Ranking All 22 Fire Emblem Games

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i did it i played every fire of one game was it worth it no fire emblem the tactical rpg series that has captured the hearts of millions this massive franchise has 15 original games three remakes and four spin-offs coming to a total of 22 games and i'm here to rank each one i'll be ranking the three games tied to fates birthright conquest and revelation separately and each remake will be separate from the original this is a completely subjective list based on my own opinions the odds view fully agreeing is slim jim to none please respect my opinion and don't write a thousand word long comment because you won't slay me and i probably won't read all of it save that argumentative essay for something more worthwhile we have a lot to get through so let's jump into this [Music] back in 2013 i took a good look at myself in the mirror and told myself to get my [ __ ] together and finally play the original fire emblem fire emblem shadow dragon in the blade of light what a mouthful i slapped a fan translation on that baby which forever ruined my pronunciation of keda shida sita whatever her name is this game is awful it's horrendous being the first in the series i shouldn't expect much but i have not played a game that has aged worse than this i would rather play zelda 2 over this actually i probably wouldn't the game is very bare bones minimal story basic and frustrating map design annoying hit rates it's not good it was a promising start to the series in the 90s and i'm sure it was fun in the 90s but it's best left in the 90s just like backstreet voice in fact this is the only fire bomb game i did not finish because it was miserable and because i found a hot deal on the remake shadow dragon i know i didn't finish this fire emblem and i say that i finished every fireball but this one is so unbearable oh i'd maybe someday i'll finish it but not anytime soon what bothers me about this title is that nintendo decided to localize and port this game in 2020 rather than porting its remake to the switch or maybe even localizing the sequels remake a game we never got in the west why port the worst version of this story i understand game preservation and all that jazz it's cool and all and it's great to see the roots of the series but this is just one new mystery why didn't you localize new mystery at least we got an amazing trailer for it i mean who is he anyway wait you don't know marth what game is he even from you don't know fire emblem i don't know what's that oh come on fire emblem this kid should not be that excited the placement of this next fire room title shocked me to set the stage i'm not someone who trashes fire emblem fates on a daily basis it's more like a bi-weekly basis there are some people out there who act like fates killed their dog i absolutely acknowledged the many flaws and fates but it did some things right i don't think people talk about that enough at the end of the day i like faith's overall yeah it has flaws but there is so much good in it but we won't talk about the good just yet because i have to talk about the bad of the bad the baddest of the bad the baddest baddest bad of the bad revelation is a disaster revelation is the third and canon root for fates it's where the protagonist khorin doesn't choose either side in the historic hoshido nor war instead they try to find a solution to appease both sides which is dumb stop being such a damn centrist corrin kill people come on the story reeks of stupidity chapter after chapter and i can go on about its issues for literal hours but i'll sum it up in one sentence don't jump off a bridge because your friend does [Music] at the end of the day the story isn't nearly as offensive as the gameplay overall fate's combat is really good like some of the best in the series they added balancing to the parent mechanic had really neat classes and had some very fun ideas overall it was a fantastic step in the right direction but the quality level of map design varies from game to game and revelation is rock bottom quality spongebob rock bottom [Music] every map in this game is gimmicky from a far too long labyrinth to a field of flames to moving blocks to an elevator a stupid [ __ ] elevator at least the elevator has great music [Music] i like having gimmicks and maps when it comes to tactical rpgs but revelation had an oversaturation of gimmicks it feels necessary to activate the gimmicks to defeat the enemy when it should be more optionally activate the gimmicks to get an edge on the enemy god i love shoveling snow the maps are a mess but i do credit intelligence systems for trying new things when this first released i was a hard defender of revelation but as time has gone on i've realized i was a clown fate isn't as bad as people make it out to be but revelation deserves to get trashed a bit and by a bit i mean a lot i don't know why i wrote down a bit i mean a lot it's not good hey at least you could use every unit except izana who i had forgotten existed up until about five minutes ago in 2017 fire moon fans were eating so well we had just came off of three firemen games with fates in 2016. fireball warriors came out which was a fan crossover many dreamed of happening and then the remake of the second firebomb game guided and then finally the most successful fireman game of all time released in 2017. so hey look at us look at us huh who would have thought not me heroes is a gotcha mobile game that's just begging you to drop money on precious pngs of your favorite characters this game exploded in popularity over the years and i still actively play it about two hours a week it's not great but it's a constant in my life and the art's really nice i love to go swimming don't you oh my god she's so pretty the actual game itself isn't anything special units move one to three spaces on a small map and the story is a mess of mythology dreams missing characters plot holes and death it's neat i guess but it feels like i'm learning a story as unnecessary complex and deep as kingdom hearts all over again his heart's inside my heart the game revolves around building the best units with skills you gained from other units and actively keeping your units up to date as more units enter the summoning pool with new skills that will make your units better and that style of game is just not for me i was more into the unit building aspect in the first year but after spending hundreds of dollars for bride ceda and a depression episode i stopped spending as much time in it and stop spending money all together except on resplendent valencia oh my favorite fire home character of all time god she's radiant heroes only rank so low because it's just not for me i'm just not big brain enough to wrap my head around every skill my iq is just flat out not high enough for fire boom heroes anyway i believe in sharina supremacy in 2013 i sat in my college class playing the second fire bomb game fire emblem gaiden i looked over to one of my best friends and said this game has so much potential if it was remade it would be one of the best fire moon games ever four years later i was right but we'll talk about that later for now let's talk about the original game fireball gaiden gaiden itself is a great game in the 90s just like fireball 1 except better as for today i like to call gaiden a fantastic proof of concept gaiden took the original firebomb formula and expanded upon it in very creative ways explorable cities caves and castles there was an overworld three tiers of promotions for certain units with one tier being completely up to the player and eliminating my biggest complaint of every tactical rpg benching units it's like a middle school sports team no one's benched i will forever praise gaiden for these changes because they were super ahead of its time these were modern day mechanics in 1991 that's impressive of course it's still a 90s game it's slower than a pizza driver in a snowstorm crashed his car but still delivers the pizza the hit rates are lower than my self-esteem and the story is so bare bones you'd think a first grader wrote it not saying it's not a good story there's just no meat to it vegans love it i love gaiden it truly opened my eyes when i played it but it's just so inferior to other titles thank goodness we got a remake from here on out every game i list is at the very least average and the most average fire emblem goes to the one and only shadow dragon the ds remake of the original fireball the reason this game ranks so low is because of its source material the original fire emblem is iconic but it hasn't aged super well the maps aren't great the story isn't special and most characters are beyond forgettable these are all things i mentioned in number 22 but i have to bring it back because this is a remake i know there's definitely a following for this game i've met many people who say that shadow dragon is one of their favorites and i respect it it just didn't provoke any fun funny feelings for me and any happy giddy smiles i remember i finished the game while waiting in line for the midnight release of pokemon x and y i closed my 3ds looked to my friend and said to her that was average i'm very happy that they finally gave marth the character he deserved i fell in love with marth and firebomb 3 mystery of the emblem and that same marth came through in the remake he and a few others like ceta cheetah keda whatever harden tiki lind the white wings camus mcallis and zayn they're all great and they pretty much carry this game for me i'm still angry that camus wasn't in firemen warriors what the [ __ ] the absolute worst thing about this remake are the animations oh lordy lord lord gelatin we have this beautiful art style for the portraits marth looks great navarre looks great this art style is gorgeous then you go into battle and what the [ __ ] is that it's like you have this beautiful chowder in front of you so creamy and milky and it just looks so tasty but then someone spills a whole can of pepper and it's just ruined oh sugar pops i'll never understand this animation style it's just so gross to me thankfully you can turn animations off but the animations are part of what makes fire emblem so great oh well still an alright game rolly roy roy he's our boy finding blade an average game i played fire emblem the binding blade the game that nearly every fan considers to be the weakest game boy advance fire emblem title and i agree but i probably like it more than most as i see a lot of people trash this game to no end i nearly put this a few spots higher but i haven't played this in 10 or so years so my current opinion isn't super reliable this game follows the smash brothers legend roy on his quest to defeat zephiel's racist bum it's very similar to shadow dragon in terms of plot beats but slightly creates its own identity making it a bit stronger than the former i i didn't actually fall asleep playing this one unlike shadow dragon at the end of the day roy isn't anything special most of the cast isn't anything special save for walt the goat oh i love my starting archers what really heightens this game in my eyes are the antagonists two in particular zephiel the major racist who believes dragons are superior and the terrifying psychotic narcian they absolutely make this game i don't care about rolly tell me about narcian's blood fest show me how he murders innocence i need to see that i need that and a therapist show me more of zephiel's rise to power there's so much good hiding under the average soil here unfortunately it has its share of bad elements like maps a lot of bad maps a lot arcadia binding blade is one of the two fireman games that comes with real busted units it is so much fun plowing through every map with absolute monsters of units i don't have many negatives to say about this for now but when we reach the other game boy advance titles later on i'll reveal my nasty little issues with all gba fireman games i i love roy and i i mean in smash not binding blade lolina is my real protagonist you've betrayed your family in hoshido just kidding it's firebomb fate's birthright i went on and on about fates with revelation so i'll try to keep this one brief as said before fate's combat is superb and that really carries the game again a birthright did something that no other entry in this long standing series has done and i don't think it gets enough credit in birthright the protagonist corrin picks the side of hoshido and hoshido is completely based off of japan which is very very refreshing in this european medieval dominated franchise and because of this they had to change the eunuch classes armadines are now samurai warriors are now onis ninjas exist kimchi knights asara and a bunch of other japanese inspired classes as someone who was pretty tired of the medieval european theme this was such a welcome change it felt like a whole new set of classes that i had never touched before when in reality they weren't at all they were just different names with slight differences but that was enough for me that that made me happy i spent far more time in the barracks upgrading and class changing units in birthright compared to the other two entries and fates it was honestly magical unfortunately that was one of the only few good things about birthright the cast was very lackluster most retainers were snooze fest the royals weren't very interesting lobster lord was more interesting in the partner game conquest pineapple was far more interesting in conquest much to my great friend custom sc's dismay even hinoka was more interesting in conquest by a mile and sakura just exists i still don't know why she exists why are you here beyond the cast the maps are just okay they aren't anything special they're basic and the story well it's probably the most stable out of all the fates games that's not saying much because it still has plenty of issues earthright is good but it's not great you know wow look at that seven entries in and we're already two-thirds done with fates who would have thought how do you make a sequel to the fire moon title i consider to be the worst by adding a damn good story mystery of the emblem the third entry in the fireworm series took me by surprise going into this game in 2014 i was expecting the worst of firearm 1 to carry over bland marth slow gameplay lame characters but then i got to the title screen and heard this [Music] [Applause] perfection oh bananas this is still one of the best renditions of the fire emblem theme mystery of the emblem takes the story of fiber one and slaps some real narrative in there you know those dudes you rode with in the original game yeah they're evil now damn that kinda sucks [ __ ] em up this is a classic rebellion story with marth at its head it's fascinating to see all these characters from shadow dragon years later it's like they cared about the writing this is when firewood began getting very very good i actually care about argonea now of course it still has its shortcomings as i love to say a million times it's a 90s game annoying maps low hit rates awkward rng the game goes on a bit too long the story is fluffy and there are so many characters that quite a few of them get tossed to the side but what matters most is nine on camus tragic story dsfe also known as the arcanea saga this is such a special title that most people don't know this short addition to mystery of the emblem debuted in japan through a streaming add-on for the snes the satella view it came with four chapters that took place before the beginning of the first fire emblem its main focus is camus and nina's relationship alongside fleshing out some other characters like rickard lina and navarre i unfortunately didn't get to play the original version of this because it's very tough to find but intelligent systems was super duper and added it to mystery of the emblems remake so i experienced it there i knew about this game for years but i never played it and with the name like bs fe i thought it would be garbage because you know it was actually really neat arcane is easily my second favorite world in all of fire emblem so seeing more history unravel in it was fantastic the gameplay is no different than the core game it's attached to whether it's mystery or new mystery there aren't any new elements that make it stand out it's simply the story that has me ranking this as high as i am it's such a good little tale also this has belf i'll hail both i anticipate catching some serious heat for not just this pick but my next few pics and starting off with a banger fire emblem warriors boo you stink everyone hates this game and i understand the frustration i just don't understand the hate fireball warriors is a crossover with dynasty warriors and firearm it's a hack and slash rpg about capturing and defending fortresses it's a simple harmless fun little title unfortunately this game chose to only pull primarily from three games fire emblem shadow dragon awakening and fates the cast was not very diverse to say the least and i don't mean in skin color almost none of fire emblem is diverse in that subject it's cast pushed thousands of fans into a fiery rage to make things even worse the plot is basically a copy and paste of the story from awakening in fates when introducing the respective characters which is a shame because of this the story mode is pretty underwhelming but there was one very very big saving grace for me with this title history mode the reason why this ranks higher than the 9 other fireball games is because of history mode history mode allows the player to traverse maps from previous titles and take on enemies through battles this was such a lovely homage to the games being represented and it was a really nice visual progression system that i put over a hundred hours into the gameplay found in warriors games isn't really my favorite but i enjoyed this game's combat far more than other warriors games because it wasn't as gimmicky and it gave me the power fantasy of mowing down thousands of enemies with iconic fire emblem characters it was a childhood dream come true when it comes to critiquing a game i often like to say judge the game for what it is rather than what it isn't and while that doesn't fit every situation it fits here like a glove so many people wrote this game off because it didn't have characters like ike alm or salif or leaf but what's present in the base game is a pretty solid package if you're a fire emblem fan i don't get it fire emblem fans love packages i will admit i'm a bit easy on this game because i have some lovely memories tied to it such as playing this all day right before one of my friend's wedding and finally getting celica's ladyblade at two in the morning with the help of my friend this game never fails to make me smile it's not the best game but it's a damn fun one it's just stupid fun and i wish more people gave it an actual chance now i'm talking about the base game because the dlc on the other hand yeesh ah that's scummy strap in your seat belts bust out that popcorn ready those angry typing fingers number 12 goes to fire emblem 7 the blazing blade blazing blade suffers from what i like to call too ambitious for its platform this game is all about a massive struggle against a black fan which is essentially a mercenary organization it's a grandiose story with so many moving parts and important interactions stuck on the game boy advanced because of the gba every fire moon game suffered heavily in story characters and especially music the abysmal gba sound system has ruined so many soundtracks in the gba era and fireball was caught in the crossfire just imagine how good this would sound on literally any other console enough about the music let's talk actual content because the gba limitations again several design choices were made that make me very angry before i begin thrashing blazing blade into oblivion i need you to know that i believe this story in this game is a great one i'm super invested in the story i love a good amount of the characters and overall it's a very strong entry in the franchise it just could be more the gba forced developers into questionable narrative elements that hardcore gba fireball fans love to defend to no end limited supports each character gets five supports per playthrough which is fine seems fine there probably isn't too much importance behind these supports just deepening character backstories nope so many of these supports contain critical pieces of the plot and world of the game and it won't tell you which support with who will trigger these vital conversations i and so many others probably like 98 of fire boom players went through all three gba fireball games and missed out on so much lore and story because of these limited supports how am i supposed to know to pair up character a with character b to learn about this one essential piece of the plot it's the worst when they lock it behind a unit that's not very good the game doesn't say anything why would the developers hide their plot behind optional supports because of replay value games that are developed for replay value just make me angry i say that as i love nir automata why gamble that your game is good enough to play more than once especially a 20 to 30 hour long tactical rpg gba fire emblem began my frustrations with force replay and then three houses cemented my frustrations further a little touch on another time whenever i try bringing up how this is poor narrative design gba lovers relentlessly defend this game and act like i murdered their goldfish or something i just want one story one playthrough if the game is good enough to be played more than once it should be treated as an extra not a necessity the first playthrough should not rely on subsequent playthroughs blazing sword falls below my next pick simply because the villain of this game nurgle is the flattest plank of wood ever in your first playthrough but in the second playthrough in hector mode you find out he's actually a really interesting and complex villain but why the hell do i have to play the game twice to actually care for the villain that should be a first playthrough situation i literally struggle recommending the gba era of fire emblem to anyone because of these illogical design choices i get so frustrated defend it all you want in the comments i'm sure i'm gonna get several dms saying you're just dumb i will not read an essay you write because i've seen the argument a thousand times it just comes down to this design choice not making sense to me i'm frustrated because i care because this story is truly magnificent this world is great the central characters are really neat except lynne can you really call her a central character she's more like a babysitter for the first 10 chapters and then bugs off for the rest of the game oh i'm gonna get attacked for that one this game is in desperate need of a remake package it with the sequel prequel binding blade whatever you want to call it and you have yourself potentially the greatest firebomb game ever but for now it's eternally trapped on the god forsaken game boy advance [Music] now that i'm being flamed for not liking blazing sword as much as everyone else time to trash my favorite game boy advance fire emblem oh this is going to be worse sacred stones now the whole restricted supports and garbage audio quality still applies the soundtrack is a bit better i'll give it that but the supports are arguably worse they hide even more important things behind supports like the entirety of lara shell's backstory and motivation you know a pretty central character the logic continues to baffle me but then again this whole game's logic baffles me i would love to point to the wild chapter where they storm the castle with four men but i guarantee someone has written a thesis length essay on why that chapter makes sense i don't want to be too harsh to sacred stones i do love it the most out of all the gba games i just love the scope of the story it's a small personal story between ephraim erica and their friend leon lion why are there so many unpronounceable names in fireball this is far better for this console compared to blazing sword and binding blade story it's more contained it's far easier to follow and there are less central characters and because of all that this game left more of a lasting impression on me when i first played blazing sword in sacred stones in 2007 and most importantly the maps are pretty awesome in sacred stones most maps in these two gba games are solid but sacred stones has the best consistency for high quality maps oh i love them there's some really great maps and sacred stones oh my god although i always laugh at the art style of this game because sometimes there's this huge melodramatic scene happening in the battle then i look at the portrait sprite what are you doing sacred stones is a good game my favorite gba fireman game i have issues with it but hey that's why it's only 11th place [Music] for years and years i loathed firebomb awakening i was a full-blown fire emblem elitist i overuse that toxic phrase awakening is a good game just not a good fire emblem game years later when i met many of my online friends my perception of awakening and the series changed into how i feel today awakening is a great fireball game and my number 10 spot honestly we should just make a religion after awakening this saved the franchise hallelujah awakening was the first fire emblem for the 3ds it was also the swan song for the entire franchise this was supposed to be the end until bam bam bam this bad boy sold so much this was the explosion of fire emblem and likely your first fire bomb game this game follows krom and robin's adventure a thousand years after mars it's um the story the first 11 or so chapters are just fantastic but after that it gets um a bit fluffy and has some gaping plot holes and partially unnecessary conflict not a huge fan after chapter 11 but those first chapters are great the combat is incredibly refined and introduces the pair up mechanic to mainstream romancing boys or girls unfortunately this system made the game an incredibly unbalanced mess but that's fine it was still fun the maps in this game are not great they're basic beyond the 90s firebomb games i think awakening has one of the weakest set of maps i think only a handful really stuck out to me because they're so vanilla at one point i didn't think maps could get worse than awakenings and then revelation happened and three houses happened but i'll dig into that later what i want to dig into now is the soundtrack baby [Music] fire emblem as a series has some bangin bops but no other entry smacks down as raw as awakenings this was a pleasant surprise for the western audience because the soundtrack that came before awakening was shadow dragon which is and then before that was radiant dawn awakening launched the series into a soundtrack resurgence because the falling games had killer beats fates shadows of valentia heroes and even warriors those soundtracks pleasantly consistently and consensually penetrate my ear holes oh yeah damn three houses why'd you have to ruin the music high check out my nifty three houses soundtrack review awakening is fantastic thank god it exists because this series was dead and back then i never thought it would have a resurgence like this hallelujah this is the last time i bring up everyone's most hated game fates grab a stamina potion because i'm sure you're fatigued by now fire emblem faith's conquest this game this game this game i genuinely love conquest i know it has some rancid shortcomings that everyone spreads around like peanut butter but no one ever spreads around the good parts of this peanut butter and jelly sandwich the jelly this story is garbage it's a steaming pile of incest angst breasts and dlc baiting and it's a story that i toxically defended back in 2016. goodness what was wrong with me there are some really neat things i liked about this story actually takami is fantastic hanoka actually has depth ryoma is flawed sakura still does jack [ __ ] burning scarlet to death boots the final boss iago azura's dancer outfit and it feels like you're on the wrong side i love that unfortunately it doesn't feel like you're truly committing potentially evil deeds which is what i wanted from conquest but that's okay because kong was walked so crimson flower could run the game succeeds in gameplay and map design i previously praised fatez's gameplay and i can praise it all day oh man what good combat let's talk about what this specific game really excels at the maps oh the maps goodly goodness these maps make my tummy rumble in all the right ways oh chapter 10 the port map oh the great wall would talk to me yes the staircase of death i really like that one of course there are some bad maps in conquest but the good outshined them so hard conquest is a good game i love conquest it's just it's so good i just wish it had a better story and maybe some better characters did we really need parents time to play at least we got arthur justice it's okay to dislike the game just don't be irrational or toxic about it that's all i love conquest [Music] new mystery of the emblem this is the latest addition to my list i actually never beat new mystery of the emblem up until a few weeks ago it was the last full fire moon game i never finished besides fireman 1 but that's that's garbage we don't talk about that new mystery is fabulous what an experience oh i love it for years and years i put off new mystery because i loved the original mystery so much and i heard a lot of chitter chatter about the obnoxious additions with chris and katarina i'm going to be honest with you they are so overblown they were great super unpopular opinion coming through but i really liked chris i thought he was a really neat element added to the story and his story was pretty interesting sure he's a bit of a perfect panda but which avatar character isn't like honestly i probably like him the most of all the avatar characters but don't tell people that because i'll get eviscerated as for the actual game it's great it's mystery of the emblem but better more writing base conversations more context to the story it's one of my favorite stories in fire boom filled with a bunch of hit or miss characters i love george but you know warren just doesn't do it for me this gives my baby boy my hubby boo my boogaloo harden more time in the spotlight and he deserves the world precious baby i love you and the music slaps oh i'm not a huge fan of the ds sound system but at least it isn't the gba sound system i'm actually still quite upset very upset actually this never got localized more people need to experience this game this this story these characters the maps everything this is such a fulfilling title in the franchise i can't recommend it enough as previously mentioned i think most handheld games are shafted because of the hardware which is the case here if this was on a home console it could be top 5 for me also you know if they did away with those disgusting fighting animations it's better but still it's not good it still feels like a 90s game here and there which is one of the downsides i have with this game also the cast is still pretty big and pretty forgettable i honestly could not even name half of the cast probably sorry but still great new mystery of the emblem is a great game by the way things were proceeding i'm sure the assuming viewer thought genealogy of the holy war would fall in the top three not today friend as it is number seven the first major plunge into heavy narrative in the franchise genealogy of the holy war is renowned by the veterans in the community as one of if not the greatest game to ever exist honestly it's pretty great i can't deny this game's excellence it exceeds in so many places that most fireball games fail it's delicious but it's not all sparkly rainbows and cake it has a lot of dull down time genealogy is built around remarkable moments that are burned into my memory as soon as i saw this scene i sh myself it's scenes like these that carry this game hard the in between quiet moments between these loud and iconic scenes are where it lacks now i know most genealogy players hate hearing this argument but if you have never seen a map from this game here it is holy cow gigantic biggest thing within the tri-state area when people said that ridley was too big for super smash brothers they were wrong when people say that genealogy maps are too big they are right i completely understand the design they were going for giant war with a giant story on giant maps this game was meant to be a behemoth and it worked in the 90s and just like all the other 90s games on this list it has not aged very well it makes what could be a 20 to 30 hour adventure into a 40 to 50 hour padded adventure there is so much walking if i wanted a lot of walking i would just pop in lower the rings for the umpteenth time frodo and sam are gay besties oh my god i love them the big draw to genealogy is the juicy licious plot [Music] the game is split into two parts the first part follows the stoic paladin sigurd and his band of buddies while the second part follows seliph and his band of broken men and woman from what i've seen everyone really loves part two and while i personally enjoy part 2 it feels very generic fire emblem whereas part 1 is a breath of fresh air with meaningful political discourse among a brewing war and that's a scrumptious biscuit of a story right there ah yeah as for the cast it's a massive upgrade from mystery of the emblem the cast is smaller and you have far more intimate moments with them thanks to the romance mechanic there are still a few that get thrown to the side but the central cast is quite pleasant despite its faults genealogy is an epic story that could use an upgrade in a lot of places it's one of the few fire moon games that feels like there's an actual war going on and i vibe with that hard if this game gets remade this list will be rewritten to all hell oh man please remake it fire emblem has been on a massive upswing these days and that's incredible i've touched on it briefly but as someone who has followed this series closely since path radiance i never thought i would see the series thrive as much as it currently is in the best part despite the game having more of a worldwide appeal it hasn't sacrificed quality mostly firebomb 3 houses is an amazing game that falls short of my personal top five [Applause] i'm right before you consider me dead for not putting this at number one please hear me out i've done every route in this game i've played the dlc i've put in over 200 hours in this game i've made an entire team of pegasus units [Music] i love this game it's so great there are just some things that this game does that really rustles my burnt popcorn i'm jumping into the negative first so we can end on a positive and so i get less comments from loyalists who say my opinion is wrong this game's biggest fault to me are the multiple roots i mentioned my frustrations with replay value being forced into a game with the gba titles so this should be no surprise i quite enjoy when a game allows me to make choices that change the narrative that's really sick as long as it doesn't diminish the overall quality three houses is the pristine example of diminishing quality for a narrative gimmick having four different routes is awesome you can pick the angry black eagles the way too serious for my taste blue lions or the objectively best house golden gear depending on what you choose you'll fall down one of three routes and a fourth one opens up if you join the most likely to be canon house black eagles that's so much game you can go through four routes pretty nifty huh not at all because this game was so heavily focused on different routes it lacked other areas most notably the maps you know when i said awakening had a pretty lackluster set of maps yeah three houses is just flat out worse the maps are horrendous not all maps are awful some are pretty decent but that's only maybe two or three maps out of the 15 or so we ended up with they gave us such a measly amount of maps to cover 200 plus hours of gameplay why what were they thinking because of the lack of map diversity this also heavily impacted the story like every route has to go on this stupid bridge or go in this dumb lava cave because they had to force the plot in that direction because it took less development time than making a new map the maps literally make me want to go full on white bro and punch a wall the narrative felt unnecessarily padded in the second half of the game it felt like we were retreading old ground in every single route roots sharing one or two maybe three maps i can totally get that but if the entirety of a route saved for one map is the same as the others it is aggravating beyond belief and speaking of the narrative the story struggles not just because of the maps but because of the multiple roots crimson flower edelgard's root is probably my personal favorite because i have never felt so morally gray in a fire boom game in my life but i always always always always always always recommend going golden deer to anyone simply because it is the most contained story of them all still not perfect but most everything is answered whereas in crimson flower silver snow and blue lions there are a bunch of unanswered questions that drive me up the wall it's another situation where they design the game around replay value and it hurts me just way too much i love part one of three houses it's very good it sets up a potentially amazing story and has some rad twists within it it's the highlight of three houses because once the time skip hits it's all downhill from there to be honest the negativity is almost done everyone just hang on one just one more thing one more thing i never made a video on this so i'm fitting a feature length film into this one spot in this video the exploration addition to three houses was crisp i have longed for the day fire emblem took from shining force and explored an exploration addition to the gameplay and they did it they did it in three houses you're able to explore the monastery you stay at cool that's fun for an hour but then it gets incredibly monotonous it feels like a chore as soon as you hit the second part of the game and i think it really really degrades the quality simply because you're confined to one area i would love to see the next fireworm expand upon this and have the ability to explore an entire world okay anyway i'm i'm done bashing this game it's so oh it takes so much energy bashing this game i love this game it's my number six spot i i really do love this game there's just so many little things that add up let me just talk about the good things the cast of three houses is phenomenal arguably the most memorable cast ever because most every character has depth has fantastic performances and is involved in the living breathing world of fodlin i'm love quad the combat is really awesome as well because it adds battalions that makes every battle feel massive i love seeing dozens of soldiers on the field rather than just my unique units and then the customization options for classes is super neat while most characters kind of have a set path for classes like egnotism archer sylvain as a paladin or dorothea as a mage it's fantastic that we have the ability to switch that up as much as we want it's a beautiful thing that i hope fireblum adopts going forward the most important thing that made me love this game is the fishing mini game oh my goodness this is th this is god dude this is this is three houses right here that's this is the entire game it's so good i love three houses despite its flaws and it promises a quality future for the franchise but if we could take out the roots that would be pretty nice just make it one story please [Music] we've made it to the top five everyone oh that's fantastic oh my goodness for number five there's only one game that deserves this spot fire emblem five thracia 776 huh sounds like i just lost hundreds of viewers thracia 776 is the oldest game i have on my top 10 list it was the last game that kaga the series creator was in charge of it is an older game from the 90s with dated mechanics but the beautiful thing about this game is that it took all the things that early fire boom games did well and doubled down on that quality this game has been given the title the most challenging fire move which i would absolutely agree with i actually played on an easier difficulty which there's no shame in doing and i didn't struggle too much beyond the first few maps and the last pair of maps that is thracia has a gigantic entry barrier the first five or six chapters are incredibly difficult because of how divergent they are from the franchise a guide is pretty much required to get through these maps it's rough but it does get better [Music] beyond the first few chapters you're treated to some of the absolute best maps in the franchise in my personal opinion yeah there are still some duds but there are so many bangers chapter 14 is the first one that comes to my mind then there's chapter 8 chapter 19 chapter 16 d all of these maps are just fantastic and so well made and so fun there are so many maps that fill me with joy it's one of the most exciting experiences i've had with a fire emblem game of course as mentioned before the final two maps are just awful i literally want to scream because of how terrible they are but they do conclude the plot very well thracia 776 takes place during genealogy of the holy war right in the middle of it and it's such a riveting story all about the little man leaf taking back thracia it's not a very original story but it's filled with great beats and some solid central characters one huge blow to this game is that the side characters are incredibly irrelevant i want to know more about my faves like tanya dashan dagdar morita and so many more but when characters do show up in this mature and unforgiving plot they're very good thracia is the greatest game made by kaga there is nothing else like it in the franchise if you do try it use a guide i'm so thankful i had one of my greatest friends consonant help me through it play thracia 776 what's more controversial than the hardest firemoon game in existence [Music] anime [Music] here we go tokyo session sharp fe i am one of the biggest tokyo maro sessions shills on the internet i i love this game so much tokyo mirage sessions which i will now refer to as tms because that's a jumble of jam i don't want to spit out every few seconds it's a crossover between shin megami tensei and fire emblem and it's so anime [Music] an amazing [ __ ] abomination instead of being a tactical rpg it's a turn-based rpg that focuses on combos the game follows a group of idols in shibuya who are secretly mirage masters warriors who fight demons within the idol industry it's corny as hell but i love it a lot of fireworm and shin megami timsy fans despise this game because it's not the crossover they wanted but for what it is it's fantastic a beautiful blend of anime tropes comedy emotion and shadow dragon because the plot is just a retelling of the original fire emblem story except with idols which makes this objectively the best version of shadow dragon this is so much better the whole japanese pop vibe turns people off and i understand but the best part of this game is the surprisingly deep combat system it's all about racking up combos with party members using special attacks and finding weaknesses it's a lot like shinigami intense's combat but flashier and significantly more fun sorry tms struggles with identity as the first four chapters of the game focus on the idol industry and making it big while the rest of the game smashes the shadow dragon plot in your face so an inconsistent plot is part of people's frustrations and i get that but the game's biggest struggle is the protagonist itsuki the most basic anime protagonist i have ever seen he does nothing except for sing the fireball main theme that was pretty cool i refuse to accept him as the protagonist because his love interest tsubasa is more at the forefront of the story and she's just so much more interesting and relatable [Music] tokyo mara sessions is great you should try it if you haven't i have an entire video talking about it check it out [Music] there are a few games that make me feel so cozy pokemon crystal breath of the wild and of course radiant dawn ah yes racism how cozy that's [ __ ] up fire emblem radiant dawn is the second game in the tellius duology the sequel to path of radiance which stars my gay boy ike i fight for my friends radiant dawn making my top three is quite miraculous because years ago i didn't even consider this to be my top five i thought it was the worst fire emblem i had ever played until one summer i spent most every day watching my brother go through both tellius games and i really warmed up to it unfortunately this game is super divisive it did some really really really interesting things through weaving narrative and gameplay that didn't land with everyone and understandably so there was also a faction of characters that kind of flopped because this game doesn't feature full-blown supports which is stupid i can understand why they didn't add supports because you end up with like 70-something units and fireball was falling to its death at the point [Music] but still there should have been supports to address the bad let's start from the beginning the game focuses on this rad new character who i'm a huge fan of named mikaya she's besties with soth a character from the prequel and they have a rebellion gang that's trying to save their damaged country day in this section overall has a very strong start narratively but it's also lacking because it's dominated by new characters who get barely any development once makaya's initial story ends the player is transported to another group of people this time led by my favorite firebomb character elincia the queen of crimea ah queen have i mentioned she's my favorite god i love her so much none of the units in the previous 10 or so chapters returned for this part so it's very awkward character progression eventually you do return to mikaya's squad about 11 chapters later and they're disgustingly under leveled switching between groups is a consistent thing in the game while it works super well narratively because you have the opportunity to view a chaotic war for multiple world leaders the gameplay lacks because of it the progression system is wonky and unbalanced making this game sometimes too challenging for all the wrong reasons i'm almost always willing to put up with bad gameplay if the plot is good enough for example i played near gestalt that gameplay sucks but the story blew me away and that's the big issue with radiant dawn the story is great despite a few awkward hiccups with micaiah and sad boy but the gameplay is tragically broken i can never and i will never fault someone for disliking radiant dawn for this reason but damn can we talk about elincia's segment of the story holy nuts she's given five chapters to deal with civil unrest in her kingdom and it's a beautiful story with an epic conclusion the maps here are perfect the political drama is top tier and it's such a gripping narrative i always refer to this part as peak fire emblem oh oh i miss radiant dawn i really want to play it now oh my goodness the game isn't as perfect as a lynchia's gambit some maps are pretty pretty rough there's really annoying fog of war and some brutally unfair matchups but going through the bad parts are worth it because it's another game with a tellius cast most every character from path to radiance returns and they're given more development i love this cast i grew up with this cast these are my babies i love them tellius is just so perfect but not as perfect as valencia god queen i can't believe i dropped money on you and heroes you're so perfect i know this list is subjective but i truly believe that fire emblem shadows of valencia is probably the best fire emblem to ever exist fire emblem echoes shadows of valencia is a remake of fire emblem gaiden the second game in the fire emblem series and it's just phenomenal the music the cast the plot the presentation it's all just top notch but let's address the dumbo in the room when remaking this game they pretty much did a one-to-one remake of the maps to put it nicely they kind of really suck sometimes i don't think they're as bad as everyone makes them out to be i certainly prefer these to three houses maps they're either wide open fields that require quite a bit of walking or in a fortress with very awkward tight spaces or in a swamp a very slow swung i do think this is a little bit overblown just because they're empty doesn't mean they're bad i think the first two and a half acts of this game have pretty alright maps they're really not that bad but once we reach the later half of act 3 and celica's entire side of act 4 they aren't the best i'm sure someone's going to call me out as a hypocrite because i'm calling this the best fireball game and giving the maps a pass whereas i didn't do that for three houses or genealogy but echoes just goes far above and beyond in every department compared to every single fireball game the art style is god damn phenomenal quite possibly my favorite art style in any game ever it's [ __ ] gorgeous the cast is incredibly memorable because it has some of the best voice acting i have ever heard in a game no please have mercy sire your excellency the music hits highs that only awakening was able to reach and the narrative well nothing groundbreaking is such a feel-good and emotional story that you can't help but cheer on the protagonists in their quest to save a dying world all of this makes shadows of valencia have the best presentation in the series it's such a shame this game got overlooked because of the lack of an avatar no romance options and it releasing in 2017 when the switch was the warm cookie everyone wanted paired with the excellent presentation is excellent combat perhaps my favorite combat system in the series there isn't much customization when it comes to character builds but forging weapons and discovering their super moves is so exciting and this game does one thing that i don't think many people talk about and i mentioned it earlier but you don't have to bench anyone this is groundbreaking benching units is always a very difficult thing for me to do shadows of valencia hears this and makes it work so well although there are sections where you are forced to bench a handful of units when exploring dungeons but they're not long enough for me to get annoyed by it and besides the exploration function is marvelous and it's that beautiful first step to a shining force styled open world i long for firebomb to become i love this game i am literally begging you to bust out that prehistoric device of yours the 3ds and playlist game it's such a thrilling ride with so many highs you won't find in any other this music's so good it's so comfy [Music] be i just cried about how perfect shadows of valentia is how am i going to make pathetic radiant sound better than that well i don't really think i can as mentioned before i think shadows of valentia is the best game in the series but i have such strong memories attached to path to radiance i have dropped over 1 000 hours in this game it sits up there with my other 1000 hour games like runescape pokemon and sonic adventure 2. i love path of radiance and it sits comfortably in my top 10 games of all time nostalgia definitely plays a major role in that though it all started one saturday morning when my dad came home from the store with path of radiance i didn't know anything about fire emblem beyond marth and roy and smash brothers my dad had bought it because he read that it was the closest thing to shining force we would get in the west i started it a few days later and fell madly in love with it thank you dad for changing my life and being the catalyst to my youtube channel path of radiance is all about the mercenary boy ike becoming a princess's escort and failing a mad king it's a rather simple plot but the crevices within are filled with great details and fantastic character moments that's one of the big draws to path to radiance in my opinion the characters path of radiant ike is one of the best written lords in the franchise he goes from angsty immature teen to a selfless mercenary leader grail his father i would argue is the best father archetype in fire emblem his story affects the world in so many ways in this game and its sequel the best part about this cast just about everyone you recruit is relevant to the overarching plot of course this is assisted by the game having a sequel but i would argue that path and radiance gives meaning to 90 percent of its cast even with limited supports like the gba games have they don't hide anything vital behind these supports and it's not just the cast it's the maps the maps and path of radiance are the best in the series chapter 11 blood runs red will forever and always be my favorite fireball map i can make an entire video talking about how much i love blood runs red and how i think it's the best fire emblem map there are so many other excellent maps day breaks despair and hope defending telraga even clash they're so good but no game is perfect except for majora's mask obviously path of radiant suffers from limited supports meaning you miss great character interactions and the slowest enemy phases in existence this game could really use a speed up button my lord some other quality of life changes that radiant dawn introduced like transferring skills would be nice too and you know get rid of makalov ah he's the worst he's the worst the worst human being i thought the worst even with these faults this is my favorite fireball game probably because it was my first fire emblem it's a game i always go back to it feels like it's on another level in terms of fireball games it doesn't even feel like a firebomb game it's its own entity i love it so very much if it wasn't as expensive as sin i would tell everyone to go buy it right now but uh if you have a strong enough computer in this it's a pretty cool game to check off you know you know what i'm saying nothing in this series makes me happier than path of radiance i love tellius i love ike i love valencia queen did i mention she's my favorite thank you all for watching now just a reminder this list is completely subjective and everyone has their own list i'd love to see yours i won't even be mad if your favorite game is fire emblem one or sacred stones that's totally valid don't think that my list invalidates yours i respect your opinion as long as you respect mine thank you for watching this that was a lot of words i'm gonna go drink water for like three days now [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Mamodxx
Views: 33,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Fire Emblem Fates, Fire Emblem Awakening, Three Houses, Byleth, Chrom, Marth, Roy, Ike, Robin, Lucina, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Mamodxx
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 18sec (4158 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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