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Hello all, I have 2 daughters named Kate (23F) and Alexa (16F). For starters Kate lives with me rent free and bill free. She used to live with her mother full time but her mom kicked her out at 18. I don’t blame her mother though. Kate was absolutely terrible in her teenager years. She was rude, disrespectful and would steal,smoke, skip class,etc. Kate barely finished high school and was put in a continuation school. Since this though Kate is doing a lot better, she didn’t want to go to college but she works at a fast food restaurant and is saving up for her own apartment. Alexa on the other hand is the opposite, she’s amazing in school, works, volunteers and still has time to do sports and clubs. I’m extremely proud of her and feel as if she puts too much pressure on herself. Me and my girlfriend decided to surprise her on a vacation. Alexa has always wanted to go there and it wasn’t as pricey as we expected. We planned this in early October. I told Kate about the vacation and asked if she wanted to come, but she would have to pay her own ticket.She said yes and would give me the money before Halloween. Well she never gave me the money even after being reminded, so I booked the trip November 1 for the 18-21 of November. I told my daughter this Sunday at dinner and she was very excited, Kate then said “ you’ll have to cancel and hope they refund. I work those days.” I told her she wasn’t coming since she didn’t pay. She was confused and thought I was paying for her. I told her that she was an adult who worked and lived free, why would I pay. She got upset and said because I’m her daughter and that I was paying for Alexa so why not her. An argument then happened which resulted in Alexa and Kate crying and Kate saying she hated me. Kate has been ignoring us until we apologize and pay her ticket, which I won’t. Well yesterday Alexa sent me a link to a video on tick Tock where it shows Kate crying and explaining the situation, but she lied about a lot of things in the videos and made Alexa and I look like bad guys. The video got a lot of attention and support. She even opened up a go fund me where she received close to 500 dollars. I showed my girlfriend and we were both livid, Alexa was also very upset about the comments which fueled my anger. When she came home a huge argument broke out and I basically kicked her out for the week. She’s been posting on social media platforms talking about me, my daughter and girlfriend. My daughter even got some nasty messages on her social media. My girlfriend told me I’m right on this but my daughter told me to just pay for her ticket. I want to know if I’m doing the right decision, so help. So I will begin by saying that I (F28) am on the spectrum. I don't really like children and I definitely do not plan on having any. I own my own house and I allow my parents to live in my basement. It is a fully developed suite not a dungeon. I have an office in my home. I keep boxes of brand new Lego in my office. Building the kits helps me relax. Afterwards I keep the minifigs and I donate the pieces and plans to a woman's shelter so the kids have something to play with. My brother, his wife, and my niece and nephew have come for a visit and my parents asked me to let them stay with me upstairs so they weren't so crowded. So I said that my brother and sister in law could but that the kids should stay downstairs. My office has shelves that are full of minifigs just lined up doing their own thing. No rhyme or reason to it. I call it controlled chaos. It's the only thing I let be disordered in my living area. My brother knows that I had Lego in my office and asked if his kids could play with it because they were bored. I said no. It would drive me nuts if I went to build a set and any piece was missing. I came home on Sunday from my weekly grocery shop and I noticed that several of my sets were missing. So I called my parents and asked them what happened. They said that my brother had taken a couple of sets for his kids since they are just toys. I was upset both that he had gone in my office but also gone against what I said and taken my things. I usually give my niece and nephew nice gifts when they visit. For their birthdays this year I gave each one a Switch. So the family was leaving today and my brother was waiting for me to give them a gift. I gave them each the sets of Lego that they had opened and played with. The kids seemed happy. My brother was upset because my mom had already told him that I had gotten them a PS5. I found a bundle on sale and picked it up. I'm keeping it for myself. He asked if there was any other gift and I said no. That he had already taken their gifts from my office. Now he is upset because his kids didn't get something that I had purchased for them. He said that I'm punishing them for him taking my toys for them to play with and that I'm a cheap and spiteful b***h. I think his kids got a couple of hundred dollars worth of "toys" and that's a pretty good gift. Especially since he basically stole them. My husband and I have been having a long struggle with infertility. We have been getting treated and trying for a baby since 2017. But nothing worked! My husband is understandably devastated as he'd always wanted kids but never got the chance to be a father. He's super sensitive aroubd the infertility topic. This my family knows. Days ago, we got together with family for dinner. All of a sudden, my sister and her husband announced that they were expecting. We were stunned, me and my husband I mean. As for the others they were thrilled. As everyone got up to congratulate them. My husband got up, pushed his chair to the side and walked out. They all stared at me but I got up and told my sister she messed up by announcing her pregnancy like this and with 0 consideration for my husband knowing how he feels about this topic. She got defensive saying his "issues" with the topic wasn't her problem and that she and her husband were fed up walking on eggshells around him. I called her selfish and cruel but she complained that he ruined their joy and that I made it worse by making a scene. I told her she shoukdn't have chose my parents house but she said I have no place to dictate what she does in our parents house. My mom asked me to go home and I went. It's been horrible. My parents think I've reacted poorly and should apologize to my sister on both mine and my husband's behalf after the scene we made at their home. My wife is currently seven months pregnant and has been having a rough pregnancy. She is also pretty emotional right now which is as to be expected. My mom has a birthday coming up and i wanted to take her to dinner. My mom loves seafood and picked a restaurant which is about 40 minutes away. My wife is uncomfortable being in the car for long stretches of time, and there isnt much on the menu she could eat as she can't have shellfish. i explained this to my mom and she said my wife can stay home. i told her my wife is particularly sensitive right now and that would make her feel bad. My mom got annoyed and asked if she really had to pick something else because a grown woman "couldn't be left home alone' I told her pregnancy isn't forever and please just work with us. She said to forget it. she wants seafood and all of the goo seafood restaurants are that far away. I asked her to pick another type of cuisine though (she loves Mexican and we hibachi, both of which we have local) but she yelled at me that her birthday isn't about my wife. I accused her of being selfish and childish and said my wife comes first, so she hung up. Now everyone is telling me that I am an jerk, and my wife is in tears as the whole family is mad at her. We, 26M and 23F rent a place from her family, said place has a swimming pool. We have a 2.5 year old. My brother and his girlfriend are visiting (30 and 32) My girlfriend likes to swim in the morning from about 6-630, and then for another 10-15 minutes she swims with our daughter because it’s a good bonding experience as well as exercise for both of them. We’ve never had any complaints from neighbours, my girlfriend isn’t exactly loud but our daughter can be, not every morning and as much noise as you’d expect from a toddler. My brother’s girlfriend asked if we’d stop this for just while they’re staying due to noise and the fact she’s a light sleeper, plus my girlfriend spends every Sunday in the pool and she and my brother don’t feel comfortable being around her in her swimming costume (but then said “but the noise and not being able to sleep are important”) she did ask very nicely, I joked “at least she’s wearing a swimming costume while you’re here!” But I did ask my girlfriend because I know my brothers girlfriend has complained for a while about her sleeping problems. But my girlfriend says it’s a perfectly reasonable time, citing that she’s silent till 630 and “her house so until neighbours complain!” But I just think it’s an easy request to maybe change it from 6-630 to 630-7 or something, well she’s upset with me and things are tense but I knew had I not asked things would be awkward with family, over such a simple thing. Aita? I [F28] have a younger sister Jodie [F23]. So Jodie is a single mom, she has a daughter, [F6]. I frequently help her out by picking up my niece from school and babysitting for a few hours for free so that Jodie can work. Jodie lives with our parents, and a boyfriend [M26] who she's been seeing for a couple of months. In early October, at one point, Jodie accused me of using the family computer in our parents' home to go on gambling websites and signing up with our mom's debit card while I was babysitting. I told Jodie that's not true at all and asked her why on earth she would think that. Jodie explained that money was disappearing from our mom's bank account and that she checked the computer's browser history and that gambling websites came up. To be honest, I was kind of offended that Jodie would think I'd do something like that. I've never had a gambling problem and I've never stolen from anyone. I told Jodie that that's awful but that it wasn't me who did it. She didn't believe me and went and told a load of our extended family that I was apparently stealing our mom's money to go on gambling websites, and now they all think I'm a horrible person and many of them have blocked me on Facebook. Anyway, the next week, Jodie got back in touch with me. She said that she found a gambling website on her boyfriend's phone and connected the dots, and he admitted that it was him who was stealing our mom's money and going on gambling websites. However, Jodie refused to apologise to me for jumping to conclusions and basically ruining my reputation with our extended family. Sure, I never speak to them anyway, but it's still a terrible reputation to have especially when it's undeserved. Jodie said that it's my own fault because apparently I "acted guilty" and said that I got too defensive when she accused me. Later in October was Jodie's birthday and she had a big party with our extended family. I decided to give Jodie her gifts a couple of days before, but refused to go to the party. I didn't want to go because I didn't want to deal with all the questions and judgement, and I was still really angry at Jodie for not even apologising for what she did. My parents are understanding but Jodie said I'm an jerk for not attending her party and that if I'm going to be that way then I shouldn't bother being a part of the family, and accused me of being petty. This is a weird title but here's what actually happened. My ex and I broke up 5 years ago after a year-long relationship, he broke up with me and I took it very hard back then. I can't say I did anything crazy, aside from a few weeks after the break up getting really drunk on a night out and sending him some embarrassing texts. It was the worst heartbreak I've ever had, and it didn't help that he kept messaging me to be "friends" even though I tried to set boundaries and say I need space to heal. Anyways, that's all in the past. I can confidently say that I have indeed healed from that and am over him. He recently got married to a girl he started dating like 2 months after we broke up. Honestly, I'm happy for him. Good for them. Me, on the other hand, I've dated since then but haven't been able to find anyone worth marrying; I haven't even had another serious relationship since him. He's still in the periphery of my social circle, because we still have a lot of mutual friends from uni. And sometimes I see both of them in social settings. While he and I have buried the hatchet and usually just chat when we happen to be in the same room for a bit (although we never text or meet up outside of these contexts), his wife and I have always treated each other with polite disinterest. I know she really doesn't like me. An important note about her is that she's been unemployed for a loooong time. Idk if its because she wants to be a stay-at-home-wife (completely valid choice if that's her thing!) or because she's been unable to find work, but she hasn't worked in many years despite having a masters degree. I've been really able to advance in my career in the past 5 years, and I'm quite far ahead in my field for someone my age and I'm very proud of myself because I worked extremely hard. Anyways here's the issue: the other day a bunch of people went for drinks. I came. They were both there. We were all sitting at the same table in a bar. Someone I haven't seen in awhile asked me if I'm dating anyone. I replied "no, not right now." My ex's wife quickly made a snark comment "aw it's okay, some people just stay single" in front of everyone, like 10 of our friends. Without missing a beat, I blurted out "yeah just like some people are meant to stay unemployed". She got really upset, cried and left. Her husband messaged me that I should apologize to her for embarrassing her. I said I will if she apologizes first. He said she refused because what I said was worse, apparently. AITA? My sister takes a lot of pictures of my son but I’ve noticed she does it excessively when he’s with my husband. I thought I was being paranoid at first but we all went on vacation together and she was constantly taking pictures of them. My husband even commented on how many pictures she was taking of him. I asked her to stop taking pictures of him because she was doing it while we were at the beach and it was weird. She was embarrassed because I said it in front of everybody so she got defensive and claimed she was taking it of my son but either way my husband was still in the pictures. I told her to stop again which upset her and she started giving me the silent treatment. Later on, my parents pulled me aside and told me I shouldn’t have said that to her the way I did because I embarrassed her and now she wanted to go home. They asked me to apologise but I told them she was being weird and she didn’t need that many pictures of my husband or my son. My friend wanted to leave her husband but she had nowhere to go so she felt stuck in the marriage. I offered to let her stay with me for a few months since I had the space and my fiancé was working in the US for 5 months. When I told my fiancé she would be staying here he told me he didn’t want her staying in his home. My fiancé and my friend don't like each other but I thought he would be okay with it since he wouldn’t be here anyway and because I explained how awful her husband was to him. We argued about it multiple times but I couldn’t just not help her given the situation so I let her stay even though I knew he didn’t want me to. He came home unexpectedly to surprise me and is mad because he found out she’s been living here. He was going to tell her to leave but didn’t because I started crying and practically begged him not to but he’s still angry at me for going behind his back and letting her live here when he made it clear he didn’t want her in our home. He wants me to tell her she has a week to leave but I told him I couldn’t because she had nowhere else to go and she only filed for divorce because I said she could stay with me while she saved for her own place so I feel responsible. AITA? My boyfriend (26M) and I (24F) travelled by plane to go to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. We checked in together and had different boarding groups - he was group 1, since he is active duty military, I was group 3, for being a platinum card holder on the airline. This is significant since both groups are considered priority boarding. We are both under the impression that boarding groups do not necessarily matter - we are seasoned travelers, very efficient when boarding planes, and the only thing that does matter is that we are on the plane before the main groups, which are the people who do not travel often and are generally slower when boarding planes. When the plane started boarding they obviously called group one first, the group for active duty military and unaccompanied minors - and my boyfriend gets up and boards without me. I was annoyed, since groups 1 and 2 are both super small, and group 3, my group, usually gets called super fast, if not combined with group two. After my group gets called (literally less than 5 minutes later) and I get on the plane, I told him he could have waited for my group to get called and we could have boarded together. He told me that it wasn't a big deal, and I said it was since we were traveling together, he had never done that before, why would he do it randomly now, and he didn't have a reason besides "it's for me, why wouldn't I use that group" even though my group is still considered priority boarding? We got into a mild argument about it on the plane, nothing huge since we were, well, on a plane. He thinks I'm being an jerk for starting an argument and being upset about him boarding before me but I think it's justified since he had never done it before and he didn't say anything prior. This isn't a new thing, where he just joined the military, he's been AD for 8 years. We have travelled together multiple times. I think I have seen him use his military ID for a discount ONE time in the entire time I have known him. I (38f) am a "room mother" at my NT daughter's (11f) school, room mother's do oversight on field trips as available. They are taking a field trip next week and I promised my daughter weeks ago that I'd go. However, I have a high needs nonverbal son (9m) with autism, who is developmentally around the age of 2-3. It turns out his school is doing a play on the same day (his regular teacher just started maternity leave and the substitute did not inform us until a few days ago because she thought his regular teacher sent out the announcement), if I am not there my son will not understand why and he will become inconsolable. My daughter is angry with me for canceling on her no matter how much I try to explain to make her understand, I said I would make it up to her as soon as possible but she's too upset with me. Her father can't go she has to work and we have no family in the area that we're close with AITA? I was on a 3 hour flight on a airplane traveling back home. I didn't have any form on entertainment on me besides my phone and you had to purchase Wi-Fi to use internet during the flight. It was 8.99 for the whole trip so I decided to purchase it since I didn't want to be bored the entire trip. The was a passenger sitting next to me. He asked me if I can check the score for a certain NBA game that was happening. Since I paid for the Wi-Fi, I should be able to use it however I want so I said no. He wouldn't accept no for an answer and said it's only going to take less than 5 seconds to check the score. I said I don't care, you can buy Wi-Fi yourself if you want to know so badly. Would I be the jerk in this situation? Backstory my (15m) dad left my mom when I was 2. My mom died when I was 6. CPS asked most of my dads family to take me but all refused for various different reasons so I went into foster care. I have been with my foster family for 7 years now. They have 3 bio children (18m, 15m and 15m) My foster mom has tried to keep visitation between my dads family but after about 3 years they started to cancel visits so my mom said that she stopped arranging them as she didn’t want me to keep being disappointed. She told me this about a year ago when I asked about my family. About 6 months ago my real dad got in contact and said that he wanted to meet me. I agreed out of curiosity really. He told me he didn’t know that my mom had died and that the reason he couldn’t take me was that he went to jail. I worked out he would of gone 2 years after my mom died so I didn’t really believe his excuses. The reason he was back now was because he just got released. He said that he wanted me to give him another chance and to go and live with him. At this point I just said I had to go and went back to my foster mom. I’ve met up with him again and he didn’t bring up living with him until the last time when I said that I didn’t want to leave my foster family. He got really angry and said that I’m not giving him a chance and he has the right to be my father and for me to call him dad (he got angry with my foster dad once because I called him dad in front of him and it’s been a issue ever since) After this I said I didn’t want to see him again and my foster mom said that it was fine and they would support my decision. However I’m getting called a AH from most of our town (we live in a small town where everybody knows everybody) as they feel I didn’t give my dad enough chances and I am holding his past against him. My foster family say it’s my decision not to have anymore contact but they are not telling me if it’s the right or wrong decision. I don’t know if I am just being a AH about it and holding his past against him. My m31, brother m36 is a single (widowed) dad of 2 kids (my nephews) both under the age of 10. He used to have babysitters but ever since he met his new girlfriend he stopped hiring any help because his girlfriend claimed that she wanted the kids to warm up to and get used to her as the only woman in their life (?wtf?). So he started asking me to watch the boys whenever he had something to do. I'd help if I'm able but I work a demanding job and need to cover full time. He for whatever reason refuses to acknowledge that. Days ago, he was going for lunch with his girlfriend to meet her friends and wanted me to have the boys. I told him I had to work but he begged me to take the day off. I refused and went to work. At 11a.m a coworker of mine entered the office and behind him were my nephews. I was flabbergasted he told me my brother dropped them off so they coulld stay with me. I was in a state of disbelief but also furious. I felt stuck and terrified my boss would see this and I get in trouble. I couldn't even take time off because of how busy I was. Out of frustrration I called the police and explained what happened. They got ahold of my brother and he wss forced to come take them off me as well as get into trouble with the authorties who spent hours talking to him. My bkss eventually found out and I had to leave work early and go home. In the evening, my brother called and started screaming at me calling me names of all sorts and saying that I not only ruined his meeting with his girlfriend and her friends, but caused him to get in trouble with the police. He called me a vile SOB and said that I could've had the kids with me for a couple of hours or even took them home and took the rest of the day off. We haven't been speaking but his girlfriend is constantly shaming me for what I'd done saying she treats the kids better than I do and that I should be ashamed for this. My wife is turning 30 and has planned a big birthday party with her friends and family, unfortunately my best friend has also got his wedding on the same evening. I have picked my best friend's wedding as we are very close and I do not get along with my wife's family. My wife is now furious with me and demanding that I do not go to the wedding, but I can't go back on the commitment I made to my best friend. So, am I the jerk for going to the wedding anyway? Extra info: The birthday has been planned for a few months now, invites have been sent and the venue has been booked, I got the wedding invite this week. AITA?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 16,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, rslash, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts, makeup storytime tiktok, waxing tiktok storytime, waxing satisfying tiktok storytime, storytime waxing, storytimes
Id: 1jPjI4cduAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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