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hey guys so today we're going to be doing yet another tier list i feel like it's been weeks at least if not months since i've done my last tier list video i'll link my last one up here in case you want more of this kind of content i love doing tier lists i love ranking things but i am kind of running out of certain things to rank i still have a couple ideas but if you want to leave some ideas for future tier lists and ranking videos please let me know in the comments as you may or may not know haunted house horror movies supernatural paranormal movies are typically one of my favorite subgenres of the horror genre because it's just a really there's a lot of creative ideas out there you can really do anything with supernatural movies or paranormal or even haunted house even though they may all kind of be similar i think there is a way that you can make it original and it's just scary it's just downright scary i don't know what it is i don't even really believe in ghosts myself but to watch a ghost story or haunted house story i don't know what it is and usually the setting is beautiful i'm obsessed with abandoned houses haunted houses anything like that if i could live in one i would which might skew my rankings a little bit so today we're going to be ranking all the haunted houses in horror movies as usual my tier lists don't make sense to most people so if you just aren't following that's okay yeah you're in the majority i feel because not everyone enjoys my tier lists i just don't like the classic ranking style you know i know i don't need to explain this to you i say this every single time but i just think that's boring so i make it really weird and make my own categories but before we get into ranking all of the haunted houses in horror movies i just want to thank nordvpn for sponsoring today's video if you're unfamiliar with the vpn it's really useful in today's tech world it makes hacking close to impossible it protects your data and your privacy and of course the best part that i say every single time because you know it already if you've been around you know you get to access any other country's streaming platforms which means you can i was gonna say quadruple but it's more than that you can expand your horror selection by every single country you can access every country's horror selection this will come in handy for today's video because why not tell you where everything is streaming you know not only is it a ranking video but it's a recommendation video if you're in the mood for a haunted house story i got you i have 18 movies kind of to recommend and i will tell you down here in the corner where they're streaming so if you're not located in the us like i am you can access it through nordvpn all you do is click on the country that you want to access say you're outside the us but you have netflix and some of these are on netflix just click on over to the united states and you access all of the us's netflix horror selection and more than horror obviously everything but it's so easy you click and refresh and it's like you're in that country like technologically and you can use it on up to six devices with just one account so all of your devices are protected they also have a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out for yourself completely risk-free and of course i have a deal for you it is the holidays after all so they have a holiday season deal going on right now if you go to nordvpn.com possessed by horror you will get a two-year plan plus one month free and a huge discount okay we turned over here i'm in the corner hello uh we're gonna get started so today we're only going to be having four categories because there's only 18 movies i don't want to like spread them out too thin there's just no point to having more than four categories in today's video so this first category we are going to call it five star resort why is that so large these are haunted houses that i personally would pay money to stay in like i would pay if it was an airbnb i have a feeling a lot of houses are going to end up here because i think they're gorgeous i'm obsessed with haunted houses so this might be the full category where a lot of them go but not all of them don't worry next category we're gonna say for some money you know like if i were to win a million dollars let's say i would stay here um you know maybe for a night i would stay here if it was a dare or i got some cash someone like dared me for 500 to stay here that's what this category kind of is next category if i were a ghost meaning i would haunt this place i get it i get it from the ghost perspective this is a pretty cool spot if you were a ghost not necessarily if you're human so if i was a ghost i would haunt these houses lastly of course we have to have an option to get rid of it demolish it why hasn't it been demolished yet with all its history and everything going on why why is it still up why are people buying it why are people moving into it why are people staying here does it make me you know make it make sense why why do we still have this house around first up we have the orphanage now actually just watch this movie i swear it was a rewatch but i'm not 100 sure produced by guillermo del toro amazing movie it's very drama full obviously well there might be spoilers throughout this video for some of these houses just i'm gonna try not to but just saying you know keep your ears ready um so the orphanage not that scary honestly it's not a horrific place obviously there's some ghostly children running around but it's not that bad and honestly it's absolutely gorgeous so 100 5 star resort it's not that bad like if that's all i have to deal with these kids i mean it's kind of a sad you know movie situation sad building whatever but it's it's beautiful it's absolutely gorgeous so yes i would live there next we have the others again not that horrifying in my opinion this is a little bit i don't know i actually i know where this is going i i would stay here i would live here but in the name of not filling up a category so far we're gonna do if i was a ghost because obviously if you've seen it it's a good spot to be a ghost kind of you might have some competition there you know you know what i'm saying but in general i think it's a really good place to like settle down in afterlife next up we have the amityville house now obviously this is a little bit more controversial because it is not just from a movie this is reality and given the history and the horrors that actually happened in this house i'm going to put it in demolish it it's a beautiful house i just we just don't need it around is it even demolished does someone know i don't know if it is or not let me know i don't believe it's actually haunted which might be controversial in and of itself to say but you know because evan lorraine warren tried to prove that it was haunted i don't think it was haunted um but that's just my personal opinion next we have the paranormal activity house the ugliest house no offense if your house looks like this i don't like this house um it looks like every other house in my neighborhood like i can't wait to move out from where i live in the same hometown that i grew up in um all the houses look like this in norcal where i live so not a fan i'm not a fan of these kind of suburban houses i want you know like a house with land and everything eventually i don't know why i'm getting into this with you you don't care we're here to rank out haunted houses and i'm telling you what my dream house is um but it's definitely not this one like this is so ugly to me so we're gonna put this in for some money i guess uh because i don't just visually i don't want to be there you know now granted with paranormal activity it's more of a demon that haunts a person than a house but the first movie does kind of read like a haunted house movie so i'm including it but some of these are more demonic possessing a person versus a house if that makes sense next up juan the grudge if you will this is the original um i am gonna say demolish it again it's just dark history we don't need it anymore it's pretty a little bit you know there's no land involved it's kind of like in a neighborhood not my favorite but it's cool it's a cool spot i like the interior of the house i'm not here to rank it based on like visual like if i like it or not but yeah demolish it let's just get rid of it i don't know if that would help anything i don't think it would now just for fun let's do some hotels real fast okay we have of course the overlook hotel not a house um but um this was not that bad it's kind of horrifying but i don't find the shining to be that scary to be honest i'm sure the book is more horrifying i actually tried reading it in high school and i didn't finish it but i don't really remember anything from it i'm gonna say i mean with the history and everything demolish it would make sense right you know like in the book um i do know how it ends in the book but i'm gonna put it in if i were a ghost i don't think this is that bad it's beautiful beautiful hotel beautiful building setting everything like that uh in colorado love it i have been to the stanley hotel in colorado and obsessed is so gorgeous i want to stay there so bad one day but as far as the overlook yeah if i were a ghost that'd be fun it'd be a fun spot hanging out with every other ghost that is well maybe not maybe not hanging out with them not sure about that next up we have another hotel of the dolphin hotel do you know where that's from that's right 1408. i put it on the screen already so i don't know why i'm asking you that question uh dolphin hotel the only thing about it it's a beautiful hotel it's pretty standard uh it was filmed in new york this is a real building the thing is it's just the room it's just the one room of 1408 right it's not the whole hotel if i were a ghost i would stay in that hotel because i can't stay for some money because mike genslin kind of does that you know he's doing it for his writing job and it ends up being a nightmare so i'm not sure if it'd be worth it for somebody it seems like it could end in death regardless so if i were a ghost i would hang out here it has a lot of ghosts anyway a lot of history in you know a lot of death in that room so i would stay in the hotel itself for free like i would just hang out in there um i would pay money to stay in that hotel but as far as the room 1408 if i were a ghost let's get through all of the hill houses we got a lot we got a couple of these to get through so first up we have the haunting this is from 1999. i'm including the mansion also from the 1960s version of the haunting as well love that one but specifically from 1999 uh i again don't find this hill house particularly scary so i would say five star resort it's absolutely beautiful obviously it's a giant mansion i love the colored rooms and everything i think it's beautiful gorgeous and the ghosts aren't that scary unless you're no then maybe then we have house on haunted hill which is the 1999 movie this one it's pretty from the outside i don't think i mean it's beautiful it's a gorgeous mansion but i'm gonna say for some money obviously that's the point of the movie right you get how much do you get a million i think it's a million if you survive the night in house on haunted hill this house or this mansion is genuinely horrifying the visuals in this movie are some of the scariest in my opinion in any supernatural paranormal haunted house horror movie if you ask me people see it as cheesy no it's terrifying so for some money i would stay here but it seems like that's not really a good option either last hill house we have to talk about is of course the haunting of hill house this house is probably one of the most beautiful in this whole video no i would stay here for like i would pay money to stay here if i was not part of the crane family because if you're part of the family i feel like that's just a no-go needs to be demolished at that point but if i'm not part of the crane family i would pay money to stay here so i'm gonna put it in five star resort i know it's horrifying i know there's ghosts everywhere maybe it should go in if i were a ghost it'd be a beautiful spot to hang out in um but you know i would pay money to stay there it's beautiful and the ghosts generally seem pretty nice they don't seem that dangerous the ones that just kind of hang out in the background you know next up we have the woman in black this this one this is worth anything that happens to me in that house any haunting any ghosts any ghostly visuals anything that comes to me is worth it to stay in this house it is absolutely beautiful i don't know how many times i'm gonna say that about a house in this video but obviously i'm obsessed with the visuals of woman in black specifically it's so beautiful it's one of the most stunning movies ever but i love the women in black i love the fog the mist why did my voice do that i'm still getting over being sick i think i got sick again i'm not really sure anyway just amazing i would pay to stay there even if i died if i died there that'd be okay because then i'd just be a ghost in that house i'd be okay with that i'd be very content dying at the woman in black mansion house thing next up we have the kritikos house i called kritiko's house but obviously we all know it very well from 13 ghosts i don't like this house personally um it's cool it's you know technology uh spiritual technology if you will i guess but not my vibe not my thing with the glass walls not really into that so i'm not sure i think this one should be just demolished because it's ugly for one but also it's full of ghosts so maybe we should well actually if we demolish it then all the ghosts would just be roaming around right but that's kind of the point you want to free the spirits you know you want them to find peace eventually not just like being trapped in the basement of a glass house so yeah demolish it please get rid of it we don't need to be looking at it anymore it's ugly next alardell hall one of the most stunning houses in this video as well oh my goodness this of course is from crimson peak again probably would be worth staying here once you take care of the issues you know from the movie uh i would live here like the ghosts aren't scary they're kind of helpful they're scary visually but like in the end you know they're kind of like there for you they mostly will leave you alone you know they're not going to harm you so i would not mind staying here and that is for sure going in five star resort next we have goten jam haunted asylum now as much as i love this movie and love the setting of this asylum it's beautiful i would visit it you know in reality but i the horrors of this movie is one of the scariest movies i've ever seen in case i haven't said that before or if you're new here this movie is genuinely terrifying and it scared me more than any movie has in the past probably 20 years like that's how much it scares me um this should be demolished i love this building i love the asylum i love the aesthetic and just everything about it but i can't just rank it based on visuals even though it'd be so easy too the stuff inside gone gm haunted asylum is just a big no like needs to be rid from this earth so we're gonna demolish it unfortunately next we have the conjuring house now of course this again is a demon possession type movie so it's not technically the house i think the house is actually for sale right now but i think it's over a million dollars i would definitely buy it i you know it's beautiful i don't really know where to put this to be honest because it's a demon house it's beautiful but it's like it's okay maybe for some money you know i wouldn't actually encounter anything because i myself am not possessed by a demon there's no demon following me as far as i know but for some money i would stay in the conjuring house now the real conjuring house again probably for some money next up we have the winchester house now i wanted to include this even though i have not seen the winchester movie i think there's actually a couple of them i also have never been to the winchester house itself it is located in san jose i believe which is only a couple hours for me so maybe one day i should go and like vlog the experience if you're allowed to film in there i'm not 100 sure let me know if you'd like that you know as a video i think that would be pretty unique and fun but i am obsessed with the concept of the winchester house i'm sure there's lots of videos already on the history behind this house and the strangeness of it you could probably find one like a little explanation on this on youtube but the fact that the woman of the house created this house specifically for spirits whose lives were taken by the winchester rifle company is just amazing to me so this house is phenomenal i love the different i don't know weird things staircases to nowhere doors out of nowhere things like that i think it's so cool i'm gonna say five star resort it's probably not in reality right um but i think it's really cool in the horror movie i can't really speak on that i'm sure there's spirits involved in ghosts and things let me know if i should watch it i heard it was terrible that's why i haven't watched it let me know if you'd like me to and talk about it one of these days in like a monthly recap or something next up we have the danvers state hospital from session nine beautiful beautiful stunning obviously i love this location so much the tunnel everything about it is just gorgeous i don't think it should be demolished at all actually because i think the ghosts are within you know what i mean so five-star resort like i said this i knew this category was going to be filled because it's just i can't resist a good old abandoned or haunted house i can't but danvers state hospital specifically i would pay money to go and visit so the last haunted house slash hotel that we're going to rank is the abaddon hotel this of course is from hellhouse llc franchise if you've seen that it's so good highly highly recommend it i love the setting look at this house look at that it's so beautiful it's a hotel but look at it it's so pretty i love it i don't know exactly where it's located i think you can visit it though i think it's a real building obviously it looks like it's in like a small town and it's haunted i just i love it but given the ghosts and everything we should probably not rank it in the top tier of like five star resort because it's probably not right i'm going maybe should be demolished you know with what's going on in the house i'm gonna say for some money uh which might be a mistake but you know it was a haunted attraction in the movie which i think is so fun so yeah for if someone paid me to go in and do the haunted attraction i would probably go in and do it so there we have the tier list of ranking the haunted houses in horror movies now of course i missed some i haven't seen every single haunted house movie ever to exist and i kind of generalized some of the movies together that are from a franchise but let me know if i'm missing any specifically that you want me to rank and i'll just comment back in the comments down below i just figured that'd be a fun way to include even more haunted houses let me know if you check out any of these movies or if you've never seen some of them and you end up watching them please let me know i hope you enjoyed this video and i will talk to you soon bye
Channel: PossessedbyHorror
Views: 70,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie review, possessedbyhorror, horror movie reviews, top horror movies, sarahhawkinson, sarah hawkinson, possessed by horror, movie reviews
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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