Ranking EVERY Legendary Skin in Brawl Stars!

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there are over 600 skins in Brawl star and today we'll rank every single legendary skin in the game from worst to best this is all my opinion and you will agree with it I asked so many people for their opinions on this list and it was all over the place so there is no definite answer for this one specifically Robo Mike I think the skin is super ugly I'm going to say it there I think the kill animations are kind of lackluster and I'm just I'm just not a big fan I think dynamik has way better skins out there and Robo mik just isn't it for 300 gems meao or as I like to call it orange meao I don't think I have ever seen someone Rock orange meao probably for a good reason I think the skin is ugly and no one can say otherwise evil queen Pam I think she's fun she's big she's thick but the kill animation is the worst on this list but I'm not putting it last because I think it is a really nice effect but it gets outclassed by all the other skins above it Wukong moiko if you know Mandarin this is probably a really cool skin to you I really like how they Chang The Voice lines into manderin like half of them are in a completely different language from English what we're speaking right now but I I don't know it's just really cool apart from some decent super animations the attack animation itself is not that good and I'm just not the biggest fan all three of the Mecha Colts come next and Colt has way too many skins he did not need a mecha variant I think it's very underwhelming for 300 gems and it just I don't know I'm not a big fan light Mecha bow now I'm not grouping all the Mecha bow up together because I think some of them are just a little bit better than others but they're about the same like Mecha Edgar 00 and 01 these are so ugly bro there's still Mecha Edgar so it's pretty okay but nah this ain't it all three of the Mecha Leons this is definitely better than Mecha col or Mecha bow but I think it's a bit underwhelming and doesn't stand out from any other Mecha too much golden Mecha bow this is the best meao skin though I'm not a big fan of meao in the first place I think this and Mecha Leon can kind of switch places if they need Mecha Crow gold meca Crow and night Mecha Crow I personally think that blue is beautiful for him and the others are pretty all right he gets some nice animations and stuff but I personally think that another Crow skin far out classes this one later on the list antivirus 8 Bits his recolor doesn't change much of anything and doesn't expand or change him in a meaningful way in the wise words of bliz he says a recolor is to either improve the original or change it up in some way so you don't make fun of someone cuz they couldn't have had the original and I stand by this philosophy at least for this skin I probably won't follow out for any other Thor B I can't put my girl BB any lower she's an all right skin her attacks feel powerful but her super is extremely l luster and just feels a bit odd to me I think this would be much better as a Mythic skin rather than a legendary scorpion Chuck despite not having the correct number of legs as a scorpion at least I saw that on Twitter I don't know if that's true scorpion Chuck is so sick I think his overall design is clean but I hate how his posts don't get changed they could have done so much more with that but otherwise he's pretty all right tus n I'm a fan of the skin but not too big of a fan I think it's beautifully designed and looks incredible but Nita has so many good skins already with Incredible animations if it would feel like a waste for me to buy this one specifically jock stew I think jock stew has one of the better kill animations in the game I'm not the biggest fan of his design since it doesn't resemble stew too well which I feel is important in the skin but looking past that it's a very solid design dark mecham Morse and light mecham Morse these are the inferior mecham mortises but we'll look at the true mecham mortis later I wouldn't say these are bad just slightly outclassed meca edar pretty good meca skin in my opinion I love his jump animation especially not much to say about him but you cannot go wrong with Edgar skins except that one blue one virus 8 bit some people say this skin is overrated some say it's okay I say it's all right despite having a really cool attack shot and animation his super is incredibly lackluster mecham Morse this skin is usually paired with a really bad player or a really good one there's never an in between despite that I think mecham mortis is the best of the mecca he has a nice design cool sound effects and is overall just super pleasing to play Phoenix Crow this has always been an S tier Crow skin and always will Crow Rises From the Ashes and bursts into a beautiful orangish yellow it may not be the flashiest skin but I think it's stunning and finally the best legendary skin in my opinion is Tun Spike I think it's a super creative skin he gets an entirely different style of Animation some fun custom sound effects and the balloon to Defense 6 pop effect
Channel: Muyo
Views: 174,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GlRwaNw1hFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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