RainFire Online 9/19/21: GET EXCITED ABOUT YOUR LIFE! RainFireChurch.org

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[Music] hey family good morning what an honor and a blessing to be here with you once again for rain fire sunday on line come on in come on in i bless you i declare just the love of god is all around you today as you get up as you get ready to come in here and receive this word i speak life over you i speak favor over you i speak the blessing of god upon you upon your children upon your children's children god is an amazing father he loves you and he has amazing plans for your life so i need you to get excited about your life this morning i need you to get excited come on in come on in shout out your city let us know where you're checking in from this morning we get visitors and family members online right here from ohio from uh overseas from venezuela central and south america all over the united states of america welcome if it's your first time here let us know that it's your first time here with us we're just so grateful to have this opportunity to pour the word of god into your life because god has plans for you he has amazing plans for you plans to bless you to love you to prosper you to favor you to heal you to save you deliver you everything that you need is in jesus everything that you need is in jehovah god everything that you need comes to you from the father through the holy spirit and so we're just grateful my name is joanne rosario condrey my husband is corey condrey our daughters ariana and hadara and we have the honor and blessing of being the lead pastors here at rain fire church in the atlanta area and god is doing some amazing things in the life of this uh church this family this body of believers and so if you're up this morning make your way to the house this morning in person at 11am we want to see you i think it's really really important to make sure that we do not lose a sense of community and family even while we're adjusting uh after the initial hit of covet we have to kind of see what this new life in christ and as a spiritual family looks like and so come on come and see us we want to see you we want to lay our eyes on you because we want to know that you're doing well okay come on in and make sure that you share this morning so that others can join us online okay let's pray before we get into this word father thank you for another day thank you for waking us up this morning we don't take not one moment for granted god there is someone that did not wake up today there's someone that did not wake up yesterday and we're so grateful we're so grateful so grateful for one more opportunity to serve you today to serve our community to serve our family to love you to love others father god we just are so appreciative of every day every moment and every opportunity god don't allow us to focus on the unimportant things but help us to see the bigger picture so that we navigate through life with father god just a grateful attitude and a grateful spirit in the name of jesus we pray now minister to your people in jesus name we pray amen amen the title for my message and when i sh what i want to share with you this morning is get excited about your life get excited about your life some of you may have joined us on friday morning for our friday morning power prayer call that i do every friday morning 7 30 a.m eastern standard time right here online and i just heard the voice of god as i was dropping off our youngest to school that morning i just heard the voice of the lord say speak life over my children speak life over my children so that's what we focused on on friday morning to speak life i just was pouring out the word of god and just speaking life over every person that was watching and i feel like that spirit of hope and of joy and of strength is just pouring over into this sunday morning and so this is the title that i just heard in my spirit get excited about your life i believe that the world is probably tired of seeing people that call themselves the children of god but that they are depressed they are sad they are overwhelmed god wants you to get excited about your life i know that there's a lot of crazy things going on in the world i know that we see so many things deteriorating but we have to be aware of the fact that even living in the end days and in the end times we should have a peace that passes all understanding we still should have a connection to the joy of the lord which is our strength and so even though things out in the world may be going crazy like when you look at the children of israel and you look at egypt there were all these plagues and and horrible things that were happening in egypt but where the children of god were there was life and there was light and there was provision and there was no sickness and there were no plagues because god even in the worst uh situation in the worst moment knows how to care for his children he knows how to look out for his children and so i want you to get excited about your life i'm getting excited about my life i'm looking around and i'm realizing that my children our children are growing up they're not waiting for us you know and it's like you have to stop waiting uh for something to happen for you to get some joy about yourself you have got to stop waiting for this or that to decide to enjoy your life to decide to get excited about life today is the day to get excited about your life today is the day to get some joy about yourself today is the day for you to just be grateful and full of joy it's not a season for you to walk around in sadness and in defeat it is a season for you to walk around enjoy it's a season for you to walk around in gratitude and thanksgiving with worship on your lips it is time for you to get excited about your life i'm getting excited about my life i'm excited about the life of rain fire i'm excited about the life of corey i mean if it had not been for the grace of god he would not have even survived the car accident that tried to take him out in 2016 i'm excited about what god is doing in hidar and ariana's life i am excited i am making a choice to be excited about life now is my life perfect no is your life perfect no is anybody's life perfect no but we have to be able to know how to make some choices all right john 10 chapter 10 verse 10 we all know the scripture this one is in the niv and it says the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy i have come that you may have life and have it to the fullest and have it more abundantly some versions say this he comes to steal kill and destroy but jesus came that we might have life and have it to the full says the niv by the way that some of us live and by the way that some of us act and the way that some of us look it seems like the only thing that is living or existing in our life is the first part of that scripture that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy so the sadness and the depression that people see on us you would think that that's the only thing that's at work in our life but that's a lie that is a lie that part of the scripture is not the only thing that is happening in your life and in my life the word of god says that jesus came that we may have what life that we may have life and have it abundantly so that means that god wants there to be laughter in your life and he wants there to be joy in your life and he wants there to be a peace and comfort and and i mean just abundance and fullness of joy so let's start to focus on the goodness of god on his grace now i have to reiterate this because yes yes you're going to be hit on the left with bad news and you're going to be hit on the right with situations and circumstances but you have to be able to anchor yourself we have to be able to anchor ourselves and believe god and say my best days are yet ahead of me and not just focus on where things are today and where things are right now okay look at this understand understand that you and i put this in caps in my notes understand that you y-o-u you have the power you have the power to change your life i want to say that again you have the power to change your life and i think that this realization is very very very powerful i have the power to change my life right now today i can do things differently to get a different result i can do things in a new way and get a new result i have the power to do things differently i have the power to change my life now number one we have the power we have a natural power to change our lives that's number one we have a natural power to change our lives what's natural power natural power is deciding to do things differently it's it's making decisions number one you have natural power but then number two you have spiritual power or i should say supernatural power so you have natural power to change your life number two you have spiritual power to change your life so we have to get out of the mindset that we are victims in this life yes bad things happen to everyone but you can decide how you're going to react to the things in your life are you going to take that a negative situation and turn it into a positive are you going to learn from that situation are you going to grow from that situation are you going to be made better because you came through that thing god is with you god is for you god is in it with you now we have to determine how we come through some things because we have the power to change our lives both naturally and spiritually we have number one we have natural power number two we have uh spiritual power look at this natural power uh proverbs 23 verse seven natural power for as he thinks in his heart so is easy another version would say as a man thinketh in his heart so is he we have to understand and we have to realize that we have all saved or unsaved we have all been made in the image of god and there is a level of natural power that we all have because we were made in the image of god our god-likeness is not taken away from us because we may not be saved this is the reason why you can see people that are unsaved and in the world putting into practice spiritual principles and reaping the benefit of those spiritual principles while we as believers are sitting back and we're sitting back sad and we're sitting back depressed and we're sick when was the last time you spoke life over yourself when was the last time that you wrote out your vision when was the last time that like the women's group did a little a little while ago when was the last time that you created a vision board for yourself based on things that god has been revealing to you when was the last time that you declared some things over yourself and over your family when was the last time that you took a full five minutes to talk to god about what you are grateful for these are all things that unsaved people do every single day and they are consistent with these laws with these natural ways that we are able to change things in our lives and they're reaping the benefit of it you have the power to change your life as a man think it in his heart so is he so i have to ask you what are you thinking about what are you meditating on what are you what are you occupying your thoughts with what are you what are you meditating on what are you focusing on if you are focusing on lack if you are focusing on what you don't have if you're focusing on the impossibility if you're focused on how hard it is if you are focused on how much more someone else has than you then guess what you are going to be sad you're going to be depressed you are going to be overwhelmed all the time and the enemy is going to be like yeah i got him now i got her now there's always going to be someone that has more than you there's always going to be someone that it seems like their life is better than yours but it is time for you to stop comparing your life to the life of anybody else and it is time for you to embrace your life it's time for you to get excited about your life and it is time for you to get grateful for the things become grateful for the things that god has already done in your life start to pay attention to to how far god has already brought you you need to start looking at the silver lining you have to get a joy about yourself you have to get excited about your life jesus did not save you and wash you and deliver you and set you free for you to live this life in bondage in sadness and in depression jesus saved you delivered you filled you with his holy spirit and turned your life around so that you could be a beacon of light and joy to the world if the world sees you and you are always looking sad they are not gonna want what you have but when you are always full of joy when you are always you know i i'm going to have to shout out our sound man mr mac mac anytime that you see mac mac is full of joy anytime you see him he is just like how you doing brother mac oh i'm doing great i mean and he says it in a way that is so convincing and so so genuine and so real and it's like man does mac ever have a bad day i'm sure that he has bad days but there's something about the way that mr mack carries himself that he always is transmitting gratitude and joy he has been a blessing to pastor corey and to myself from the first day that god brought him to rainfire because you can just see the joy of the lord on him that's because he's making a choice i'm sure he has hard days like the rest of us but you want people to be able to look at you you want people to be able to look at me and see the joy of the lord that is your strength so as a man thinketh in his heart so is he what are you thinking about what are you meditating on what are you focusing on if you start to focus on the goodness of god on how far god has brought you what god has done in your life the last time god came through for you the last time that god answered your prayer when you start thinking about where you were five years ago and what maybe five years ago you were renting but now five years later you own your own home maybe five years ago you were only making twenty thousand dollars a year but now five years later you're making 35 000 uh dollars a year maybe five years ago uh you you know you had uh you didn't have a job and now five years later you have a job or you started your own business or you're a manager at your job take a moment to look and see how far the lord has brought you and learn to live in that place of remembrance learn to live in that place of remembrance learn to live in that place that you think about and you meditate on the goodness of god and all that he's done for you as the saints used to say when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out what hallelujah thank god thank god for saving me this is just a natural way that we are able to change our lives look at this isaiah isaiah chapter 26 verse 3 it says you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind here we go again with the mind whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you are you keeping your mind on the lord is your mind stayed on the lord because god promises in his word that if you keep your mind stayed on him he will keep you in perfect peace he you know do you realize that it is possible for there to be chaos going on all around you but on the inside on the inside in your heart in your soul in your emotions god can keep you in perfect peace because your mind is stayed on him because you trust him that's powerful get excited about your life you're not a victim you are victorious you are a victor okay so those are just a few natural ways that the that the word of god teaches us that we're able to change our life so get excited about your life because you have the power to change your life spiritually and naturally you have the power to change your life here's another thing that um that i didn't get to write down but i was thinking about it as i was on my way as i was on my way here what's another natural way that you have the power to change your life start making some decisions oh pastor joanne that's so simple yeah but are you doing it start making some decisions and stick to your decisions okay start making some decisions and stick to your decisions be consistent with your decisions i was talking to my sister the other day and i was you know we were talking about you know working out and exercising and going to the gym and i'm at the point in my life where um i may miss two days in the week and i may feel like i had a horrible week and maybe my workout week wasn't all that great but guess what because i've made a decision and i'm sticking to my decision when that next week comes around i'm just gonna start over i'm just gonna get back in the saddle i'm just gonna go ahead and just get myself together and i'm going to start again there were seasons in my life where i didn't work out for six months there were seasons in my life that i didn't work out for 12 months there were seasons of my life where there were these long extended periods of time where i was not exercising and i was not taking care of my health in that way because i felt like i didn't have time i don't have time and this and this and that well guess what there came a moment that joanne made a decision and that decision i have stuck to that decision since the beginning of this year i changed my life i have the power to change my life and if i have the power to change my life that simply means that you also have the power to change your life you have got to stop sitting around complaining about your life if you don't like where your relationship is with god then do something about it make some changes and stick to it if you don't like where your health is right now make some decisions and make some changes and stick to it if you don't like where your relationships are right now then make some changes and stick to those changes you have the power to change your life that's the reason why you need to get excited about your life because you need to understand that the power to change your life to create the life that you want is in your hands it's not in my hands it's not in pastor corey's hands it's not even for those of us that are married it's not in the husband's hands and it's not in the wife's hands each individual person has the power to change their lives corey can't go to the gym for me i have to go to go to the gym for myself corey has to exercise for himself we have to eat right for ourselves we have to make the choice to eat right for ourselves each one of us has the power that that's why we should get excited because we have the power to create the life that we want if you don't like where your life is right now change it make some decisions do something different talk to somebody who you feel like may be doing better than you and say what are you doing be willing to make changes be willing to make adjustments stop doing the same old thing expecting a new result they call that insanity you corey says this to me all the time joanne we got to do something new to get something new we got to do something different to get something different you can't just keep doing the same old thing and expecting for something new to come forth come on and get excited about your life you have natural power to change your life but look at this you don't just have natural power to change your life but you also have spiritual power spiritual power to change your life and that's what makes our life really really dynamic because we have the natural aspect of who we are as god's creation but then on top of that we have the supernatural spiritual power of the holy spirit because god himself through the holy spirit lives on the inside of us so on top of our natural made in the image of god power we have a spiritual supernatural power that comes to us because jesus the father and the holy spirit live on the inside of us let's go to romans 12 verse 2. this is a very simple word but i hope that it reaches your heart because there are some of you that really need to get some excitement you got to get excited about your life romans 12 and listen you only get one life you're not going to get three you're not gonna get four you're not gonna get five you get one you get one and i just i just speak to you right now in the name of jesus live life and live it to the fullest rediscover the joy of your salvation laugh again laugh again have fun with your family take a little road trip come to church together go out to eat with somebody that you met at church laugh uh we have a singles um game night that is coming up come come out and have a good time live life it is time for us to get excited about life and it's time for us to live life look at this spiritual power that is given to us romans 12 verse 2 says and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed be changed turn around 360 be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god what does that mean that means that no matter how old you are and where you are in your life right now you can take on the mind of christ you can take on the thoughts that god has regarding you that are in his word and you can brainwash yourself into understanding that you have a reason to get excited about your life that you have purpose that you're here with purpose that god has things for you to do i mean come on let's wake up let's understand that we have one life to live and we should be living it to the fullest look at this another spiritual power that we are given hebrews 11 verse 1 says now faith now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen that is something to get excited about the fact that we were given something called faith that can produce things you should never feel like you are without an option you should never feel like you like you have no no way to get out of a situation i mean it's it's amazing and i and i say things and pastor corey says things and and we testify of things listen our faith is doing some amazing things at rainfire we have in the last couple weeks uh cameras by the grace of god there were five cameras that pastor corey wanted for the audio video team and by faith they showed up uh new speakers for the new sanctuary and guess what we had had our eyes on those speakers for a long time but by faith now they are in atlanta georgia this week we're going to be purchasing i spoke about it on friday and god has already done it we're going to be purchasing a new sound board and new amps for the new sanctuary as we're getting ready to go back into the main sanctuary so that the that the teens can have our original sound system uh oh you know over here and then we have uh the new system that is uh proper and correct for that room that is exciting because our faith is producing something when we spoke it when we prayed it when we researched the equipment when this person suggested oh you guys need to get this equipment and you need to get that equipment we may not have had uh the funds to get it at that moment but there's something about uh that there's something exciting about faith that we can say father we thank you and we believe that you're gonna do this for rain fire and we believe that you're gonna make a way out of no way and then all of a sudden god does it and you're blown away and you're like wow god that is exciting but it's exciting because we're activating our faith it's exciting because we are working our faith it's exciting because we are speaking our faith and we're declaring our faith and we're saying god you you said that you would build your church and so you're going to bring the people to build your church so so faith is exciting you have something on the inside of you called faith and faith has the power to produce something because faith is the substance faith is the substance that means that something you may not even know of something existing in your life and by faith you draw that thing to you and that thing shows up when at one point in your life it didn't it didn't even exist that is exciting that is exciting to understand that that something in a moment in your life that is not even in existence and all of a sudden by faith you suddenly attain or receive that thing that you are believing for that is a spiritual supernatural power that god has given us his children to live life to produce things for his kingdom to produce things and to be able to be able to provide uh for our um for our families and so let's say for example you may not have a job and you're trying to find a job and you're getting down and frustrated because you haven't worked for six months guess what faith is the substance of the thing that's hoped for is the evidence of the thing that's not seen well the bible also says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god your faith is like a magnet so i need you to go get a big marker and write on your mirror you know i have a new job and write on that mirror what you want to make per year and i need you every morning to declare i need you to put a scripture on that and well the lord is my shepherd i shall not want father i thank you because i have the job that i need to provide for my family and you begin to read that over and over and you see it every day and you declare it every day and every day you go out and you look for that job that you know god has already waiting for you somewhere and you don't get discouraged and you you redo your resume and you go on the computer and you ask around to see who's hiring and every day you're declaring the word of the lord and every day you're saying god i thank you for my new job god i thank you because you provide all of my needs according to your riches and glory through christ jesus father i thank you because you have never failed me and you're not gonna start now and and now this is a life of excitement because before you know it if you stay in that place of faith your faith magnet is gonna draw to you that thing that you are believing for that is not the life of a victim that is the life of somebody who is victorious who has spiritual power to change their lives you you have spiritual power to change your life and that is something to get excited about so i need you to get excited about your life the last scripture the last scripture that i'm going to share with you uh this morning deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 and it says and you shall remember the lord your god for it is he who gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant that he swore to your fathers as it is this day so i've said to you you have natural power to change your life you have spiritual power to change your life watch this you have financial power to change your life because even right here deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 is saying that god is the one that gives you power he gives you power to get wealth he gives you power so why am i saying all this to you i'm saying all this to you because i pray in the name of jesus that his word this morning would cut through the sadness would cut through the depression would cut through the worry that it would cut through the anxiety and that you would get to a place that you're able to just smack yourself and say wait a minute pastor joanne is right i need to get excited about my life because god is a good god i can pray and see things happen i can get up and give thanks i'm able to declare a thing and it is so god gives me the power to create wealth i have purpose on this earth god has called me to make a difference in my generation god is turning things around for me it is time for you to get excited about your life the last thing that i wrote down here that i want to share with you is this stop stop waiting for someone to come along and change your life because no one can change your life for you it is up to you you have the power god has given you the authority and the power to change your life accept that responsibility stop looking at other people and look at yourself and get excited about your life understanding that you today have the power to change your life you today have the power to create the life that you desire to have you want more peace go get your peace get in the presence of god and get peace you want joy get in the presence of god and get joy you want things to turn around for you start doing some things differently and stick to your commitment make commitments to yourself and stick to it because you have the power to change your life and that is something to get excited about okay come on let's pray father in the name of jesus i come against depression i come against sadness i come against in the name of jesus anxiety worry i come against the spirit of frustration and i declare father in the name of jesus that the bondage of heaviness is broken off of every person that hears my voice right now i take authority in the spirit and i declare breakthrough over every person that hears me right now in the name that is above every name and i declare right now by the power of the holy spirit that every person under the sound of my voice is getting excited about their life they are full of joy right now they're excited for another day they're excited for another opportunity to make some changes god i declare in the name of jesus that your children are going to get active in their faith and believe you for new things father god i declare god that we're going to get consistent about the decisions that we make and we're going to do something new so we can get something new father god i just declare right now father god that joy and excitement is bubbling up in the heart of every person that is listening to me because it is not your will it is not your will for the world to look at your children and see them sad and depressed it is your will for the world to be able to look at us and see us living the abundant life that you promised us in john 10 verse 10. i declare father god that joy is on us and it stays on us from now on in the name of jesus we pray amen amen i pray that this word was a blessing to your life i believe that spiritually it has cut through some things that have been heavy on you i've been kind of sensing that heaviness on different people and i just know that the holy spirit wanted this word to come forth to be able to cut through that spirit of heaviness it is time for you to put on the garment of praise okay i love you i bless you i can't wait to see you uh those of you that will be here with us in person at 11am i can't wait uh to see you in just just a few minutes here at 11 a.m at rain fire church in the atlanta area okay and for those of you that want prayer for those of you that want to rededicate your lives to jesus or you may just want to give your life to jesus and you want to get plugged into a family rain fire this family send us an email info at rainfirechurch.org we want to hear from you and for those of you that feel called to be committed financially to this house with a heart and a spirit of generosity as we continue to do the work of the kingdom of god you can go to our website rainfirechurch.org and you can see right there on the giving page all of the different ways that we have to give and it's also right there on the screen for you to be able to see it easily okay we have a uh cash app with dollar sign rainfire atl we have a push pay uh where you can text the keyword rain fire one word to the phone number seven seven nine seven seven you can send a check or a money order made out to rain fire to our p.o box and all of that information is right there on our website and for our partners our generous partners and givers the sons and daughters of this house i just declare the blessing of god upon you as you give today i declare that god extends himself upon you and upon your children even addressing needs that cannot be settled financially but that you would see the blessing and the abundance of god as you continue to be obedient bringing to the lord your tithe and your offering through this ministry rain fire church okay i love you be blessed have an amazing amazing sunday i'll see you here uh in the house if you're to be with us if you're watching this at 11am know that we love you wherever in the world that you're watching from we love you we're always praying for you and we consider it an honor we consider it an honor to be connected to you okay we are family and we're doing life together be blessed and know that you are very very very loved bye you
Channel: Joann Rosario Condrey
Views: 357
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ziBaEIe4BSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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