't have the best time it was hard it was tough but he it was unfortunate that on day one Sarah kind of his game up a little bit and then they ended up being like oh maybe he is actually innocent and then the traitors were kind of like you're going to die so like in that in that sense like they knew he was a faithful they knew he wasn't get going to get voted out so they also used him as a porn to get the next person which is gon and I'm going to put gon in did ah did pretty well no I'm not going to put him in did pretty well I'm going to put him in poor player because ah I don't know yeah I'm going to put him in poor player just because I don't think he played the game very well he was banished out and he also threw although he was like dead set on Liam he threw Ash's name out and it just was a bit of like a what why would you vote for ash when the entire rest of the table has been speaking about you and you haven't brought up Ash once so it just felt like an odd move and yeah it was a it was a shame that he had to go so early but the game's the game you got played there's not really much you can do about it as for peyon I'm going to put him in did pretty well and there's one reason why I'm going to put him in did pretty well and not any anything above and I also can't put him and got lucky but everyone believed he was a faithful he did a good job of convincing people that he was a faithful and that's what made him a Target which I mean at the end of the day there's not really much you can do if you're so good at being a faithful that you end up being a target for the traitors is one of those things where it's tough because I don't have a category between did pretty well and got lucky um because I don't think he got lucky because obviously he was the third person to get killed but he he did all right I guess there's not there's not really much more you can give yeah next up we have Ash and oh I clicked on the wrong thing Ash is going to go in strong game she had a very very strong game until a little rap decided to blow it up for her um I feel like she could have made it very very far in the game because up until Sam started spreading her name around nobody really seemed to be suspicious of her and it was only when he started persuading people to vote against her that her game kind of crumbled so she played a strong game it's just her game was ruined by somebody else so I would put her in strong game because like I said she had a kind of Legion around her that did trust her did follow her and did sort of have a have a trust in her but it was blown up when Sam decided uh expose her and also I thought she did really really well at that round table with Sam um fighting against him the the the group was already they had already made their mind up but I thought she did a really really fantastic job at defending herself and also putting the blame at Sam's door but it is what it is she she did play a very good game she was trying to put Sam's name in people's mouths as well so yeah she did she did a good job I can't I can't put her any lower than that because I think she played a strong game from what I saw of her and then she was unfairly kicked out so that Sam could be the traitor Hunter whatever next up we have Paul and I'm going to put him in gotl Lucky um no I'm going to put him at the end of did pretty well um people believed he was a faithful which I think is the is the sole reason why a he got murdered and B his name was never brought up around the round table people just trusted him and believed in him and I think that is a testament of you doing a good job if you're constantly Under Suspicion as a faithful it means you're not playing the game very well and so it's a case of he was never Under Suspicion and that's why he had to go so up until the point where he got murdered I feel like he did a good job but it is what it is there's not really much you can do about it he got killed eh here we go so the next person is Ian and I'm going to put Ian in got lucky I honestly the the way he was defending himself I'm surprised he wasn't kicked out earlier if I'm being 100% honest it was it was tough to watch him defend himself because it was just it was just a mess he was like oh oh I'm Trader I'm not a Trader but like I would say that if I wasn't one so like yeah it just felt like he never had any conviction to prove to people that he was a faithful so making it that far in the game kind of was a little bit lucky I guess um I I can't really I feel like got lucky got lucky needs to have an addendum slash me because some people yeah some people just they they were just eh they they made it like halfway through the series ah they were what they they were what they were do you know what I mean Ro are oh ro oh I miss him so much he was a very very good faithful he had suspicions on Sam um which I thought was good and his his constant sort of let's run the receipts back comment was just absolutely fantastic and incredible to watch I really really enjoyed it I think he's actually a hilarious person and I'm gutted we didn't get to see more of him but I think he played a strong game um he was taken out because he was getting too close to the truth and he was getting too close to um the fact that he like he didn't trust Sam and so Sam took him out but he played a good game up until that point I got to say I I was pretty impressed with him next up Annabelle our first legendary person I haven't decided whether I'm going to keep her at the top of legendary when some other people get put up there but when I tell you this woman sat in the fifth round table and went Sam Blake you're the traitors she got it right she got it right and she had it right from episode four which is crazy as soon as Ash was voted out she he was she was like wow so Sam is a traitor cool cool cool and I think Blake's also a traitor because of the way he reacted to Ian's um banishment so she was Ed out the game very very quickly she absolutely smashed it she probably was the best player in this game if I'm being 100% honest she was the best player in the game she got voted out because of incompetence from the other faithfuls but she was the one that sprinkled those seeds she was a Marty to the cause because slowly but surely people started to pick up on what she was saying and that's why Luke is also going in legendary I think he played a fantastic game he kept it low and then he blew up his game to expose Sam and then he got taken out there's not much you can do he took his shot and he made sure that other people were very very in tune with what he was thinking made sure to put his point across and go guys I'm backing Annabelle here and backing her up and everyone was like oh maybe he's a maybe he's a traitor and then he died the next day so it just it him dying was actually the best thing for his game weirdly because or best thing for the game not his game because it just it meant that people started to think raah maybe they had a point they were both faithful there's no smoke without fire maybe Sam is a traitor and that brings us to Simone I'm going to put Simone at the bottom of strong game purely because she Cotton On to the fact it was Sam tried to lead a charge against him and was doing very very well her and Camille were doing well at getting people on board and then Sam just said the magic words of but what if it's you and then suddenly the whole room just changed and Sam did that so many times and I will I will repeat this for a lot of people but he did the but what if it's you to at least three or four people and it was so frustrating to watch because he did it to Anabelle he's now done it to Simone and her game ended with the fact that she called everyone Dum Dums dummies this game should be called the dummies that that's her so I'm putting her in strong game because although she was a little bit na at the start she got there eventually after after the big expose day on Sam she was the first one to cuton on which surprised me so that's why I put her in strong game Keith poor player poor poor player in fact I'm putting him below gon I cannot believe this man has how many years as an undercover cop as a as a special forces thing ofama jig and he was not able to sus out a single traitor you're taking the piss the two people that he trusted most in this game were Sam and Blake the two traitors what are you talking about yeah you're going in you're going in poor player because what is that all about that's ridiculous absolutely ridiculous I I'm I'm just I'm just so upset and angry and disappointed in him um as for Hannah I'm going to put her in did pretty well the top of did pretty well purely because she worked out that the shield plot the fact that uh Sam hid the recruitment with his shield and he could have killed himself and used the shield to protect himself she worked out first and that's when she told everyone and then again she was sprinkling seeds she was planting seeds of doubt in people's minds did they pick up on it before she was killed no but she was killed because she she sused Sam out I think did pretty well in the game she was pretty frustratingly stupid up until that point and then she worked it out and then I was like you know what I've got to put you and did pretty well because you actually did do pretty well and I was impressed I got to be honest as for Gloria I'm going to put her just underneath Hannah because again she worked out but she worked out too late and Hannah was another victim of Sam's but what if it's you I'm so sick of Sam doing that and just getting away with it and it's because of two certain people in the room um that I've still got to rank and honestly Gloria you're lucky that you're being put and did pretty well because up until that point I was getting pissed off with you I was getting upset because I was like you are she was to be fair she was voting for Blake a lot she did believe it was Blake and then she believed it was Sam and then that's when her game imploded and people people literally went oh we haven't looked in your direction glor and she went yeah but like I can't force people to look to like bring my name up at the round table if it doesn't come up it doesn't come up how's that my issue what's going on here what's what's happening what's what's going on because this is not okay do you see what I mean I feel like the sometimes the arguments against people were just so ludicrous and ridiculous and I just I've had enough had enough we're down to the final five and I'm just going to knock two out in one Liam and Sarah if you'd have played the game a bit better you'd have got into got lucky because the reason why you made it to the end was because Sam knew he could play you but the traitors knew that whatever they said you'd listen to them and you'd vote with them because you you didn't have any thoughts of your own it was frustrating to watch because Liam worked it out at the last minute too little too late in my opinion so it was just a tough watch but on the whole he was just in Sam's back pocket he did not doubt Sam once even when Hannah was like yeah he could have actually tried to kill himself and then use the shield to block that so he didn't die he was still sort of like no I think it must be Keith it was just it was just tough to watch is what it was so yeah I just I didn't really rate Liam as a faithful I thought he was quite bad he just had such an insane desire to keep following Sam's lead never ever making a decision for himself and then like I said he just ended up making too many mistakes and then realized too late that he had the entire game up as for Sarah I still don't think she knows that she the game up she left that game being like huh huh you are you all traitors what no surely not no way surely come on she was such a wild card like and wild card in the worst possible sense she would go in to every single trial or every single banishment and being like I'm going to write I'm going to write Sam's name down I'm G to write Sam's name down and then it would be like regrettably I'm voting for you Anabel I'm voting for you Simone I'm voting for you Gloria I'm voting for you Keith I'm voting for you Liam you taken the piss you voted out every single innocent person there was every single time you allowed yourself to be swayed every single time it was frustrating to watch I've never been more frustrated in my whole life watching someone on a reality TV show get things so wrong oh God I'm trying not to I'm trying not to get too angry because boils my blood but we are moving on to the top three the three traitors and if I'm being 100% honest Sam is going in the gotl lucky section he played an okay game his gameplay strategy was take out the people who are saying my name which just made more people suspicious and every time someone died after they'd accused him it kind of made more people go that's a bit weird that the people who keep accusing Sam keep dying and it was a case of like every single trial whenever they voted out someone who was saying Sam's name or someone died that said Sam's name it just meant that a couple more people started to pick up on the fact that oh maybe it is Sam he got lucky because they never came together and actually worked out a plan to get rid of him he was good at deflec him that's why I'm not giving him a poor player Mark because he was very very good in the banishment like the round tables but the way he played the game he was very cocky and I just feel like he didn't actually play a very good game like there are there are better traitors that we've had I think Sam's one of the worst ones we've had actually because he didn't deserve to make it the final and he definitely didn't deserve to win because he blew his game wide open by getting rid of Ash if he'd have actually worked with Ash I reckon he could have stayed under the radar but getting rid of Ash so early on and just being like trust me bro trust me bro it is Ash we got to vote Ash out why have we got to vote Ash out no we just got to vote her she's a traitor trust me it's rubbish it's a rubbish rubbish reason and you deserve to not get anything that's that's me being mean but he did deserve to lose hands down as for Blake I'm putting him in top of strong game I think he played a very very good game he was under the radar for a lot of people he was only ever accused by an not Anthony uh by Annabelle and Gloria they were the only two people that seemed really certain that it was Blake other than that no one really seemed to give him a second look and he kind of did go under the radar he never directly accused people when he was arguing for or against them in the banishments but he made sure that he was like oh can you see why this looks bad like I can I can see why this looks bad I'm not saying it to you but like the evidence is stacking up against you he did that kind of thing he did it to Sam a lot I think he did it to Simone um I think he also did it to Liam towards the end as well and it's a good tactic I think cuz it's almost like you're you're not putting your full weight behind a theory that you know is wrong you're just being like look it looks like this so like what do you want us to think here it's a smart tactic and so I was genuinely gutted and the reason I've not put him in legendary is because he up by not teaming up with Camille and Liam and Sarah to get Sam out so that Camille and Blake could have shared the money I think that would have been really really smart personally but it is what it is there's not really much you can do at that point so yeah Blake I'm really sorry but we come on to Queen Camille I'm going to have to put her in legendary and I'll tell you why I'm putting her in legendary Camille was the only reason why I I continued watching after Annabelle left and Simone actually when Simone left I and uh Camille got recruited I was like okay there's someone in the traitor team that I actually do want to support now I didn't want to support anyone else before but she made some legendary moves she was never suspected as a traitor which I thought was incredible and she just absolutely smashed it I thought she did really really well and she was good as a faithful she was on to Sam and then she was recruited and she stopped Sam from winning the money so that is queenship so that is the list today that is the ranking I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you agree disagree in the comment section down below let's try and get me to 600 by by the end of Feb we are so on the way there it's not even halfway through the month and wait actually it might almost be halfway through the month and we're already at 538 which is crazy I don't think I don't think we're going to make it by the end of fair but prove me wrong guys come on prove me wrong I don't like being proved wrong so you got to do something here but without much fa Ado thank you guys for watching make sure you subscribe comment like the video do all that YouTube stuff that you guys do so well and I will see you guys in the next episode keep on ranting bye now
Channel: MyEnragedRants
Views: 4,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MyEnragedShark, Youtube, Gaming, 2022, Youtube Gaming, MyEnragedRants, Return To Youtube, The Traitors, the traitors uk, the traitors uk season 2, claudia winkleman, the traitors australia season 2, the traitors australia
Id: zdkR3VPa95w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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