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[Music] tucked away in the beautiful and unspoiled San Juan Mountains of Southeast Colorado and the Rio Grande National Forest where the Kenai River flows providing some of the most exceptional fishing anywhere lies rainbow trout ranch [Music] first settled by the Spanish in the 1600s their legacy remains even today in the 1870s gold and silver were discovered in the region leading to the rapid growth of mining towns in the area but by the 1900's mining exploration moved on and the towns were abandoned but were soon replaced by fishing camps as the area became recognized for its exceptional fishing in the 1920s the main lodge at the ranch was being constructed an enormous 18,000 square foot structure which quickly became the showplace of the Rockies men remains so today it is said that not a single nail was used but rather wooden pegs and dowels given its structural integrity [Music] [Music] whether you're a family couple more individual you'll find rainbow trout ranch to be an exceptional destination and transformative experience the staff are hand selected for their professionalism and can-do attitude and come to the ranch from Maine to California and everywhere in between [Music] [Music] and rainbow trout ranch you can disconnect from that digital lifestyle and get in touch with what's really important in life [Music] like friends family spectacular views [Music] wildlife the peace and serenity that surrounds you it's an experience that touches all your senses and will have you coming back for more for over two decades the fan Birkin family of welcomed guests from around the world they shared their lives and lifestyle in an environment only a guest ranch experience can offer you might arrive as a new guest but you will leave this family and be forever a part of its long history [Applause] generations of families of kept returning here year after year kids who came here with her family now in turn with their own children or even grandchildren to experience all that the ranch has to offer [Music] I feel like this is a very very special place it brings families together it's kind of magical because you're away from the outside worries and and what's going on in the outside world it brings families together you eat together and you play games together you interact with other people from other walks of life from other countries and you just you feel like family it's just a very very special place my heart the charm the rustic nests of the cabins but they kept it like that it's not commercialized you just feel like you're at home every day you wake up and you may not have any idea what you're gonna do that day and it just turns out to be the most wonderful days ever I loved it as a child I grew up coming here and every summer we look forward to this vacation when we met friends then we would meet again the next year and the next year and the next year and so unit friendships that you that you made along the way I brought my children we brought our children as they grew up so now our grandchildren are a part of it [Music] it's just been a part of my life I think but what's a weakened rainbow trout ranch like we're glad you asked because there is something for every age group and every member of the family to enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you've never learned to fly fish the friendly guides hold casting clinics so you'll be fishing like a pro in no time [Music] if you love fishing the guides at rainbow trout ranch will show you the best spots to snag the big ones whether it's on the canals river a tributary of the legendary a Rio Grande flowing directly through the ranch or other streams and lakes in the area [Music] [Music] you'll quickly see lighter guests rated at one of the top five fly fishing ranches in the country [Music] you know one of the things I'd like to think about I think I have the greatest job in the world because I kind of like to live in the past and that's what a dude ranch is it's taking them back to what life would have been like 50 60 years ago and maybe even longer than that and so I think that's a wonderful thing heritage that when I'm on the hayride I remind kids of what it was like to come out here with a horse and wagon what it was like being out here were there no bridges across rivers part of his life and there were no fences and all the cattle ran together and how important branding was so I think that's that's one of the real joys and then I think I have I have in my heart something that I I know one one kids too to be able to read about Western adventure I grew up reading about Western adventure and of course when I grew up we just listened to the radio and TV shows that were all about Cowboys that doesn't happen it is a wonderful place for families because it is so many different activities for so many different kinds of people I think I think that's something that distinguishes us you don't have to watch your kids every moment I'll never forget one little boy said Doug this is way better than Disneyland because here the ride lasts for hours instead of minutes I mean that's all that's the light we are a coin so it's a great life and then maybe one of the most satisfying things to watch is teenagers who are not really wanting to go on vacation with my [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you can kind of see them come in with a bit of a chip on their shoulder and it is fun to see after the weeks over they come and shake your hand and say oh this was a great gig and they can find out you can you can have a lot of fun without having a device in your hand and there's a lot of things to do last night the teenagers played a rousing game of capture the flag I mean I mean they were into it it was fun they came in sweaty and muddy and it was a great night [Applause] if you come for the incredible horseback riding experience start your week off by watching the horses come in from their night pastures and the Sun starts to break over the surrounding mountain ridges [Music] as many times as you might see the horses come in and across the bridge that never gets old [Music] [Music] once the horses reports at the corral the Wranglers get busy grooming is saddling the horses for the day's trail rides [Music] [Music] if it's been a while since you've been on a horse or you're a novice rider not to worry the experienced Wranglers will carefully match you up with a horse well-suited to your writing abilities today know you and your horse are a good match you'll enjoy the week's trail riding all that much more [Music] [Music] but first you'll receive a thorough and comprehensive safety orientation where you can learn how horses think and how to effectively communicate with them while riding the oldest quietest most half-dead warts can still react and when you figure out first we have three variables here all right I think we've covered most of what I need to cover we're in the Rocky Mountains yes you do need to take your weight do the incline when you're climbing or coming downhill if you're going up hills lean forward lean into the incline going downhill lean back just a little bit lean into the entire so boys take away to the okay when you do that keep your feet forward you bring the back or to hate your feet back in their place not a good sense do we have any English writers here we do have a few so it's all of you think English writing is great I grew up writing English it teaches your great seat but there are a few things that don't translate as well into western riding so we'll talk about that we take our writing very seriously here at the ranch and we want everybody to have a good experience whether they're a total beginner or somebody very advanced we actually get a lot of people here who experience horse men and women in their own right as well as people who've never even been on the horse before we do try and accommodate to every level and every ability one of the hardest things we do is sit down to merge the people with their horses because we don't really unless they return then we do have a lot of returns we don't know the people but we know our hosts as well and usually because we have such a great herd it works out now and again if it's not a good match we're happy to change out but because we have great Wranglers who we take the time to really train because we really are careful about what horses we keep the more horses we don't keep and also because we do a serious in-depth orientation on Mondays for everybody we just tend to have a very safe program we're very safety-conscious without being over-the-top and speaking of writing the writing is spectacular [Music] you'll cross dreams [Music] right through the Aspen Cathedral [Music] see abundant wildlife [Music] and explore the beautiful mountains of southeastern Colorado as Jane said the writing program is obviously what people come to rainbow trout ranch for specifically our fishing is great but the writing is what it's all about and we have various levels of writing so people from the beginning people who have never ridden a horse to those like she said who are advanced all have the chance to go out and do what they like to do trotting and loping [Music] great big stands of Aspen's and we get the great vistas of all the mountains with some snowcat homes yet at this time of year even so the writing program has is very diverse there's you stayed kind of flat in the river bottoms you can ride high up in the 11,000 feet in the mountains and so there's a little something for everybody for sure and we definitely do the charging and looping for those that want to we'll always do a mosey ride which is strictly roping always accommodate that but not to people advise to do the cha-cha [Music] now I've got to ask you does it get any better than this [Music] when you get back to the ranch you can settle back into warm and welcoming accommodations where every window gives you an open window to the nature surrounding you [Music] [Music] and on a cool crisp night it could warm your boots by a glowing fire you'll never hear your kids say I'm bored at the ranch as the staff will keep them busy with activities they probably have never done before one evening it may be a hay ride around the ranch with the horsepower provided by the ranch draft horses the poolman lunch cookouts are always a hit with the kids of any age group [Music] [Applause] try your hand at trapshooting knocking click pigeons out of the sky shoot archery targets [Music] [Music] and everyone loves the evening square dances the staff will teach you the basic steps and well the rest is up to you [Music] [Music] [Music] one evening who sit around a roaring fire in the lodge and listen to old western songs provided by professional cowboy entertainers [Applause] you wrote this song sometime to 30s but it never got recorded until 1946 the first person ever recorded with the Burleigh [Music] [Music] but what's really special about rainbow trout ranch guests share their heartfelt feelings on what's special to them about the ranch I love this ranch because it's family-oriented you know we've been coming here for 17 years this is our seventh visit and we've brought our kids and our grandkids and it's never a disappointment we love it oh we love it all we we love the riding didn't really write too much before we came but learn to ride here and fishings fantastic but I guess mainly it's that the fact that you know there's something for everyone the kids just have such a laugh they Mack about with the van Bourke and kids and and all the other guests children and it's just a really special families family on the day they want to keep coming back every year yeah every each time we sort of think well should we come back to our tea yeah there's all these amazing writers to the region codes to in the in the u.s. Burt you know we love it absolutely love it and the I think that it sort starts with Jamie and David and Doug and Linda for us really I mean the way that they sort of set it all out and they the tone and the Wranglers can't do enough for you everyone so sort of upbeat and smiley and just wanting to make it really sort of special time you know that it doesn't kind of run itself you know there's a hell of a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes but you know it's just wonderful relaxing happy joyful happy time that's why we keep coming back you feel like you're coming home and the more we come back no more I feel like we're coming home to our family which is lovely and the kiss the kids just love coming back and they keep in touch during the year now it's a very special place for us and I think it's lovely that the kids have had that growing up it is so different from our lifestyle at home it's so different from anything we do at home and to come back this little corner of Colorado is very special [Music] and it's the ultimate family adventure vacation I mean it's a chance for people who come from suburban areas who this is we've been told you know the first time their kids actually been able to run by himself free without mom and dad helicopter and over top of them and wondering if they're gonna be okay you know they know they're gonna go off with these other kids and play and have you know outdoor adventure and not worry about their safety and just the concerns I deal with but in everyday life and so it's great because every family member can do what they want to do if ridings not their thing they can go fishing or hiking or sit on the porch and just enjoy the afternoon you know there's you don't have to sit there and go around Disney and take stand by the ride while they're doing the ride you can go off and have the exact same vacation your children are having and have a great time yeah it's really about family and really the business that we're in is making memories that that's what we're that's really what our businesses and that's why so many people come back because they have a great experience they love the staff they love them they love everything about the place but it's really about making memories if you're ready to disconnect from your daily digital lifestyle if you're ready to reconnect with family friends natural beauty forces and the really meaningful things in life if you're ready to ride the mountains fish clear water streams and have the experience of a lifetime that'll keep you coming back year after year well then round up your friends and family and hit the southeastern Colorado for the experience of a lifetime [Music] [Music] [Music] come live the kinship of the Wild West and rainbow trout ranch we'll see you at the corral [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HorseTV Global
Views: 88,142
Rating: 4.8299446 out of 5
Id: C6poEbyTDj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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