RainX vs Griot's Garage Glass Sealant!

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welcome back fab room of detailing in this video I'm gonna be doing a comparison video between two products you guys been asking me to compare ever since I put out my grills grunge glass ceiling video it's Greer's garage glass ceiling versus what most people's favorite is rain-x let's do it so I want to address a few things from my previous video of the grills garage glass ceiling everybody says that this is a premium price this is too expensive versus rayon xs-3x is four dollars at Walmart it's four dollars for three-and-a-half ounces this is nine dollars for eight ounces by time you put eight ounces buy two of these plus another half of one or whatever you're gonna be at nine dollars anyways they're basically exact same price I want to mention that first I've had no problems are streaking on this I'm hoping my brother-in-law gets here today we can do an update video on that and a couple other products we put on his wife's car we've I've had no I put on all my vehicles no problems are streaking in the rain no problem or in the daylight the glass is crystal clear there's no haze to it running underneath streetlights in the rain nothing no problem at all no blinding with lights when people are coming at us it seems to work extremely well I'd never use this I've used their spray version cuz I have some up there but I went to Walmart and purpose and bought this version for you guys so I'm what am i doing we're gonna be doing it on a Hyundai Sonata I get clean the windshield and then we're gonna clay the windshield and then we're gonna apply this on both sides we will do water tests from the outside water tests from the inside water test while we're using the wipers that's about the best I can do for you guys as far as comparison video in my driveway because this isn't my car it's my neighbor's car I'm borrowing I asked Michael Barr what he said yes so imma get the camera set up let's get this let's get this video going so remember there's this many of your cars getting ready to go ahead and clean the glass as you can see glass is dirty I didn't notice that he needs wiper blades so we have to remember to take that into consideration when we are doing the water test you see this one's right here as well so just remember that when we're doing a lot of tests both sides laser if he knows that he's gonna put some plates on but I'm gonna be using to clean the windshield shinies bowl shine glass cleaner right here gonna clean both sides just spray it directly into the towel off camera I'm going to clean the inside of the glass okay next step we will be using grills to guard your speech shine with guru garages clay clay to surface get it ready to accept the ceiling you're gonna use the fine side for this wipe down okay glass is clean we are ready to go breo's garage is gonna be on this side the rain-x is gonna be on this side I put green oils in this side because this wiper blades a lot worse than that one that way you guys don't say that I put this on the worst side girls garage as you guys know put on towel wipe it in let it dry I'm going to do one coat to make it even we're not gonna do two coats that way both products do one coat we're gonna go up and down side to side that's it let them dry we'll remove them the only thing I've found interesting about the the rain-x is it says allowed to dry until a slight haze appears remove haze with a dry cloth or by splink sprinkling with water and wiping with paper towel until crystal clear I thought that was kind of weird I'll be using a microfiber to remove it as I have put the griego's on all of my vehicles class is crystal clear and everything so I just want to say something really quick it smells like rubbing alcohol I knew you guys would get me for that which is fine I don't care so we're gonna put on a towel you guys suggested using a towel instead of using a wax applicator so that's what we are going to do I'm gonna do half the window this might dry pretty quick today because it's pretty warm versus the last time that I did this I should have put some gloves on no life goes on mechanic I've touched worse trust me okay now we're gonna go over here to this other side I'm gonna turn you a little bit so you can see there's the rain-x you can see it let's see what smells like I'm sure it smells the same yes it does smell exactly same kinda has a little bit of a little bit of a different smell but we're very very close to the same I try to go right over to the griot is one trying to make this as even as possible yeah this stuff is drying quick just like degree O's did on this windshield today because it's pretty hot or not hot but humid there you go they're both applied I'll go into a time lapse until our removal thanks let me show you guys what it looks like deployed here's the greedo's right there the griot seems to be thicker as you can see the rain-x isn't nearly as thick but it's definitely on there it's Hazen up there's not nearly as thick as that side [Music] everybody says they're the same product they're probably close to same I think most products are probably really really close to the same just like soaps most soaps are close to the same but companies tweak them they put something different in well sense of sprinkle water if that's the case okay so we're pretty much hazed up we're gonna go ahead remove the griego's we're gonna use the same towel to remove but not the same type of the same type of towel they're both clean microfiber this stuff wipes off really good a few spots are low a little hard this glass is actually kind of warm I didn't have this problem last time it's got push harder I guess we have to come back over that just well you gotta know Hera in the radix looks like it's ready I'm going to spray some water on here cuz I'm having a hard time get built that long I've had a hard time getting these also what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put a little bit of water on my towel maybe yeah that makes a lot easier to get off once the towels wet a lot that mean an audience you see that that's a lot easier to get off oh and they're still seeing I'm doing yeah they are okay so it is all off on this side we're gonna go do the exact same thing on the other side last if I could borrow it [Laughter] I got it they want an outside video inside video and inside with wipers so still looks tricky yeah this side is streaky oh there was something there at one point let me get another towel have it promised streaks on the rain-x side that gone [Music] so look good yes I'm gonna show you guys the glass and then we're gonna pull it outside into the water test here's degree outside I did have a hard time but the glass is kind of warm because it was out in the Sun before I started the video but both of them came right off with water looks pretty good and this is the rain-x side we had a little bit promised tricky but it's you're good now all right we're gonna pull outside and we're gonna do our test okay so here's the water test I got the hoof inside the car with the GoPro and he's gonna get the inside shots I'll tell them when to turn the wipers on we're gonna spray rios garage is on the left if I'm outside the car and rain-x is on the right and then opposite once we're inside we're gonna start off with a mist and sorry my neighbors are mowing I can't help that we're gonna start off with a mist like I've been asked to do and then we'll go from there that's all right so here's what it looks like where they miss both sides no problem at all from the outside now we're gonna go with a shower breo's garage side rain-x side both of them right now at least look identical let's plug one side [Music] let's plug this side those products seem to be performing exactly the same so now we're gonna turn the wipers on and voila quite water is coming on it just like this turn it up a little bit top the who then see you guys can see keep it going so you guys can see from inside the car River the wipers are not the greatest on this car it still works really good okay now turn the wipers off completely you got it see if he's got any washer fluid in there pull it and let's wash it so yeah okay that's good let it let it run its course let's see if it changes they affect the water because the you know washer fluid has alcohol let's hit it again please thank April they're very exactly the same they're performing exactly the same as each other either product is great whichever one you buy it it does not matter you're both doing the exact same thing as of this right here so there's a water test and we'll in this video okay so as far as both of these products are concerned I personally thought they look like they both worked exactly the same the hoof inside the car thought it looked like the griot cheated the water a little bit better I will know once I edit it but I'll let you guys make up your mind leave down the comments what you think which product you thought worked better both products went on easy they were kind of hard to get off both of them I kind of struggle with both but the windshield was warm and when we did on the hoof scar on the goryeo's on hoof scar we did put the two coats the glass wasn't warm so that could have been my fault kind of hurrying up trying get this video made I didn't let the glass cool down far cuz I let it cool down for a while but apparently wasn't cool down far enough so as you notice what the wipers running there was no streaking you see any streaking inside just the blades themselves cuz they're crappy blades as you guys does I showed you but as far as it's actually streaking there's no streaking issue with either one of these products right now now that doesn't mean it's not gonna be in a couple weeks or a month or I know on this product it's been on for a month and there's no streaking on his glass or our glass on our vehicles I just don't know about this products I've never used it before so I want to throw that out there with the wipers on it seemed to be okay we sprayed it with the washer fluid that didn't seem to hurt either product now I think in the long run it definitely will because as alcohol in it washer fluid the others how it cleans bugs and stuff off your glass and the long run I think it will degrade it but just this one time it didn't degrade either one they both still repelled the water extremely well but I made this video for you guys I appreciate you stopping by and checking it out I don't know how long these products last as first time I've ever used either one of these products I'm hoping at least two to three months but the hoof we're gonna do an update on this car right now one month up they will find out if it's still on it there so if you liked the video give me a thumbs up hit that subscribe button while you're down there and then ring that Bell so the next time I upload a video you get notified don't forget every Saturday night 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we do go live and like see each and ever one of you there
Channel: FAB Automotive Detailing
Views: 120,421
Rating: 4.7457724 out of 5
Keywords: Griot's Garage, RainX, Griot's Garage Glass Sealant, RainX Glass Sealant, Glass Sealant, hydrophobic glass sealants, RainX Glass Treatment, Griot's Glass Sealant, RainX on glass
Id: SxBox6xMUM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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