[Rank #4: 8,075+ Clears] Super Expert Endless [Stream]

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i wonder who number one is is it still an antinode it might be n node oh this is like a fun level hold on hold on this actually looks like a decent oh i see the one gap on the right i should probably skip it that i see that but oops i want the 50 coin in case i [Music] died i missed it man that's a hard jump by the way but it's definitely doable i'll give it a couple of tries because it seems like a decent level overall except for that one jump [Music] that's a very hard job [Music] and they have that oh no no no we we out they have that afterwards nah i'm good i've seen enough oh yeah it was a garbage cart earlier yeah uh sorry ryerson i'll give you a card back i'm sorry man i had some things to do and i completely forgot about it my bad 10 pap made a level huh wait oh you know i wanted to do that i mean actually we don't even need to do icicle jump here just do that well now i'm just dead so oh no it wasn't you actually who was it then was it serge a moment it was serge i see okay just remind me when i go on break next time search and i will play the garbage levels that you want me to play [Music] that seems really unfair this thing's really unfair that platform should be up higher honestly i'm dead again why is this beginning suck you forgot you played that well all right let's try this again one more time yeah we do come on [Music] okay so they want me to do a really good wall jump but i have an idea [Music] that's oh and i still messed it up the double hit got to me i don't like that the beginning kind of sucked too so i'm moving on to something better then team jam level [Music] i love how rear cars like i love team jam i hate shell jumps and i'm like team champ uh some team jam levels are good don't get me wrong but most of the time they suck at super expert this one's actually pretty decent so far oh yeah they just had to use darkness [Music] huh there's something down below i get you know an item [Music] maybe okay all right i guess we're going in the doors right now i really can't see oh hold on there's mushrooms [Music] you know this level could have done without any darkness on a slime where am i going now am i going back i guess i'm going back right [Music] kind of weird please don't leave me here oh okay there was some sort of lore i don't understand it though you know what they could have done to make that better they could have just put ducking as their glory sound effects that's all they had to do it literally would have been a better choice he's a player to press down to get a glory sound effect boom instant like yeah i don't think so wait what's the current prediction for slander airship night wow we've not seen a single one i can confirm that oh okay okay i was gonna say can i go in there or not it's a step forward illegal eagle thank you for the prime i appreciate that i had to pause it because i wasn't sure what's in front of me cuz i wasn't looking at the game oh okay so what's the okay so we get a spring out of here [Applause] am i why is there so many pipes are death i didn't learn anything from that hold on hold on i need to hold on one moment i didn't learn and that was no no no no no no no there's a lot of times i kill you i need to go back i need to learn why they had that hold on [Music] i don't understand why is there a celebratory sound effect on me when i go through that i don't get it i should just go this way to find out right and then skip if it's [Music] bad i didn't learn anything from that why is this the answer oh yeah night airship you're right it's i didn't even think about it you're right night airship i'm so focused on this section like i'm super confused what is the point of this section i don't see no spring hold on i need to go back and check one more thing i saw something in the bottom right corner [Music] oh look at that bottom right corner what's in there a freaking spring wow well i just got lucky i guess i went into the wrong thing and it just turned out to be the right thing okay now that i know what the level is i could do a lot better i feel like so hard block or spike i'm looking for one okay don't see anything yet i still don't see anything i still don't see a hard blocker or a spike unless it's in the top right corner i just didn't see it hold on up left maybe i died i don't see no hard block or spike does anyone see anything because i didn't i did not see a single heart blocker spike at all in any frame yeah you didn't see it either huh wait there's heart blocks right here is that symbolizing something here hold on that might be symbolizing heart block i don't like that [Applause] just in case i need that wait i saw something that is no that's bad level design bottom left of the screen you literally cannot put one ways here that's unfair it's literally unfair i gotta be careful now i didn't grab the i gotta go grab the one up [Applause] uh voodoo ring i think i said that right that's a interesting name thank you for the prime i appreciate that these weird names coming out of nowhere it almost looks like wolverine actually is that what it's supposed to be like wolverine but like also what is this level now what am i looking at i see a spring does that matter i saw a piece with some tracks on the blocks okay what does this level turn into also burners i see burners this is a hard block there's a bomb which could have been real bad if i messed up there's a p-switch section there's a i don't know what the right side is entailing but i'm going to take a look real quick i see air blocks see a sideways spring the garbage brick blocks coins i saw something on the right that's like a piece which it looks like ah what is this garbage i thought this level was supposed to be find a difference or find the thing that you know it's just out of the ordinary and it turns into some weird parkour slash puzzle level i don't know what it really is that's kind of weird to me remember the v sounds like a w oh really that's kind of cool to know that's why it was like wait a minute wolverine wolverine kind of cool actually cool name is there one of the nine minutes from that section i don't think so right no i don't think so there's the heart block which is really [Applause] [Music] unfair i don't get this section though don't understand it i saw the door from earlier i should have taken note from that that's my fault kinda i don't think i want the spring in the end oh you know what maybe you need to spring for the next section i don't know kind of a weird idea because you could just do that i don't need the spring i'm moving on spring is bad as far as i know or care about that should be good enough right [Music] i saw sideways springs coins i saw ice blocks icicles or p-switch i saw a p-switch in the corner of my eye honestly yeah i called it i saw it in the corner of my eye what oh was i supposed to find that wait what was the point of the on off switch i'm so confused whatever or maybe for the true ending you go to the right instead of you die i guess i don't know uh let's see hard black in the corner bad level design the clear condition is kind of pointless level literally changes after the second one up i don't know why it became a hard unnecessary speed run uh the bomb that's hidden is really garbage and if you time it wrong the burners can actually miss and you're soft locked death uh i mean level didn't really try to tell you what it was because they tried to you know they hid the spring in the bottom right corner and then on the bottom left on the before you go through the one way this is really bad level design and then the last one was the piece which i saw very little of like half of a piece switch on the right side of the corner of the screen before i went in that pipe so yeah [Music] yeah uh no darker levels anymore unless they they have light at the beginning there's no reason to do it oh is that what it means what is the block in the middle of the stage or something i probably shouldn't touch this but i'll try it out i guess i mean taking damage is fine apparently so what am i doing here [Music] what is my goal oh i see my goal okay oh you really can't i didn't know that you actually couldn't hit him there huh and i'm dead anyway so it doesn't matter he's gonna get over the bullying probably the hardest part of the level anyways what's the point of this i wonder oh so i learned something from this level you're not supposed to grab the goomba mask yet you're supposed to kill the you know the bully anyways as far as i know that you take damage off of him but if he's like in bumper mode i might be able to hit him maybe no all right it's almost two minutes long huh i'll give it another shot i messed up myself to be honest i thought maybe i could cheese it and i paid the price you didn't miss it i just didn't accept the redeem yet because i forgot about it don't grab that yet it's kind of a bad spot for the hat honestly i'm gonna not grab it yet i don't need to yet that didn't count wow i learned something even further today apparently boom boom's head is a very hard uh a very hard uh well he's bony let's put it that way get a hard head [Music] i didn't actually expect that honestly from that all right we're just gonna put the mask on and not do anything dumb we're just gonna wait it out hillary palm it's going fine i'm just uh learning new boom boom hit boxes put it that way yeah that koopa looks so sad when the show was destroyed it's very sad indeed okay oh i didn't see i didn't understand what they were going for there that is on me but at the same time shame on the level creator i thought it was going to explode the blocks honestly and not have to do that yeah i'm not playing this anymore i used to be lsp oh i kind of missed your old name honestly it was easy to remember no super jump uh i don't know if it's an old level or a new level if it's a oh there's a troll right there if the level is actually an old level the super jump is applicable but if the level is a new level the super jump is not applicable uh and number two i never learned how to do super jumps so i'm not even gonna borrow trying [Music] okay so it's an sb2 level yep [Music] that's pretty cool uh are you gonna shoot okay all right uh am i supposed to be here yeah [Music] all right [Music] hmm that's fine not the biggest deal honestly this zombo doesn't deserve to be in super expert yet i think this is the reason right here though [Music] do i had a feeling and i needed to kill that goomba and i was like wait a minute there's gonna be a goomba right there that's probably part oh partial the reason why isn't super expert this might be the major reason right here uh up here [Music] drop down follow the level design it says to go left so good thing it told me that down even further why would i okay yeah no these intervals are false they're trying to teach me to hold down but i thought i had to go to the vines [Music] you tried too hard let's put it that way tried way too hard to try you know indicate something [Music] um was that intended i feel like that was a dev route i just discovered somehow [Music] i didn't even know there was a you know a block open in there it just kind of happened so here's the thing sam throwing that at the right spot was really hard to do anyways they had the indicator to be right there at least [Music] okay i'm just gonna put it on the point being it felt like a dev route because why would you leave that open to jump out player second chance i hardly [Music] like i would like to believe that they actually gave the player a second chance but that's like super unlikely you know [Music] i was supposed to hit that hopefully i don't pay the price for that i probably will [Music] i'm not supposed to have a mushroom here i think yeah i messed up i'm gonna take damage on purpose [Music] this is annoying their movements is literally their muscle memory dude i'm not a fan of that [Music] why is there a wall there dude come on yes seriously the garbage cart and i haven't redeemed it yet or honored it [Music] you're supposed to take damage there i understand why that's there now i didn't know you could actually you know get out of that scot-free [Music] [Applause] [Music] i need to take damage at some point early why i held right and i got punished for that [Music] i think i'm gonna just take damage here wait you actually don't even need the firepower [Music] there now i feel better why is there another section to the left you saw that right it's concerning for me it's almost like there's a potential dev route over there with a whole bunch of 50 could be wrong excuse me where's my wall jump hello [Music] okay this is the furthest we made and we got 20 seconds left okay yeah this is the end did i really not i literally didn't have to get all of them well i don't know what the other side was then that's kind of weird [Music] mice [Music] i think the only reason why sep is asking about the garbage cart is because they wanted to play one uh i'll give it one shot okay actually no i'll give it two shots that's actually pretty fair hold on this has got a decent level design i didn't expect it to actually be you know legit i think i'm supposed to hit the spring myself not do a reclaim that's my fault that was cool [Music] wait i'm supposed to why do i even need that shell i need it later right is that the whole thing i need to toss it to the right and go in front of it i'll give it one more shot i think this has got decent level design in it [Music] uh i need to toss it more to the right come on these indicators are a little too high [Music] that was been fine i want to give this another shot though it's like really cool you know i don't know why i'm dying because probably because i'm talking now come on [Music] okay that was cool but i have to move on now that was a control jump i'm moving on would i play that endless probably not [Music] i only gave it more chances than the one shot is because it actually had good level design until that point then they started going on the control route and i didn't want to play it again [Music] fast or slow let's find out fast okay [Music] that's a hard claw jump by the way oh all right i'll just die to um my favorite thing in the world momentum i'll give it one not a shot i mean this doesn't seem that bad [Music] [Music] yet [Music] wait is this an older new level old [Music] oh this is just in case you okay never mind i don't need to steal that pal [Music] wait what is the prediction i didn't even see the prediction honestly so i can tell you much here the moment as i become a skytree i wanted to get out of it immediately a prediction there's no oh i didn't see a prediction until just now [Music] [Music] precision level versus yeah that's definitely up to me for sure [Music] wait was i supposed to i see all right moving on i was supposed to do a midair [Music] [Music] oh i mean i'm still the decider of that too i mean i'm pretty good at figuring out what kind of levels are but maybe there's an argument to be made now shell levels work well it doesn't say show kaiser let me see what's the prediction saying tell kaiser okay show guys only works if there's our shell jumps or any kind of hard shell tricks any midair shell tricks if it's a shell surf uh this is shell serve that's like borderline like kaizo it just depends [Music] i think i know what this is and i don't want to play it anymore if i'm not mistaken this is a glitch level [Music] and by stepping over there i'm pretty much dead from what i understand right wait did i actually do this right holy it's not a glitch level it's actually legit holy crap [Music] i'm surprised i actually did it right was i supposed to jump and get that because i hope not i think i was supposed to jump and get that which is lame all right you know what no this is not a glitch i thought it's gonna be like a hyper speed glitch or something but no it's actually legit okay so am i supposed to get back on my vehicle because i'm dead now [Music] that seems really hard to do but i might be able to pull it off you know yeah it's just death [Music] yeah it's like a fire bar but a platform i'll play it again it's pretty cool i thought it was going to be like a stupid glitch but no i'm wrong [Music] i think it's a cool setup i missed it the problem with this level is the jump at the end getting back onto the platform is super hard without you know having that momentum to kick your ass cause it's gonna throw me off it will [Music] no i did it again all right i'm moving on we mean i'm more calm and tamed get out of here asteroid i know you're making a joke [Music] spinach is good for you instant kill watch no [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] all right then don't you dare lie to me on that cp [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that's a hard lash um i'll take it though wait what did you wait oh yeah the whole dgr got the ashtray level was kind of cool but yeah that's a hard last jump for sure [Music] i think it's actually decent level though i mean hmm they marked a podoboos that's actually really rare to see sure it's a bit artificial but it's fine let's go i like this nice uh vine trap how tight is this uh speed run i don't even remember this level to be honest what the heck is this hold on how tight oh it's not tight at all okay [Music] saved it am i supposed to fly what am i doing oh this is pretty cool i remember this i do kind of remember [Music] yeah let's say was like yeah i have to stop now or i'm dead and i'm like yep i have to stop right here i think the first time i played that i just didn't move which was the better idea honestly a little time to die has to run honestly the algorithm is so much better today compared to yesterday well in the day [Music] before oh my god i almost messed up there hello what was that what's that movement all right [Music] you know what now that i lost i might as well get this 50. [Music] i want to practice a little bit here see if it's worthwhile i almost would have lost my power up or power up my uh clear condition twisters and these kind of levels don't really mix too well but fine well i lost my power over there i'm dead all right i gotta be really careful but i think i can do this [Music] on second thought i'm gonna skip i hate twister so much man i think you're supposed to just hold jump there but i couldn't trust the level just because i did it in a specific manner doesn't mean i should do it the same way almost had it it was really close you know [Music] [Music] i shouldn't go in that door but against my better judgment we're gonna go in here [Music] level's called doom for a reason oh yeah there's my doom right there jesus uh wow this level's really bad i probably should play it at the endless but i mean they gave me a mushroom so if i lose that mushroom i gotta go [Music] hold on [Music] uh where the hell do i go oh hi i mean i guess i have to go in here [Music] okay and a mushroom i would go and cheese it but i guess i don't have to this is some garbo oh i almost went into that okay anything else why did the level just get suddenly tame all of a sudden it's kind of weird [Music] hey [Music] i want to go to this one is that actually right probably wrong right i didn't hold up i think that was right too i'm pretty sure that was actually the right way to go i pulled off first try well i mean we don't have a mushroom anymore but it's a step forward i guess i'll play it again [Music] i could go up with the piranhas but i think it's bad i replay singing for team one man i appreciate it dude i mean i will boo it that is for sure there's no doubt in my mind i wouldn't uh you know definitely [Music] [Music] was out of this door again oh yeah piranha boys [Music] and then this was hold left and then hold up right i'm assuming this was the right path because otherwise i would have died right unless there's multiple bad pass [Music] unless this is also death and i have to get out of here nice you know problem replays i you know honestly you deserved it had a glimpse of your stream and i'm like you know this guy's actually pretty good pretty honorable too you know honest as well you told that guy off because he deserved it in the end even though he's been there for a while and i'm like that's pretty good speaking of not good though i mean i call it as i see you know also my dog is bothering me now and i have to go and tend to him in just a second here uh just a moment i'm gonna pause the game he's out he wants to get out of the room i'll be right back all right i'm back he just wanted to get out of the room real quick and because my father got up so [Music] that wasn't worth it i really don't know how i want to do this it's apparently a mushroom is hidden [Music] maybe it's a lot of fireballs which is really [Music] bad oh wow uh okay i deserve that death but at the same time i feel like that was uncalled for okay maybe my mushroom was in that block there i didn't even think about that oh i deserve that death too damn okay so to get past this garbage i have to go quickly i guess hold right really hard yeah all right it's not in there damn i was hoping okay i'm gonna stop going for that spring maybe because i feel like this spring well it'd be nice to have just an extra spring on the spot i can't do anything there the spring on the spot is what's gonna help me here yeah okay one last try i'm i don't even know why i'm playing this garbage because it's actually bad for the run but it's like mildly interesting you know and i want to play it right this isn't bad no i need to hit it probably also you know that could have been a mushroom that was a really good spot for it maybe the mushrooms from the uh the magikoopa that would be pretty funny [Music] uh that's not going to be a mushroom but if it is that'd be god's here okay i'm just going to go i was supposed to hit the p switch all right i've seen enough i don't really want to play an endless anymore i've wasted too many lives let's just get out of here i'm not doing a minor spring jump that stuff is so hard to pull off despite what you might believe is this precision no this is trash this is not precision at all oh i deserved that i went a little ahead of myself to hopefully get an edge on the field there um playstation symbols man this is just designed to fail there's probably a hidden star now i think about it this is way too much spam for normal stuff [Music] jesus okay well now how do i win i got the only coin that i need hold on let me try something that was not what i was trying to do but i saved myself can i please wall jump there we go mushroom please where you at hello mushroom where you at why is there a spring here what's at the end i see a bunch of dry bones there's something up here this is all fake up here then yeah no all right we're looking at more info i couldn't figure this out endless anyways it's the door isn't it no maybe not okay so they you definitely get on top of the level you have to the wind i don't think there's a door at all at the end so that ice block might be the way to go i really don't think magikoopa is the way to get the mushroom here unless like i you would have to like target that kind of garbage like this doesn't seem like targeted to garbage it seems like just regular trash you know what i mean [Music] that's definitely where i need to go but i don't know how to get there [Music] maybe i need two springs maybe i actually just need two springs where's my mushroom that's the bigger question i mean there is two springs in level it seems like a lot to juggle though you know no i don't think it's possible to juggle two strings [Music] i tried doing that there's got to be something else in this little i'm missing i really doubt they uh did the hard uh jump and juggle [Music] maybe you're supposed to go here really quickly and then bypass something i don't know an item probably not unless it's like right here i mean there are two springs here basically there's nothing here though oh you know what there could be i think i just figured out there's a heli stream somewhere and you take damage at the end of that thing pretty sure that's what they want me to do is use a heli shroom yeah we're gonna find this heli stream now i think it's next to bowser or it could just be a hidden block somewhere nearby i need to check behind bowser i think it's a heli shroom somewhere i don't know where it's at though i really just don't know that's all you would need to beat this level is get a helicopter shrimp why are you there nobody asked for you let me take a look at more info uh let me go ahead and hit the peace push and look at it then okay so yeah low time means they didn't go through anything in the bottom there has to be uh maybe it is a police wishable block and you just ground pound it that would be pretty smart i'm gonna try it let me check um didn't see anything change not change there anything not a like anything a block those are blocks hold on let me take a look at those eventually i'll get there oh all those changing the coins in the piranha section let me take a look then i don't know why it would be in that section but i'll check it i guess [Music] i mean that piranha didn't change the partner block didn't change i don't have anything to hit it with or move it with i look a bit better but i don't i don't really know wait that block right there that wing block right there might be the solution it might have the heli shroom [Music] really it's not i'm actually surprised it's not the solution there [Music] i haven't checked all the brick blocks yet but i'm going to it could be this block right here or not because apparently it's lined up perfectly bowsers are gone though maybe it really is in that block right there it kind of lines up with the timing it's not but that moved bowser so i'm actually mildly entertained all right i guess i'll check more to the right this is not the answer okay so i gotta get more to the right i need to get into that piranha section real quick and just check all the blocks but you know what it's probably not even any of that and it's probably just a random hidden block i just never hit that's probably what the answer really is knowing this kind of level but take a look [Music] wait there's a spring in there why weird [Music] here's my honest guess you need two springs on the left side to get a heli shroom let's test it oh it doesn't despawn man that was a pretty good idea let's check over here now when i'm allowed to of course that's fine i don't really think there's anything over there then why can't you wait on the ice block for the timer get close up and slide down the wall i mean i'm looking for a hidden item in a brick block i need to go like asap i mean i've already done it without waiting for it and i've already done it with waiting for it so i'm looking for a hidden item in one of these brick blocks that's my whole idea and i can't seem to do anything there everything else looks like it checks out i don't think there's a hidden block there so my only other option is there's a hidden block somewhere in this section i just can't find it you know i still think it could be in that block right down there and the only way to know is to hit the p-switch and come back and check real quick and see if that changes or not if it doesn't change just a block i need to try to hit somehow but again i think it's overthinking this entire level and there's really nothing to be all that bad okay yeah see that's not even real the doors will connect to each other and will kill me i can almost guarantee it unless you need a mushroom and go through a door and then you're okay but we'd have to be behind us off that's the case i didn't check all the blocks honestly why didn't you shoot earlier hi flynn magikoopa only makes shrimps and i need a heli shroom or i could go for a double spring but that'd be super hard to pull off honestly and not even worth it my only answer is being something's hidden here i'll go in the door and die real quick to show you my point why is there a pal [Music] why is there a pal i mean that's only for platforms also i need to have this on hold on if that isn't on i can't win one moment oh the power drops so you don't see it if i hold left and hold jump i got a p switch now but why does that matter why does the piece much matter here what is the purpose of that extra p-switch i can't really do anything with it because i have to grab it on the left side i think it's pointless it seems pointless to grab this i guess i could spin jump oh wow what a snipe dude i guess i could spin jump but i can't grab it if i spin jump this level is actually mildly entertaining i'm gonna be honest i'm having a blast playing this garbage i just can't figure out what the answer is yeah but here's the thing i can't get into the coin area at the end because i have to have a p switch to get in there and if i go to the left i can't go back at all i i don't think you guys understand that piece was just useless there's no way to actually grab it and get back on the thwomp to go to the right so that knowledge doesn't do anything for me if i spin jump right there i'll be okay the shrimp can be in it that's not the point the point is i can't bring this the pieces back with me i don't think people understand that [Music] maybe i could like jump at the right time there you happy i'm in here it's probably right here there's probably nothing in here then [Music] and then a 1up [Music] okay my answer is probably just in here and i'm just making a yeah there's just no reason to even do anything other than this now there's a bomb there's a heli stream there's got to be something in here [Music] where's the third door there is no third door what are you talking about the sentient made this right i'm really not expecting anything here honestly i could choose this level by getting two springs then taking them with me honestly and then get a mushroom from the you know the magikoopa magically but i don't think that's that's not that's not intended there's no way it's intended at all [Music] it could be inside that block with the piranha if i do a really good ground pound on it it could still be in there [Music] and i have no way to actually get that pal from earlier so [Music] i don't think it's in here but it could [Music] be only thing i thought was it's probably hidden in one of these like blocks there's a pipe behind the skewer if there was it would you would see it uh a skewer cannot activate there's a pipe in it you would see it well i got one of the answers it doesn't really help me much though unless there's a walk in here i mean now we already know this level's garbage so there's that i mean it already was trash but now it's garbage hold on [Music] okay we're gonna use that star you there niko [Music] that also means there might be a block inside the skewers hold on get rid of you i don't think there's a block in this skewer okay so the stars used to kill something maybe kill the piranhas i go fast enough you think i can probably kill the piranhas maybe nothing in there we can grab the p-switch now we can actually make that jump and then kill the piranhas and then check all the piranha blocks and then there might actually be a heli shroom in there now that would be some funny okay i need a better jump than that for sure all right so i need to jump on the platform before that and then do a big jump with twirls i feel like i'm like skipping a step in their dev path but that's fine there really isn't one okay so i have to just jump i got you big jump big jump or use a spring okay i don't think i'm supposed to be over here but now we can get rid of these dudes and see if there's anything in here nothing what's the point of the star then actually what is the point of the star if i activate the p-switch and come down here and kill the piranhas no then i couldn't get up here you know really no hidden block here the heli shroom seriously nothing [Music] [Music] okay so there's more hidden blocks i'm missing can i check the first piranhas wait what do you mean i mean under them i'm gonna just wait for this guy to move [Music] did not boo this yet okay i was gonna make sure where's the point of this star another hidden block i'm missing i mean we'll kill the guys here all of them now we can be in peace here for a moment [Music] there was obviously nothing there doesn't mean there can't be an item under it though [Music] okay i don't know how they even helped me but all right where's the other hidden item it can't be a mushroom we already know that a mushroom out of a magikoopa is not gonna help us so there's that [Music] why would you hide a star here [Music] you aren't gonna make use of it you know why would you hire a star up there [Music] just another hidden block somewhere and i just can't find it [Music] oh hello i'm my answer uh we don't even need the star right next to it all along wow all right [Music] it was literally i was right about the hellish room funny enough this is right next to the entire time which is a double it was a double power it was a star and then that wow okay sure grade level right it only took me what 30 minutes to find something anyways moving on i got through the garbage hopefully that was entertaining for you guys because uh starting to get a little boring i was starting to get bored of it because i couldn't find the next power or the next item of choice comment yeah you're right i need a comment you're right that's actually a really bad spot normally i do but i didn't even think about that hold on that's true hold on we need to oh never mind i guess i can't comment yeah the star wasn't there it'd be harder to find honestly [Music] all right we're not touching that we're not we're definitely not touching that no no no no that's an awful triple jump [Music] [Music] team jim huh we'll see if this is a shell kaizo [Music] i already hate the setup [Music] if you don't go right away you lose [Music] [Applause] wait what [Music] oh i'm supposed to toss it and then nah we are done with this level for the rest of it no i'm not touching that ever again bad design literally had to go at the beginning i had no choice but to because of that platform and then they just toss that in front of you super world [Music] what the heck is this [Music] hey look i didn't want that [Music] i can already tell you i didn't want that oh wait maybe i do i thought it was gonna be one gapper never mind i did want that oh my god all right just do your job i was trying to make it easier but there we go [Music] okay i guess you can't make that jump fair enough i deserve that this level doesn't even seem super expert but maybe there's a reason to it just unclear it is never mind okay now i know why this might be a freebie but we'll see oh it's find a difference right what is this thing what is it i mean the last one is the most obvious i don't understand why there's even a competition here uh so about that uh okay thank you thanks for hiding the answer [Music] what [Music] one plus three [Music] really one plus three wait hold on there's four pies what do you mean wait hold on i'm gonna go in the yellow because that's where the four is at this level is a masterpiece and a half i hate it and i love it at the same time [Music] i need to reset hold on actually no i don't i can just run into them what am i doing i'm this level has made me dumb you made me forget about the actual normal stuff in this game [Music] just in case it hit anything i don't even know why i'm trusting this honestly i need a cat what do you mean [Music] or not i see that hold on what is that [Music] why do i need this is that for the bottom right section it is wow imagine coming down here and then getting locked out because you didn't get the wing block in time that would suck also no top which is [Music] unfortunate [Music] that was definitely a level for sure i mean it tried its best to let me know what find a difference was and what oneplus 3 was so i can't be too mad at it because it didn't really lie in the end so that's good [Music] that ending is so bad i have to skip i think they want you to go under but i don't trust it not for a second like it was a decent slash would you even call that precision level no no you wouldn't it's a speed run i mean that team jam level wasn't even shell kaiser which is just lame so i really haven't seen a precision or shell level yet there might have been one earlier when i skipped it but unless the prediction's already been paid out i don't think it has so and i don't even call this precision by the way this is just uh waiting time there's nothing really precise about it yet what do you mean go left what do you mean go up the left give me good answers not bad answers please oh i kind of want to can i get it yeah i got it haven't even reached that i mean how long have you been here sorry i literally have been doing 75 to 100 clears a day on stream so that's how you do that i didn't go and overdrive before then but now i i want to get to the number one if i can so i've already got a plan [Music] before we talk about that plan though i go up now [Music] i almost missed that why and i understand but why um no you actually want me to hold on there's no way right do they really want that they get it no come on got him right cool uh left door please don't be pick a path don't do it oh thank you [Music] oh nice plus one somehow [Music] anyways as i was uh explaining before i get really interrupted by a hard level uh so my plan is to do 75 to 100 clears a day uh 500 clears a week times that by 26 you get 13 000 clears so i should be in the 20 000 clear bracket at the end of the year if i just keep doing this that's the idea i let go too soon that's my fault wow this level is actually pretty fair when does it become super expert i'm waiting for it even got bonuses as well wow i guess we got to go back to the entire level huh that makes sense there goes my twirl you see it just died i lost my twirl uh i might have to restart to get that mushroom going again we'll see speaking of fairness there we go number three is the only one active next to me [Music] i gotta watch out for the chain shops i think the main reason why this is a super expert is probably due to the chain chomps maybe just hitting you for no reason in yeah pretty easily honestly other than that it's a fantastic go fast level oh now he spawns because he's on a new track that makes sense and then you don't get no mushroom okay that's a bit uncalled for no z indicator that's kind of a go fast situation too so there's not much i could do there i kind of wish i had a mushroom so i could still spike mint but i can't hit start over or you know during a death sequence i act holy i'm gonna die to something stupid like that now all right i'm gonna take it really slow now this level is innocent but the innocence comes into play with going too fast equals death oh yeah you really can't get that it's really unfortunate okay there's a spike coming up get ready random zeiss up out of nowhere really uncalled for and random boss life yeah i had a feeling i know it's safe down there but just in case it's not i wanted a ground pound cancel is there more really of course it's the end this is gonna give me plus three probably not right probably a minus one in the clear yep that's fine yeah i mean even the random change chum that gets you too if you already loaded it earlier that's kind of mean other than that yeah it's all good [Music] okay oh i almost died there because of that the momentum carried me inside there [Music] oh right i should probably wait [Music] it's over here again just a key door right yeah okay that is so stupid and i really hope that doesn't hurt me the long run it does say at least so i'm assuming that's not a coin that screws me over it doesn't matter anyways okay is there a shell on this level why is this here okay i don't get it all right i'm gonna wait for the next cycle here and then go [Music] i think there was land down there why else would you have an on off switch is there land down there yeah [Music] that's a bit uncalled for [Music] i'll come back for it why was there a key door at the beginning do i actually have to come back through and that makes sense right [Music] i missed the jump i'm gonna go down here i guess then [Music] there's the key i just saw it [Music] it's going pretty fast when you have no knowledge of the level i'm just saying uh we can just reset right i don't have to worry about that never mind there's a 30 point up there though which is really hard to get uh let's get that 50 coin okay now i feel better now i don't feel good i mean being smaller is probably easier in this section anyways let's be honest am going to wait it out [Music] odds from gamble oh sorry glamble uh not an existent yes i agree [Music] i go back then [Music] this is just a regular jump yeah i don't know what was in here though also why is there another point what didn't i grab that coin why is this coin still here also there's a bitcoin up there probably some hidden vine i don't care about so yeah just take me to the end would you oh there's our shell that we could have had earlier [Music] wait that's a glitch and a coin comes back [Music] it's a neutral not the greatest level out there but all right the odds of gamble is 25 chance by the way unless i'm doing zelda randomizers then it's like 37.5 to 42 percent [Music] probably shouldn't be playing this we'll see [Music] nah that's a boo that's a death door there's no way to react to that in time first try nice try you got me [Music] what is this probably had kaizos down below even got the bottom nice barely in time [Music] yeah imagine making people guess truly makes a little harder right [Music] let me find a shell level i mean there's multiple shell jumps so [Music] how the hell did i just do that first try oh my god yeah you know what i deserve these ones give me those i'll take them [Music] i don't really got an opinion on that one i feel like well i do feel like the thwomps could have been done better but yeah i guess it kind of helped the player in a little bit yeah it was not easy i had to trust that the fact that swamp was fast and i didn't know which one it was on a slam yeah it was way it was over way too fast you're right seth i think my only criticism for that level was a thwomp section that's it other than that it felt like it well there are there was a lot of artificial difficulty in there with the whole spin jumps between the saws i actually had to do a couple of re-grab on my jumps though i'm not evil you're just dumb it's a troll level bye then only precision level i would classify that more towards a shell kaizo honestly or just a kaizu in general precision oh there was a precision level earlier but here's the thing right let me look at the prediction tell you what i'm going to start a new prediction and i'm going to delete this one because i don't know how many we've seen all right so we're going to leave that one where's our new prediction here between a we'll do a regular shell jump or a line up uh precision uh precision lineup we'll call it precision lineup if you don't know what a lineup is it basically means i have to line up on a wall or on the ground and i have to be pixel perfect that's what the precision lineup is so that's what we'll be doing a uh prediction on instead cause i think that's more fair because i can keep track of that myself so did that opinion i guess in the end i did but it like i had to think about it because there was just so much going on you know oh it's a star level i just realized okay okay um i guess we're going this way i got lucky there it's the opposite of trump jump yeah if it's a trump it doesn't count it's not a lineup in my opinion because oh i'm dead oh i'm not dead not dead somehow still [Music] i mean it seems like a nice level for a star run honestly overall [Music] if you're gonna do this to me i get a pause buffer i actually might be dead we'll see wait i think we're fine if i just stand here nice uh we're gonna grab this star too just to be safe i deserved that i went too fast that's my fault [Music] yes i need to perform the trick for an account that is true i should have put performance that thing that's true it's my fault can i please get in thank you it should have been only one hard block honestly but okay finish but where's my one ups gonna give me any one ups what up gang no no one again oh oh oh one up gang let's go don't play this level's too hard no not yeah i've seen harder levels than this i think it was a really cool unique idea though i'll give it that but they did kind of stretch it with that maze section and the hard block stuff is like come on [Music] yeah some questionable setups i agree the beginning like first five rooms were like amazing yeah i knew he's gonna hit is that global oh hi you know what i don't want to play this anymore two bowsers really yeah so i have to perform the trick if i perform a shell jump then the shell jump wins if i perform a line up then the lineup wins now if i fail the lineup though i mean now i think failing should be allowed if i fail a shelter and die to it i no it doesn't really cause a shell jump right because he never landed on it no it has to be performed and execute a trick properly you know yeah that's the rule for that one i can restart the uh prediction if you want me to it's not fair enough performing the trick and succeeding is the requirement there [Music] a little greedy but i need someone up so [Music] but that's a general idea here you know what because i didn't actually say it right let me go ahead and restart the prediction what will roy execute first shall jump precision lineup we'll just do that instead i think that's actually more fair execute successfully by the way i probably should have been more specific there but and then i said in chat before anyone gambled on it then it's basically firm yeah i restarted the prediction for you guys because i think that's more firm [Music] yeah q is i believe queer yes a is asexual yes our major there you go there's our juicer right there do i really want to be i'm not sure if i actually want to be mushroomed i feel like the crater we got mushrooms so i'm going to just assume that was the same idea [Applause] it actually goes on your head during the start i did not know that huh the things you learn okay you don't want to be big here but i don't think it matters in the end [Music] do [Music] this is kind of lame i think i could just damage boost through it and i probably need to spike them for something [Music] oh snowball fight except you can't defend yourself [Music] well you definitely needed your uh smb2 stream that's for sure is there a checkpoint okay this level doesn't seem like it's gonna have a checkpoint i gotta go i don't know why i jumped there there's no reason to now we have to wait which is no fun no [Music] bueno i had to think about how i wanted to hit that by the way i wasn't sure how i wanted to do that [Music] and never mind all the possible soft blocks i saw them don't worry i tried to uh avoid them on purpose level had a good timer though so i won't boo it but it definitely does not get a like yeah warwicker didn't make it look like a 300 second speed run you are correct it definitely was kind of like that in the end anyways predictions are in i have to execute a shell jump or line up whatever comes first [Music] the lineup only works if it's like you know between spikes and munchers and stuff stuff like that well and it has to be a pixel perfect precision maneuver so where i would normally actually take damage if i didn't do it or die children is really easy though shelter is so common if i perform a shell jump in any style though including smb1 link because that's a real thing by the way if you didn't know and that counts but i'm not going to go out of my way to perform something unless i actually have cheese i want to look for him where's the gay bowser from it's a long gay bowser from sm-64 that they took out in the uh the anniversary collection which i never bought in the end because it was a scam [Music] i deserve that you know what i deserve to take a hit there [Music] hopefully i don't need a firefly on the end because that would really suck [Music] hmm i wish iggy wasn't a part of that fight that'd be nice come here iggy i really hope you don't eat that firefly from earlier [Music] looks like you don't need it so that's good [Music] oh okay that's not what i expected but okay that's fine what an interesting boss fight with dry bones kinda wish i had one ups though not gonna lie would be uh be really nice if there's like some hidden one-ups here but unfortunately no [Music] also why was it label multiplayer versus ew people will keep fight on every single boss room that would be disgusting what is this what am i doing [Music] oh i have to adam how do i um [Music] how how do you do this like i had to hit the sledge bro right maybe not maybe i have to wait till they get close and i can get two of them at a time [Music] i think that's what they want you to wait for right maybe i'm wrong i don't know i think they want you to wait till they get close so it hits both of them but i don't i don't see that happening on this lifetime oh you're supposed to hit the shell really i see if the shell is slower it will hit more of them i think i understood it now is this really a team shell level it probably has a shell jump well i didn't execute it so doesn't [Music] count [Music] what is that team by the way i mean normally it means uh i would say fulu cooley but i don't remember what it means in team makers hi kind of annoying but all right is that on purpose no i actually was trying to hit the shell jump by the way i wasn't trying to fake out anyone i was legitimately trying to get it new super show jumps are really hard to pull off compared to smws [Music] i mean i'm gonna take damage it doesn't really matter oh that's a bonus in case you do keep your power up okay oh he actually does do i didn't know that that's kind of cool okay it looks like a job for you for a puzzle aspect that's actually really cool [Music] i mean of course i like the shin megami tenshi series i just haven't really played more than one of them i don't remember which one i played honestly i prefer the persona games though [Music] this is really cool i have to admit i'm actually like baffled by uh the creativity oh and the uh creativity is going down to drain was there actually a reason for you to do that to me no not really sure you can just speed run through this section now but that should be a thing you're able to do or be allowed to do when you come through this section the first time you should be able to speed run through it that's my honest opinion please let me out [Music] i think they want me to do yeah the double hit gotcha [Music] how do they know they want me to do a fly that's kind of funny [Music] i'm gonna grab this shell uh what is this section about though kind of weird [Music] and no i'm not going to do a shell jump unless i have to do a show so i'm not going to bother doing it [Music] isn't that technically a sniper swamp coming from that direction i guess they're being safe about it though so fair enough i guess you could just damage boost although oh hi what am i doing here hello just a spin jump timer i might gonna have to dodge let me rock it okay this doesn't seem really all that fair but all right gonna make it spicy somehow right i mean that boss fight was okay i guess since you have two power-ups yeah that's fine [Music] i mean overall it was a good level at extra power apps they had reset doors all over the place the boss play was kind of questionable but acceptable with the tier 2 power-ups so fine have i ever done any speed running games for world record no not really i don't like to go for speed runs i guess in general i mean i like to spear in randomizers but like if you actually go into competition with other people it's like i mean if there was one game out there also hashtag dtr and hashtag panga you've never seen those hashtags together what the heck hold on no no no no for content we're gonna go play this level hold on i gotta see what this garbage is i have to know okay so 306 let me go ahead and type this out real quick 306 9b6 ctf okay we're going to go ahead and play this level you never ever see this combination of hashtags together this is kind of for shell jumps only if i execute it uh actually no it doesn't because it's not it's not endless anymore so it doesn't count unless i lose a life doing it it's not worth the prediction let's take a look at this this took me an hour sorry this took me eight hour to make and about a hour and a half to finish i don't know who you are but i've never seen anyone combine hashtag dgr and hashtag panga together that's why you got my attention [Music] it does not count for shell jumps by the way even if there is one in here or lineups the hell am i doing what are the indicators at the beginning this level's awful i got a checkpoint though wait that's the whole level oh hold on we're gonna one shot this i don't care if there's a checkpoint or not okay i have to go slower though in order to actually just have to go slower wait is this a new or old level i don't even know if i go too fast that happens let me take a look hold on how old is this level that'll determine my drop it's a new one okay so it's new physics that's actually easier okay i really dislike that setup do you love a little creator please don't yell agreed and done [Music] just like that you know i actually could have beaten that in the endless if i would have known it was that short [Music] that was the whole level apparently all right well content's over going back to endless now [Music] [Music] sure why not what could be in this pie this oh hold on hold on can i have one of those please uh we need to jump on it right i need to jump on it come on almost man the jumping on these things are like super hard there we go uh well okay bye i'm not gonna survive if i don't have a shellment i think the fact that i had to shove show me honestly made it actually impossible maybe or perhaps i was supposed to jump there okay anything else you want to share with the class any other enemies no probably need that bomb and it messed it up but oh well [Music] okay then how long is this level unclear okay well i guess we're gonna make a jump here since i get a good shot okay breather got a breather here that was really risky i should not have done that but okay [Music] i'm glad that one on the top is not activating by the way and there we go let's throw somehow [Music] that was a shell jump no that's a reclaim that's not a shell jump don't even start that [Music] we're talking about a mid-air throw for a shell jump not a reclaim infinite you know setup oh boy edge jumps don't really want to touch it but don't you worry we'll probably get a shoulder before our lineup here [Music] almost not going up it's a good sign i know how to use sound effects that's a bad sign [Music] i feel like i could achieve that but okay i actually think i could achieve that but we just waited next to the pipe [Music] uh am i supposed to have something here i'm just going to take damage and do a thing you're not supposed to do apparently so [Music] they want me to have gear or not okay then [Music] wow what a troll surely got me with that one [Music] i think that's a troll right there or not actually wait does it matter it literally doesn't matter that matters though i could go in there as small and get rid of it but i think they want me to go back and use that shell if i can even go back i don't think i can all right we're gonna get small then [Music] hopefully there's no kaizos kaizos oh okay for a game i guess problem is i don't think you can actually hit him from here because it's got it yeah it's not gonna work okay i'm gonna actually start over instead of uh if there was a checkpoint i don't really care i'm gonna start over and um figure this one out because i feel like i can break like a break i can beat this level for [Music] sure i don't understand the troll there unless the troll was to make you think that was no troll and then now you're screwed but now i have cats so it doesn't really matter i hate this level it's so dumb that is so actually dumb [Applause] okay i need it to reset because red is the the lifeline for sure i'm not going to be able to reset it because oh i see okay now i understand my mistake but we have cats so i think we can make this jump if you do really well there we go i don't think it's worthwhile keeping cat though because i don't really want to jump over there so i gotta hold jump on this next hit oh no sorry the next one sorry i gotta wall jump next time i remember that i got a whole jump here [Music] [Applause] [Music] how that works on this lane really is [Music] not a fan of that section having mushroom there makes it so much more annoying okay that works out really well for me wait the end is right there oh i need a green pipe okay [Music] shake my head dude shake my head that is to the highest degree not even a left arrow nothing you want me to ground pound there uh oh they require it again i'm doomed what why are we doing this now there's a reason why i'm not trying to fall by the way i think there might have been a kaiser down below yeah cause look there's a there's a door down there [Music] good enough for me [Music] almost got the world record if only i didn't die there [Music] [Music] oh believers win shell jump it is [Music] anyways [Music] it's kind of awkward but okay children for my checkpoint that's fair i guess actually maybe i don't want checkpoint because of a showman i have on right now [Music] okay [Music] all right i mean it's a pretty good practice level now i have to take damage oh man all right [Music] [Music] so is there really a point to this shell jump tower i don't understand i'm not a fan of this so far i was having a blast until this sheldon tower of doom like i died for that i i just kind of didn't care anymore what they should have done is not made a double shell jump here they can keep your shelmet and be more fair for a practice level you know [Music] also i don't need these indicators i feel like these indicators don't need to be here [Music] like we already know how to do a shell jump you don't need these indicators i don't know why that one is so hard for me to do i don't understand [Music] do [Music] yeah we already know how to do shell jumps we really don't need the indicators anymore they're in the way there's a minute hold on watch time guys nice try [Music] i might just get out of here because i'm just not having fun anymore they shouldn't use underground themes so i can actually see the shots better [Music] do [Music] really another double wait no no never mind no no we're fine we are fine no double required there all right get me out of here really another shelter oh thank you you know what you got some good humor there i actually do appreciate that unless i need to throw it over i mean i guess i can accept that sure [Music] i missed it that's okay though not the biggest deal in the world [Music] there now it's only a g [Applause] [Music] it's still not a bad level overall i just don't understand why there's so many shell jumps in a row that's a really hard to do surge but i mean if i call it garbage straight up then i guess i i do admit when it's my fault that's true maybe it's okay like i can i can roll with that prediction honestly [Music] i'm actually kind of curious to see what these guys do okay they try to kill you oh okay that's a funny death uh luckily it doesn't count for prediction that'd be part that would be like both ways there'd be no way to really describe how garbage that would be honestly up here [Music] i really do want to go in there oh the whole entire thing's a troll never mind can i please it was that kind of troll okay now we know it's a troll level i gotta give it a boom the prediction isn't done it doesn't count for this level yes i would call it slight garbage and okay that would have been garbage tool design but this death i died right here was partially by fall and partially garbage because i did a thing that was trying to prevent death there and i still died anyways you know [Music] yeah that's my explanation on that oh they reversed it on pr dude that's actually brilliant i respect that that is brilliant i respect that [Music] my boot roll level these are bad trolls there's nothing good about them there's no big brain thoughts behind it it's just 50 50 mostly so just keep going to the right that's the troll just keep going to the right that's a pretty good troll i'll give you that i don't know what you're used for but i should be really careful with you this door cannot be good at all [Music] what's the point of that shell oh maybe there was some can you put a hidden block behind the exclamation point area [Music] i wonder if there's a hidden block right here i mean if i just do this i can unload it what's the point of that then that troll just kills you there's no swamp there that does anything as far as i can see dora actually might be correct [Music] oh i might be dead now it doesn't want me to go down here so i'm gonna go down here [Music] i had a feeling [Music] nice try yeah most show levels are definitely pick a pipe more than troll that's why i boo them uh good trolls they don't boo though well thought out trolls funny trolls you know a lot of trolls aren't funny so and they think they're funny which is the worst part unclear it's one gap wall precision i mean i'm not happy to do these but not the greatest things in the world also i need to go around and do this again so hopefully this does not kill me oh okay all right cool [Music] not understanding why this level exists yet but we'll see you go to the okay you're a fast boy and you're probably gonna do your thing so here we go [Music] if this is a good look okay you need both damage boosts here oh that's just stupid that's just lame ain't just for you uh play what you think you're comfortable with that's all i gotta say otherwise skip i look for power-ups basically [Music] okay so i can wall jump off of that one okay that's all i need to see play what you're comfortable with i don't like one gap wall jumps but i'll do them occasionally if i can see what i'm doing otherwise i don't like to touch them [Music] [Music] someone say garbage uh what did i die how did i die i died too garbage so garbage wins that was not my fault that was just pure garbage why is there both required should only be one that was just garbage level design [Music] this shouldn't be required honestly [Music] and i saw that a mile away i saw that more garbage right here more fun garbage unnecessary garbage also what is this jump holy that jump though [Music] i don't know how i'm making these i'm gonna be honest i gotta skip out as soon as i die i meant to ground pound no damn it i hate walklings man i had it too i'm not playing it again those wall jumps are bad they're very hard to pull off i don't trust myself to do it again also bad level you got to be good at garbage but you also have to skip you got to know when you skip is gray area garbage no that that that whole level was pure precision garbage for sure uh this is garbage right here uh i you know what i just don't want to play it i think you have to go to the right at the bottom but i don't know i don't see it [Music] [Music] an actual precision level hold on what we got here [Music] i can't see dude am i falling i'm on the platform okay and i'm falling i do come on [Music] good level just fell into garbage because of the sway that is unfortunate too because i was actually enjoying the level and if i was actually good precision there's always one thing that makes a level garbage i've noticed oh it really takes he's gonna go up here in a second i did press jump but i guess it wasn't good enough uh 20 seconds long i'll play it one more time [Music] i mean those are beef per day 75 to 100. [Music] wait going down we wanted to go start going up like right about now there we go that time i got past this part [Music] okay that was kind of cute i'm gonna be honest there's another one okay that's even cuter this last jump is awful by the way i need an edge jump and i think it's guaranteed okay i'll play it again i think it's a full edge jump i could be wrong though [Music] that was okay i'm not going to talk about that that was just dumb going down should be going up now oh i'm dead good i shouldn't be dying on this anymore that first jump is also really scary by the way the rest of the jumps aren't all that bad it's really just mostly the first jump [Music] it's going down and that's going to start going up [Music] like it matters but edge jump okay so this jump must be possible for this checkpoint right yeah i was gonna say [Music] that was a very scary jump but also really bs [Music] no vice or sorry not vice versa mico don't ever check dev doors unless you like got the biggest hunch ever i only check dev doors if it's not obvious or it just makes sense in the level you know what the hell is i'm good i don't even know what this is i don't want to touch it [Music] i would say dev door to fake door ratio is like you got like a two percent chance of a 98 chance of dying so let's take it how you will probably should not have gotten there yet but all right well we're not going in there yet i need to check more of the level here right coin over here [Music] so there's one in the main world and one in the sub world so far [Music] oh [Music] mostly being silent because i don't trust this level yet i you know what the wing was a great addition to that section i should not have taken damage there what am i doing whatever i could use that one up i'm gonna wait it out i'm gonna jump down here like an idiot and see if it actually killed me blindness okay i know what kind of level this is now it's in the medium section where it's slightly truly but slightly good [Music] really unfortunate to find a decent looking level turned garbo that's fine so i need to throw just don't trust anything basically just throw shells down just don't trust anything is this also firefly right now or no can i please get my mushroom what is the firefly okay i'm cool with that now no garbage though i kind of want to go back and check the other way real quick hold on there's something down here well this was from earlier i seen [Music] aggressive it actually is nice okay so we need this big show to go the other side [Music] you gave 10 000 treasure and i give you 75 000 rupees in return now that is a great deal where do you go do you turn around turn around okay i get it no how do i get that then i need a regular shell right [Music] you'll get the rubies here in a little bit i've got to figure out how i want to deal with this [Music] i need to grab a shell i see a potential shell but i don't know if i can grab it okay cool we're going back now i think i got all the red coins in the sub world now maybe i'm missing only one after i get this one [Music] do uh hi how may i help you [Music] please be a mushroom uh star doesn't help me i might actually die if i use a star i'm not gonna do it that story is a joke there's no way that's actually legit [Music] i don't trust this yet until i go back down [Music] okay i think i got all them in the main world now maybe maybe i'm still missing one in the main world never mind yeah i was okay there's the end [Music] and that start was a troll by the way since it's blind [Music] hold on wait i need to hit hold on i have an idea maybe actually i don't really have much of an idea uh too many of those guys is going to be bad news bears like i gotta get out of here yeah i need to reset i need to figure out my game plan here i need to find an on off switch that i can actually activate i also need a shell hold on [Music] i don't get much time either to figure this out i need a shell to hit an on off switch probably get rid of you [Music] get rid of you run under you i'm up here where is the way oh jesus [Music] i think i can do this i got to be really careful though this might be intended honestly i have no idea only checkpoint i mean stars are nice but i would rather have a mushroom what am i looking for here yoshi [Music] that's what i wanted okay sorry yoshi i guess you're already gone it's unfortunate i really didn't want you to die there uh okay shelmet on offs dude i don't have time for this come on [Music] and let me guess i gotta go back up get the other shellmet or whatever [Music] wow amazing boss level design so good anyone wants to play you know i can't do anything here i'm just i'm dead i'm going to timeout because of this of a level creator thanks [Music] this is not a fun boss fight at all [Music] we can check this block too but i think it's better just go in here and do a thing [Music] okay we only have one to worry about now nice put this on hold on put this one on [Music] you know what yoshi you stay put right there buddy chances are you're gonna die anyways [Music] what's in here another power-up okay [Music] the best boss fight you've ever seen right here the most boring boss fight you can stay right there larry you stay put i'll take care of your business right there i don't even care if i have to go back heavier again i don't really care because we got rid of the dude in one go and we got plenty of time to do anything we want i am good [Music] hopefully there are no more surprises in a 300 second level that'd be great [Music] wow even oneness at the end [Music] this level needed to be 500 seconds long actually it might have been 500 seconds long i don't even remember no i don't think it was it needs about be 500 seconds long it needs less trolls i mean other than that though it's not a bad level it's just it's way too long for like it's got blind jumps it's got you know subtle trolls it's got stars that can basically get you killed but yeah it was kind of garbage but not really you know [Music] all right after this level we clear it we're gonna do some unclear levels for [Music] serge [Music] mushroom that ain't no mushroom how did i miss i generally thought i actually landed i guess we'll try it again [Music] i guess there was no reason to go that way anyways it was all blocked off regardless of how i looked at it that was close how how is it missing am i going crazy are you not allowed to z jump on those things [Music] you got me you got me also a great thumbnail right there [Music] okay i was gonna say [Music] um all right i guess i had to take a risk here cool nice blind drop let me go minus three in the clear but you know what it's fine [Music] didn't even get world record though unfortunately
Channel: Royru - The Stream Archives
Views: 2,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch Streamer, Streamer, SMM2 Stream, SMM2 Streamer, Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Maker 2 Stream, Super Mario Maker 2 Streamer, Royru, RoyruKenshin, Persona, Persona 5, Super Expert Endless, Super Expert, SMM2, Variety Streamer, Retro Streamer, VOD, Stream VOD, Twitch, Entertainer, Entertainment, ASMR Voice, Content, Twitch Partner, Super Expert Player, Hardcore Gamer, Speedrunner, Good Background Noise, Background Noise, Background Entertainment, Entertainment While Working
Id: zRgLoU9YWww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 19sec (9439 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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