Ranch Skinwalker ATTACK | 8 TRUE Horror Stories

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if you were out trick-or-treating and a person in a werewolf costume began to chase you down a Wooded Trail what would you do and how would you be certain it was just a costume welcome back to unexplained encounters I'm your host Darkness prevails and you can follow me on X at dark prevails where I've been discussing bogy and scary movies tonight's episode features monsters Galore some you'll recognize and others you won't but all of them will have you so scared you may never want to sleep again enjoy remember I want to narrate your scariest stories of The Unexplained so be sure to send them to me at dark stories.org also catch my other podcasts where I narrate various other scary stories just search for Tales from the breakroom or camping Horrors on Spotify or apple podcasts you can also just go to cast.com now let's begin warning the following story contains depictions of self harm and child abuse my big sister's been replaced from Anonymous my big sister she was everything every girl wanted to be she was everything every boy liked at seemed she was everything everyone loved my big sister was perfect in every way or so one would think she was a prodigy insanely smart skilled talented beautiful kind she was everything and I was pretty much nothing I was always the other daughter but only people who couldn't see into the crap hole I called home would think I was jealous of her I was glad I wasn't her for the things she went through I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy I've never seen her rest ever since I could remember she took care of me while focusing on her studies and pleasing our parents I felt bad she was always more than a mother to me than a big sister she would help me with homework even though she was busy with her own she would clean my room because I didn't feel like it she would make me food she would pick me up from school heck she even went to all of my school events and parent teacher meetings she was amazing to me and I was just an ungrateful little turd I insulted her and called her names I yelled at her I would be so rude to her and she just well she just loved me my sister was the only person who cared for me our parents never really bothered with me they gave me more freedom than she could ever hope to receive she was a prisoner in our own home beaten until she was bruised and bloody for an imperfection in her work when I was only five I remember her begging on her hands and knees you see she hadn't done too well in her physical education class as she had Twisted her ankle and it was left untreated but our parents were seething they slapped her they told her to pack her bags because she was being put into an orphanage for being such a failure she begged them to reconsider she told me that day that love will always be earned never given out for free I remember her staying up all night doing homework and studying then she would cover up her unhealthy palad skin and her dark eye bags with makeup just so she could hide all her exhaustion her bruises her malnourishment I remember reading her diary one time she stared at me funny when I asked what sa meant she was sa when she was 8 years old then several times after that by her own mother but now I know what it meant and it makes me want to cry the things she wrote in her diary were disgusting I cried when I remembered what was written in it I remember her reading to me and singing lullabies to me before bed I remember when she showed me cool things she knew how to do it was great entertainment watching her ability to use both her right and left hands to do the same task equally well like writing or drawing I always loved when she did magic tricks for me she was really good at card tricks which I found very fun I remember my sister asking our parents for the smallest things things they would deny without a second thought nearly every girl has had a sleepover at some point right when her acquaintance from school asked her to come to one of her sleepovers she asked our parents and they said no but but she was also slapped when she tried to press the matter trying to convince them to let her go forget sleepovers my sister never even got to hang out with people she had no social life no life at all she wanted to be a magician and an artist dreams she would never get to chase for she had to become a doctor according to my parents she would just sit there studying her life away she was getting sick though I could tell I could see it I would walk into the bathroom to her coughing up blood and washing it down the sink I would see the scars on her ribs from the broken piece of glass she used to sink into her own flesh I would hear her cry she never cried in front of people but sometimes you would hear a soft snipple and a hiccup in the other room I on the other hand I got to do whatever I wanted I could go out with friends I could dress however I wanted wanted sleep in be late I could do anything I was an awful person I could see her suffering clear as day and I wouldn't give a single crap that was until my sister went missing she came into my room one night she kissed my forehead with her frigid lips her soft cold hands brushing against my shoulder as she fixed my blanket she whispered something inaudible and left but not before leaving her bracelet on my bedside table it was the last thing I had left of her I never saw her again after that now you would think that everyone would absolutely lose their minds she was the perfect Prodigy of the small town we lived in the town was so small it didn't even make an indent in the map everyone knew everyone so when the perfect daughter disappeared you would assume that everyone would go searching for her but nobody noticed the next day I woke up to a girl I've never seen in my life shaking me awake my sister had silvery platinum blonde hair due to the lack of melanin she had palet cold skin and gray eyes yet this girl she had medium blonde hair blue eyes and her skin looked like any normal Caucasian girl ever her voice was high-pitched way too feminine to be the voice of my sister who had a slightly deeper yet quiet and feminine tone I flinched as I saw this stranger above me who are you I asked with annoyance your big sister silly come on wake up you're going to be late for school the girl grinned her face made me uncomfortable her blue eyes looked like the ones of a fish almost and her teeth were small I don't know how to explain it but she just looked so uncanny so beautiful yet so repulsive I got up and walked to the kitchen where she served me a glass of orange juice and a plate of bacon and eggs I stared at this girl my sister knows I only like watered down cranberry juice and her specialty strawberry pancakes this was my second tell that this girl was not my sister there was no way our parents walked into the room then with a smile sweetie you've got an exam tomorrow make sure you do your best my mom said kindly to whoever this stranger was my mom never spoke kindly sure she had passive aggressive moments but those weren't kind I went through my day watching everyone treat this girl as if she was my sister calling her by my sister's name laughing with her I knew it wasn't her and I knew it knew that I knew its smile was like a Mocking wizened Monkey grin every time it looked at me with its disgusting fish-like eyes it's been 7 months since it came here I checked every possible thing to see if I could explain that it wasn't my sister but I simply couldn't find anything to explain it the pictures videos and even memories seemed to have been replaced on everything where my sister once was it was taken over by a creature I could not begin to understand I don't know what happened to my real sister but this wasn't her I don't understand why no one else can seem to tell I swear I'm not going insane everything that has been linked to my big sister has slowly disappeared her clothes her artwork everything she was just gone gone with no trace my sister's face is even slowly disappearing from my own memory I can hardly remember what she looked like I can only remember her voice her soft weeping her screams but her voice is fading too now it's replaced every trace of her existence I don't know how to find my sister I don't know what happened to her and what that vile thing is but all I know is that it knows it knows that I'm aware of its deceit and it knows that I know that it isn't my sister trick Retreat or werewolf from Dian Ed I don't think I'll ever look at Halloween the same way after what happened to me and my friends Amanda and J Jacob one October night 8 years ago it happened in our small town in Virginia we were all just 13 excited to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood like any other year but our fun night of collecting candy took a terrifying turn after deciding to take a shortcut home through the woods what we encountered out there in those dark trees ended up impacting me for years to come it was Halloween night really looking forward to going trick-or-treating with my friends we'd been coordinating our costumes for weeks until finally landing on this I was going as a witch Amanda as a black cat and Jacob as a zombie football player at around 6:00 p.m. Amanda and Jacob arrived at my house whoa love the costume Amanda exclaimed I smiled and thanked her adjusting my pointy black hat Jacob grunted pretending to limp towards us like a stereotypical zombie we laughed after Mom took the obligatory photos the three of us set out into the brisk October evening our neighborhood was filled with other kids and families also out trick-or-treating we went house to house filling up our bags with candy comparing who got the most chocolate bars so far a couple of hours in we decided to head towards the culdesac at the end of the neighborhood a place called Brier Wood Circle the houses there were huge and we heard they gave out king-sized candy as we walked we started sharing scary stories theories about what the best candy spots were Etc I heard the Johnson hand out full-size Snickers bars Amanda said excitedly her black cat ears bouncing as she walked yeah but don't they always run out super early Jacob replied we'd have to get there fast we quickened our Pace leaves crunching under our shoes the full moon above provided an eerie glow to guide our way as we turned onto Brierwood Circle I felt a chill go up my spine something about the street always creeped me out even though it looked similar to the rest of the neighborhood maybe it was the looming oak trees that cast ominous Shadows or the perfectly manicured Lawns that seemed a little too perfect Amanda and Jacob didn't seem to notice as they compared candy Halls under a Street Lamp I shook off the uneasy feeling and joined them we continued trick-or-treating ooing and awing over the generous treats handed out by the Brierwood residents after hitting up the last few houses we decided to cut through the small Woods between Brierwood and my street to walk home the warn dirt path was lit only by the the Moonlight it was getting late and a Mist was starting to settle down between the bare branches I hesitated before following Amanda and Jacob into the woods guys I said nervously maybe we should just walk back the regular way what's wrong scared Jacob chuckled no it's just kind of creepy here I replied pushing some low hanging branches out of the way don't worry it's not far Amanda assured me we continued on leaves crunching under our feet I couldn't shake the ominous feeling like something was watching us from the dark then we heard a twig snap from somewhere in the shadows we all froze then what was that I whispered Amanda and Jacob looked around cautiously it was probably just a squirrel or something Jacob said after a few silent short moment moments yeah let's keep moving we're almost there Amanda added we picked up pace moving quickly through the woods the full moon kept disappearing behind passing clouds making it difficult to see the path I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears suddenly another snap from a branch this time louder and much closer okay I definitely heard that Jacob said nervously we huddled together on the path peering out into the dark hello Amanda called out timidly is anyone there silence but then heavy plotting footsteps the sound of fallen leaves being crushed under something much larger my blood turned to eyes this wasn't a squirrel it wasn't even another person run Amanda yelled we took off down the path as fast as our legs could carry us I could hear the footsteps behind us getting faster gaining ground I risked a glance back and screamed glowing eyes and the silhouette of a hulking creature Barrel towards us Don't Look Back Jacob yelled we broke through the tree line sprinting across the open street I was gasping for air by then my lungs burning we didn't stop until we reached my front door we scrambled inside and slammed it shut pressing our backs against it Amanda and Jacob were wheezing eyes wide with Terror what the heck was that Jacob gasped I don't know it was huge and fast Amanda replied shakily I peered out the front windows but didn't see any sign of it my my mind was reeling was it a rapid bear a big dog or something worse I said something based on what I saw out there guys I think that was a werewolf Jacob and Amanda looked at me incredulously don't be ridiculous werewolves aren't real Amanda said then explain what that was I shot back I saw it it wasn't normal Jacob ran his hands through his hair nervously I mean it was pretty freaking huge and I saw claws on it Amanda shook her head no it was probably just a big wolf then or something right she looked at us with pleading eyes maybe I replied half-heartedly but deep down I knew we had narrowly escaped some something straight out of a horror film that night we all ended up sleeping at my place too terrified to walk home too scared to even go back outside the next day we returned to the path in the light of day and we found giant paw prints in a few spots along the trail much too big to be a regular wolf and certainly not something a person would make my friends desperately tried to come up with other rational explanations but I knew every Halloween sense I get this uneasy feeling when night falls and I'm terrified I'll catch a glimpse of glowing eyes watching me from the dark School hostile haunted by a ghost from its past from stressed University student this was in 2019 my first year here at my new high school which was located 3 hours away from my hometown this meant I lived in my school's hostel during the week and I would go home on weekends the school is over a hundred years old which meant it had its fair share of tales and rumors surrounding its history I basically heard all of them my first week from my roommates and friends two of these stories you could say were proven one story was that of a lady in white haunted ing the school building itself the other was a tale of a soldier that haunted the Hostile supposedly the school and its surrounding properties were used in the wars that took place in my country as a base or a hospital The Soldier's Spirit had allegedly been heard and seen by nearly all of my hostile friends and one teacher even told her own story to us one night I tried my best to brush off these stories as I'm a firm believer in the Supernatural and all that comes along with it and I did not want to invite any sort of ghost to cross my path unfortunately I did one week during my school year a public holiday fell on a Wednesday I told my family it would be useless to come get me as I would only be spending one day at home and I would see them on the weekend our hostel was divided by grade each grade had their own Hall where they slept our Hall was in an e shape with with rooms varying in size I was in a twoos sleeper room and with my luck my roommate had left for both nights and the rest of the hall did too so I was the only person left there my room was right above the stairs that led to the dining hall meaning I was in the middle of the lowest line of the e-shaped hall after school I settled into my room saying goodbye to all my friends and I did some homework as I waited for the Bell to ring for dinner dinner then came and went so I showered the bathrooms were located just next to the stairs so just above the middle line of the E afterwards I climbed into bed for the night later on I woke up to the sound of footsteps they walked past my door towards the room located three doors from mine the end of the last line of the e at first I thought it must have been one of the other students who were left in the hospital using the bathroom but then I remembered I was alone here so it would make no sense that students in other grades would use my Hall's bathroom I laid awake for a minute listening as the footsteps slowly walked back down the hall and promptly stopped in front of my unlocked door we weren't allowed to lock our doors the footsteps then started running back to the other end of the hall I tried ration I any explanation as to why some teacher or student would do such a thing I rolled over to grab my phone trying to see if it was already the early hours of the morning but no it was 1:32 a.m. just as I unlocked my phone the loud footsteps walked from the end of the hall it sounded like heavy boots thundering against tiles I ducked underneath the covers like a child scared of the dark thinking I was going to lose my life to some psycho who broke into the hostel I was paralyzed with fear too scared to unlock my phone to call for help or anything the footsteps grew louder and louder then suddenly right in front of my door they stopped the hall once again went dead silent I held my breath waiting for my door to Creak open praying to whoever was listening to save me and once again the footsteps started running back echoing as they did I lay in my bed for a minute thinking about what I could possibly do to save myself the thought of running to my hostile principal was a thought but the heavens knew I was not fit and no matter how fast my legs carried me that thing the hall would be faster I kept on listening figuring out its pattern the thing would slowly walk from the other end of the hall to my door then run back this is important as it influenced my next move I made sure I wasn't just dreaming pinching myself and almost dying when I realized it wasn't a dream any idea of sleep I had left had vanished by now those minutes felt like hours as I just kept listening counting the seconds it took for the thing to run from my door to the end of the hall all each time it seemed to be the exact same 10 seconds hear me out that hallway was not short no human could cross it in that speed so the thought of running away was gone tears gathered in my eyes as I realized it was due or die maybe I was being dramatic but I was a 15-year-old girl who only had Chopsticks to defend herself so don't judge my actions here I waited until those footsteps were as distant as possible before I jumped up and then saw my school bag my school bag was pretty large my school did have lockers but you had to rent them and I would much rather keep all my books in my bag it may have been a stupid idea but I moved my school bag in front of the door as some sort of protection as quietly as I could but the moment the bag softly scraped against the hardwood floors that thing began to run run back down the hall towards me I didn't know what to do I slammed my bag against the door and dove into bed I listened then to these footsteps for who knows how long not once did they run towards my door no they walked slowly I muffled my tears with my blanket as the thing stopped in front of my door and I thought it would just stand there for a second then leave but no it stayed there the world went Silent not like it did previously no this time it was like that silence was a warning then I heard it breathing shaky heavy breathing like the thing was in pain worse yet it spoke help me the words rang through the air it sounded like a man's voice but not fully the words were almost forced out hollowed slurred it sounded like death to be honest distant yet so clear if that makes sense but not human not at all then came the banging the sound was deafening the cries for help now turning into screams that made my ears ring help it called out over and over that voice was filled with agony it did its best mimicry of a human I lifted my head from the covers expecting to see my door open but it was still closed not moving or budging at all even though something outside continued to bang on it tears streamed down my face as I tried to scream but nothing wanted to come out and in a last ditch effort I whispered out please leave me please my words were broken and after that everything went silent once more I sat there in my bed waiting for it to barge through my door but nothing suddenly the church bell which was located on my school's property rang once then twice 2: a.m. I couldn't for the life of me believe this all happened in half an hour I sat there staring at that door until the sun rose waiting and waiting but nothing at 7:00 a.m. the bell rang for breakfast and you best believe I sprinted down that hallway stopping the first teacher and telling her what the heck just happened she of course wrote this all off giving me permission to sleep in another grades Hall if I was so scared gee thanks I mumbled as she walked away I spent the rest of my day in the courtyard swearing that that thing was watching me the whole time sensing its eyes on me I did end up sleeping in another Hall that night one that was the farthest from mine and indeed nothing happened until I was awakened at 6 a.m. by that exact teacher telling me another student experienced the same thing it soon became an entire ordeal the hostel was searched in case someone was hiding somewhere but that search led to nothing I tried my best to just forget the night as nothing further happened but I did bring it up once with one of the women who worked in the kitchen at the hostel she hadd been working there for over 30 years and by the look on her face when I brought it up that was enough to tell me what I needed to know don't ask don't mention it don't call it I moved out of the Hostel 2 months later as my father moved to the city and I went to live with him I was more than grateful up until moving I did not sleep soundly in that place after Nightfall there were Rumors in the four years I was still in high school that the Paranormal Activity in the hostel only got worse it was so bad they even called a priest but my school kept those types of things very private I'm not sure what I experienced that night and I'm not going to try to find out out as I don't want to call it back to me but I know two things for certain that thing was not human and I was not dreaming I think the soldier who haunted the hostel made its presence known that night and somebody called it back something on my family's Ranch from cowpoke I was 17 years old when this happened I live on a ranch in West Texas it was passed down to my family for Generations it mainly contains cows and horses I grew up Southern Living in the outdoors learning how to be a Rancher our Ranch consists of a large acreage of woods surrounding the property that's where I would spend most of my life country boy and cowboy one day during the summer my parents had gone off to France for a romantic vacation they'd be gone for about a week my dad left me in charge of being the man of the ranch you might think it was crazy of them to leave me alone for a week but I didn't mind since I know how to do things around the ranch plus my dad trusted me enough to look out for the place one thing I need to mention is that I have two older siblings my brother and sister but they're grownup and went to live their own lives now on day one nothing happened I spent the day doing chores milking the cows grooming the horses and whatnot on day two it was the same thing aside from my girlfriend coming over other than that nothing happened on day three that's when the encounters happened I was sitting on the back porch on guard Duty I remember I was holding my dad's rifle in hand listening to some country music but over the music I thought I heard something else I turned the volume down and I listened but I didn't hear anything else it was starting to get late by then so I rounded up all the animals in the barn double locking the doors I then felt an uneasy feeling like someone or something was watching me from the woods I turned around then and I spotted a dark figure peeking out from one of of the trees I couldn't see who or what it was since it was from a distance and it Blended in with the Shadows after all it was Pitch blackout but what I could make out was an arm my first thought was a trespasser I had my rifle with me so I kept my finger on the trigger and I spoke aloud hey there this is private property and you're trespassing Move Along nobody needs to get hurt but the figure didn't move I'm not sure if it even understood me I don't know if I blinked or if I was hallucinating because the next thing I remember the figure was gone like it just vanished Into Thin Air at the moment I didn't care about it but something later that night would happen I was playing Red Dead Redemption 2 with the volume down around that time time I began to hear a commotion coming from the cows I ran out to the barn once again armed with my rifle when I got there the barn door was smashed open and I saw one of the cows had been killed and partially eaten I almost vomited at the sight of it I didn't see a sign of the culprit or attacker whatever it was it was long gone by then I walked over to the carcass and got a better look I remember remember thinking dang it what am I going to tell my dad I took care of the body but I was mad at whatever had attacked our livestock I wanted to go after it and kill it proved to my dad that I could take care of things like this soon an idea came to mind I decided to take the carcass into the woods and use it as bait to draw it out I was certain it was some kind of wild animal the next day I got to work I tied the remains of the cow to the end of my buggy and I drove into the woods I found a good spot to lay it as bait and I also installed a hunting camera that can connect to my phone so if it does show up then I wanted to get it on camera as I was installing it I felt I was getting paranoid it was like someone was about to pounce on me every sound around me made me more cautious the woods where I thought I was safe had now turned into some sort of hunting ground once I was done I headed back to the house and began to wait while waiting I remembered the dark figure I saw the other day I began to think the two things were connected that would also explain why we haven't seen a lot of deer and coyotes I suddenly felt my phone vibrate I checked it notifications from the hunting camera I Che checked the images all I could see was a silhouette but there was definitely something out there I had two choices go after whatever it was out there and kill it or at least make it go away or let it be but risk it destroying my family's ranch or harming my family in the end I decided to go after it because it was out there right now and there was no way I was letting this thing torment my home I summoned up the courage and prayed to God to be with me and protect me and so I made my way into the woods I was scared of course I must have been out of my mind to want to kill this thing alone but who am I going to call who's going to believe me I was nervous with every step I took all the noises of nature made me jump I had my gun but it didn't make me feel Invincible all of a sudden it went went quiet the sounds of birds and insects left and the wind died down I then smelled a horrible stench like rotting meat in death I knew it was here I then heard something behind me a voice it sounded like my mom but I knew it wasn't I gripped my gun and turned around there was something standing there on two legs something taller than me much much taller possibly around 8 ft I stared at the thing and it seemed to stare back but then a voice came from it a voice I'll never forget because it sounded like my mother run [Music] honey this sent more than a shiver down my spine I snapped out of my confusion and I fired at it the figure screeched and I'd hoped I'd hit it I kept firing at it until I felt it was enough the thing ran away I stood there for a minute Frozen I guess I was processing what happened but I felt proud knowing that IID protected my home and I didn't have to worry that what I fired at was a person because I knew it wasn't because that figure the one I mentioned was about 8 ft tall also appeared to have antlers of some sort coming from it head when my parents got back from vacation I told my dad everything that happened he was shocked not sure what to say but he said he was proud of me for fighting back I never saw the thing again but every time I go back into those woods I bring a weapon with me just in case it does come back always stay alert out there especially when it comes to Defending Your Home Texas Skinwalker from Emma [Music] line the memory of that Dreadful night in the Texas Wilderness still sends shivers down my spine whenever I think about it Jacob and I were always The Adventurous couple seeking Thrills in the Uncharted corners of our home state but little did we know that one of our escapades would lead us to a nightmarish encounter with a malevolent being something that we believe to be a skinwalker it was a warm moonlit evening when we decided to set up our campsite near a secluded Creek the rugged landscape was enchanting with ancient mosquite trees and Limestone Cliffs adding an eerie Beauty to our surroundings as the night deepened so did the strange noises echoing through the forest at first we dismissed them as typical Wildlife sounds but they soon grew unnerving Whispers that seem to twist and distort With the Wind with this unsettling feeling settling in Jacob and I decided to take a short walk to shake off our unease little did we know this decision would lead us deeper into the mysterious heart of the Wilderness away from the comforting glow of our campfire as we ventured farther out the Moonlight cast Eerie Shadows on the landscape we thought we knew so well it was then we saw it whatever it was it stood among the trees this grotesque figure with skin hanging Loosely from its skeletal frame its eyes glowed with an unnatural light that pierced through the darkness fear froze Us in place as this creature shifted its form a nightmarish dance of human and animal features it whispered our names and the voices it used resembled our loved ones but with an added malevolence Panic washed over us as we realized we were trapped in the presence of this wicked thing desperately we tried to escape but the forest itself seemed to conspire against us once familiar trees twisted and I swear the creek nearby shifted its course disorienting us at every turn the skinwalker pursued us relentlessly always just out of sight but never far behind we could hear it every step of the way time seemed to blur in this nightmare exhaustion weighed us down as we stumbled through this labyrinthine Forest then a revelation struck we had to fight back or we may not make it Hearts pounding we summoned our courage and turned around we called out loud to any spirits of the land that could protect us suddenly all went quiet before just as abruptly the skin walker let out a blood curdling Screech contorting and convulsing before Vanishing into the night the forest around us settled back into its natural state the Eerie Whispers Fading Into the distance we finally made it back to our campsite shaken and scarred by the harrowing encounter we packed our belongings hastily and fled the Texas Hill Country leaving behind the horrors of the night we promised each other never to go back and never to speak of this experience even so that entity's presence haunted our dreams for years to come from that day forward we knew that some Mysteries were better left unexplored they could stay in the depths of the Texas Wilderness for all we cared it was inches from me from the Creator's Guardian I think I've experienced many paranormal things and even unknown creature encounters some of them were as unfrightened as The Unexplained movement of a lamp in contrast I have a story of when I believe I was attacked by a skinwalker rather than boring you to death about a stupid ghost lamp let's talk talk about the latter story when I was around 17 years old I took a walk in the woods to productively blow off some steam I wasn't doing too well in my rigorous high school studies my dad had cut a small entrance into the woods behind our house so I went in and started my walk at the moment I wasn't really caring about anything at all I found some coyote tracks before long and I wanted to improve my tracking skills not for anyone in particular even so I began to follow them with no goal in mind it wasn't like I was going to find this thing the tracks looked pretty old anyway however something was off about them as I followed them they changed from the doglike Prince of a coyote to the elongated human foot-like shape of a Barefoot man I chocked it up to a coyote beginning to run in the mud so its feet slid making the footsteps look longer I was near a river at this point so there was indeed some mud nearby at about 7:00 p.m. I lost those tracks and at the same time the sun was beginning to set I began to track my giant boot clad footsteps back to my house until I saw a third pair of tracks these were not the tracks of an animal I'd ever seen and I didn't see them on my way down was this creature following me I began to panic what if some rabid animal was stalking me what if I was being hunted logic stepped in and I thought of real reasons why these tracks might be here perhaps I hadn't seen them before I thought to myself but then I heard breathing behind me it sounded wrong as if the person was breathing through a pillow I didn't take any chance I assumed it was some murderer or serial killer so I kned it out of there at high speed as I ran I could have swore I heard footsteps behind me closing the distance soon I emerged from the tree line my chest burned but overall I was fine I did not look back at the woods as I walked up to our house I entered breathless but I was safe I changed my my clothes and thought I had escaped a harrowing encounter with some psycho impersonator in the woods but I was wrong so wrong I wish it had all stopped [Music] there fast forward a couple of days of undisturbed peace I was growing angry at my pre-calculus homework once again and in my anger I decided to take a walk in the woods I didn't even tie my hiking bootlaces before I went in believe me this is important I was stomping through the woods when I noticed a set of huge Footprints these were deer hoofprints but they were huge I'm talking massive right away I thought there might be some huge trophy buck in the woods I tracked the hoofprints and soon noticed that this deer was either a mutant or very talented because it was walking on two legs two prints alternating from left to right and and so on this was odd but my idiotic self thought nothing of it at some point a twig snapped and I looked up to see two enormous yellow eyes staring back into mine I gasped I began to see its features patchy fur that seemed to be coming off it was very lean and looked like it hadn't eaten anything ever I could see Its Ribs quite clearly I realized then it was still scoping over very low to stare at me I could very clearly sense this thing did not want me here I remember thinking sure thing I'll leave and I got the heck out of Dodge however it followed me lazily as if making sure I was really leaving as I ran I saw a small rock picked it up and I threw it as hard as I could behind me I think it connected because whatever that thing was roared it sounded like a man deer and Elk all at once screaming together I fell down and covered my ears I then felt something hit me hard in the side causing me to Slam against a nearby tree I howled in pain as my ankle had been caught behind me and got sprained I yelled in pain I was on my back then writhing when through pained Vision I saw the creature standing over me it stooped even lower than before getting right in my face and shrieking what sounded like leave I could smell something rancid on its breath I thought that was the end that I was dead meat I was hurt and probably couldn't walk I began to crawl away from it on my back at the right distance I struggled to get to my feet and in a fit of hormone filed anger I screamed back I'm not dying today I ran adrenaline fueled helping to block away the pain this thing what I believe was a skin walker shrieked again from somewhere behind me I felt as if I ran forever but finally I made it to our house and slammed the door shut I limped painfully inside I never did tell my family about this and in the end I told my dad that some Maniac had chased me through the woods but my dad being him he knew I was lying about it however he didn't push or prod I'm grateful for that I think that if I hadn't run away from that Skinwalker thing at that exact moment it would have decided to finally kill its play toy to this day I believe a skin walker lives in the woods behind our house and I'll never be hiding liking back there again scariest night of my life from the Creator's Guardian I don't even know where to start this event was so traumatizing I didn't sleep for almost 8 days straight and barely even ate this event happened 5 weeks back as of writing this I was in the heat of my first year in college the assignments were piling up and I was not in the best mental state to begin with before this occurred it was about 6:00 p.m. after driving home to my parents house I walked out on our deck to chill for a while we have five dogs one of which is an English Mastiff named Winston we'd had Winston since he was a puppy so I was accustomed to his moods at the time he was lying by my chair on the deck Our Deck faces East which is where a pretty large Forest is located this forest is beautiful during the day but at night it's pretty creepy I live in a humid area so in the early morning there is a dense layer of fog in the woods at around 6:30 one of our neighbors dogs began to bark like a maniac so I yelled out frustrated Into the Dark Forest please be quiet as if that would do anything right of course the dog paid no heed but after about 4 minutes of howling and barking an unearthly Screech shook the once the forest went dead quiet afterwards except for the dog however whatever made that noise forced the dog to be quiet because soon after I heard a final pained Yelp followed by complete silence it was then that I noticed in the trees there were these figures they moved about at insane speed and made absolutely no noise as they did during this Winston was losing his mind now growling with hackles raised He barked then and the figures seemed to retreat a little if you have a Mastiff and you've heard a defensive bark from one you know it can be intimidating I felt a bit more safe with my giant 170lb dog at my side then there was the screeching sound the same sound as before when the neighbor's dog went deathly quiet what the heck I said dumbfounded then all at once those dark figures in the woods burst from the trees at an alarm ing speed they seemed to fly I grabbed Winston by the collar and shoved him inside the house the two of us racing off the deck back inside I wish it stopped there but it got much worse as I watched from a window one of the black figures made their way to the area of the deck where I had been moments ago then it stopped moving and I mean completely stopped like they were statues then even through the window I was watching through I felt a rumbling thud thud thud of massive feet something larger was coming through the woods emerging from the Woodline from what I could estimate it appeared to be 10 to 11 ft tall but I couldn't see much of its features save for parts of its face what I could see was a long snout on a skull-like face it had had these dangling patches of rotted flesh that looked like they used to be ears and the eyes I'll never forget them they glowed yellow within its skull it stared at me freezing me in place the fear I felt in my chest was Indescribable and almost painful physically then it screeched the same Screech IID heard while on the deck the black figures flew toward towards my windows black clawed hands desperately trying to reach in all of a sudden the black things cleared and just above the deck railing the screecher as I called it peaked at me it seemed almost curious then it turned around and walked back into the woods it let out one final Screech and the black apparitions followed I think they were that that thing's minions I know it sounds impossible downright insane but I know what I saw if anyone knows what this screecher might be what these black apparitions were I'm all ears the scream from Tiger Lily this is a story told to me by my friend I was 16 years old when she moved to my city not into the city but to a nearby Town not to far we became fast friends for the sake of anonymity we'll call my friend Maya Maya lived in the woods and once we became friends she invited me down to stay the night at her parents' Place nothing was out of the ordinary at her place her parents seemed to be regular protective parents we spent the day at a lake about a mile from the house We snuck some Malt Beverages up there with us relaxing and swimming Looking Back Now The Silence in those woods was quite Eerie you'd expect to hear bugs or birds or anything but it was just quiet that night when it started getting too late Maya and I packed up and left once we arrived back at the house her parents were making dinner and chatting over wine we ate with them then headed back upstairs to Maya's room the sunset cast an orange glow over everything and it was that moment I realized I didn't have my purse I swore I'd grabbed it when we left the lake but we searched Maya's room high and low and found nothing I was in tears because my phone and wallet and car keys were all in that bag as well as the locket my grandmother had given me before she died I was about to March right out the front door by myself to go and get my stuff when mayia stopped me she pleaded with me to wait until morning but I wasn't having it the thought of someone else finding my things and having to explain to my parents the loss of those items was much too overwhelming at the age of 16 that's when Maya sighed and looked at her window woefully all right she said but we have to wait until my parents go to bed in a little while then we have to go out the window not the door time passed quickly enough and soon we were climbing out the window going down the trellis on the side of the house the night was quickly becoming cool and crisp I shivered but continued on with Maya into those woods halfway to the lake I felt as if someone was watching me just just that paranoid feeling you get I found myself looking around on occasion but I didn't see anyone even with my flashlight Maya called for me to stay close to her so I caught back up the only sound I heard was branches cracking and the crunching of the ground under our feet down at the lake we searched for my bag it was so dark our flashlight seemed to be growing weaker the chill in the air was also intensifying I called over to Maya as the surrounding Darkness became suffocating mayia began Whispering something and I asked her to repeat herself since I couldn't yet understand what is that she asked what is what I replied that she pointed behind me I turned around and Shone my flashlight in that direction it was a pristine barn owl perched on a branch not too far above us it stared at us for a moment before it opened its mouth and screeched the first time wasn't that bad but each time it screeched it grew louder and louder until both Maya and I were covering our ears there was something wrong it could not be screaming that loud it wasn't physically possible I was terrified and began to run I stopped running at some point to catch my breath and I could still hear the screeching growing in volume the next thing I knew I blinked and it was morning I was back at the lake Maya next to me both of us looking disoriented we looked at each other then but not a word was spoken I didn't really care about my bag anymore at that point when we made it back to Maya's house crawling in back into her room we were both in agreement with how completely freaked out we were eventually we concluded what we'd encountered was something Supernatural some sort of time loss event later in the day we found my bag halfway smooshed under her bed it pains me to think about it because either we just missed it and experienced something so terrifying for no reason or someone had put it there to this day neither of us can account for the lost time out there in the woods and neither of us have been back to that Lake since thank you for listening to unexplained encounters if you enjoy this show think about supporting us there's several ways you can search for Eerie cast on your favorite podcast app and follow our other scary shows especially the other two I host Tales from the breakroom and camping Horrors leave unexplained encounters a rating on Spotify and a review on Apple podcasts the more we get the higher we climb in the charts get some cool merch at Eerie cast. store or unlock 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Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 81,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skinwalker stories, skinwalker sightings, skinwalker legend, real skinwalker, true scary stories, true horror stories, creepy true stories, werewolf sighting, werewolf found, darkness prevails, eeriecast, unexplained encounters, real ghost stories, scary hiking stories, hiking stories, hiking horror stories, deep woods stories, deep woods horror stories, forest stories, forest horror stories, scary forest stories, scary deep woods stories, in the woods
Id: pJbyRc5gNjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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