RAINBOWHAVEN! Rainbow Friend's Brookhaven *chapter 2*

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mind just come with us bro was this movie supposed to be Lion King it's so much bizarre what why are you saying that I thought you liked watching cartoons I really like but this thing is more like a nuclear accident than an animation okay if you don't want to watch TV what are we going to do then we could play Roblox I heard that rainbow friends chapter 2 was finally released we could play together I even wanted to play but you just stay inside the box and never help me collect the items it's because I'm afraid but that's the intention it's a horror game right okay what if we create Rainbow friends Brookhaven I think I wouldn't be scared that's a great idea let's do it guys I'm already here at Brookhaven inside Roblox studio so we can build Rainbow Haven but before we get started I need to search for Rainbow friends items here on Roblox Studio searching for rainbow friends brought up several items that we can use to modify Brookhaven the first change I want to make is in the lobby because I want to make make it as similar as possible to the rainbow friend's Lobby and that's why I selected all the items that were in the lobby so that we can destroy all of them at once I will also dry the floor so that there are no accidents at work right to start I'm going to put up these cardboard signs to welcome you to odd world I found these two boards together and they are very cute aren't they but to be able to use these signs I'm going to make some adjustments to their size and positions so that our lobby looks nicer and more natural I believe that this location is perfect I'm going to do the same thing with the monster green plate I'm going to increase its size a little and rotate it so that it is in the correct position it looks cool but it's obvious that putting those cardboard signs isn't enough for the Rainbow Haven Lobby so I'm also going to put that sign that was manipulated by the red monster in chapter one I'm going to rotate the plate so we can position it correctly in that location okay now I'm going to modify the floor in the lobby because the normal floor is very well done so to modify the colors I selected all the blocks on that side and I'm going to paint them blue to match the blue monster and on the other side I'm going to paint it green to match the green monster kind of obvious right I'm also going to darken the color of the glass that is here in the middle to make it more stylish behind this sign I'm going to put a little different decoration which is basically cardboard boxes for those of you who don't know about rainbow friends cardboard boxes are very important in the game so that we can escape from the blue monster and the orange monster I really liked how our lobby turned out but I feel like there's still something missing that's why I entered the rainbow friends map inside the studio so that we can come up with new ideas for Rainbow Haven considering that this part of the map is the lobby we still need to use some important things such as this sign and tree so I'm going to copy these objects and put them in our Brookhaven let's rotate the items so we can fit them in our lobby and no I'm not going to ignore the fact that our tree is bald let's address that now okay unfortunately I couldn't find any leads to do a hair transplant on the tree so I'll have to use another tree that looks similar instead of the classic rainbow friends tree I'm going to increase the size of this treat a little bit and adjust it here right in the middle put the sign in the right place and that's it now we have a tree with that sign just like the one from Rainbow friend another very cool thing about this Lobby is the flowers of different colors scattered throughout this place that's why I've already selected them all for us to steal oh sorry borrow and put in our Brookhaven I think it's better to put the flowers here on the grass right now that we've used everything interesting that was in the rainbow friends Lobby we can go to the next room to see other ideas for us to put in our Brookhaven a very striking place in Rainbow friends is precisely this place that has the windmill close to the main stage and no Escape because of that I'm going to use this windmill in our Brookhaven so I'm going to select it and these hay block to make our map even more decorated I will also select these sprots of wheat because it matches our windmill now that I copied the mill I'm going to put it in Rainbow Haven and I'm going to increase its size a little because I think it's too small okay I think our Mill will be super cool in this play place but because of that I'm going to have to change this whole part of Brookhaven Street for grass because as far as I know wheat doesn't grow on asphalt not to go off topic I got the grass floor from Rainbow friends itself which is a unique grass apparently now we just need to properly fit the new floor here and okay that's how our construction looks but there is something that is bothering me because the grass is cut extremely straight and this is not natural now increase the size of this effect to wrap around the entire cut nice this just got a lot better this effect makes it look like the rainbow friends map is invading Brookhaven through a hacker attack another very striking place in Rainbow friends is this room so let's put it inside Brookhaven it has some more structures but I'll solve this problem in a little while since I want to place the castle in this location we need to destroy brookhaven's restaurant and now we can place our Castle in that location the castle docked successfully now I'm going to polish the castle destroy some things build others and voila prepare the castle one very important thing that we haven't built yet is the ferris wheel to make reference to the odd world so I'm going to put it right here and guys this Ferris wheel is going to make our Brookhaven even cooler it only remains to make a few small adjustments so that the ferris wheel is in the correct position and that's it I'll also put the bus that takes us to the bizarre experiment which is nothing more than a school bus I put the boss here giving the impression that they are running away from the rainbow friend which is what he should have done as soon as he saw that he entered a completely bizarre Road okay now we have to put the most important thing about rainbow friends the monsters I put all the monsters from chapter one of rainbow friends here and now I'm going to put them in several different locations as you can see I put two versions of the orange monster and now you're going to ask me why I did that and the answer is very simple despite that second orange one not being real it's very funny I'm going to place the blue monster near the castle since he's technically the king since he has a crown down the green monster I'm going to leave in that part of the windmill as if it were blocking our way I'll put the red scientist on top of the police station because he'll watch us run away from Monsters just like he does in the game itself the purple monsters that is inside the duck you're in Brookhaven is in a sewer that's why I put it here which is where it would be I'm going to put this Orange monster in the rainbow friend shop as if he were a Salesman and yes I know this doesn't make any sense but it's fun to see the orange here in the little shop since we have another orange one too I'm going to take this more animalistic version of it and put it right here and since I like it a lot I'm going to increase the size a lot so that it's scarier it's different from normal this part of Brookhaven is a little empty so I'm going to put some rainbow friends morphs here so we can turn into monsters too okay the only thing I haven't changed yet is the sky you should know that rainbow friends are a game that takes place at night right that's why we need a very dark and scary sky like the one I found here for example wow this guy really suits rainbow friends after completely modifying the Brookhaven map I'm going to enter the modified map so that we can test everything differently okay from now on anything can happen because I'm already in the new Rainbow Haven so I have to admit this map turned out really cool wait why is the green monster floating I thought he was blind not that he had wings Let's ignore the green monster for now because I'm curious to test the morphs I've put in here basically we have three more orange monster green monster and blue monster first I will test the green monster okay wait what what happened wasn't I supposed to turn into the green monster how do I become the orange monster okay so I'll have to test the orange one first and apparently this morph monsters don't have any animation we're walking around with the models in t pose I'm going to test the blue monster now and guys why is the blue monster so slow what Agony is it giving me to walk at that speed I'll go back to being orange it runs much faster let's see how the Blue Castle turned out and guys I don't remember the blue monsters drool being that color am I imagining things let's go inside the castle to see if I managed to adapt Brookhaven I made several adjustments to make this castle look as beautiful as possible but even so I forgot to delete this message in red that was in that bizarre little house that used to be here I deleted this little house because I think it's super useless so it didn't make sense for it to stay here right now it's time for us to visit the ferris wheel which appears in chapter one of rainbow friend and now in Chapter 2 we can actually get on the ferris wheel unfortunately this Ferris wheel is not working so I should have chosen a better one shoot I was going that way but the green is coming towards me can he see or hear me okay I'm managing to pass by his side I hope he stays there in the corner right wow the Giant Orange monster looks really cool and his face is 10 times funnier the windmill Remains the Same as the one in Rainbow friend friends we couldn't get into it or interact with it in any way it's only useful as the decoration and with the changes I made I think it's much prettier don't you think in the lobby we have several interesting things and sure the one that calls the most attention here is the purple monster in the sewer my God just now that I saw that his head was sticking out of the glass that must have hurt a lot poor thing the rest of the lobby you already know right the welcome signs the famous rainbow friends sign the odd World sign and the various flowers and boxes we used as Decor in the lobby which I believe added a stylish touch to it all and guys that's how our rainbow friends Brookhaven turned out I think the map turned out really cool what did you think tell me in the comments okay thank you very much to those who watch the video Until the End see you next time
Channel: Andyblox
Views: 202,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andyblox, andyblox brookhaven, rainbow friends chapter 2, brookhaven rainbow friends, RAINBOWHAVEN! Rainbow Friend's Brookhaven *chapter 2*, brookhaven rp, andy rainbow friends
Id: AvPncTXFulI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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