This Opponent Knows Everything (ROC #27)

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so so make a problem uh let's see scroll down scroll down comments guns oh yes see oh oh man um actually i did uh look at the comments and actually a lot of you said that i is not a popular coordinate system it's only on some ones and usually kgs and savaki don't have it so yes i love you i love you yes i love you guys okay so my answer would be the kosumi actually s2 because when black plays here black would have to protect the cutting point um so white is actually able to live inside which means black is dead so yeah if if black plays here white can get the sente and still live but um actually in this case um black is not alive so why would when um i before i recording this i turned on lizzy and uh got it to run thanks lizzy um apparently it thinks that the co is the best it's the same [Music] [Music] here we go then the high i account [Music] i'm going to play four five point and yeah the uh trick moving account 11 wins on the count not two not too many oh my phone wants me to play the taisha huh that's not a very complicated variation he just does he just did a pincer okay um it's a pretty simple result usually this one um pushing this end oh i just blocked that i don't like it not being alive so i just blocked that and see what he's trying to do here just playing normal opening i haven't had one of those in a while i think in this series and i really have haven't had the six god account which i haven't returned to for such a long time hoping to draw that in very soon um because shimmy doesn't feel like a good move because it's not very good shape and then i can always just do basically three now whichever way he blocks he has this weird shape problem now when i play this move d15 it's uh he's gonna get cut here so i'm not sure he saw that he's going to be in deep trouble um but because when when he connects here and i cut if he descends i descend he's not going to win against the liberty race against my corner and if he plays tigers while i get this slam in the head and honey it doesn't have this ladder because uh magically you have the high eye there before fight the four five point saves the day what uh i hope that wasn't a mis-click because it just very cleanly suicided looks like there's gonna be game over already not much of uh not much of a fight actually so i'm gonna approach my uh four five points huh actually this is a difficult decision i think i'm just going to attack him and make him escape then yeah there's not no there's not that much energy here but if i pinch her this way he can always get at night to move and i didn't really want that so i'll just make it i'll just take this side instead very helpful for me now he's going to [Music] try and settle this group i guess i'm really tempted to just cut there but right now i'm pretty satisfied just playing these moves because just taking all the territory and really his shape is terrible now when i just play a few peeping moves um he still has no eyes so he's gonna have to keep jumping up i feel like doing something here but um usually i don't like leaving the corner so i guess i'll just play out this uh detector first hmm interesting uh this is a very good holdboard move actually it's a bad it's a good move to tanook in the first place for this large night move it's also very good uh direction-wise because this is the last place where i can make territory so it's a good move hmm he knows what he's doing i'm going to make him live here and then i'll attack the stone here yeah this is a very big move now he's got two weak groups so i can pretty much attack both of them and yeah he's territory-wise he's doing not doing that well and i'm going to try to get at its shape because these three stones here um this is a very this is very good shape move and yeah now i'm threatening to cut here so he's going to have to protect it and i i really want the stone and yeah you see now his group has no eyes again so he's gonna have to escape and i get this turn which is very comfortable um it's got some liberty issues again when i cut and then now when i push on atari i have a possibility of cutting this way so i'm getting a lot of very comfortable moves and i'm just going to keep pressuring him actually don't really need to i can just extend and get territory now all he has is a few points on the left and a few points here um surrounding this is not even sente actually because i actually have both on a's interior at least one of them so getting at least one sentence i'll be alive so i don't really need to do anything here so this carpenter square with outside liberties if you have a honey then it's already it's already alive so i don't need to worry about that and this game is longer than it needs to be yep so when i push an atari here i actually double honest he's seen a lot of problems actually if i just caught now um i'll just target this and i'll double haunt it if guitarist is going to be deep trouble if he connects i connect and he can't capture me so after he pushes out and i cut then he's also in all sorts of trouble yo yomi now starts so yeah when i target i probably want to connect first yeah i'm connect first i don't want him to cut me in sente so i'm gonna get connect and then here now he's gonna protect the uh four stones and i get the first move in the center actually it looks like one of his groups is gonna get captured pretty dangerous at least um it's a pretty uncomfortable move but i don't want him to get i don't want him to make a code here um so yeah i really didn't want this but let's do it for the sake of avoiding codes i didn't really gain too much from this though but getting i pretty much re-controlled the center uh because i have a lot of forcing moves let me turn this way this atari is not necessarily sente given that the right side is really really urgent five stones yeah five zones is enough that sounds as nice makes my five stones strong too if you connect them when i cut he's dead so yeah yep so i do have to worry about this cut though this guy doesn't have to connect so when he blocks here why do you have to come back but there's still no way for him to capture my stone here so um is it just what is this yeah i'm not sure what he's doing let's i just connect this back and it's not i can't just push in it's got nothing those liberties are just done so um i could have connected too uh like he's he's not gonna capture my two stones all that new stuff and that's it this is the end yep so in the beginning here white spent too many moves on top left and after this lower left this pretty much came over so it's like such a huge loss and it was originally his quorum so later on he invaded and the attack was went pretty smoothly so yep not too much in the fight either yep pretty smooth game in general okay let's close that actually and generate the next opening mini chinese opening technically he has to have a star boy but if he answers this i can still do it technically um yeah so in chinese technically this one is the micro chinese but i guess min chinese it depends on like how uh how strict you are i guess with the with the definition he invaded right away and so he's really asking for for fight um there's not really anything i can do to enclose them so i guess i'll just try and play some light moves and gain i mean this exchange is actually already pretty good because i pretty much pressed him on the upper side so we will play out this fight when he jumps and you have to decide what to do um i think i'll just jump i think this puts pretty much puts a lot of pressure on his group and um and yeah so it's kind of like i'm protecting myself and also putting some pressure on this group so why atari let me just capture my uh i need i feel like getting victorian but i don't know if i okay he answered so i was afraid that he would just counting and capture because the territory is very big and i'm not sure how much i get capturing that stone but it's kind of like a pretty even train now actually when i when i push here and i save my stone he doesn't have any eyes so that's a problem for him in the future i want to put some pressure on the corner and try to make my shape a little better that's my plan here uh okay he's gonna capture this probably so if he does then already i've made my shape a little bit better oh wow huh he's invading here but he doesn't approach so i'm not really too put off by this i'll just protect this and i'm tired well i'll just move on then i think this is a good exchange at least because when you capture the sony with the sun you're definitely not atari so yeah um this attachment is probably not the best move because living in the corner is pretty small and when han is out like this he's just not alive yet so um oh i should have i should have captured i shouldn't have let him get this but uh yeah fine we'll blitz if you want he wants the blitz um yeah he actually did quite well here um i'm not really too put off by this because yeah still at the corner still has a weak group so i still have a lot more territory than he does but he's playing very well for a freedom player and he's also blitzing against me so that that actually adds to the that's the wall pretty strong guy um [Music] okay if this is the speed then uh fine he's not really doing very well with shape though he's makeup he just made a boxy five which is definitely not good for shape um [Music] i just realized how big this push is actually my lower left group even though it probably won't get attacked but it is still not completely alive technically so i'm not sure whether i should just extend it back or not but i do really want him to get this cut so oh well he is a very aggressive player and a very fast player i still have this push though so he's he's not he's not doing very well in this fight at least his reading skills are so good he's like catching a lot of my mistakes um yeah his his reading skills are definitely not bad um okay i don't have a good girlfriend dang well i'm gonna capture this oh actually now i have a curl for that because i just protect the middle and oh so if he ignores i can capture the corner and pushing through won't really do much so do i knights move where do i block blocking's a bit better because i can actually push here um if i like so he can push so yeah this is alive because when i push um i get at least two if i get one of these i'll get two if okay that probably didn't make any sense but uh the oh man i don't even see him push up how how is this guy a three dan dude he says he's such a strong freedom he sees everything um okay oh man okay i gotta do something if i connect he connects and jump here like wedge and do all this stuff okay i can't let him i can't let his three stones escape that's that's a big no if i don't capture him he's he's probably like come back actually which is crazy he just like came back from from his from his big uh deficit which is crazy he's he's so strong what how can it be so strong oh wait no i can honey this cannot i just i'm just probably playing bad but can i find this uh i think i can oh he can he can haunt here oh i should extend oh definitely uh man yeah evening pushes here yes it's cold that's very nice so more comp more complications but he's pretty much dead he's gonna attack my lower side while starting the co probably he knows everything he starts the co before making the scenting move oh man like compare this guy versus the previous guy like this guy is like at least two stones stronger at least it's like he's so strong man he knows everything starts um i can't even yeah uh so strong i think he's so strong and three then he's like at least a five down or something with the like look at the what look at what he did in the long run the right corner too um yeah i gotta answer this he doesn't have the latter law so this move is technically guilty [Music] that would be i'm gonna like i don't know he's definitely not using it either like none of these are ai moves so he wouldn't be in this situation he used the eye but yeah he's he's he's definitely like a really strong six five four but he's sacrificing this i'm not sure why he's just sacrificing it because he there's no way he's gonna capture my top and if that's the case then he's definitely just lost yeah i mean he doesn't you know he's sacrificed this but holy cow he's he knows a lot of stuff for sure um reading ability probably five then i'm not sure about his other stuff though nine can't really talk in this one game but yeah he's he's held strong for compared to like the other players that we've encountered by far he's way stronger than at least that last player um yeah but now he's pretty much out of weapons nine eight seven six five solo three uh yeah one i'm alive i'm up top he can't okay he resigned wow he's so strong like he knows what's going on too but wow that's that's probably the strongest player we've played for quite a while five yes finally unorthodox all right quick opponent here [Music] um all right the unorthodox large night what what is this oh okay well oh this opening well how am i gonna play oh but he but he attaches that's interesting how am i going to play moyle though like this stuff i thought he had some tricks but this is not very good for him whoa i'm not sure what happened there small glitch with uh fox server this honey is actually a very good move here because um if he ignores it i get to benefit a lot in the corner i love when people blitz against me it's like yes um usually i i gain something so i really like it when they do that like they just play so fast like what are you doing yeah so the reason why i tend to play more um moyo is that that with a tangent stone it is really hard to use so this is why i try to play more influential because this way it's actually a little it's a it's a little better when like it makes the tangent stone a little more efficient it took me like 10 20 seconds to say that um yeah so i'm really not good at like um explaining things when i talk when i'm playing the game um actually like you can probably tell like i'm still trying to get used to it which is also why like my six squad account is not really not doing well uh it's a little difficult to um explain things and play at the same time but i mean yeah you got to do what you got to do so i'm doing very good kill threats but he's losing points with all skull threats so with all with every move here i'm gaining a little bit this is not even a big goal so i'm not sure why he's just um playing so many coconuts that loose points and also none of these ones are good because these two stones aren't really worth much it doesn't threaten my connection this corner is alive so it's not getting anything from this he's probably gonna tore here oh he's getting up to go after so many co-threats that lost points i really didn't expect him to play that um to just get this go up because now when i haunted here he's gonna be really behind oh i felt a leg but he was just thinking why was he thinking about not connecting back or something not sure what he's thinking about there so when i block here you want to cut no i don't think i'm afraid of that i can just tarry out you if you can ex back that's terrible for him because he's just connecting back to his live groups and i'm getting i'm taking all the open areas so let's protect this cut and he's not even alive this group still needs to knees i'll just predict i know i just noticed he played a one space extension i wonder if that's in this clip i literally just noticed this move right now um this direction is is pretty bad um he's kind of just helping me protect my weaknesses yeah all of a sudden he stopped blitzing and he's thinking about something clearly but i don't know what he's thinking about oh okay he's becoming more logical so clearly he's benefiting from taking some time and thinking about things but all of a sudden he stopped he just stopped thinking all of a sudden oh no i just let him in live didn't i uh i should have hunted the other way too oh no he he blocked as well um but the corner is still a co dang okay but it's it's too small to kill the corner right now so obviously that even if he plays a move it's still co which means it's not a big move at the moment oh is he gonna cut ah that's a good move um i have some issues my shape is now a little weak but still he can't really he shouldn't be able to win this fight because if he turns this way i'm like completely rock solid and my group has a co and it's it's actually a one step co he can't even capture me with one move locally so this is good i'm not really afraid of anything with my group because one is relying on the on the outside to live and also he can't capture me with one move what is he doing here don't really care about that stone oh we can attach oh no i was right here okay okay we vote oh no no no what am i i just double i double miss red which which made a positive somehow okay but like all these moves are so low so with so much potential here what is way ahead i feel like a towering but connecting it should be fine what is he doing yep now he really really has to invade um it's quite an annoying invasion point i i should have just played here nine um okay wow he resigned interesting he thought a little bit in your sign okay well that's a nice way to win i think um very um good courtesy from my opponent there let's do one more some no not something's like kobayashi oh is this it this is going to be our first five-day account can't wait this is such a monumental moment we have the 18th game on koichi open here we go uh it's it's so painful to approach from the side for the three four but we gotta do what we gotta do kova ashley opening the five den game really can't wait i mean five down is going to be a journey but i think it's going to be a fun one actually i really want to ask you guys do you want me to get all my accounts to five at the same times meaning that i would pause playing on the account if it reaches five and play just the other ones or do you want me to just keep the variety and keep going so let me know i'm gonna i'm gonna put up a poll for it um so um definitely let me know what you guys uh want so yeah this kobayashi opening i am quite familiar with i used to play this quite a bit this joseki i mean this is really good for black if white doesn't do anything about the push and cut because this lower side is super efficient white doesn't have the corner so this is really good for black uh what are you doing uh i get confused a lot of about a lot of my opponent's moves when [Music] okay he's some he's just ignoring the corner i guess he's sacrificing it i guess that's that would be my interpretation well um he's escaping now oh he has a double hane okay it's pretty hard to count to capture but he doesn't he hasn't really done anything here it's maybe a co that's also very interesting okay so if i connect now there'll still be a code but i do want to connect because this code is very easy for me to fight because he's gonna have to block i connect and then he's gonna have to play the uh i move to make the cup and i can just get whatever i want i can just cut an atari here or whatever super good for black um yeah so but basically this type of co i just get two from somewhere and because i get such a nice wall already and he hasn't finished the lower side so now this game is already very good for black it's hard to kind of it's hard to explain what you do in this kind of fighting situations i mean eventually you're just gonna have to read out more and more variations before you're able to make uh some of the more accurate judgments okay he's playing the cut i did briefly look at this move what this move is it's a pretty ridiculous move i think you just extend out what is it what is he doing here um he just killed himself he's killed his group um [Music] i'm not sure what what he wants but this is a very uh very um oh wow i i can't really push and cut actually it's a it's a very i don't know i was trying to look for a good word to describe this but it's it's a very fast finish i i'll say that i mean [Music] to this the three damn journey on the kabashi opening oh yeah this is a very okay from at this point my opponent has just entered that stage um what we call as the denial denial period where they start playing all these ridiculous moves [Music] moves that are way weaker than a 39 player and yeah now at this point i mean yeah it's it's it should be an easy finish um but the game is still not super clear so i think it's still worth it and also it's the last game for kawashi opening so i i don't think it's worth skipping at this point but also the game is relatively open so it's not one of those games where like the opponent is just i don't know playing inside but oh yes there we go here we go very nice um drop down there we just for our uh we were just promoted to fi dan and we begin the five down journey we will still roll the next account but i will again i will put the poll open so let me know whether you want me to pause playing all of the kobayashi openings or just continue it and uh keep playing as is so the next opening will be high i again double four five thank you all for watching hope it was enjoyable and i will see you in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,419
Rating: 4.8987341 out of 5
Keywords: NYIG, NYGA, Go, Igo, Baduk, Weiqi, 圍棋, 바둑, 囲碁
Id: GyKbzrJrxJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 55sec (2515 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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