Random Acts of Kindness - - Good People 2020 - Faith In Humanity Restored #3

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[Music] i can't wait to be there when you graduate i can't wait to see you have the time of your life when you go to college but most of all kylie i look forward to the day i walk you down the aisle on the day you get married because that's what fathers do the reason why i can say that is because today all of our family and friends is the day i get to adopt you [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey how's it going where are your shoes [Music] [Music] okay so you're going to albertan now yeah but it's like a kilometers away how are you gonna get there like this you don't have clothes you don't have shoes i'm trying to help you now so you have parents [Music] are you serious how many hours you've been walking let's go there or try to buy something i keep on forgetting you said what size you are seven okay cool the shoes [Music] what size way up small okay cool let's go okay let's get a jacket yeah it's nice yeah if you like it check it [Music] because you challenge you change and you put your new clothes on you look great you get new issues now all right cool yeah you're gonna ask your friend to get the id then you're going to buy the phone and then immediately when you get there you call me do you understand so that i know that you didn't get lost put it in a different pocket so that you don't you don't lose my number take this one yes yeah and this one's going to help you along the way and this one yeah and this one is going to help with transport with the taxi so it's going to be easier for you to get a change yes so get there and make sure when you get there you call me okay [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] sure [Music] you
Channel: InnerLight Media
Views: 4,485,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: random act of kindness, act of kindness, one random act of kindness, people rescue people, people helps other people, rescue people, good people, Real Life Heroes, humanity, humanity videos, Faith In Humanity, amazing heroes, humanity 2020, heroic, Try To Watch This Without Crying, best heroes, true hero, life hero, hero in real life, be human, helping people, Faith In Humanity Restored 2020, help, help people, innerlight media, inner light media, inner light media kindness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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