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today we're going to be tier ranking some of the most iconic WWE finishing moves and we're going to take these finishing moves and we're going to rank them from Perfection all the way down to trash and we're gonna go ahead and get started but before I do don't forget to subscribe to the channel ring the bell for notifications and don't forget that we're giving away another 50 Amazon gift card to somebody in the comments in this video you just have to watch the video to find out how to enter it's super easy all right here we go as you can see our tiers range from Perfection down to Great acceptable not great in trash let's go ahead and get started with one that's going to create some conversation and some debate and that is Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music and I want a preface and clarify that I'm about to put this into Perfection but I'm only putting Sean Michael's Sweet Chin Music into Perfection not the super kick as a whole the super kick as a whole has been absolutely bastardized it is used by everybody as some sort of little weak transitionary move we see about 30 Super Kicks per match from the Usos the Young Bucks Kevin Owens to the point where the super kick just doesn't have an any sort of Allure as a prop and as a proper finishing maneuver but Sean Michael's Sweet Chin Music continues to stand the test of time even though the basis of the move which is the super kick has been absolutely tarnished in today's wrestling the Sweet Chin Music is perfection it is glorious it is devastating it'll kick your head off Jessica Shelton Benjamin Rey Mysterio this goes right into Perfection for me next since I'm wearing Cena gear let's go into one of John Cena's finishing moves and that is the stf or if you're a bit more of an edgy wrestling fan a little bit older then you might remember it as the STFU this is John Cena's uh I guess submission finisher move which has won him some very big matches uh most memorably for me John Cena versus Triple H at WrestleMania 22. however this finishing move sucks it literally looks like a basic wrestled seen as putting no torque on the leg on the neck he just kind of looks like he's resting on top of them it looks most of the time like Cena is in more pain than the person getting the stf so it's going to go into the trash category for me even though it is Iconic and it has won him some very very big matches in the past we're gonna go into some aerial finishers next we're gonna do Rob Van Damme's five-star frog Splash and in a previous lifetime this was the most beautiful five-star frog Splash but then a guy named Montez Ford came along and now he has the most beautiful five-star frog Splash but we're gonna be doing Rob Van Damme's five-star frog Splash um you know what it was absolutely beautiful the man got like 50 feet of air every time he jumped off the top turnbuckle uh it's gonna go into the great category for me I do believe that it is a fantastic finisher the way Rob Van Dam delivered it was always on point and perfect I never saw him mess this up once so it goes right into the great category for me next we've got the rock bottom from of course Dwayne The Rock Johnson and look if we were debating as to how iconic the finishing move was then sure it goes into Perfection but we're bringing in several things into the fold is it iconic yes but it's only iconic because it belongs to the Rock and the rock made it iconic that finishing moves honestly never did it for me the bro both of his finishing moves the rock bottom and the people's elbow just started are not great finishing Maneuvers to a superstar of the caliber and talent as The Rock uh The Rock Bottom for me goes into the not great category next you know what let's create some debate right now okay Rey Mysterio's six one nine I dude I will I will go to the ends of the Earth and fight anyone this is not a finishing move I'm just gonna automatically put it in the trash it is a sequence move that leads into Rey Mysterio's finishing move his finishing move is either that Splash or the West Coast pop depending on what era you are watching I will dude I I will stand on this hill and die on it that the 619 is not a finishing move it is a transitionary move to his actual finishing move I dude I've gotten into debates with my friends for hours about this and I and I'm never gonna convince anybody that believes that the 619 is a finishing move just like somebody that believes that the 619 is a finishing move is never going to convince me that it is a finishing move okay so for me the 619 is not a finishing move it goes into the trash category okay come at me comments all right let's move on to the Batista bomb I like the Batista bomb because it is a devastating maneuver delivered by a guy that is a devastating looking dude um the one problem that I have with the Batista bomb is that it is like 99.99 of the time it can't come from a place of shock or surprise it has to be properly set up which usually leads to very rare instances of the move coming quote from out of nowhere usually when somebody jumps from the top turn buckle and he catches them but traditionally the move leads to in my opinion less exciting finishes because you're kind of just seeing the finishing move get set up and whatnot so the Batista bomb goes into acceptable for me I you know I said a lot of bad things about it there but I don't think that it's a bad finishing move um definitely it's a great fit for somebody like Batista so the Batista bomb goes into acceptable for me next let's go into the World's Strongest Slam um I'm inclined to put the World's Strongest Slam right beside the Batista bomb for the same reasons if this was delivered by anybody else that wasn't Mark Henry this would be such a weak looking move but because it's delivered by Mark Henry the world's strongest lamb does go into acceptable for me because it is believable that a guy that strong that big hitting you with that move will take you out and then similar to the Batista bomb it's very rare that it comes out of nowhere or a surprise he did get much better at it later in his career delivering it just like so quickly and out of nowhere still I'm putting it into the acceptable category uh let's go into another aerial maneuver from the most popular man in 2008 who isn't named Barack Obama that would be Jeff Hardy and Jeff Hardy Swanton bomb I put Jeff Hardy Swanton bomb like right beside Rob Van Damme's five-star frog Splash if anything it's probably better than Rob Van Dam's five star frog Splash if I'm being honest uh just because we've seen the Swanton bomb get hit in some of the most extreme moments in wrestling history I mean how many times have we seen Jeff Hardy jump off a ladder through five tables to hit this thing just while also hitting it in the ring and it's always a combination of it looking beautiful Majestic but also it being so deadly and destructive so the Swanton bomb for me goes into the great category next you know what let's say it's time for some something to go into Perfection right is anyone gonna argue that the RKO is is actually the perfect finishing move I I don't think anyone in the comments would come at me and tell me that the RKO is not a perfected finishing move that it is in pure class and Perfection the RKO can come out of nowhere can be set up it can get hit on somebody who's big small medium size it's it's so versatile unfortunately I think it's the reason why Randy Orton might need to retire because of how many times he lands on his freaking back doing the darn thing um but the move itself my goodness if we were doing a Hall of Fame of finishing moves this thing is a first ballot Hall of Famer the RKO goes into Perfection next let's look at um the Hulk Hogan Atomic leg drop foreign it's iconic obviously because it's Hulk Hogan but would anybody here argue that this isn't a trash finishing move it looks like to me you know they gave this guy a move that was easy to do because he couldn't do anything very exciting or complex now mind you the hulkster made this exciting because he is the Hulk star and he could have any crowd eating out of the palm of his hand but the move sucks like objectively it's just a leg drop just like you know the people's elbows just an elbow objectively like it's just not a good finishing move admittedly Hulk Hogan has made this iconic and part of wrestling lore but it's not going to convince me to put this anywhere aside from just the trash category next let's go into another John Cena move let's go into the attitude adjustment and I think the attitude adjustment for me and look it's tough for me to criticize Cena because I love Cena I'm wearing all of his gear I tend to wear something Cena did in all my videos but it's kind of like the Rock Bottom like it's just such a basic fireman's carry into a slam like there's nothing there's nothing of substance there that just screams oh this is so unique to John Cena so to me goes into the not great category as iconic as it is as legendary as it's become in the giant matches that it's helped John Cena win um I will say Cena got better in his career just hitting this thing out of nowhere uh so kudos to him but all in all the attitude adjustment the F you whatever you want to call it goes into the not great category for me next let's go into another uh submission finishing move we already had the stf but now let's go to one that is perfection the Bret Hart Sharpshooter that thing looks like it hurts it looks so cinched in so locked in it's got so much torque no wrestler has been able to replicate the way that Bret Hart delivered that Sharpshooter so for me as a submission finishing move that thing is absolutely perfect it goes into Perfection next let's go into to the walls of Jericho and you know if we were talking maybe like 10 years ago I would have maybe put the walls of Jericho a little bit higher but today in aew the walls of Jericho is basically just a rest hole to go into commercial break it is it No One Believes that Chris Jericho is going to win a match whenever he puts in the walls of Jericho but you know the the current state of the of the walls of Jericho is not going to deter me from just putting this into acceptable again in 10 years ago I would have put this in great but you know it's been diluted recently by its use in aew let's go into the people's elbow look I'm just gonna put the people's elbow right beside the atomic leg drop it's a move that was made as a meme to apparently make the Undertaker break character or make him laugh um but the rock does make it exciting it does get the crowd up and popping but objectively like if there are no fans in the stands this move is silly and stupid so it goes right beside the uh the atomic leg drop honestly because unlike Hulk Hogan The Rock can do so much more I really believe that the like Drop was given to Hogan because he couldn't do anything else but the rock he could have had something so much better so it goes into the trash category for me next we have the pedigree and the pedigree dude because a lot of these uh finishers that I'm ranking here are like some of the most iconic finishers like it's no surprise that I'm having a lot into the Perfection category but the pedigree is also perfect even though it got nerfed you know into its career when he started letting go of the arms as he dropped them because that was really dangerous to have them fully hooked in um the the pedigree is is just a thing of beauty and and I wanna absolutely make myself clear I'm only talking about Triple H's pedigree I I don't like Cody Rhodes's pedigree I don't like Seth Rollins's pedigree I don't like that they they just use that move as a signature move as opposed to it being a finishing move that should be winning new championships so uh Triple H's pedigree for me goes into Perfection now let's go into oh my goodness I think we're just back-to-back Perfections jbl's clothes line from hell like I'm going to put this into Perfection what's funny is that I just recently berated the atomic leg drop in the elbow for being basic moves like an elbow drop and a leg drop and yet here I am putting the clothesline from Hell A just a clothesline into Perfection but just watch a compilation of clothesline from hell's and come back to this video and you'll agree with me that this thing is an absolute Masterpiece and belongs in Perfection because I think we have literally witnessed him murdered dozens of WWE Superstars with the clothesline from hell so the clothesline from hell just how brutal it is how it can come out of absolutely it can be set up or come out of nowhere the delivery from JBL is also legendary and iconic the clothesline from Hellcat I don't think could ever be replicated as a prop upper finishing move unless you're a dude that just has the exact same build and intensity and speed like JBL but jbl's clothesline from Hell goes into Perfection for me next we have Goldberg spear now of course we know that there's a ton of Spears out there Roman Reigns a spear edge of spear I'm not going to be raiding the spear in general I'm going to be rating Goldberg Spear and Goldberg aside from like maybe Rhino and nowadays Brom breaker had the best spear in the game especially at his time he had the best beer in the game uh his spear goes into the great category uh this thing is is oh my goodness it's got so much oomph you know you might even make a debate that it's not even his finish earlier because it usually transitions into the jackknife but we've seen him win lots of matches from just hitting the spear so I will accept it as a proper finisher and if it is a proper finisher then I'm putting this bad boy into the great category next we have oh oh let's let's stick with Goldberg let's stick with Goldberg and do the Jackhammer the Jackhammer I think is objectively worse than the spear I I think Goldberg should have just stuck with the spear honestly the Jackhammer is just a fancy vertical suplex like really like if you just sit down and break it into what it is it is just a fancy vertical suplex but it's gonna go into acceptable because it's cool especially when he holds them up there for five plus seconds and when and it doesn't matter whether it's a small dude or a giant dude unless your name is the Undertaker he was hidden this thing on you and it was always clean and beautiful even though he started botching it a lot towards the end of his career but the Jackhammer Goldberg's Jackhammer goes into the acceptable category next I'm gonna tell you how to win a 50 Amazon gift card all you have to do since you made it all the way to this part of the video is leave a like on the video we do check if you've liked it once we reach out to you we ask you to send us a screenshot but also you have to leave a comment and this comment has to be about money so just leave any sort of comment about money coins whatever it might be that's how we're able to distinguish it a comment from somebody who made it this far in the video versus somebody who didn't and that's how we're able to enter you into the draw versus not putting you in the draw so that's how it is like the video leave a comment about money that's it that's all that's all she wrote let's keep going let's go into the Kurt Angle ankle lock I don't think that it hits the same level of perfection as the uh the iconic Sharpshooter but the ankle lock dude especially like perk angle days those late days in his WWE career and TNA like it was a thing of beauty I'm gonna put this into the great category I love especially when he gets down onto the mat and cinches it in completely it is such a great fantastic finishing move it's gonna go into the great category for me um I think the one reason why I have the Sharpshooter into Perfection and not the ankle look is because the Sharpshooter was undeniably Bret Hart's basically only finisher meanwhile the Kurt Angle also has um the angle slam as well but the ankle lock does go into the great category for me next we have the F5 and the F5 for me also goes into the great category uh it doesn't quite reach Perfection for me uh it's better than Cena's attitude adjustment in terms of it at least having some creativity from the fireman's carry into what it becomes um Brock Lesnar is the perfect person to deliver this move it it doesn't matter again whether you're a small skinny dude or somebody like the Big Show Brock Lesnar is capable of hitting this thing regardless of how big you are and he's shown that all the way from his started the career in 2002 all the way to still today 20 plus years later he's still hitting this thing and it is still a thing of beauty uh the F5 goes into the great category for me next we've got Bobby lashley's hurt lock now I'm a little surprised to see this here compared to some of the other finishing moves that are here um but the hurt lock when when Lashley does it it doesn't really have the same um compared to when somebody like Chris Masters used to cinch it in so I'm gonna put Bobby lashley's hurt lock into the not great category I honestly prefer it when he hits the spear if I'm being honest with you or when he used to have the Dominator I think that's what it was called all right let's move on to the stone cold stunner and Loki Lou another move right into the Perfection category in another move that Kevin Owens has honestly I love Kevin Owens but has objectively made worse he's done it to the Swanton bomb and now he's done it to the stunner Kevin I want you to just go back to the Papa powerbomb in my opinion anyways I digress but Stone Cold dude this thing is a is a thing of beauty he's capable of setting this up or hitting this thing out of nowhere and I don't know man there's just a level of Swag that exists when stone cold is hitting this maneuver that no one's able to replicate it when Kevin Owens does it it looks boring when stone cold does it it looks cool it looks badass and it looks like it's gonna take off your chin so Stone Cold stunner is going into the Perfection category I don't know why this is even here we have Brock Lesnar's Kimora lock um it is a scary maneuver to see cinched in in the WWE and you know it it when it's Brock Lesnar doing it there is a new level of legitimacy that comes behind it um but it's kind of similar to the heart lock for me I'm gonna put this into the not great category next we have Drew McIntyre's Claymore and the story of how the Claymore came to be how it's basically an accident how he was just going for a big boot but then his pants were gonna rip so he just lifted his other leg and it turned into the Claymore is hilarious the Claymore is a fantastic finishing move it goes right into the great category for me uh the way Drew McIntyre hits this thing it just feels like he's decapitating people um and I love the fact that it can come out of nowhere or it can be set up in the corner with the one two three boom um but it goes into the great category for me next let's put the Undertaker's last ride for a while this was his main finisher especially when he was the American Badass it's one of like the scariest moves to probably take as a wrestler because the Undertaker is already like six eight and then he lifts you up in the air another like six feet so now you're dropping from like what feels like nine feet up in the air I know that math is completely off um but I I personally really like the uh The Last Ride some people didn't love it some people thought that it was a significant downgrade from the from the tombstone pile driver so I'm gonna put the last ride into the great category some people have it lower uh I don't think people have it in Perfection I don't know I might be wrong but most people that I talk to believe that it's objectively much worse than the than the than the tombstone pile driver but I think it's a really great move so it goes into the great category for me next we have Booker T's scissors kick and I like the scissors kick I like the scissors kick I I prefer the scissors kick over the book end because at the very least it's a unique maneuver the bookend is just basically another version of The Rock Bottom or uranagi but I'm gonna put uh Booker T's uh scissors kick into the acceptable category I like it as a finishing move I really do next we've got Kane's choke slamming Kane's choke slam oh man it's like a tale of two halves like I feel like early on in his career this this thing was absolutely devastating and deadly uh to me I'm gonna put the the Kane's choke slam into the acceptable category because it just got like weaker and weaker as his career progressed obviously that's not his fault that's father time um but ah I I'm gonna put it into the acceptable category because half of the time people didn't get enough air to make it look like truly genuinely devastating so I'm putting it into the acceptable category next we have Ric Flair's figure four leg lock uh this is an interesting one for me as you know like the type of fan that I am uh because I'm I'm 30. so I'm a 1993 baby and I started watching wrestling in 2001. so I've never I've I've seen very few people tap out to the figure four leg lock like every time I've seen it get cinched in by Ric Flair or by anybody that's tried to replicate the figure for leglock it always gets reversed and turned around so I I'd like very rarely have seen the figure four leglock win anything I know obviously that there's a history behind this move in that it's one of the move that helped him reach you know the plateau of the 16 World Championships or more if you ask Rick Flair but I never really got behind the move because I wasn't there for the peak of its time and I very rarely ever got to see it be a winning maneuver that being said like I'm I'm I just because I wasn't there doesn't mean I'm going to knock it down pegs I just want you to know where my brain is at because I I'm gonna put this in Perfection not because again of what I've witnessed but because I I'm a wrestling historian I've gone back and I've seen what he's done with this move but I want to be perfectly clear like what generation of wrestling I'm in and that I don't connect immediately with the figure for leglock like to me the move is just basically a joke at this point anytime somebody cinches the the figure for a leg lock unless your name is Charlotte like and even Charlotte like she's never tapped out anybody to just the figure for leg lock it always has to become the figure eight so I just want you to know where my thought and my brain is at um but I'm still gonna put it into Perfection because I know what this move has done and what it means to professional wrestling so it's going to go into the Perfection category uh next we have the twist of fate the twist of fate is it's like Jeff Hardy's redheaded stepson finishing move like everyone wants to see the Swanton no one no one wants to see him win with the twist of fate okay everyone wants to see him win with the Swanton all right so to me it's just gonna go into the not great category like it's just it's it's it's a oh it's a worst version than the RKO like it's it's just it's just a cutter it like it really is it's just a cutter uh so it's just gonna go into the not great category for me because anytime I had Jeff Hardy on the screen I just wanted to see him hit the Swanton okay and next we have the Undertaker's tombstone pile driver and this one also goes into Perfection it's one of those moves where like if wrestling is real like that's the one move I believe would probably actually kill people uh so um obviously it being delivered by the Undertaker what this move has done not just for Undertaker's career but also um you know WrestleMania legacies and in archival WWE footage you're gonna see this move until the end of time when aliens invade planet Earth and they go into WWE headquarters and find footage of wrestling from the from the 90s 2000s 2010s they're gonna see the tombstone pile driver so I'm gonna put this into Perfection and that's it fellas that's my list don't forget to like the video and get out of here
Channel: MrSantiZap
Views: 123,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WWE Tier Ranking, WWE Finishers, Iconic Finishers, SantiZap Rankings, Wrestling Fans, Wrestling Community, WWE Universe, Pro Wrestling, WWE Fanatics, WWE Fandom, Best Finishers, Wrestling Analysis, WWE Insider, Wrestling Discussion, Wrestling Rankings, Wrestling Legends, WWE Classics, WWE Throwbacks, Wrestling Highlight Reels, WWE Action.
Id: ssaWcv2mNCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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