Range Mate Pro Review: Microwave Grilling?

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range mate Pro is a device that lets you grill in your microwave oven does it really work that's what I'm gonna find out today's review of range mate Pro so the way the range mate Pro is supposed to work is that the microwaves don't actually reach the food they warm up the outer container that actually warms up and grills the food so what I want to do is see if that actually works like that because that could be a great way to save time while grilling food inside at first I wondered what this was on the lid I thought maybe some sort of a locking mechanism but actually all it is is a stand for your lid like this that's it these do leave grill marks in the food and if you're reaching in the microwave if you touch it there it's gonna be hot but if you touch it down here it will not it also comes with a steaming tray which allows you to raise the food up above water when you're steaming it also has a muffin pan that allows you to make muffins and cakes and things like that as well so I've just wrapped up my filming of the range mate Pro and I went a little bit overboard I made probably too many things for one review so what I'm gonna do is show you the first couple things in full and then kind of do some quick clips of everything else that I did so first up let's get started with the most important one of all steak even though the thought of grilling a steak in the microwave is preposterous maybe blasphemous that may be even insulting to the grilling purists I actually found that it kind of worked first step on doing a steak is you have to preheat it for four minutes without the lid after that the steak goes in there and then we start cooking it okay it has been four minutes this is actually not too hot I can feel heat from the inside though so I could handle that without need and glove that's a good thing here's a steak ooh that's a good sign that's a good sign all right we're gonna go in there for three minutes here we go okay the first three minutes are up is it still it's still okay to touch it a little bit warm oh we've got steam coming out of there let's take a peek Wow Wow all right let's turn this over now oh-ho look at that whoa Wow I'm kind of impressed so far all right we'll go about three more minutes and it should be about done so far that's impressive all right here we go this is still not too hot to hold although the steam is pretty hot you might want to use something like this better sponge for a potholder but here we go lid is also not too much we have grilled steak we have grilled steak look at this in the microwave six minutes what do you think about that I'm gonna cut this open and see how it looks in there okay well that doesn't look done to me nope the honeymoon is over that is not done it says put in there for 30 second increments so I'll do that all right we'll go another 30 seconds I can't see how 30 seconds would make that much of a difference well that's actually getting there it's getting close all right it definitely is grilled I mean it's it's grilling it smells good try it over here what do you guys think over here that's definitely done when I first pulled it out of there it was a little bit red but after putting in a little bit longer the steak was grilled just like I like it after letting this thick rest for a few minutes it definitely looks good to me can your taste will vary but I think that's acceptable throw in the microwave certainly easier than fire up the grill especially this time of year and some of the parts of the country or it's freezing well they do say this gonna take some trial and error which they're not wrong about that I give them credit for actually pointing that out after I added a couple more minutes I think that it's done to my particular taste some people would like it more or less done than this so I really think the steak was kind of success the next day I wanted to try was a grilled cheese sandwich a grilled cheese sandwich in the microwave sounds impossible but it actually happened I made a grilled cheese sandwich it was crunchy with gooey cheese in the microwave check this out all right it says you can make a grilled cheese sandwich in the range mate Pro normally I use two red copper flip which but we're gonna try this I've got my two pieces of bread buttered up you put both pieces of bread buttered side down one slice on each and you're gonna cook it for three minutes I guess that kind of fits right now the breads a little bit smashed together but I guess that's not really a big deal but you're supposed to put this in three minutes and then close it up this time you're not supposed to preheat it three to four minutes I'll go right in the middle and we're off it is steaming you have steam do you think this actually would create a grilled cheese sandwich in the microwave let's find out whoa it's almost too grilled oh yeah it's almost too grilled maybe three minutes wouldn't better some people like it like that though so as they say you have to kind of play with the times certainly a grilled cheese sandwich though just to keep things from not being too long I'm gonna speed things up just a little bit but I bought some chicken tenders I thinking I was buying chicken breasts so I made those anyways and they came out pretty well although they weren't as brown as I would have liked here's a clip of that so first thing I have to do is preheat the range mate Pro for three minutes okay it is ready again not too hot to touch which is a good thing now the recipe for the two six ounce chicken breasts says four minutes flip them in four minutes because these are smaller I think I'm gonna go three and three and then check them and add additional time at that point we have sizzle I'm just gonna try to fill this thing up and see if I can make all of them the instructions call for 12 ounces this is 16 ounces of chicken Wow it just barely fills it up okay let's see if we can do it I'm gonna go three minutes and then check it that's what we got for three minutes I'm gonna flip all these I'm gonna go three minutes if it's not done I'll keep adding an additional time to it notice that I'm not using a pot holder and it's actually warm but not too hot to touch three more minutes all right it's been a total of six minutes now here's what we got it doesn't have that grilled look to me I'm thinking it might need to go a little bit longer let's check one of the bigger pieces here well it shows it 170 to 175 alright it's not brown like the steak but I'm gonna cut it open to see how it looks inside I mean it looks cooked inside what do you guys think thermometer read 172 and it's I think it's completely cooked it's just not as brown as I would have liked but that doesn't mean it's not cooked so I went back to the store and got chicken breast I had some thin breast marinated to them they came out actually very well here's what happened with those one chicken breast that's been cut in half marinated we're gonna try that in there this was just put in there for three minutes to heat up so we're gonna grill these and see how they do oh yeah okay the lid goes on we're gonna put this in there for about four minutes four minutes and then flip it boom there we go it's time to flip here's a nice sizzle in there okay and I'm gonna put this in for another four minutes all right it has been another four minutes it's not quite 165 I need to go another minute I'll flip them one more time and put them in further minute that's getting brown on the bottom though it's been one additional minute nice sizzle smells good I think we're gonna be at 165 yep okay grilled chicken in the microwave how do you guys think that looks something that my kids make often our microwave pizzas and there's actually instructions in the recipe book for how to make a frozen pizza in there so I wanted to try that out worked out pretty well here's how that went the next thing I want to try is a personal frozen pizza that they have directions for so let's try that out two minutes with the lid and then five and a half minutes on half power without the lid and we're off alright now we take it off for take off the lid five and a half minutes power level five hopefully at this point after the five and a half minutes on 50% power it's done if not you keep cooking it 30-second intervals until it's done and hopefully it's ready we'll see how crunchy it is because I know that microwave pizza usually is pretty flimsy and pretty soggy but in the range mate Pro it's supposed to be crispy we'll find out minutes let's take a look we'll go into 30 seconds my pizza hungry I'm getting impatient from my pizza here I want my pizza okay after two 30-second intervals I think this is probably to my liking so I'm gonna let this sit for a second then I'm gonna cut it up and see how crunchy it really is I can tell you that is crispier than when I've done these in the microwave there is a crispness to them it's not it's not real flimsy like you expect the microwave so I think that came out pretty good the longest thing that I cooked them reindeer may pro was brown rice because I like brown rice over white rice he still took about a half an hour between the 25 minutes of cooking in the 5 minutes of resting but really I still think it came out pretty good for being in the microwave one thing the book includes is a section that says my time on it so when you do figure out the correct time for something you're supposed to write it on there so next time you'll know how long to put it in the microwave there is a recipe for white rice in the recipe guide but I want to try brown rice to see how long that's gonna take because brown rice can take a long time their recipe for white rice says it's gonna take about 14 minutes I'm gonna add about 6 minutes to that and see if that's about how long it'll take for brown rice it's gonna be complete trial and error but I'll make note of that for brown rice right here when I figure out the proper time 1 cup of rice to enough cups of water I have no idea of 20 minutes is a good time but I was using some other instructions kind of gauging about how much longer brown rice takes and white rice it could be less than that it could be more we'll find out after 20 minutes and it's not done not done okay it's been 22 minutes we're getting close I think this it's very close all right let's take the final reveal here there we go this took 25 minutes on microwave another 5 minutes to kind of rest and absorb the rest of liquid the next day I wanted to try which was the first recipe in the book or sunny-side up eggs which is a little bit unusual in the microwave they came out pretty good except for the shape was kind of strange check this out the first recipe in the book has is really curious it says sunny-side up eggs in the microwave on the range mate I've got my eggs let's try it out first step is to add butter and put in there for a minute and a half one minute go I'm really gonna be curious about this oh that's not done that is that's not done that's kind of it's almost done I don't like the way it's spread around there but okay well interesting okay it looks like a Halloween mask doesn't it who is it the way it goes down here like teeth you're some hair Lala ah but they are sunny-side up eggs take a look at the bottom it's a little brown on the bottom it might take some trial and error to get this one right but they are cooked and they're not they don't feel rubbery let me taste one it's not rubbery like microwave eggs so I think it came out pretty good finally I wanted to try some broccoli and the steaming tray I think that came out pretty good too got a half a cup of water in there in the steam pan that doesn't seem like very much I'm gonna put a couple more pieces in there seven minutes and we're off roughly came out it's pretty nice Thank You vice I want to point out there's a glass lid that comes with a range mate pro they say that you that's for using it when you want to warm something up and you just want to use it kind of like a microwave I don't know why you would need that if you're not gonna be using the range mate Pro like a grill I don't know why you would need it but there is a glass lid that comes with it and I haven't found any reason to use it yet if you want to pick up the arrangement Pro yourself I've got a link in the description below overall I really have nothing bad to say about the range mate Pro except for maybe the price because it's about 80 bucks 80 bucks seems a little bit steep for something like this however it does work it works surprisingly well the fact that I grilled steak I made a grilled cheese sandwich made grilled chicken and all the other things in the microwave is pretty impressive to me if you've seen some of my previous videos you know I'm not easily impressed in fact I have an entire video of my worst products for 2017 out there but this could be an early candidate for the best of 2018 list because range mate Pro to me is a good product have you used the range mate pro or something like it let me know what you think in the comments below and please subscribe for more As Seen on TV product abuse of me James white freak your reviews
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 536,963
Rating: 4.8142939 out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, range mate pro, range mate pro review, range mate review, grilling steak
Id: smcUsKalUDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
Reddit Comments

Everything is unseasoned and he uses no oils or butter...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/butsuon 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
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