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my baby's looking so beautiful I love you baby what stuck me the hell of a little odv you're so big now I know we caught him and literally like a size of a quarter yellow a yellow belly I need a divinity link straight up and down my Mali clan is the most amazing little clan of fish that I've ever seen I love these things ever since I got them inside their cups and I made like a cup like stack with these fish that video is like a year old now these things are so so big I love them so much I have five of them in this pond where's the other one other ones hanging around somewhere around here but these guys are doing such a good job picking at the pond as you guys can see I hooked up this pond I changed it up a little bit and it is crystal clear you can see right to the bottom Eddy okay I made it all natural rigged up Greg's filter a little bit tweaked it a little bit and connected it to the lake and now this pond is a 1 crystal-clear guys I know my ponds Bay Bay I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you there are so much there are so many uplifting comments guys like I don't even know what to say I always get hate guys but to see like just nothing but love like there was so much love just so much love so much encouragement you know put a net over just a bunch of like different things one guy said like go to Home Depot there's like other like hurricane like solid plastics or something like that oh look there's a last moment over there is to look like as two friends coming to get him go again boy oh yeah but yeah guys just puns about lifting comments thank you guys so much cuz I really needed that man I was pissed ask him how it was good yeah for like a solid like probably 24 hours I don't I try not to let stuff hang over my head for a long time but I was definitely fit guys so as you guys can see I've been working really hard on reading up upon the right way look at this my big boy how you doing so in the morning all of these guys like directly out of my hands I got to get a video doing that soon check this one out we've been trying to get these crabs all day and all night living getting one crab a day and I haven't seen them they run away but if he's gone gone yeah guys so I try to do that crab all the thing every time I put them they're gone guys I just put that one there I literally just put that one there it's gone so anyway I have a bunch of up still have like how many one two three four five six left guys I have six left and the rest of them are in the fire like probably three D on crab island right now I try to grab them they're gone if they're like instantly gone so I was able to catch that one for you and show you an example how quickly these things were gone but uh yeah no come on patties come on there was a all the glare I have me Babu which having to eat this so I will take new paths and I will feed them to me Baku or even feed anything like this there koi food or anything like that today is quite good day I'll give them a mixture between the like vibrant quarry food and like the dog food kind of sized pellets to make sure they have a balanced diet and make sure they look really pretty so let's go ahead and try to feed the puppy some clams probably one that doesn't put my head so how about about this one come here you guys it's easy don't give me don't give me boy oh that thing which the hell are you oh my god I'm gonna die I know I know it oh my god please no not again please no got him down got him down I'm gonna grab him by the claw oh one the peacock the Oscar look at how hungry the Oscar got it you just swallowed a hole oh my god oh okay this one got that way no Jack no the Jack got it this time guys Jaguar just pour that thing up let's see that one with the big blow out of number two goddamn hard cool no no Jack usually doesn't have big pinchers so I grabbed this little female a well does all have left guys it's all the hair looking at look at this one grab this one oh I'm grabbing this one guys I'm not taking any chances with the claw of that big so check it off where are we mr. Jack great straight down good Jake Jake Jake Oscar why do you want this again look here's a Jake get baby thumb yeah so the Jags enjoyed their they have really really strong crunchers guys once I was trying to do a Jag my finger was down there and it just got pulverized so I'm gonna feed the rest of the fish their pellets the Peacocks are nice to lobby everyone some fill up you make everyone happy spicy meatballs and then we're going to take this thing with that big ol cloth over the Joey slams praying mantis guys amantha I always say praying mantis it man no mantis shrimp there's a mantis shrimp mantis shrimp mantis shrimp pull like that there's two types of frame we're going to feed joey shrimp guys please don't hit me thank you yes yes all of you come on come on tilapia tilapia yes talking next Babu please Babu please enjoy enjoy me amigos fish have wonderful colors with this food the Erawan is everything sister it's nice and soft goes down very easy oh my gosh I love this food guys thank you very much cool if I were to appreciate you and let me drown about by the cloth got him by the claw baby look how big that claws look how big that claw is guys for the praying mantis to attack that thing is monstrous this is so big one I'm gonna go ahead and see if the praying mantis shrimp can fight this guy I don't know mantis shrimp versus fiddle de crab go back into the bucket we're gonna see we're gonna be boys enjoy I love me cool guys were outside Joey slams now he's inside with in the fish room with wild water Farley but he does it you're positive look at this point there's no no all right guys hello hello hello I see you heard us talking outside I don't want what you're selling come on in I think you wanted we got some protein cookies and some crabs no no for you leave the cookie cookies with you you must take the crab as well no not to crap you know need some landing right here but look how big that thing's claws that thing is ready oh that's what I'm talking about nah bro my bar no oh yeah your bumper could probably eat some too let me see let me see look at him dude that is ridiculous but you can all go ahead [Applause] Joey our viewers have never seen these new cells as Joey's new house guys and maybe saw our first floor the 150 gallon aquarium we got the Arowana what is that stargazer was that this what is it actually that's called a story nicely glued where I remember you said something about stars hybrid and Kylie hiding the tiger shovelnose egg dude look at this size look at this size of Megamind guys I'm not sure if you remember on this channel but we definitely showed this thing when Joey first got it was about this size of the hood of his head look at that gate closes crazy look out videos next to my hand look at him following me I mean I can't believe how big this guy is God yeah oh crap we have our fun with a little mouse to print let's go feed that manages it up please don't pinch me bro pinch me oh look at the claw on that one oh my god oh dear Farley you want to touch it you want to call him a roach right come here huh come here come here for a second spider crab Bigler of all Fiddler's look at that cloth that claws ready ah bro look at that thing baby Oh daddy these Fiddler's of all Fiddler's take out that strength that endurance he's been walking up and down my arm we had him all day long guy so this is actually a giant fiddler crab we're gonna go ahead and put him in here after we get this mantis out perfect angle oh there he is right there who's messing with you man okay cool so he's out look his little feelers he's so pitiful look his feelers he's so pissed oh oh he's right where he shouldn't be oh just got it he's scared bro he's just he's just spooked I'm just kidding myself look at that claw bro no he's sleeping he's just a spook guys well looks like the Mantis wins on a draw they both survive guys that Croft look at this thing spider crab come here AB me dong dong oh look we're actually watching this mantis shrimp build he's building his wall this is absolutely insane look at him one rock at a time he's slowly building a cave one stone at a time Joey said that these things do this but I've never witnessed it look he's out look he's out look at that just looking around scope and everything out this is the coolest thing ever dude oh I know he's taking everything inside those eyeballs looking at you you're like what gonna drop the crab chop the crab go ahead match rematch rematch right now the crab has been dropped oh my oh my god oh my god his back was vineyard what the heck and then back in the hole that's it look at that I don't think the crabs dude what that's it do you know I don't know yeah I know so that gap stove's it's not even moving anymore I think he was just punched it was so soft he didn't even care 230 peace no chicken look at that golden dude that thing is fine come on come on fiddles come on fiddles fiddles oh my god look inside the crib Philip you know those no feelings no RKO those are you going or kill their little piddles now fiddles RKO fiddles that's it fiddles no what is he doing the fiddles fiddles no don't worry too much fun out here yes but Joey Sam YouTube channel you guys know Joey's saying from day one behind the camera mean his own channel well what a Farley we got the squad I hear ya subscribe to Joey's same guys thank you so much Tyson is awesome guys and catch them all hit him up
Channel: Catch Em All Fishing
Views: 717,639
Rating: 4.7477341 out of 5
Keywords: ace videos, fishing videos, aquarium, paul cuffaro, snake discovery, family, coralfish12g, blakes exotic animal ranch, shark, mantis shrimp, diy, florida, jacob feder, fish trap, how to, crab, predatory fins, catch em all, fishing, bass, 1rod1reelfishing, catfish, barbs buzzin, 618 fishing, cashnasty, carter sharer, zak catchem, vlog, fish, the king of diy, pond, flair, pet, crab trap, catch em all fishing, nick bingo, catch, fisherman's life, rawwfishing, blacktiph, dangie bros
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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