RAINBOW FRIENDS Hide and Seek in Minecraft!

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today i'm very excited about this one you guys know the rainbow friends from roblox well i found an amazing recreation of the rainbow friends map in minecraft so instead of hiding from the monsters i figured what did we hid from my friends instead so me sunday biffle and zud are you just gonna take a turn being the seeker the wrestlers can be as toxic as possible hiding around the rainbow friends map and this recreation is sick the link will be in the description below we're gonna see if we do the best job and survive the longest hope you guys enjoyed the video hit the like button if you do hit the subscribe button too and let's go hide from the rainbow friends boys i have brought you to the rainbow friends map look at this look at this in minecraft yeah yeah yeah yeah dude we found the rainbow friends facility and we're going to play hide and seek in it there you go and that he's blue now he nailed it okay so we have block armors we're allowed to use to disguise ourselves to hide with zod go in there you you're gonna go there we're gonna go hide and then you're gonna get six minutes to hunt us down okay we can't have fun yeah i know he's gone but i could hide like i could hide as a table you could be a tablet okay oh we can do a prop hunt look no we're just doing normal we're just dead look doors work yeah it's minecraft wait i've played this map before yeah can you be this wait can you hide in that cupboard wait are you covering for something no okay oh he's covering wait dude they have a picture wait come here come here come here they have the picture hold on look yes very okay wait wait wait wait wait wait tell me if this is is obvious hold on hold on hold on is that good let me check looking oh snap all right i'm going with that i'm going with that i'm going with that snapping yeah all right zod six minutes on the clock three two all right go big blue here i come big blue is coming okay so i can marco right yeah you can marco okay well not yet no yeah not yet dude gorgeous dude oh i heard that loud and clear oh no it hurts my spot hurt my louds and not marco only if he's like right on top of you okay okay my spot's pretty good okay i had to cheat to get in my spot is that fine as long as he can get to you dude you know can i get you it's okay oh wait my spot's probably better than his though my spot's amazing see good thing about seeking first is i can see all these spots oh yeah yeah good thing good thing good thing yeah yeah yeah oh something yeah i hear somebody no this is huge it's huge it's huge it's huge it's huge i'll give you a hint sigils white okay yeah what where are you looking i'm looking out the dude this map is ginormous yeah we'll figure it out have we here no i don't know whatever wow sorry sorry dude this map is hard okay marco marco marco three times no it's cheating i don't even see that anymore oh my friend i'm sorry i hear somebody marcoing dude they're like so close we're like we're like the gorgeous people of marcos you know what i'm saying oh you're marco gorilla we're marco stapleton's i don't know what that means and it makes me uncomfortable hey that call that's you doxxed me what huh hi doc oh my god oh dude i want to say marco i want to sing a song right now but i can't oh i double marco you're lucky i can't sing the song right now what is that pretty no you can't break blocks and then how did you get it legitimately no you didn't you cheated no you literally okay how did you get in here where where did you come from there's a there's a tower right there behind you no i'm serious that's a what no he's not gonna run he's gonna run he's gonna run i'm gonna come here no he actually made me look away go get it get away get away there's no rules no there there are there's no rules no there are some rules okay there shouldn't be rules but i did see where he tp from so yeah okay great bible did you like my spot people all right sorry my god dude i can't believe that's working well he walked right past me yeah i hear [Applause] that's enough time to find both of you all right sigils is in the starting area what no shut up okay i won't talk then someone just made the mistake by doing that and i know where you are now no no oh yeah what does it mean no no what are you saying oh uh uh uh it's a big map you can fly it's fine oh so now i'm told that okay you didn't ask well i thought that was a common knowledge thing common knowledge common denominator more like idiot i don't know dude this works so good i can't believe how good this is dude it worked much better why are you cheating why are you saying i'm cheating no i found him i'm keeping him here don't do it come here whatever you say big blue all right i'm breaking through blocks no no you can't okay i'm not oh my gosh you guys are so easy to scare because i'm big blue can you make the noise big blue mix uh what noise does he make this open wait this actually opens it does open yeah it's does it yeah respect hitting me yeah i'm looking through your eyes right now arko hello you have to firework oh okay sorry he did you idiot was just over here marco no marco i mean no am i oh i'm close that's why how much time how much time you have uh 45 seconds mark out i'm close to him that's right i'm close to him i just you gotta how close am i oh he's up right were you wait were you in here the whole time oh yeah oh yeah oh yes oh yeah oh yes oh yes i was right here i whispered don't even kill him you don't get that one yeah man you were like you would touch me like it's crazy this door opens and i was just like i was just i was just mesmerized by the fact that this was a door oh my gosh dude that's crazy all right well done yeah yeah you did okay all right you know good job you did yeah you did a good job all right bible you're up next all right biffle you're green i guess so uh good luck with that we're gonna go hide and then you can come find us if you do as well as zoddy buddy can i be the purple guy i'm so embarrassed yeah you could be purple that's fine now this is a spot now that's a spot now this is pod racing oh wait wait wait wait more like lord got quads oh i just keep you out of the map but i didn't so i got big quads you want to see them i found my spot show me them quads show me your quads boys show me show me your quads boys you probably don't even work out your lobes you guys ready you can't say born ready um yeah i think so all right pebble six minutes on the clock in three two one just don't go you have to you have to biffle no i'm not legally obliged he's obliged oh wait can i be creative yeah no i have a question can i use the source diamond broadsword yeah sure where are you dude look at this i think that was a marco i want a different sword he said where are um i just panicked and i have fireworks i i i i don't work for you i doxxed myself i docked myself wait what you did all by yourself you're this yeah i get to skip one later when i don't want to no that's a that's a dq you're out there a dairy queen can i have a blizzard yeah i'm green so i'm blind wait wait yeah close your eyes yeah close your eyes make me greed that's not funny come on close your eyes bubbles no why is that what does that mean in the ground i don't know don't ask questions i can't answer all right can you answer can you ask me you're so close to me that's awesome i get an answer before you're really close to killing who is this huh i have some regrets yeah you should yeah oh my god that was dumb okay what made you think that that would work against v biffle oh you're so stupid i like it can i get a marco uh all right let's see where's no way can i get a marco yes you can i've been marking this whole game actually no way ian no he's not no no no no no oh my gosh that's so good but he's not where orange is is he oh cookies oh he's done he got distracted can anybody feed orange only only true oh geez i know that but i don't want orange to run around and eat our faces what's your favorite uh rainbow friend uh also ian i think that's purple's the best color obviously like okay calm down stop talking all right sorry why is he close double don't worry about it no no he's really close to you oh oh bible called demarco oh bible careful careful careful don't worry i distracted him but that wasn't me i think he's freaking out dude he just spotted a circle actually flying around i was barely flying around my round where's he in a good spot he's in a good spot well he's in a toxic spot honestly not really he's he's going for a toxic play and it's more about the play afterwards you know can i get a mario please i'm very lonely no yeah we know you are that's why i use i could use fred company you don't have those no you you haven't earned i hear these i think you have to push them backwards you just keep all your headphones on backwards check it out walk around coming back around right where you were huh something occurred similar to you opening the door no stop it how much time does he have wait you just outed it oh it was a long time ago it was a long time ago it was seriously he's gonna forget okay he's no idea when it happened but something something occurred very similarly you have two minutes before you gotta get this together i don't know what's happening man you are struggling uh open the door to find the secret that's the doors i'll open the door to find a secret then maybe sigils will find a door to find a secret marco yeah you're all right i'm chilling i haven't even done my like second plan yet all right you have a second dude yeah you're still first playing dude 100 percent i'm on my first plane right now i'm so confused i hear marcos but i don't know i'm i'm telling you how many times bibble you have no excuse no excuses no you you you you touched ian at one point i would never yeah well definitely like nicely how much time does he have a minute one minute on the clock in this room i know he is wait turn right to my left or to my right i don't know dude have you moved in no i have not no he's not he's no he's not he's not he's not marco i don't know what room that's on you dude did you see i thought i was doing that oh my gosh is it that obvious bro i'm not even there but i'm marco how much time how much time how much time 20 30 seconds 30 seconds oh my gosh he's above me somehow oh my gosh i was here above me do i even need to hide well in subs uh this this performance is showing us why i'm so mad dang biffle you were go back before go back difficult go back 10 seconds 10 seconds go back to where you are you're walking you're cold you're you're so cold you're so cold you're so cold i'm cold i can't go away no way oh my dude you literally came over here and we're like i'm gonna eat these cookies you get here too no no wait i said i was gonna eat these cookies and he was here yeah yeah he was right here dude yeah yeah yeah [Music] i think he needed that [Music] okay start screaming all right i guess sonny's orange you look terrible orange armor not whatever uh let's go hide from oars this is so cool i'm an orange dude it kind of reminds me of orange to be honest why am i getting a bunch of armor you're welcome if we don't hide but we hide i like it okay but i have a spot set up and then you're not gonna find me that's all i have to say the same thing i'm gonna make my own spot what if i do that no no no no no i'm gonna switch it up can i make my own spot uh it depends how toxic are we talking here i'm gonna make an entire maze oh i'm guessing that's where biffle hit oh oh i won't guess where i've hidden well no because there's a hole and that must be how you did it i also see my spot okay don't follow the map it's bad for you one map bad all right i'm going to enchant this map into another don't do that don't do that sharpness five oh he's gone oh my gosh i just found the best spot okay oh can i come with you all right everybody's ready ian six minutes on the clock three two one you didn't say hi i don't say hi oh that's not my job who's in this door i i did it for you that's such a good spot this is such a great you're not allowed i'm in a really good spot i'm in a really bad spot and that's all i'm gonna say like i'm done talking like a night okay good night okay rocking me mommy sure all right down here with me wait he was down here with me wait who's down here with me wait wait wait wait i mean i'm here i'm not up here who's up here with me yeah who's up here with me i'm not rocketing the entire game because of the round all right i'm moving i'm so i just tipped you across the map yeah i tv as well who am i are you kidding why would you check this why would you check this first are you kidding like this isn't even like a real thing why would you check this why would you check that wow really good six spot bro shut up shut up you don't even understand why would you check that that's such a good spot i was here look at me all right let me see let's see what zed's doing wait what i'll show you i'll show you once you're right you're yeah you're right you know what i mean right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i see it i see it i see it where's this steve who is it who's this steve no one i changed my skin and now i'm one of the steves on the map what's up all right let's see where biffle is research don't even say a word i'm in creative mode sorry i don't even say it oh i broke it any word you say wait ruins dq'd d cued okay yeah all right okay shut your mouth who's in orange who's an orange boy i need to rock rock at me mommy i'm not rocking i'm rocking i'm never rocking ever again you guys didn't rock it i literally did we did i don't know i can't tell you i was watching you i heard i heard john crocker rocket no i'm dead shut up zad i hate you how did that how did you die so fast dude my first spot was so good and then the last two rounds have knocked out my way is anyone else nervous dude yeah this whole just went real quiet why don't you guys leave me alone yes i like that role it's a good rule dude where that's such a good spot done i actually am i was saving it for this round i'm low-key a little mad yeah why are you saving for sigils no no no i like this i like this that's rocking me uh he's got exactly two minutes oh dude he sucks can i have more minutes no sorry you send me enough robux maybe yeah can you send us you have been near both of them for the record yeah have you actually been near me yeah but you were you're pretty close to biffle at one point rocking me okay shampoo that's how close you were let's walk no that is the best hiding spot that's been done better than my blue one wait you gave bible hot and cold you gotta give me a hunk now okay yeah yeah uh you were cold you're real cold you're lying you're the you're the frigid north right now you have been very hot on both of them though am i getting warmer uh i i i genuinely don't think i don't know like you're not close you're not going to the time uh 38 seconds you're still cold this whole room is ice cold frigid i might go the right way uh we're like a little warmer but like yeah what time does he have it's like under 30 seconds cold we're still cold we're still i'll tell you to get in the right room that's right cold warmer we're getting warmer we're getting warmer oh uh nope this went cold cold cold cold cold hey are you this is stupid hey orange are you hungry yeah hey orange you glad that you checked orange real well orange are you hungry in there i'm here orange you hungry warm warm warm more boiling boiling boiling you are so hot right now i saw him on my screen through an angle like as you walked past him guess where bethel was where aren't you hungry go ahead tp to biffle go ahead tp to bible go ahead in my spot yeah go to my spot because you're orange you're hungry i want to make sure you're fed you know make sure you're a little hungry boy you know all right well you guys know the deal we've done the three rounds this is how everyone's done all see you guys next video super toxic yeah you guys wish the most toxic round begins now look at me i'm purple i guess i'm the final boss purple oh no you boys ready you guys ready you guys ready you guys ready i'll be in the vents just like purple what i'm kidding three two one all right give me a say hi out give me a quick little marco give me a question ready not yet yeah oh i don't trust you guys i don't trust you guys yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah survivor or creative this whole time no wait kind of thing creative supposed you guys would be the type to hide here on my round so i'm just checking all right okay checking and checking you know that's what i always say why are you talking about that i don't know dude okay why are you talking so much i don't understand why you thought my video i have to we got over here check the dark like the shadows check the check three shadows the shadows are open okay now actually would have been a good spot why did i just find that now wait the trees yeah don't worry about it yeah we're gonna do it next round we're on the next video rainbow friends yeah if you guys want rainbow friends part two hit the like button all right i'm not even glowing am i not got it yeah i'm joking all right marco marco he's not glowing check again interesting okay all right i hear something are you they didn't they didn't hear nothing you look like nothing you are nothing you look like nothing you guys are mean you guys are mean you know i have feelings oh okay my bad i didn't know i didn't have them marco crunch no you just asked polo you're so needy i'm very niddy no you're cheating you have to be in the vents the whole time okay yeah that's not the worst that's how it works oh dude would you like to be sick nothing don't worry about it don't worry about it marco all right i did oh my god who just went crazy oh yeah we're getting we're getting real close boys i went a little wacky a little wacky witted huh all right wavy and flailing tube man we're getting we're getting close boys i can feel it no i don't think you can feel that oh imagine flying wait cheater twitter i'm allowed to fly it was in the fine print you guys didn't read it it wasn't that much you're a fine print i'll do that oh my god on a polo just because i feel is so scary dude he looks so scary look at him with scariness i cannot find you guys okay i know because you're bad and he's not as part of the fifth grader how do i forget i feel like i get the other side of the map dude yeah what you do is you walk from one side i tuned the other side okay thank you yep marco whatever he already marked up prior to you do it asking so i'm gonna not you're not doing too good i'm doing great i'm doing great don't worry don't worry everybody's fine you're not doing very good at this are you are you bad don't worry don't worry about me don't worry about me oh he's on the other side of the mat for me i can like yeah okay so i'm close to biffle i'm close to biffle marco you were on top of me a little bit okay dude somebody just fired off the entire [Applause] that was a good spot dude that was a really good spot but then i saw you like a little shadow and i was like wait a minute all right i was chilling in the chair dude all right all right all right come back oh yeah okay we got one kill oh i know where are you okay i'm a little hidey boy wait and it's working how did you do that it's worked and it's worked but how did you do that and it's worked it worked i get the feeling it's worked i don't know i think you know yeah yeah just don't talk marco yeah there's no way in any kind of way anyway gotta check the cookies gotta check this because it's like this spot that i don't think that any of us would have thought to find but you but you did you can hide in lockers no you can't no i'm not really there there's about 17 lockers on this map and you can find it you can like go with them they're real no you can't but one no the ones the ones with the locks on them as well we got them thanks for the clues that was by a locker yeah thanks a lot i'm sorry thank you all right now there's one sigils versus biffle two minutes on the clock who would have thought you're not finding them i told you the locker dude wait how i told you wait one of the lockers are you kidding me yeah who said he said quiet i don't know i told you i told you legitimately all i did was right click what marco because i'm gonna go into i can't go grab just grab it and go i'm gonna find you i'm gonna find you i'm gonna find you you're gonna find nothing because you are nothing no i have time i'm gonna do this you're gonna find nothing cause you're nothing you are nothing what time how much time do you have uh a minute and 15 seconds oh my god you're really good just uninstall just uninstall no no i'm reinstalling all right he's getting close ted yeah that's you walked past me oh no how do i get this i saw your little toes stop counting that's not even like the time i hate you i hate you i don't even know i'm like making them nervous 45 seconds like freaking out i hate you guys so much dude keep doing it wait which i'm so lost it just has no idea i've gotten it i've gone into loop i can't handle it counting on low counts is freaking him out where's the trees at sigils go to the trees and try to i don't remember dude stop it make him fail make him feel okay i found it i found it i'm back in i'm back and i'm back in all right i'll wait i'll wait marco i'm staying like this this is not a good look sigils you're not a good looks dud shut up that's a good point sign that's that's good he's gonna be so bad dude how much time do you have how much time do you have two no no we're not listening to the sound how much time do you have time go to the start of the grass area like on the other door the other door oh over here keep going stop keep walking and watch your toes sigils go back if you guys like these toxic rainbow things hit the like button we'll be back for more hide and seek hit the subscribe button we'll see in the next one you
Channel: Sigils
Views: 527,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minigames, sigils, for loot, insane craft, minecraft mods, minecraft best armor, op armor in minecraft, minecraft for loot, Minecraft Hide and seek, hide and seek, seeker, hider, win, modded hide and seek, modded minecraft hide and seek, random infinity stone, ssundee, sigils and ssundee, underwater hide and seek, trident hide and seek, camo armor, minecraft back rooms, back rooms hide and seek minecraft, back rooms hide and seek
Id: 5C046N2waLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2022
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