Rank 1 Fighter's Ultimate Fighter Guide - Dark and Darker

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all right guys what is up so this is going to be a video that has been asked for for quite a while and I know uh some people have been waiting on it for a very very long time because it's been it's been a very very long time since I've done one of these and now with multiclassing it's you know it's going to be even more needed for a lot of people so this will finally be my next fighter guide this will be covering I'm going to try to cover pretty much every single thing I can all possible build paths um all possible armor choices uh m mul classing the best multiclassing options some backup ones all the perks you should take and then you know obviously some other options I will try to cover the Slayer build that I think is really good however I don't have all the perks right now but I can mention them same as I don't technically have all the things I want for my fighter I just I literally just rerolled actually and I spent nine rolls to get anti- magic and then my next four rolls I pulled three out of the four rolls I pulled the perfect thing so my build actually ended up being okay but uh just to start off as a front fighter is pretty good right now fighter is pretty damn good right now multiclassing has made fighter significantly more viable in The Meta we are pretty much or the reason fighter was has been bad for quite a while especially in the Barbarian meta was because Barbarian basically did everything fighter did however they were just way tankier than you your class is supposed to be like or like you know fighter is supposed to be like the definitive tanky class however barbs were just as if not more tanky and they had more damage now they still have more damage but f fighter has just as much tankiness and they usually have more Mobility however I mean obviously I know barbs can go Sprint but Fighters uh just with the armor choices and things they have with their gear it's a bit different at this point I'm not going to say fighter is better than Barb I do think Barb is still a bit better however it's no longer if you see a barbarian you just roll over and die because that's not the meta where and fighter can actually compete against Barb so to start off with uh I will go over gear after just because as you see here I have a ton of different things in my inventory uh s with I'm going to go perk choices I'm going to go over what I think is probably the best build and then cover you know some uh other acceptable options too so start off with um listen let me say this as a disclaimer Swift is not a necessary perk right now if you can take Swift uh Swift off and still be in the 93% plus range I'd say I would try to look for about 95% before I take it off but if you can take Swift off and still be at that range it's probably worth it to drop and the things you're going to want to run so iron will and anti- Magic always run these if you want to play fighter and you want to be competitive and you want to win always run these two perks 100% of the time never don't run them because the reason is if you run these you pretty much just get you know with like the normal gear on obviously I have a golden Cape here so it's not completely normal but with like the normal set of gear on you will almost always reach 65 to 75 per uh MDR just as a base just without going for really any MDR roles like you can look and see here I might have one or two I'm not even sure if I do uh yeah I have nine magic res here and then I'm wearing a golden Cape so that's 2.5% magic damage reduction and I'm at 44.9% and if you guys don't know this is how anti-magic works this is defin I'm going to tell you this definitively the way it works I it doesn't reduce it as a separate source of damage anti magic is just 25% magic damage reduction added onto your number it does not overcap it is not a second source of reduction if you take magic damage it does not reduce it by 25% and then get mitigated by your magic damage reduction no so what right now how this would work is I would have 69.9% nice magic res that is how anti- magic would work and if it's against Divine magic then you just don't count that 25% against Divine magic I have 44.9% that is how anti magic works so as you can see I am 69.9% we're just going to call it 70% magic res as a base then you can go for a shield that has magic res on it or or the better way is going uh Magic damage reduction instead of magic res because when you're that high flat or percentages are better than flat numbers but with you having this High MDR you can go for a shield that gives ideally armor rating and PDR like your best Shield probably assuming you know go for purple is probably armor rating PDR MDR if you have legendary armor rating PDR MDR and then Health but other than that like I said these two perks are pretty much non-negotiable like like yeah if you're not multiclass into these then obviously you know if you're not multiclass into both or you don't get both you can just run one however for me personally let's say I reroll My Perks and I'm like you know rolling if I don't get both of these I will roll like I could make do without robust or PF or persever protection from Evil's PF by the way for anyone wondering that's the cleric perk that uh reduces debuff duration by 50% on you so like I could live without robust PF perseverance any of those however anti-magic Iron Will you cannot afford to not have not like not having these will significantly harm you because if you don't what you're forced to do is you then have to swap out armor pieces to get more Mr because you want as much Mr as possible so like I said these two non-negotiable perks and then Swift is a very good option if your gear is like you know like if you're not at it's like 95% range without Swift I would not uh not take this however if you are then the options you can put on are like you know defense Mastery you can run robust you can run perseverance you can run protection from Evil those are generally going to be your best options sword master is also up there if you're wearing an arming sword however generally this won't be the best one um The Shield perks are pretty much lost in the dirt no one's really running these anymore you just there are better perks you can run right you can just get better defensive perks but I think my ideal setup here would be Iron Will anti magic robust and then probably perseverance I think if you want to go the full like tank setup that's the best if you want to be more of a backline diver than putting protection from Evon over perseverance is better because the really really big thing that protection reval will give you benefit on is on hit slows so if a weapon hits you you know it slows you if you have protection reval on the slow is very very negligible and then moving on to skills uh you will always keep Sprint on Sprint is your best friend in this meta and then for your secondary skill uh the options I think you have to run Savage Roar is probably number one um then if your teammate is running Savage Roar you can run war cry or you can run taunt which is something I've been doing quite a bit I think taunt is actually really really good uh depending on your gear set if you are getting around 65 PDR and 65 MDR you know obviously after perseverance so if you're like 40% here and then like whatever here so you're like 65 here after you know ingame Buffs and everything then you run taunt taunt is giving you maximum value of 10% physical damage reduction and 10% magical damage reduction to bring you up to 75% however just off of pure physical damage alone Savage Roar will be significantly better than taunt will be and like I said if your team is running Savage Roar you still can do it because then what you can do is one of you Pops it and then when yours ends the second one pops it it's still very good or you run war cry if one of you uses Savage Ro the other use war cry to double tank stats however I will say this um for some some things some things one particular reason Savage Roar is not super great I I think it's probably still your best option until everyone does this but one particular thing that could make Savage Roar uh not as good or have lower value is if everyone runs protection from Evil Savage War as a base would be a 3se second debuff and then you know obviously account for Will and everything like that could lower it a bit more if they have it but it this it'll just half the duration of it so instead of being a sixc damage reduction 3 second but then you compared to something like taunt this is 8 Seconds of 10% physical damage reduction and yes 10% doesn't sound like a lot but whenever you're going from 65% to 75% that's a really really big ehp jump so that is one reason I think taunt could be really good however you to consider Savage War helps your team and it's not just you taunt is purely selfish but yet like I said uh those are generally your three options taunt Savage Roar warry uh war cry excuse me second wind isn't bad but there are certainly better options in it right now war cry like so let me let make a comparison second win yes it recovers 40% of the health over 12 seconds war cry what it does is it increases your maximum health by 25% for 7 seconds or something I'm not sure the ex duration and yet whenever War c ends you won't heal that amount however it is an instant effect versus second wins you know over time right for second win to heal you for 25% it takes what like uh 6 seconds six seven seconds or something into a fight and that's you know not mentioning maybe you get fire mastered or something get anti-heal blood corruption any of those things that could potentially uh hurt your healing you get blow up corruption or you get fire mastered second win is healing you for next to nothing it's 20% over 12 seconds that's very very little or like you know for some reason you run into like a famine you know literally zero healing completely useless skill war cry Savage War taunt always give you value at all points unless like you know you're fighting triple Caster comp and Savage war is useless and then Taun or war cry would be better but anyways moving on yeah like said that pretty much covers it for the perks and skills so I guess this is something else I can add in so for the things you want to multiclass into the two biggest ones are going to be Barbarian and Warlock barbarian's number one like if you multiclass into just Barbarian you can make uh a build out of this because Barbarian does have your two best skills and while it also has two of the best perks for you so like I said let's say you don't have anti- magic you know you just run you just run defense Master here right or you run Shield Mastery or you can run barricade or something else like that so like and this is like this is just from Barbarian so if you just really don't want to play another character then all you have to do is level Barbarian then you roll for these and it's much easier since you're only rolling for a few things rather than multiple and you will be able to do that but with that being said I do recommend multiclassing into cleric and Warlock the other classes don't really hold much value um Rogue isn't like Rogue is mostly a meme build Bard Ranger both meme builds if you want to like Raper Mastery or spear Mastery or something like that uh you know like Rogue for hide uh wizard the only thing you would ever want from that is ice Shield however I don't personally like I Shield that much I don't think it's super valuable um I think you could get more value out of running a different perk like you know like having ey Shield over robust like I would never want that you know uh but moving on I think now here's for the gear choices so right now I think the gear is very very varied in the things you can run as you can see I have like a hodge podge basically of all the gear different gear in my inventory I pretty much have three different pieces for almost everything except chest pieces and even then technically speaking there probably are three you could run if you're on a heavy gambison but you know eh start off with so the build I'm running right now is one of the most generic builds in The Meta in terms of armor um you could swap heavy gauntlets for reinforced or for light gauntlets these are just really really good ones that's why I'm wearing them Chappelle is generally going to be seen as the best helmet because it gives you movement speed and in The Meta where pants no longer roll movement speed you can only roll it on boots Chappelle is going to be very very necessary to get a lot of move speed like you could see with this kit I'm still only 95% that's with five move speed boots a Chappelle legendary Fox pendant and a golden Cape also giving me plus one all like I'm not wearing ad earrings or anything but to be fair I could now that I have robust cuz I way more HP but with that being said uh you know there is an argument to be made where maybe you can you know like I I think dark Plate's definitely the defao best chess piece there is an argument to be made where you can wear a find curus and I have been trying desperately to make this work however the really really big problem with this is as I can show you I'm at 44.9% Mr if I swap this on I go to 27% and I'm not really gaining that many other stats like you know I'm gaining a tiny bit of HP here I mean because I mean you know this does have uh viig as a base big strength I'm gaining a tiny bit of HP and a tiny bit of action speed but I mean in the movement speed or I'm losing some movement speed this is three Agy versus no Agy here and the PDR generally would be higher however this is a very tanky chest piece this right here only has the 2% this also has extra KN armor but the really really big problem is just that you just lose way too much Mr right cuz the sweet spot that you want to be at you want to be a about 40 to 45% if you're playing with a Bard 45% is really the number you want to be at because then harmonic is going to push you up and you're going to be around 50% if you're not playing with a Bard you're going to be 50% flat out and like I said even with this I'm not there and this is wearing like golden Cape so there is a certain time you could wearify in curus but to do this you're really going to need Mr rolls and you're going to be needing to wear you know non either you're going to be need to wearing like uh dashing or like dashing boots and dark leather legs or something of you know something else and to do that you're going to lose HP other other places so overall it's just not really worth it I don't think unless you have like a really really good hit for it because you could also obviously take a fine curus and roll Mr on it and then it's uh better right moving on to the uh gauntlets so I think heavy gauntlets are very good if you can get good stats of them as you guys can see these heavy gauntlets are ABS lutely insane but uh you know reinforced gloves are still very good and so are light gauntlets if you get HP on these because like I said these do have like you know in a in a meta where you want more Mo speed these do have four Agy on them as a not four Agy they have three Agy on them as a base it'll be three Agy three strength at purple which is generally what you're going to wear so that's just you know that's a roll you don't need however on gauntlets ideally you would want to roll three Agy because that's like the best rooll now that movement speed is nerfed getting Agy on your pieces is one of the best possible things you can do uh but other than that the rolls you want are similar to pretty much exactly what you see here except instead of strength you would want true damage true damage is very very good the only reason I'm not really stacking true damage anywhere you see on my kit I mean there is damage I think on my rings yes there's like one true here like one ad here uh and then nowhere else is because I'm using a fion whenever I'm running fion I don't really pry damage that high however uh going true damage and with an arming sword is probably one of the better builds right now like said I think fan is still fine and building damage while you're running fan is still going to give you good returns but arming swords honestly just way more fun to use so if you can use arming sword I would recommend running that but with that being said do not run arming sword if don't have decent damage right if you're not hitting for at least like 80 I would not recommend running arming sword in what I would consider a good kit right because you're just not getting enough value out of it you're not going to be damaging anyone you're not going to be killing backliners any of that things if you're going for like just a full tank kit it's probably fine if you're not expecting to do damage or you don't care about doing damage yeah you can still run it like I mean you guys you know you're not going in expecting to do damage you're not going to try to kill people and then fail and be like oh my God how did I not kill this guy because you know how you went in knowing how you were going to do no damage all right onto the uh legs your options really are heavy leather legs or wolf Hunters these are the two best um there's like you know maybe like plate isn't awful I actually think if you can get good plate legs they're pretty damn decent however the downside is obviously they only have there it's a little bit more armor like I'm not like you know purple this has eight more armor but it's another minus 1% move speed it's minus cuz these are - 12 this is -5 and then yeah you gain a bit of strength but you do lose Mr like you know if I were to swap these on you can see my stats would take a bit of a hit here I would gain a tiny amount of PDR to lose a tiny amount of Mr and honestly these aren't bad but you know like just for comparison these are two Agy these are only one Agy and it's still like you know it's still a m difference having heavy leathers with three Agy Max health is definitely the best thing you could do and then going for armor rating roll as your last roll probably be B unless you really need that Mr but PL pants are certainly a consideration that you can run um however like I said unless they're really really good probably not going to use them oh yeah also just to mention I kind of forgot that um that I see them here golden gear is actually really good I should mention this for the uh chest piece here I said fine curus isn't that good however if you have a golden curus on the other hand the golden plate doesn't have minus Mr and actually gives you magic damage reduction this is pretty big so if I were to show you like you know my Mr is 44.9 you know instead of being all the way down to - 27 1.4 I would be up to what is it 1.5 so 30 30.9 I'm sorry I can't do math so that's less Mr so golden plate is a bit better um the exact same with like golden gauntlets or golden plate legs however those don't those aren't as apparent because they don't have as much minus Mr you see the plate pants are only minus five or the gauntlets are only minus AR they five as well like if you can get them golden ideally that's the best but if not you can still run the pieces as is then moving on to the boots I think your three best options are rugged boots buckled boots and Lace turn shoes lace turn shoes because they have that Agy base which is just pretty much five move speed if you don't know one Agy equals one move speed then you can uh like in so pretty much you know base purple uh lace turn shoes are the equivalent of having rugged boots with five move speed but then you see these U have five vs you to make up that HP somewhere else like as you can see here I have HP all over these um so if you get rugged boots with move speed and then Max Health generally it's going to be better however turn shoes that then roll five move speed are even better turn shoes with five move speed are the equivalent of having some other boots that have you know 10 move speed like double to like five five additional 1.5% so it's kind of like you know Min Maxi depending on the gear you get or depending on which one you have better of but these are your options buckled boots are kind of like I'm just going to be call it what they are buckled boots are a poor man's ruged boots right they are not nearly as expensive as rugged boots because they do give a tiny bit less HP and a tiny bit less armor however they are going to be significantly cheaper on the market to find the roles you want and that's generally why I have ran them a lot and you know I mean you're so like oh like you know poor bands like you know but like you're running them like you guys get what I mean right like these are definitely your way cheaper options you can buy some boots like these right here for example I think I bought these boots for like 400 gold if I wanted to buy these on rugged obviously they wouldn't have a VG that have like you know like two Max HP or something it would be at least 1 to 2,000 gold probably maybe more maybe less honestly I'm not sure really I don't even think I've seen rugged boots with these stats so um and then moving on cuz I actually kind of forgot to talk about the helmets so the other helmet options you actually have all of these salad Crusader Helm and Hound skull are all very very good I think salad is probably your best mid-ground in between in between move speed and HP because salot does have very very good base stats and armor rating and a mo speed penalty it's only minus s while at the purple rating it gives three strength three viig which is very very good and then as you can see here if I were to equip it I wouldn't actually lose that much um Mo speed it's only a about uh 1.7 o yeah no yeah 1.7% for 6 hp right like that's pretty good however the big downside to salad as oppos a Chappelle Chappelle does give Mr and losing out that Mr like as you can see I do go from you know just this what's it called just this 10 Mr does take me all the way down from 449 to 419 that is 3% on its own and like I said if you're trying to build for have to have more Mr that is a bit of a drop off that you don't really want to pay Crusader Helm um Crusader Helm is more of the off offensive option because it doesn't give Health but it does give dexterity and Agility so effectively at purple it's going to have a very similar move speed to um the salot while it's going you have one more or one less move speed CU you see it's three AG or yeah three Agy three minus 11 or 11 - 3 8 87 boom there's the math but like I said it does give you decks and it's a bit tankier so if you're looking for more action speed more PDR the Crusader Helm isn't a bad choice however you do need health on it because it doesn't have health as a base well you don't need it but you definitely want it and let me just say like if you're not running robust for example like let me show you guys if you're not running robust the HP that you have to play with is way way less like this is only 168 HP for me personally I would like more than this although I mean obviously you know if you're running a not super expensive kit you're going to have less HP but if you have AUST on that's way more HP you can play with dropping and then lastly the tankiest option as always will be the Hound skull but however Hound skull is very very slow and it does have minus Mr on it so if you do run this as you see it does drop off Mr and it does make me much much slower I don't really recommend Hound skulls right now unless like I mentioned before you're going for a super tanky kit if you're doing that you know it's fine run whatever you want but if you're not then it's a bit harder to really um run it if you care about the move speed at all also I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to get these slots are here and I just cannot do it for the life of me honestly I'll do that after the video whatever but those pretty much are the helmets actually I mean I guess I have armat here but I don't think this arm's very good I was kind of just trying out some Fizz power stuff haven't tried the kit yet but as you see this armed is really really good and it was really cheap so it's not even bad this is a pretty good offensive um set too if you buy an expensive or if you buy a really good one for really cheap but like I said I haven't really tried this that much so it's not really uh worth talking about then uh for the weapon choices you have fan and you have arming sword um not really much to talk about here the exact same things I can say about them are things you've always said arming sword is you know the faster generally more offensive play style option you know fast swings fast blocks you know diving the backline weaving in and out that type of thing however like I've mentioned to run arming sword you are going to want additional damage or specifically true damage true damage is much better because it cuts through people's PDR and all these people weing Savage Ro and stuff that doesn't reduce your true damage right so true damage is really really good arming sword it's good it's good with falion too but specifically arming sword you want true damage on um other than that Cape options uh as you see most of my kits here have Vigilant uh cloaks but the golden cloak is a very good option too I think the golden cloak is better than just say normal blue Vigilant cloak because this does roll one all so it's literally one vague difference like as you see like you know if I were to swap this one on then the HP is literally it's the same HP right this I mean yeah this does have an HP roll on it however not really much of a difference and then if you look at the PDR and Mr the thing about the golden cloak is it has a really really high armor rating and really good magic defense and in a meow where you want to Stack resistances it is very very good I actually don't see a lot of people running these so you could probably get some of them pretty cheap but you know they're always going I I say cheap relatively right like you know if you were going to look at them golden cloak they're still going to be probably like 1,000 gold or something plus oh a wow they're actually way cheaper than I thought they were but just because like the price of crafting them is a bit more expensive wait what oh uh oh it's gold powder the price of crafting them is kind of expensive because you know you need gold powder to do it and it's actually kind of crazy how cheap they are but maybe after this video the prices will go up that's how they normally do and for the rolls you want uh pretty much across your gear Max Health armor rating PDR um damage on everywhere you can get it so like Rings pendant cloak uh gloves you would ideally like to have additional damage and then every other piece that can roll Agy so pretty much every piece you would ideally like to get Agy however if you don't it's not the end of the world everybody is slower because of the mve speed Nerf not just you so before you know Fighters needed to be like 100% move speed really not the case anymore you don't have to be that fast also a lot of the fights nowadays are more Frontline fights where it's like fighter on fighter fighter on Barb that type of thing it's not really fighter trying to chase down triple DPS that's not really the case anymore because of how good frontliners are uh and other than you know golden cloak and V Vigilant cloak the adventure cloak is also an option if you have a really good one like this one right here for example tattered cloak not really that great I kind of just have these you haven't gotten rid of them not really the best um other than that uh oh yeah I guess ring choices and jewelry choices so as you see here I'm wearing two legendary uh Vitality Rings this was before I had robust so this is not going to be super uh precise Grim Smiles are very very good options and I will probably be putting Grim Smiles on this kit right after this let's see if I were to take these off I lose you know I lose a ton of HP however however if I put Grim Smiles on I can gain a ton of that back and then Grim Smiles will give you a way a ton more of his power bonus like let's see if I just have another decent one around here some more like you know I put these on my fiz power bonus goes up to 13% I'm still at 178 HP and I still have a ton of resistances right and then Agy pendant is just here because this I wanted move speed on the kit I was running and this was really really cheap I bought this for like 1,000 gold which is crazy but other than that um like I said uh oh for necklaces I I guess I talk about everything you could possibly run bare pendants are runnable necklace of pieces are generally still your best option Agy pendants are good Ox pendants are decent if you get a really good one but probably not preferred uh and then for Rings your options as always are going to be you have Grim smiles and you Vitality rings are the two you know the top two then you have things like AGI rings and outside of this I would not really Branch out if you get a really crazy finesse ring so dexterity you could do it but you know probably not encourage rings are just bad Grim Smiles right like they're just significantly worse Grim Smiles if you're building a budget kit maybe they're decent but this guy is more trying to talk about like the high high end of builds all right but with that being said guys uh I think I am going to wrap up the video there I'm not sure if there's anything I missed uh as always run crossbow and you're off hand I don't want to forget that just in case I do but I shouldn't that that should be very obvious right uh but yeah I think that sums it up for the video guys um hope you enjoyed and I will catch you guys next time and as always if there's any questions or anything feel free to leave them down below and I will try my best to answer them but yeah thank you guys for watching I'll catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Toddfather
Views: 1,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nm7yLx0duBU
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Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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