Rainbow Friends In Real Life - The Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome I need your help [Music] can't see you guys Lexi hello Mom [Music] all you have to do is find them and put them back good luck find them you have to find the blocks Logan why do we have these boxes because I'm a fishy boat you know why we have these boxes maybe to hide it yeah because there's um actually there's there's actually like um there's actually like a monster that like tries to get you we're hiding from a monster come on are you sure that's what we're supposed to do you guys are playing around we need to find the blocks I'm so good y'all suck put the first look on I'm gonna go find my blocks no guys I think I found the first or the second box look the new Squad what we have to do is find the blocks Lexi's right what is this two letter blocks let's go that way Logan that door's open I see a block we're gonna hold oh my gosh like I don't know I don't want to leave this place I got another block look at that guy careful what we're looking for Block slogan don't let Blue hug you guys let's explore this map whoa guys look it's like a forest in here who is he I'm going under the big box so I can fit I'm about to go home oh my God I'm sorry I hear something oh there we go okay so what you gotta do is you gotta grab a box so when he comes you're like prepared and stuff so look how's my hiding spot I think he's around the corner Logan let's go get that other bucket nice off because what is this place there's hay there's actual head I found two blocks guys I hear him what is that I hit mom look there's a block get it get it we gotta go put in the theater he literally passed by me like three times foreign box leave a comment below if you know the name of that person [Music] just like a safe spot I found five blocks so far done did you see this it looks so bad whoever did the crown is trash guys look I'm gonna put the thing on Logan found an s how many blocks have they found already we've got to hide them and make sure they don't get stolen I'm running through the hay bale area look at that guys I know where one is oh my God I'm gonna throw a box at it holy sauce you've got to get taller oh good job Logan all right grab it got it he's right there we gotta go I don't know where to go anymore I don't know that way anymore guys I found a block earlier right here guys I found just two more I found a block I'm so good like like what is it thank you I'm hiding in this box wake up to reality oh he didn't see me hey Logan he tasted in me but you gotta hide in the Box oh guys I gotta be careful this is what is this Orange's hideout I got all three I have one I found two okay let's see if I can carry two okay guys nope not this way Lana has three blocks [Music] some blocks do we need I'm just gonna book it book it done this might be the last one hiding spot because I think so we're actually just gonna keep this on my head oranges hide out should we ring the bell no what are you doing in there like this but I gotta stay here I'll take it I have this what Logan this is where they were actually made you only slowed me down [Music] guys you can decorate it no no no we have two blocks hide in here let's make sure he's not around the corner I call the lockers I feel really exposed because I don't have a box I can cover up a fish I don't know if that'll work watch come at me I have a box here here here he's not coming why did you scare me Lauren you have two what is that karate he can't come here you have to open the other one guys there's a perfectly good box does it work no we're at 20 bucks 20 that's 22 no no that's 20. oh we still need four more boxes come on wait we need 24. [Music] guys you're not gonna come chase me sir guys look what it says you only slowed me down and it looks like it's dragging someone away okay we gotta go I think I see one over there Opera oh no our table oh no there's one under there there it is there it is there it is crawl and get it I can I found one y'all missed this one okay guys you missed the most obvious one what was it just right there wait is this 24 we have four in our hands Logan has three watch me [Music] never mind we have to look at it trust me scared you have three we only need one more then watch he has I'm literally bringing a box let me count oh guys over here into something guys we have 22. Logan has three so that's 25. I counted his three when I was counting where's the monster okay so we're gonna turn around and start booking okay you want to walk with this on your head monster get away from Mom my boxes you're so bad he left is there one in the shredder my gosh guys going vlog there's one in the shredder like who would it look there this is 23. [Music] we're at 23 guys [Applause] yeah I definitely made a mistake I found one it doesn't count that's Kevin I missed okay bye there was one in the shredder that we missed did you have to climb in the shredder it was technical you know find a plaque I found it were you serious this box is a little heavy I can't lift it dude that was my midnight slip what is this dangerous [Music] no please don't hurt me oh my God did we find all the blocks girls Logan have you seen Logan yeah he died remember wait he did yeah why are we in this room uh get some rest you'll need it for tomorrow I kept throwing him a box why didn't he hide ah sounds like Green's awake wait is another monster yes let's go find the kibble I heard I'm I'm so good Noob Squad we have to find the food bags we don't have Logan this time I'm gonna go find this kibble this green guy's blind [Music] I'm like too good for this like I'm like better than all of them like like like like like I should go to the Olympics of dogs we have to find the food it's dog food guys yummy oh my goodness the blue man I don't think he's playing for real oh what is he doing man is blind though so we might be following me blind they can't see me it's not deaf a little bit why yeah you don't want to come near me what the heck one has like 50. new Squad what about a pink kibble let's see how much is in here one Kipling and no it literally is one kibble and a note it says stupid heads I lost my food bag the green man look what happened the green man is blind so we can't see where he's going I got another one oh see another one and another one orange is in there right here I have a little too much sexy look oh Mom you missed that there's a Blue Man's right there Lexi should I go jump on mine it's like five or ten what the heck somebody dropped all theirs and now my sound I gotta find more food bags I lost mine blind Green Man I should call him the old greedy food food food I hear something wait if we have a blue monster and a green monster where's the Orange Monster foreign scary sometimes because it's so clumsy it might actually Fallen man kill me dog food went out everywhere what is he doing let's go find more there's still some over there that needs to be dumped oh my God come on no prescription I think I got all of them I feel like this green monster is on a mission to just hello everybody guys I'm in a box let's go see how full the kibble balls are oh my goodness they're not even closed I think I got all of them there needs to be a lot more in great who spills leave a comment if you've seen food are we missing it wow oh my gosh I just saw it I'm gonna make sure I'm in the clear I'm too sure we don't have Logan let's go it says don't let Blue hug you you he might be angry watch your step green can't see you is that the last one I think so we just fed the monsters foreign maybe he smelled the food after you fix my machine I'll show you why you're really careful hey we where did you come from wait where are the girls I have no idea where they are but all I do know is that I'm here and ready to play Noob Squad I don't know what happened to lawn and Lexi but we're on night three yeah what do you mean how do you know I play the video game so I do know what I'm doing how many seconds do we have left three two one okay let's go guys do you even know what you're doing yes we gotta go over here I don't think he knows what he's doing [Music] this is where the fuses are the fuses are gonna be right here wait that means we have to feed the orange monster in this one yes I'll beat him up I don't think you can because he can outrun you he's faster and he has sharper teeth yeah faster than that I'm going okay we gotta find the fuses okay great looks like it's me and Logan together Logan hold on hold on before we do this we don't have time to check ourselves out in the mirror what are you thinking all right look good let's go okay don't forget you all you need is a box to hide look at this plank for answers that oh there's blue okay there's blue coming after us what is that sound guys look up over there [Music] I gotta find a fuse gotta find it holy crap they're freaking hands can come out he's going gosh we gotta find a fuse Logan with the hands I know that you have to walk a certain way to make it we haven't found one yet what there's a brick have you seen blue no all right go feed orange so he doesn't start shaking we have a views Glory um I made it look let's go back okay we need to put the fuse in the machine and I gotta steer clear of green look at green whoa whoa I got it okay that is awesome where is a fuse there's got to be one over here nothing stay away I'm gonna sneak through this way there's more hand you gotta watch out for the hands because if you walk too closely to them they'll get you oh see they're everywhere I haven't even found one yet blue you gotta chill out homie yeah slow yeah nope nope nope more hands go go go Logan go please we gotta go to his cave and put food in his bowl [Music] all right we have one oh my gosh we have so many more to go dude this way this way this way that way take me to Orange's Hideout um okay okay we gotta feed him gosh just in case you know Justin run over there and feed him real quick hurry okay be careful careful if you put it right there you put it in here you put it you just put a little bit in there okay yes that's enough he's eating it good job Logan yay [Music] looks like somebody forgot to beat orange oh I'm scared orange is tripping over the boxes hi Miss I think these are what we need got it I don't want anybody to find me okay I got one oh there's already one in so look at that hey Bears came in like this canister I guess this isn't it I hear blue [Applause] oh something is wrong with the dino [Music] okay I got it okay oh I found one I found it too where are you returning it to base on my way okay guys we're in the box with me honestly I don't know where I am I can only see my feet Logan there's blue I got across the plank oh they're coming from me I gotta go get some more Logan do you need a box foreign [Music] give me some food so actually there's actually a fuse me all right we found a fuse look you can't take the fuse out you're gonna mess up our mission wait is dead let's go there's got to be one in here maybe behind the shredder there's not one behind the shredder it says found another one I'm doing good you got to watch out for that guy behind us up okay I've done two let's go get some more Not Afraid follow me okay Logan I got this I got two oh wow that's all we have Logan come on this is a mega one we're gonna mess up the machine bro it's a mega mega one but I need a Bubba blue can't get me as long as I'm in the Box that's my box just snooze you lose he took my box no oh there's a flying bar oh wait does that work huh oh no I don't have a ball did it okay we gotta find some more fuses there it is right there no no no no no no no no no no no one jingle jangle no one jingle jingle feed it all I gotta do is feed it oh nice good boy good boy no no no no no no no no why are you oh who needs me I'm gonna go defeat it watch I'm gonna go defeat the dude or whatever oh where am I hello Logan Logan you are in the Roblox afterlife okay what am I doing here what am I supposed to do I don't want to be here it's creepy I don't know guys I need a box no Logan's dead I see a fuse it's way up there please stop and you're down for the count can I go play another game please you have a choice to make respawn back into the game or stay here and watch everyone else survive without you okay I'll pay it but what do I have to pay with it'll be 30 diamonds 30 diamonds well luckily I have diamonds in my pocket now where do I pay do I pay in this box I guess so I'm supposed to get that it fell I was climbing for nothing one two where'd it go three four one eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen oranges Hideout is a mess gotta watch out for purple 16 17 and 18. oh this one blue didn't see me wait I need to go get something real quick theater here we go I have can I respond now yes oh my gosh Logan where'd you come from I respawned with all my money are you serious okay we need your help we don't have enough fuses yet this is taking really long there has got to be more fuses like you want to hug like you're not gonna hurt me if I give you a hug he said they're not gonna hurt me if I give it a hug your friend I fed you oh of course of course wow yes got one no oh no I'm trapped he's got a chainsaw and that one's dancing I've got this this is my third one do you guys need some money no I haven't died here we'll put it here in case anybody else dies so they can respawn Logan came back Chase he found diamonds follow me wait where did you get the money from Logan did you take it from my wallet I started from the thank you diamonds forever are they fighting over there they're fighting over there oh they're fighting you need a weapon I don't like the blue guy epic battle scene talk stop I gotta go this way guys there was one right in the way that I didn't even see easy recorded I hear movie where's this fast it's freaking fast go feed it I did but then it tried to eat me guys orange super fast I'm gonna try to feed orange Kibbles a bit I found one up here can you launch it yeah look at that grab found one I'm not the only one doing anything okay another one Logan launched it from way up there way up there which that was a great throw oh look what get your son how did you get up there I have my ways uh I think blue is twerking go I'm hiding okay that purple thing sneaks up on you okay green cannot see me he can hear me but when he goes that way I should go under him don't you think that's a good idea got it [Music] doesn't open here you can have the locker [Music] they're everywhere oh my gosh I need a box to get by Blue ow Logan is calling for help sorry Logan I hear Logan's in need I'm on my way Logan where are you okay the toilet Logan this is not the time to go to the bathroom nobody needs help I don't know which way to go open up Logan Logan's in the toilet you don't need a nap I found a little poop I found it in the poop hey did you hear steal that from me nope oh I'm gonna feed Orange foreign [Applause] Logan broke the toilet that is not supposed to be like that sir I'll get a thing back go go go away don't leave us on fire right now good twirl I found the last one uh no there's three more I tried that it didn't work there has to be what is doing guys purple trying to get me huh you can't reach me there is no I'm in a box purple I'm gonna stuff on it hey this has been a Dangerous Mission Logan here comes the blue no Bob I don't know if that's gonna work okay well here comes the person what's up what they're telling me to come wait they're telling me to follow she led me to Logan died we need just a few more fuses Logan's gone Here Comes blue watch out you've gotta always watch for the hands I need to go where Logan died I'll be oh you're kind of out of luck for food no no no oh my goodness you're so hungry don't eat all the food no not today no no no eat up I guess if you're hungry okay all right stay nice there has to be a fuse around here somewhere why is this map so hard there's only 4 . we gotta find the other what I know he can't see me I'm sorry fortunately all right we only need two more after this one let's go I know we can't see me no orange Bell can I get by got a few more baby is orange eating green I've not died yet I think I had a close call but no how many pieces do we need two has anybody been back here oh it smells good back here it got stuck in the shredder nice look [Music] Shred the dinosaur what I don't think it'll work I'm going up top there must be something up here thought this side was off limits I have one where is luck maybe I can have a better aerial view you got green going there blue going there and orange over there no there's nothing up here we only need one more we only need more need more Logan I had no more gems wait so what's gonna happen to you die responding to the game he's done we just need one more views all right we gotta find oh I found one oh crap it's right above orange and it's orange I saw movement and it was scary oh my gosh what's that sound orange wants me to follow okay look it's up here fortunately I can reach it leave a comment below if you know where the fuse is if you've seen it and we missed it Rudy we only need one more I can't comment below if you can name all the monsters that we've seen green is just staying in one place where is he what are you doing I found the last one no they no ready what I found the last one okay go put it in yeah I can't go put it in why there's an issue I'll go feed Orange go feed orange she's going to feed you [Music] oh sweet victory is mine oh shoot no what are you gonna do buddy what are you gonna do what you gonna do I got it rock paper scissors you want to do rock paper scissors okay rock paper scissors Champion 2003. it's on shoe too don't be giving me anything other than that so it's one two three shoot and then you go ready one two three shoot one two three shoot scissors cuts paper hey walk out of here walk out of here and shame no that way thank you thank you go get out of here get out of here you filthy animal it feels so bad Blue's been nice it's kind of like a friend you know I didn't mean to talk to him like that I better go say I'm sorry blue I wanted you to know I'm sorry I I shouldn't have talked to you like that I I didn't mean it I didn't mean it at all you're a nice guy you really blue for a hug okay thanks blue thanks have a good day buddy you're doing great I love your kills they're the best yeah I've hurt you too all right I got the like three two what I dropped it three two one what Rudy no no Lexi you did this she is an angel let's see how long have you been here did we win the night we did get out we are good we won Champions [Music] good job hey high five great job she's a good worker she's good I got all of them I didn't mean it I will drive okay all right that is it we have won this round what's going on that shouldn't be happening what is the machine okay it's too dark to see looks like you'll have to turn power back on find a way to power up the backup generator who knows maybe I'll even let you leave afterwards where'd you come from Lexi I don't know where I came from I came from the slide okay we have to find Batteries Now wanna flashlights should we all grab flash lights so dark in here Noob Squad this is the last night in Rainbow friends I think he's actually gonna let us go this time it is dark in here all we have are flashlights but we can find the batteries to escape we need to make a plan we need to split up into two teams yes you two are on my team give this video a thumbs up if you think we have good teams we don't I have two red ones so what we're gonna do is we're gonna sacrifice them but then I'll sacrifice you okay that scene wait what yeah okay that seems like a good idea so like you died good idea how about we go this way real quick let's go this way you go first you go first you lead the way you lead the way this is going to take a while so first we're gonna let Logan go because he'll just love everything just pick the flashlight man we gotta go hurry up um I want all of them hurry up we don't need that many flashlights dude we gotta go this let's see what's over here that's lava uh we need to go across this plank let's do this Lexi no no do not fall in the lava jeez be careful it's gone what the heck how'd you get such a cool box I bought it with diamonds you know I've been playing for like a couple years and I've been saving up um we need to get going okay come on we might come back guys I'm gonna take my cool box okay that's weird because it's cool that was awesome crossing the lava good job let's go in style and get the battery you gotta be careful Lexi be mean watch out for Stuff there's things over here there's nothing orange there he is don't be scared it's just orange all we have to do is feed him you gotta go feed him you do it I'll give him the keys we got the battery oh yeah watch out let's see behind you take it you're just gonna give him a little you didn't even get one in we have another bucket it's okay we gotta hurry let's go what hey that's not a normal battery that's a traffic light battery that one's super good well let's head back okay okay let's go Lexie I heard something something baby come okay let's go look at me dude Logan is oh it's got your foot dude look there's a brick we don't need a break now I can throw them on his head yes that's what we need Logan this is what we're looking for oh batteries well why would you focus on batteries when there's perfectly good hay oh hey look at that guys you hear that yes Noob Squad leave a comment below if you know what that sound means listen to it okay we have to see where he is because that means that the purple monster is hanging he's just like reach out and grab you Logan well what if we like give us some hay for a team around the corner okay we can't go that way he's coming Logan we gotta go back this way come on dad do it let's put him in first two baby high five let s go what's going on no no no no no no no no no no oh no go this way this way we gotta watch out for anybody or anything actually you go in front of me I think we're good guys come on he's gone sure Lana yes there's a battery right here let's make a pouch so we don't get lost we need we don't are you serious this is not Hansel and Gretel hi Mom no my battery pick it up Logan wait that's not the battery that means orange awake Noob Squad leave a comment right now if you know what that sound means oh you can't drop the battery your sister again where you're always I'm gonna rock you guys stop come on Orange Is Coming hide helping make room for everybody come on you have hay in your hair oranges out there okay do you think orange can get us if we're actually hiding because we're not in the orange Trail yes foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's not gonna work Logan you have to make sure it's in the right way okay otherwise it's not gonna charge okay put it in let's go you just put it in the wrong way Mom did I even do this one dad and Lexi must have done this they're so bad okay so we finished all right let's go let's go find two more looks like somebody forgot to feed orange I thought you fed him he's what do you mean I did feed him there's something wrong with her let's go hey I got an idea what challenge let's see who can climb the ropes the fastest okay I'll beat you to the top how about this I got this oh I'm so scared how are we scared dad I get scared easily you see this you see this blue Flex where are you got it let's go what are you doing come on let's go put in the batteries Logan that way you go first hey don't hit the cool looking box guys have we even been over here don't take the box Logan no we might have to hide in this dude what's back here guys come on a drink what oh I play Roblox Noob Squad leave a comment below if you play the entire game of rainbow friends hidden in a box mom only has two robots on her account broke okay it's because you keep logging into my account and spending my money I accidentally bought bloxburg on your okay what are you doing you need to take the batteries back oh yeah that's a battery because the rainbow let's play rainbow Friends on YouTube all right [Music] the screen friends before cleaning [Music] man out hey the 90s is gone they want their outfit back this one okay bright colors never go out I will poke holes stop it give this video a thumbs up if you think I should choose a new team oh you need a new team it's the battery Mom I'm really good [Music] it's the sound [Music] there's a green man you don't know who the green man is yes he does [Music] can't see us but you can hear your scream on uh [Music] foreign forget whatever that is [Music] are you kissing yourself too hold on last time I read anything again he needed it whoa this is the last time you showered well I'm getting a good scrubbing now you almost done I mean we need to clean the ears you know come on it's okay oh I think I hear dad and Lexi wait Mom that's kind of loud that's very odd you almost done what are you guys doing in here serious just taking a shower he needs a bath are you kidding me we need to restrain him before I clean it you know what I'm scared and I kind of want to get it he's locked up guys we need to be getting batteries yeah well I'm almost clean fine Logan if you want to be in a locker be in a locker be in the locker get in the locker can we rearrange this guys I'm gonna give dude it's not happening you need a lock on your mouth what's going on dude come on anyways we need to be finding batteries I don't know what you guys are doing in here I've got a battery it's right here thank you did you find the rest we don't have time for showers that oh we need to go just kidding okay Mom look there's another battery awesome okay we have two batteries okay uh let's go put them in we should go feed orange so that sound turns off and you won't be chasing us anymore okay let's go Logan what are you doing we have two batteries we have to go feed orange whatever can you help us at all I found a token let's feed him I found some food hey yo there's another cool Ball even more Coast is clean let's go put it in we don't have time for boxes Logan uh okay it didn't even make it it worked hurry the sound went off yeah you must have fed him we're good are they ever gonna come I don't know Logan how did you get that I'm just a cool box kind of guy you know is there room for two I'm pretty cool come on let's go Lana just lead us lead the way you got it Logan get in the oven come on let's take a nap foreign I did have a nice shower hi Logan you first I'll go first then give me the best okay take the battery what in the world is this piggy oh you know wake up what come on we have one leg new Squad there's only one more battery we just gotta figure out where it is have you seen it leave a comment if you've seen it classy you're my favorite sister I don't like the other one okay sir let me see your eyes you're chained up Grandpa got there's only one more battery yeah okay if we stick together we can't all die right wow and then we can escape think about it where do you think the last battery can be wow okay maybe we can split from them what are you doing oh why do I feel like an alien get it together [Music] get on my back okay here we go all right be careful guys stay okay now transform to Dad's arms oh okay hello do it legs come on take it out and flip it okay there's nine batteries we've done it eight other times you're welcome I'm glad we could help okay we get to go does this mean I'm free and I'm gonna go to my Gunner batteries this is great but Logan you're staying cage is just a number wait we get our party for doing this party time oh no Squad what kind of happened to a good one it's gonna be coming let's go I'm excited no I do not trust this guy we don't know who this is what if it's the pro hacker he seems really nice do we need to take the batteries though well are we missing any double a batteries at home because these are pretty big foreign [Music] how do you even know that I don't trust this guy I'm not putting a ticket anywhere now this is a pretty cool ticket no cake for you a perfectly good bed for a perfectly good me Noob Squad leave a comment right now if you think we should leave Logan behind we do not have time to take a nap Logan okay no let's see come on leave him are these the ticket yes I found a gummy bear that's lucky don't touch anything here no what if I just like you know don't do it like it don't and then I hold the lever down and then I come and get my party stuff and get my party hat [Music] where's the hat back Alexa I'm just like you know cool how about y'all put your tickets in I told you it was evil do not turn in your tickets wait I can finesse the system what does that do I now have a hat oh my gosh anyways I think I'm gonna put my ticket into oh Lana that's not good am I gonna get my hat I why are you bald mama what happened here in your hair [Music] did you not do not Mom I think it's your turn no I'm not turning in that ticket oh my goodness I hope I do not get what you have okay let me turn in my ticket excuse sorry sorry don't do it [Music] [Applause] don't do it dude yes what am I are you serious what I knew this was a bad idea I'm the only one with a normal hat are you though look in the mirror no I'm the only one thing to watch did you turn in your ticket Logan yeah I finesse let's just touch your head I'm not turning in my ticket I will not be forced to do something I don't want to do make sure you already or I stay behind and I don't join the party then you're gonna die in here that's a point come on I better not get something stupid like a unicorn why would you say that no it's one of my favorite habits [Music] I already did now fine did it work oh it's pretty ugly I feel like an angel you are an angel I know I'm prettier I'm from the rise of Peru okay we're ready go ahead and take us to the party it's time we've all got our hats on let's do this like I'm so excited do I get to take my pillow with me no Logan come on I'm so glad you can make it get ready for some delicious goodbye cake once everybody gets a slice of cake I'll open the eggs we're here for the party because my armpit hair is gone a little long these days yeah I ripped it out for you I shaved it thank you the real one who's exposed is Lana no hair Harold guys blue is right there he looks so sad maybe he doesn't like parties then why is he throwing a party wait guys look at that sign don't pop the balloons why can't we pop the balloons that's the fun part maybe it will alert him maybe it's too loud maybe you don't like it Logan what happened to your hat I ate it is that belly hair yeah I'm not bald anymore hey why'd you take my wig no hair Harold I'm not nowhere Herald anymore I am don't touch the balloon don't you dare touch that balloon Logan who's gonna pay me my money come here no don't do it I'm lean closer where's my money guys were safe from Logan what if I did it blue blue I knew you were gonna do that I actually thought it was gonna be Logan I don't know if you can see me down here get in the corner damn come on come on who's coming who's going back to this day what why is he waiting mom come over here there's cake up here really come on okay I'm coming did someone say cake [Music] what is that what is this chocolate guys are you sure we should be doing this I feel like this is a trip is it good he has good tasting cake um is it something slowly but surely oh my God who's coming oh no it's coming this is for me yeah why is this balloon floating what did you do to my cake oh no who's coming let's see now let's see no do you think she's gonna finish her piece really Dad The Finisher pieces no it wasn't me I'm too pretty guys the door's open let's go go go go go go go [Music] [Applause] oh come on Chase there's a tunnel wait how do we get up there what should we do Zach I can't wait oh I have a crowbar who needs a crowbar okay guys I think we should move the blocks be careful though you should hold the bridge hurry move the block bridge this is a bridge we gotta climb up there it's easy drop it and it's on my back how am I supposed to move I got you bro I got you I got you okay pretty princesses first careful careful there's a glow stick up here nice this must be where we go W no Logan go ready it worked you're so gonna pay for that Lana wait for me oh it's probably because it's dark Logan go go go go go go go come on Logan oh my goodness you're taking forever what is going on go hurry up Grandpa we might have to leave him behind slow instead he wins the race I hope it breaks on you it might always cracking you did it I don't know about you guys but my hat has disappeared right here same here yeah I don't have mine either oh Logan how did you do that no I said Daddy we're stuck hey quiet okay go guess what leave a comment right now if you think it was a bad idea to follow Logan in the vents we gotta go who's here go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] guys the door's closing I'm going back in kick it back in Chase I don't think baby why is he going back in chase that was not a good idea he's gonna get you my blue Noob Squad leave a comment right now if you've ever gone back into rainbow friends after blue has been by the door is it even possible no what hello I'm leaving Logan yeah come on bud let's go back in come on yes this is awesome underestimated them things are about getting a lot crazier
Channel: NOOB Family
Views: 3,662,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rainbow friends, rainbow friends in real life, roblox rainbow friends, noob family, movie, rainbow friends movie, blue, orange, purple, yellow, poppy playtime, boss fight, chase, rainbow friends animation, rainbow friends funny moments, rainbow friends meme, roblox rainbow friends chapter 2, rainbow friends roblox funny moments, rainbow friends blue, survival game, challenge
Id: 6MljCBejzY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 37sec (3997 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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