RANKING FROM BEST TO WORST! November 2020 TYBW PvE Kit Tier List! Bleach Brave Souls

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[Music] um [Music] reach brave swords all right what is going on guys this is your boy the death masher and welcome back to another bleach rave souls video and today we are back again with another tier list now it has been a while since i have last done one and i think the last one i did was when can't find world round seven came out and i did a tier list including that and all of the thousand-year blue war characters so it's like you know i may as well do another one but specifically focused on thousand-year blower because now we have 12 rounds of thousand-year blower characters which is insane to think and because of this look at how big the selection is so i decided to do another tier list for pve and actually rank them from best to worst in their own respective attributes for example let's say um we started off with power and the worst power character would actually happen to be this tosher which is not the case like he basically starts off first and is pretty much the worst on the list and then we pretty much uh put in the rest of the uh power characters until the last one remaining happens to be the best one but yeah that's basically how uh the actual tier list is gonna go around this time around no gods here no um whatever the [ __ ] how i used to make the tier lists i decided to go for a different approach and rank them from best to worst and one more thing that i forgot to point out before we actually begin this tier list is more so based on the actual characters kit so every type of character whether it's captain killer a spotter killer or no affiliation killer like basically the units that have the worst pve killers are going to be classified just as a normal soul reaper hollow killer or even an a rocker killer because at the end of the day killer just doesn't matter anymore for when it comes to clearing out content in pve and some of these characters that actually have bad killers just happen to have the best kits in the game so do be mindful of that and i'm trying to be as unbiased as possible for when it comes to so that way you guys get a clear idea of how it works so anyways let us go ahead and begin and starting off with power the first character to be on the list being the worst one has to be little girl get you her not having frenzy just completely slows down the character forget the fact that she's got a spotter killer and that she has a decent kit because she doesn't even have frenzy it's just so bad like sure he's got bombardment and weekend defense so for a spotter killer week she is actually going to be quite good in terms of nuking however in terms of clearing content she's just going to be trash for pve content sure you can use her just fine in single player quests but in co-op quests you're not going to be doing any type of damage unless you happen to pretty much um come up against bosses that are espadas which is pretty terrible and now up next it has to be thousand-year-old or he may know she's actually a lot better and a bit more uh playable compared to youtube as she actually does have frenzy with 20 berserker no havoc but that being said she also does fall short because of the fact that her first strong attack is a split three-way range collision strong attack that has 180 max now don't get me wrong it's good against bosses i'll tell you guys that much but her having that kind of attack means that you will not be able to kill mobs as efficiently as you would against normal bosses and the fact that she also doesn't have guard break when she has to deal with a lot of range guard it's kind of like oh god that's so bad and the second straw attack is a shield plus he'll move so uh for when it comes to guard breaking with the second tron attack you will not be able to guard break against enemies that have range guard you will still be able to kill regardless which is actually good considering she is an sp based character but there's just better hollow killers honestly and she just happens to be one of the worst friends units to actually have hollow killer which is why she is actually low on the list and now up next i'm gonna have to give um the spot to you graham now you graham is a pvp character so he's not going to be performing as well as the other top tier power units however he is an excellent auto war and i do feel like he can actually clear slightly faster than orihime if used well considering he does have flurry with poise and his kid is actually great for guard breaking as he does have a beam on first second tron attack is a lunge and then his third strong attack is full screen meaning that you will not be able to miss mobs in the slightest unless you just suck at playing as him but that being said this character is mainly a pvp character so he does not have a pve killer he does not have guard break so you will need to guard break a lot with your straw attacks he does have squad zero killer meaning that you will not be able to make any use of his killer other than pvp which just sucks honestly however he's all right in my opinion there's better characters but he's okay and he is also one of my favorite star raiders to play as overall like literally numero uno i do use them in co-op and unless you guys have them two out of five like me with low 10 attack and focus or even 5 out of 5 with 500 attack and completely max transcended imma be a real hero you wouldn't really use this guy for uh pve unless you're trying to auto literally and even then weekend is a lot better and yeah that's basically all the bad um power characters out and done out of the way well actually i won't really call you round bad but you guys get the point and now um let us move on to the good ones and up next we have thousand year blood world renji now for his time he was actually the best power a rocker killer but he did fall off because now we have better units like swimsuit namu and fifth anniversary ichigo that being said he still does clear fast because he at least has a lunge on his first it's insane and his second shraw attack it's a 720 radius aoe distant attack he still does have a charged third strong attack that once you fully charge her you will be able to hit insanely hard as well as cover enough range to be able to take out the mobs he does have havoc meaning that upon fully charging the straw attack it goes beyond full screen as it's 1080 radius overall still a pretty good character even though now we have better characters and now up next we have thousand year blower toaster and thousand year blower nemo if i'm being honest i gotta rank nemu higher than toshio that being said both of the characters lunges are insanely good toshiro has 575 radius lunge while nemu has 570 and they both have a third transact that is full screen the only difference is that nemo because she has havoc she has an advantage over toshiro as it's a thousand two hundred radius now the only drawback between the two is the fact that toshio does actually have a better second try attack as he does have an 800 aoe decent attack which is basically the 960 radius you guys are all familiar with but without the havoc and then nemo has the 3000 length beam move which it is gonna cover a lot of enemies from afar but it's not gonna cover like the wide areas for when it comes to actually clearing content which is where she kind of falls short but honestly she's better than toshio because she has havoc because she has berserker plus 20 and she also does have sprinter plus two making her an extremely good holo killer toshiro is still amazing so yeah that being said between the two i still do think nemo is better but at the same time if you have nemo you don't need to show and if you have toshiro you don't need nemo like they're both insanely really good holo killers for power even though fifth anniversary ichigo has actually surpassed both of the characters and now the last uh power character and the best one out of all the power units i'm gonna have to give it to li jay barrow lee barrow rije bauero however the [ __ ] you pronounce his name lila borrow little barrel roll but anyways this guy actually takes the cake as he actually has the best kit out of all of these power thousand blower characters three thousand length beam move on first 960 radius aoe distant attack on second and the third is a thousand two hundred radius and he does have frenzy with havoc and a 40 berserker along with guard break and hit hidden enemies meaning that it's near impossible to actually miss with this character and even though we've got units like canfield world shinji and spirit society biafra that have the exact same kit and and perform as well as this guy lichi just takes the cake in everything if i'm being honest and that being said he is still an insanely good character i do think that he should have been a tech character but it is what it is and speaking of tech that is literally the next attribute we are going to be moving on to next so let us go ahead and move on to there so starting off with the worst one thousand year blood work be awkward now unlike yet yaki actually has a rocker killer so he is somewhat saved i say somewhat because he is not completely saved that being said he does have a better kit than you two where he has the beam move the shield move on the second and then the third is full screen however where he falls short is the fact that he doesn't have frenzy i'm sorry but a 40 berserker with the full stamina damage boost of 20 ain't gonna cut it like he's not going to be clearing as fast as most other units that have frenzy with twenty percent berserker with havoc have which is a bit of a shame and it's really unfortunate how badly biafra has actually aged he's gonna be a good nuclear for guild quests don't get me wrong but in terms of pbe content he's just not going to clear as fast if i'm being lost and now up next we have true sheikai ichigo now he was the very first ranged flurry character that we have ever gotten into the game and imma give him the benefit of the doubt it's thanks to him that we have units like tokinata and first battle keys gay i'mma be real with you but that being said ichigo does have his drawbacks despite having a spotter killer and despite the fact that um he came out at the wrong time when flurry characters were not given pve killers it's literally also because he also lacks guard break meaning that you will need to guard break a lot with your straw attacks and there is a lot more enemies that have range guard than melee guard i can speak from my personal experience because i use you graham a lot and i also use ichigo a lot but that being said here's where he falls short okay so third strong attack full screen okay nice second straw attack crawling vortex okay i dig it great for guard breaking however his first attack is a 40 mag range collision push back meaning that upon using the straw attack okay yeah guard breaks however it literally sends the enemies all the way down to kingdom come meaning that you need to also get up close and literally snipe down with the nab instead of just being able to do a slight hit not push back the enemies and literally use the normal attacks as soon as you guard broke them which is why he kind of falls short like honestly he's an okay unit he's great for us in common and gill quests but he really has fallen off i'm gonna be real here but he is still a good character regardless like honestly way more usable than thousand year blower diaper and yeah and up next we have thousand-year blue world peace gay oh my god yo when this character first came out we all thought that he was gonna be better than full brain ichigo but then upon getting him it turns out that wasn't exactly the case matter of fact orihime's first strong attack actually generated from keyskate meaning that he's got the exact same problem as orihime minus the fact that for starters he's a melee unit so he doesn't need to deal as much in terms of being able to break guards against enemies and being able to do the best type of damage but it is still a bad strong attack nonetheless his second draw attack is a 575 aoe around him which is basically the same as let's say tag team renji's first straw attack around him but as a second straw attack and then his third straw attack is full screen unfortunately kiskay is not going to be able to clear as fast as most of the other tech characters and fulbright ichigo just clearly surpasses him in terms of being an overall tech holo killer so yeah it is sad to see that kisuke has actually fallen off actually not really falling off he was basically dead upon arrival even though he did have the revival mechanic on his special meaning that it was great for ottowing like i used keyskate a lot for being able to auto uh tech single player izzy back in the day back when we didn't have um times five runs on inheritance zone so hey he did bring the revival mechanic however he aged badly as a character and now up next i'm gonna have to give it to ask him uh same thing with you graham he is a pvp character but that being said i do feel like he can actually clear faster than kisuke just like you graham can actually clear faster than orihime he does have flurry with a 40 bruiser he has the 2 500 length beam move and then the uh debuff skill which basically acts like as if it's a normal boost however it's not really great for pve and then his third is 975 radius so for when it comes to actually guard breaking he does actually get the job done especially considering he does have good straw attacks and doesn't push back unlike this true shikai ichigo that we have right here and overall he's really good for autoing i don't think he's as good as autoing as the tech thousand-year blower yamamoto because the second straw attack does come back a bit more often even though it does push back but like at the end of the day you can actually make big use of asking for when it comes to auto and content that being said asking also does fall short like eugram because he also has the squad zero killer meaning that you will not have the killer in any way shape or form unless it's in pvp and you're clearly trying to counter ichibe and also because he lacks guard break so yeah that's basically asking in a nutshell still a good character but there's just better and up next we have another sunrider being thousand year blower uru now that being said uryu just like kisuke he does have range collision however his type of kit is actually a lot better than keyskate and actually does cover a bit more range where his first draw attack is basically the same push back at as thousand year blower ichigo but does cover a lot more range thanks to his havoc and he does have frenzy with havoc and a 40 berserker with guard break meaning that it does actually help out with trying to kill off the mobs even though they do get pushed back second try attack is the um same type of range collision vortex push back that units like catherine or baragon with havoc so you guys get the point of how it works and then his third strong attack is full screen and he's also a really good auto unit because he does have the status ailment reversal skill meaning that upon being hit by an enemy that inflicts a status ailment he reflects it back onto the enemy and actually heals which isn't too bad for when it comes to actually using him in honoring but that being said there is better tech characters if i'm being honest like yo most of the most of the better tech characters are in the premium pool but yeah that's thousand year blower oreo and yeah believe it or not these are literally all the mediocre attack units like literally tech has it at its worst for when it comes to thousand year blower characters and up next we have owetsu oatsu being better than pretty much most of these characters where he is actually a flurry character with a 40 bruiser has guard break and he has the exact same identical kit as flyzen for when it comes to using him as an sp character only difference is that he doesn't have the 750 lunch like eisen does which is a bit unfortunate but it is what it is that being said his second straw attack upon boosting you it does surround yourself in a vortex which is good for stopping enemies and his third strong attack is full screen so with this character just like tokinada you can actually go for a full on hybrid build and you can also cleave through just fine with his normal attacks considering he does have flurry with a high bruiser as well as guard break really damn good for pve and honestly he's just that damn insane and then the best tech thousand-year blower character i'm gonna have to give it to this yama right here yama northwest version of zanka notachi really damn good like he finally ended the trend of literally having shafted tech characters that have frenzy with havoc that was in your blood where okay sure he's got no affiliation killer but killer doesn't really matter when you can pretty much kill just fine thanks to transcendence because at the end of the day he does have double lunges but get this his first strong attack is a good lunge and then his second try attack it's an 870 radius type of lunge where once you basically activate the lunge on yama being the second strong attack of course it also has a really nice aoe descent kind of effect on the second tron attack meaning that you are going to be able to cover a lot of mobs and his third straw attack is also full screen and he also comes with innate abilities like being immune to um fire and he also has the emulator skill where every five seconds he does have a chance to be able to inflict burn without having to hit the mobs which is actually crazy to think like honestly caleb outdid themselves with this yama and i actually do want him i gotta wait a bit but it is what it is other than that i do think that he is one of the better tech characters that we have in the game despite being given no affiliation killer like don't sleep on him just because he was given no affiliation to it seriously you'd be surprised at how good um this unit is and yeah that's basically all the tech characters ranked from best to worst and now we are going to be moving on to the speed characters and luckily for speed there doesn't seem to be too many bad units so we can start off directly with ichibe being the pvp uh flurry batch of the speed characters that being said he does come with the same problems as uh ugram and askin where you need to guard break a lot with the actual um straw attacks that being said he at least does have a spotter killer so for when it comes to actually using him in pve content upon encountering a boss that is an espada ej bay will actually have that small killer advantage and will be able to easily one shot the espadas just fine he actually does have a lunge and beam move on both their first and second and then the third is full screen he does have weakening on everything like ugram which is good fleur with 20 bruiser but you do need to guard break a lot with these front attacks and yeah that's all i've got to really say about ichibe he's not really the best player character unlike most um speedflower characters actually we don't have the best optimal speed blur character either but you guys get the point so yeah and that's basically ichibay up next i'm gonna have to give uh the worst um sp unit position to thousand year blower roof yet she does have a really good kit that being said her second straw attack is a um type of vortex where she does lock yourself into place upon activating it making it kind of bad for pve that being said invincibility frames do exist however the second straw attack the problem with it is that it actually doesn't kill like that is the only problem and you've got to transcend the character in order to be able to kill with that second front attack however she does have a lunge on first and then her third tron attack is full screen and then once you pretty much um proc the special you pretty much also surround yourself in a vortex for a short period of time now it's not as big as this thousand-year global yamamoto which we still need to get to in a good bit but she does get the job done she has a decent rocker filler but that being said um for her time when she came out she was really good it's just that over time she pretty much lost her place as being the best or wronger killer for speed but anyways moving along up next we have thousand-year blower shinsuit thousand-year-old roshunsui when he came out he completely revolutionized um speed hollow killers had literally brought in he could match up hollow killers later on lunge on first which is good shockwave second straw attack and a third straw attack that is full screen he does have havoc with frenzy no recharge unfortunately oh yeah forgot to mention that rukia does not have recharge instead she's got the strontite damage sultry same thing with shinsuit and that being said his second straw attack i will be honest with you it does have its own problems where you need to actually get up close in order to be able to kill the mobs and if some of the mobs survive they just get pushed back to kingdom come unfortunately however it is really insane for when it comes to actually killing off bosses and at the very least it works better than thousand year blower lucia's suction vortex that she has on the second strong tie i'll give shoot and sweet the benefit of the doubt at the very least because he is actually pretty good and then up next we have the thousand-year blower yurichi were i'mma be real here she does have hitbox problems on the uh first strong attack that being said she does make it up by having a really good second straw attack which is also another lunge and then her third front attack is full screen she does have four flash step no recharge unfortunately but she does however get away with it with the fact that she does have a transformation mechanic on her especially so upon using the special you will uh transform into her thunder cat form and literally reset the strong attacks and be able to clear fast with this character so overall when she came out she was overall the better hollow killer out of um the other thousand year blower characters that was until this guy came in thousand-year blood war yamamoto were he completely perfected all of the hollow killers and literally invented god kits literally because this guy was the very first to get the beam move 800 radius aoe descent on the um second try attack and the third try fact that is actually full screen so literally this is basically a type of mini spirit society biafra without the habit the only difference is that yamamoto does not have berserker which is a bit unfortunate and he doesn't have havoc but for what he has it's still insanely good i do think he's one of the better holo killers to use to this day if you don't have fifth anniversary especially considering the fact that he is a melee character and upon using the special just like thousand-year blower you surround yourself in a vortex and it's a lot bigger which is actually insane like honestly speaking and also compared to these three other thousand year blower characters he does have recharge meaning that you can actually make full use of his strong attack and be able to get them back a lot more frequently which is nice and that's thousand year blooper yamamoto and then up next we have bambietta who is overall one of the better ranged assaulter killers that we have in the game for speed now of course we have fifth anniversary but that's besides the point she does take the cake by having a good 960 radius second straw attack and then her third is full screen 1200 radius now where she does fall short is because of the first strong attack where it pushes back and then it explodes and become melee collision it's not the best for a strong attack however it does get the job done in terms of being able to clear out waves of mobs and is one of the better range collision straw attacks that we could actually possibly ask for in the game and it's literally the same type of strong attack that the halloween soy fun has so either way getting this unit to five out of five is not a really bad choice like honestly speaking yo this entire speed section is already better than tech i'm sorry but like oh my god hold on units jesus my god oh my god but yeah bambiada overall really good character and then up next we have tendril being of a better speed story per killer that we actually have in the game where he actually has a bit more of a consistent kit however he does have the 3 000 length beam move on the second tron attack and also has a lunge however he does have the 1770 radius third straw attack that he has like the mind cover which is actually insane and the reason why he's actually better than bambiada is not just because of the strong attacks but because he also can revive on his special and he also has a higher berserker where he has 20 berserker as well as the extra 20 percent berserker he can give out to himself and all the speed soul reapers that we actually have in the game so other than being an insanely good speed sorry for killer he is also a great party unit to bring about in co-op as he can actually boost all sorry first for speed and then at number one being the best one out of all the thousand-year global units it has to go to bazbi while bazbee is not going to be hitting as hard as tengero i do think that he has the better kit out of tengero and out of bambiana because he does have an actual proper lunge which is actually better than tendril 960 radius on his second and then his third try attack is a charged strong attack meaning that upon fully charging it you'll be able to do insane numbers and he does have havoc with a 20 berserker with burn on everything oh yeah i forgot to mention that um tendril has paralysis on everything and bambita has burned on everything but basby just does it better and he happens to be the better stern writer compared to uh bambiera the crazy thing about bazbe is that when you charge the straw attack if you just activate it without charging it it's 900 radius and then upon fully charging it it's a thousand eighty radius which is it's just damn good honestly i just think basbee just overall takes the cake out of all the speed thousand yearbook units that we actually have in the game and is by far the second best speed unit that we have in the game and is right behind fifth anniversary biaquian which is insane to say plus i've been begging for a good amazing speed um a rocker clear for a good while and i'm glad that bass b actually came through anyways we don't have that many attributes left we only have mind and heart so let's get those out of the way which is actually insane anyways for mind starting off with the worst one imma have to give it to you ha you help your watch you walk however the [ __ ] you want to call him and he's actually way worse than you churu and byakuya because for starters captain killer with no frenzy just a fifty percent berserker with a thirty percent booster and this guy was given range collision strong attacks on everything he's cut range collision on his first range collision on the second and then his third is 900 rays like caleb what the [ __ ] were you guys smoking that being said he does also have a transformation mechanic where upon actually activating it it does transform him into his almighty um absorbed soul king form however you want to call it and he also does inflict weakening on everything and he does have bombardment so for gq once you get him five out of five he is an actual literal god but for pve he's just whack he is really whack unless you guys have him five out of five which is very disappointing for a unit like him like come on he's the final villain of the thousand year blower arc and he was done insanely dirty like bruh the disrespect is real and then up next we have a thousand year blow versace thousand-year-old blood where sajin he did revolutionize flurry characters by finally being the first ever flurry character that actually has flurry plus poise plus sprinter but that being said for pve he's going to be sharing the exact same problems as uh lugran and askin where to pretty much um be able to take down enemy mobs you need a guard break a lot with the second strong attacks however here's the funny part his second front attack is range collision so i mean at the very least it's the second try attack because you're not going to be using it as often as the first contact for guard breaking but the second straw attack pushing back the enemies means that you need to get up close after using the strong attack and literally finishing them off with the map string so for pve in terms of clearing content he's not really the best and he's got no status elements and his special doesn't even do anything and for pvp he's not even good like honestly he's just one of the worst familiar characters to bring about even in pvp so yeah that actually saves a lot and then up next we have oh my god this is gonna be hard to actually place but you're not let me just go ahead and uh place it between the two thousand year blower eisen and bunkai kenpachi that being said bankai kampachi he does have a better kit than eisen where he has double lunges and then his third tron attack is full screen and he is also armed with a transformation mechanic meaning that for pve it's clutch as well as guild quests however here is the really big problem no sprinter meaning that he can't even dodge for [ __ ] nor can he even um move fast for [ __ ] unless you actually go out of your way to give kanpachi the actual speed stick which is really bad and then as for eisen he's got a way worse kit than uh kanpachi where he has the range collision for a strong attack push back same as thousand year blower uh true shikai ichigo second straw attack is a crawling vortex and then the third is basically the 23 second charge okay out of all seriousness his third straw attack when you don't charge it it's like around 750 radius then charged the standard charge it's 900 radius so you guys can actually settle for that type of strong attack and considering it's an aoe distant type of charge straw attack you can actually make do with that honestly it's better than most of the uh charge straw attacks for units that don't have havoc but then to charge up completely the third straw attack it takes about a good whopping 23 seconds and that [ __ ] is only a thousand radius which is disappointing i'm sorry man but like that thing because he charges so long like as if it hits harder than the soul bomb that [ __ ] should be two thousand radius not a thousand radius like come on man like seriously it's so stupid that being said i do feel like eisen actually does clear faster than kampachi and doesn't have a problem with dodging mobs as he does have sprinter plus one so i know on the reddit tier list kenpachi is better than eisen however for this one exception i'ma have to give it to eisen being the better mind character compared to the uh bangkok and pachu so yeah and now up next we actually have uh curio now kyrio is actually a bit more decent compared to most of the other mine characters and she is at least a bit more usable however she does have flurry with a forty percent bruiser and she can actually boost on the second front eye so in a sense she's a mind tokinada am i right wrong here's where she falls back she doesn't have guard break and she was also given a range collision push back first from attack the same as this thousand-year ball where ichigo once again so when you use that straw attack you literally send the enemies all the way to kingdom come and you need to literally get up close in order to kill which is so stupid and because the second straw attack normally boost raw attacks are considered always as a melee type of attack meaning that kirio upon using the second straw attack she will not break break on the second trial attack either so you only have your first and your third strong attack the third front be the only good one that can actually guard break and allow you to instantly kill upon using the strong attack which is very unfortunate honestly if this character was given guard break i feel like she could have been easily one of the better mind player characters that we could have gotten into the game which is a bit unfortunate and speaking of mind flurry characters up next we have the thousand year blower easy now why i think this thousand year blower easily is better than kyrio is because of the simple fact that for starters the second straw attack is um the range collision vortex push back that thousand-year-old has that being said he doesn't boost so it's directly considered as a ranged type of attack and his first draw attack doesn't even push back as much like it's a shave similar to let's say kick out society soy farm except it's 60 mag so it is kind of a new type of strong attack which is good because upon using the first draw attack you can easily kill with um the normal attacks that being said his first strong attack also does have hitbox issues meaning that not all the time would you be able to guard break with the first front attack that being said at the very least because it doesn't push back as much once you pretty much get used to using that first straw attack you'll pretty much be able to get away with it and be able to clear faster than kirio and by the way izuru he does have a 30 bruiser compared to kirio but did you know that he actually kills a lot better because he has the exact same mastering as tokinata like seriously it's kind of funny now that we think about it and yeah and i do think uh that easer is one of the better mind characters for flurry and i do think he's kind of lacking because he's kate has guard break but oh well in my opinion if he's given guard break like he'd be also one of the better characters to bring for mind and now we have three more characters left for mind being remy zombie toshio and candace and here is how i'm gonna rank them third best easily being zombie tosho now he does have frenzy with a 20 berserker but no havoc he does have double lunges and he does have the third tron attack that is 975 radius overall really good kit for when it comes to actually clearing content but i don't think he clears as fast as these two characters being grammy and candace now grammy on the other hand he was given the bad treatment where he was given the um range collision type of first run attack it's the same as auras however he does compensate by having the 960 radius aoe descent attack on his second and he does have a thousand two hundred radius full screen making this unit a lot better compared to zombie toshio and he is immune to all status ailments and also has the revival mechanic on his special making him really insane and then the best one goes to candace where she is pretty much perfect lunge on first 960 radius aoe distant attack and then the third tron attack is full screen a thousand two hundred radius paralysis on everything and she also does have weakened defense on her special with paralysis oh yeah i forgot to also mention izuru has weakening on everything toshio has uh freeze on everything but the second front attack being weakening and remy has um burn on everything minus the second front attack having a laceration yeah sorry i forgot to point out the status elements for the characters so yeah my bad but other than that this is basically the pointless and bruh mind has more characters than power technique and speed yet only four of the characters are remotely good to even use if i'm being honest which is actually insane and yeah that basically wraps up the mind list and now on to the final uh attribute list being part so let's get right to it oh and by the way believe it or not just like speed there isn't a lot of bad units as a matter of fact after a thousand year global wetsuit these are all the good ones heck i actually do consider thousand year bubble ratsu another really good heart character and i do think that she does have an overall advantage compared to ichibe hugh graham and aspen because for one simple matter of fact that she does have long reach and she can actually heal on her second try attack that being said she does have the same problem as every other flurry character where she actually does need to guard break on her straw attacks in order to be able to kill off with the normal attack damage string but that being said retsu was actually the queen of all the flurry characters when she came out heck she could even do pve content solo like she could even auto the hardest pd content when she came out like honestly she just completely broke the game and revolutionized it but now she's falling off by a lot we've got better net characters like tokinada but that being said retsu will still remain as one of my favorite nad characters in my heart even though she has fallen off from the list but yeah that's the worst one for heart but by the way don't take it for granted she's still an amazingly good character but in terms of thousand year forward characters she's kind of considered the worst out of the list but anyways up next we do have uh miuri lunge on first 2500 length b move and then his third tron tag is 900 rays where he really falls short is the fact that he has the 900 rig his third straw attack like it's so stupid that he should have at least gotten a full screen straw attack i don't know why he got 900 radius and i'm glad that they stopped killing units 900 radius third strong attacks unless they're charged contacts like come on fierce about compact is better than this unit however i'll at least give mary the benefit of the doubt because he is immune to all status ailments and he does have weakened defense on his special allowing him to hit harder next on the list is true bankai ichigo now this guy is an insanely good character still to this day and he still remains as the only sp character to have the boost plus the transformation mechanic on the special now he's got a lunge on first try attack and does at least have a full screen a thousand radius third straw attack which is good that being said his second straw attack is a boost and a transformation strong attack so it'll take around 20 seconds for it to get back and he does activate the second strong attack around him so yeah don't expect the same type of second fraud attack like owetsu or he surrounds himself in a vortex it's basically the same as flysens and guess what the crazy thing about this guy is that he changes his straw attack max from 120 to 140 percent allowing you to hit harder than any type of friends unit that doesn't have berserker now he doesn't have havoc but he is still an insanely good unit regardless and that is true bunkai ichigo and now up next imma have to give it to sanjumaro now sanjumaru she doesn't have the devastation unfortunately so she's not going to be able to nuke as hard as ichigo but i will say that i do think that she can actually clear faster than ichigo because of the fact that she was given a beam move she does have the shield strong attack so she doesn't boost she doesn't really benefit anything to the team and her third straw attack is full screen a thousand two out of radius the real big benefit is the fact that she actually has the beam move and actually has havoc with the berserker which is why she is actually going to be able to clear a lot faster than trubankai ichigo she is still an amazing oracle killer i just don't think she's better than shuhei but she is still great nonetheless in my personal opinion i don't enjoy playing her too much nowadays because i just don't like um units that give out barriers but for the tier list i do feel like she actually does fit it and then up at number three uh i'm gonna have to give it two thousand euro forward so iphone okay but now you guys are gonna think that now now and sasaki are the best ones what well guys killer doesn't matter anymore i'm gonna be real with you guys like if you get the unit to level 10 sp and level 10 focus like that's literally all that matters they will still be able to clear and matter of fact be able to clear faster than all of these said heart characters but that being said soy fun she is actually kind of a mini let's right here where she has four flash steps she's got a lunge and a third straw attack that is full screen her second shraw attack upon boosting herself she surrounds herself in a vortex like a wetsuit however unlike a wetsuit she also has the transformation mechanic on her second straw attack meaning that upon activating it she'll be able to do a lot more damage and she is actually able to boost her attack and focus by 33 percent and also change the max from 120 to 140 making her an insane unit the only thing that sucks about this unit is the fact that she doesn't have guard break but because she can boost you can actually make big use of this character and go for a full-on hybrid build like owetsu and tokinada honestly if she had guard break literally she'd be the best melee heart character that we could possibly ask for in the game and now second best character for heart i'm gonna have to give it two thousand year blower now now unfortunately unlike uh trubankai ichigo and soy fun she doesn't have a transformation mechanic but she can boost on her second she does have paralysis on everything and she does have a 3 000 length beam move like senju maru and has a full screen third strong attack like sandra marvel she shares the exact same identical kit as sanju maru the only difference is the fact that she hasn't a spotter killer but can actually nuke a lot better because of the fact that she does have a devastation at 40 and also has paralysis which is a lot better compared to actually using laceration as you can completely stop the enemy in their tracks and heck for pve now even though this unit was made particularly for guild quests and being able to boost the mad characters she does get the job done compared to any other unit that we actually have in the game and i do want to say that she is the second best ranged character for heart right behind swimsuit apache now if she actually had the 960 radius aoe descent attack she'd be the best heart character overall in the game in my honest opinion but the best heart character in the game i'm gonna have to give it to chojiro sasaki bay best overall heart unit that we have gotten in the game and best overall heart character that we have for the thousand year global characters because this guy okay he does have captain killer however he does have frenzy with a 20 berserker with havoc and he also does 20 more damage to paralyzed enemies and he's got the exact same kit as spirit society actually the exact same kit as liji which is insane 3 000 length b move 960 radius aoe distant and then his third draw attack is full screen and guess what this guy has the same exact special as thousand year blower yama where upon activating the special he surrounds himself in a gigantic vortex that inflicts paralysis and you will be able to do insane damage with that vortex like honestly do not let the captain kill her fool you like he's just so damn good he's got promises on everything so you can make big use out of this character oh yeah i forgot to mention that nanal also has um frenzy with havoc at 20 berserker so yeah my bad on my part and yeah that's basically the thousand year blower to your list ranked from best to worst as you guys saw now do you guys agree with this list let me know in the comment section below i know a lot of you guys will actually disagree on this but i do want to also point out that this tier list i also did use um ridler's reddit tier list to pretty much uh see the best possible combinations i can come up for when it comes to pve content and this is what i thought i should go with in my personal opinion now a lot of people are going to think that oh banking is going to be better than eisen oh he's better than ichigo oh or he makes better than ukraine and i get that i get that i just did my best in terms of making an unbiased tier list for you guys to actually look at so yeah thank you guys for watching this video if you guys like this video don't forget to smash that like button share this video with your friends and family subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and hit the bell notification so that way you guys are up to date with my most recent videos this has been your boy the desk masher and i am signing out peace out lads [Music] you
Channel: DeathSmasher - Bleach Brave Souls
Views: 10,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bleach Brave Souls, Thousand Year Blood War, TYBW, November 2020, PvE Kits, Tier List, Tiermaker, From Best to Worst, Best Power characters, Best Speed characters, Best Technique characters, Best Mind characters, Best Heart characters
Id: 90o60aA97Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 57sec (2937 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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