Random Boss battles #83[REDDIT REVIEW]

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gonna be honest haven’t seen this video yet but the thumbnail is sending me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bdizzleify πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This video was a strange oneπŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LivsLycancroc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

What sub Reddit was this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Apprehensive_Cook_57 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay you guys know my wife makes these awful creations but i have a secret confession to make i love cursed creations it's something that i actually collect in my spare time if i find a cursed image i know i gotta save it i don't know what i'm gonna do with it i just got i gotta have it on my hard drive i have a fine taste in cursed images all right so therefore we're gonna look at boss fight universe this might seem a bit like a weird tangent but trust me this reddit is great it's got a ton of weird ass and i for one love it pick your fighter we have gilgamesh the consumer of reality or maurice choose wisely you see a young feline attempting to gain strength am i the only one ah is he's only doing it for me all right we'll get you you see a man in the middle of a riot even shouting back all of you get back single-handedly fighting up the police with a chain whip motherfucker's got a chain whip you come across a scene where it seems one of two comrades had fallen in battle how hard wrenching wrecking i can't speak english as you head through a room you see the walls are spinning and a bunch of people are trapped on the walls as they spin one figure however looks down at you from the wall he's broken free from the chains that holds back mankind he is the chosen one the true bass boy [Music] wait a minute wait wait oh okay i get it yeah what have you done if you win i'll move here but if you lose then i get your skeleton fair fair trade what are you gonna do with it i don't know yet you realize that there's a portal below you with something waiting for you inside my god i don't think i found anything safe worthy yet but i'm hoping oh my god well there you go speak of the devil you see a lonely merchant waiting for customers he might be selling some potions but no armor available unfortunately his arrival was foretold in the ancient murder is that real that's so cool i like that that's almost safe worthy you made it to the final boss but first enough [Music] okay but where where are we going earth is done late at night you pass some garbage bags when suddenly you hear a wrestling sound no no i can't fight three of them at the same time you see him at nerf war you know you're dead at sight there's no fight give up immediately he challenged you to defeat him wait what the [ __ ] am i looking at uh it's a shame about the about the tag here otherwise it'd be safe worthy you come across an old adventure who can't seem to completely squares anymore does that mean no no no yo while on walk you encounter god of wiggins he can levitate if you wish the trees and planes are on his side but the animals he can't seem to control them lift bar to create a mass extinction you see a bar will you flick it yeah yeah obviously obviously mass distinction okay let's go defeat bounce the dog who has the biggest health bar than free up the bbc bounce he's too powerful he's got too much health he's a god damn tank he can't be defeated don't fight bounce don't just bounce around you won't be able to even hit him she may look innocent but she's got she got anger and fear in her eyes and she will afflict it upon thee you see scared boy or being threatened by angry boy such a cute image how does his flesh just go out like that what the [ __ ] he's got loose teeth or something hey michael is that you michael the imposter michael no that's kind of success i don't think it's michael though that's his personal preference you encounter depression pond you can't seem to make it out of this place it's dark and dreary you hear someone say up here dummy and see this but you can't slam dunk your sofa [ __ ] huh prove to me that you can slam dunk a sofa and i'll give you the next quest in on your journey i have so many ques you know what that's safe worthy i'll give it a fine addition to my collection i think that i think that's the beauty in these images it's like how do these come about like this guy it's the lore behind it the mom holding the phone him being still ripped as [ __ ] it's funny life you take some time off to cool down like why how when what where it's i love it the internet is so such a confusing place there it is you encountered god the brass section his armor is too strong don't even try to defeat him obama would like to access the microphone never ever under any circumstances let obama access your microphone if he slides in your dm it's all good though i was supposed to talk to this embassy for part of a question but he bugged me god damn i hate when that happened so i can't do the quests now shake that's cool i like that i'll see you later where did this importantly nice you know what that lake is missing water you have approached lonely crab he appears to be weeping what will you do seduce or devour the choice is yours maybe both can i pick both seduced then devour him for lonely crab he never knew what was gonna happen mr b's new campaign be looking like bomb nature with trees [ __ ] nature vessels oh my what you find something growing out of your computer what do you do devour or seduce the choice is yours before it devours and seduces you that do be looking kind of sexy though i'll say that oh a classic image y'all y'all y'all too young for to understand this the cs lan parties we had as kids man all you can do now is just bring a laptop for your switch but no no no there was dedication back in the day you enter a door to a dungeon and find the following on the inside what do you do the bower seduce the choice yours you are calm in your house you see your dog you smile at him and he smiles back what do you do devour seduce oh no he's already seduced me he's so cute that is that actually strangely looked like the middle point of devouring seduce not knuckle ally saved welcome very traveler to my shop buy or sell we have a fine edition of swords for you today yeah the greatest weapon of pain what is it there's a belt on a what this is legit what i do when i'm bored i go through reddit's anyway oh oh it's you spank em with it okay got it okay [Laughter] which group of npcs should i help see i have no idea why this photo was taken or where or why i i love it the cops have loot but the sonic will give you wish wait what got 100 dislikes i gotta see that what about sonic is wise you're low level as [ __ ] jesus christ dude he approaches you onto your property from the forest young traveler you must wear this armor protect yourself from the five g's i would spare you some but i used it all for for my ass monsieur whoa all right that was very unexpected worth fighting or not is too powerful there's no way you could win against minecraft tyler1 the second stage of the boss is too powerful oh these are so cool like barely any power and it just like snaps like oh god imagine imagine that getting on your nipple mighty one no oh [ __ ] it's corpse irl finally face reveal i knew it second phase cut scenes be like oh you thought you defeated me peacocks are real-life boss battles i knew it [Music] you dare challenge me [Laughter] oh that's great is that a real statue that's such a cool edit you walk down an alley and see this he offers a limited time quest to kill his arch rivals recycle man do you accept absolutely i want to try that you think i can do that that's like an easy halloween costume [Music] fight me mortal it's a little hard to breathe in this don't do that why don't you help me i need help help how did that look like all right our trash bags are a little small i ordered the wrong size feels good man i don't really need to wear pants yeah i like this yeah oh sorry don't look as you enter a room you see that rather strange game going on as two men seems to be losing he's too powerful we bet all our lives on this someone did this congratulations you can you believe uh people sing so loud the way people embarrass himself ridiculous who's he making ah yeah [Laughter] what what holy [ __ ] fire rags there plus five fire damage right there these dudes look like that kind of boss battle where you fight two bosses at once and one will revive the other yeah they look ridiculous in those outfits i look good i feel fancy forbidden mcdonald's burger must resist eating at once it could give you extra health or could come with unforeseen consequences will you devour or seduce it the choice is yours okay guys this has been boss fight universe i have to return to my kingdom at once to deliver the message i see you on the other side [Music] huh
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,270,713
Rating: 4.9668622 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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